Very Real WAR ON COPs Continues

Data from the Officers Down Memorial Page, which tracks law enforcement officer fatalities in real time, illustrates the point. During the Reagan years, for instance, an average of 101 police officers were intentionally killed each year. Under George H.W. Bush that number fell to 90. It fell further, to 81 deaths per year, under Bill Clinton, and to 72 deaths per year under George W. Bush.

[More people were murdered last year than in 2014, and no one's sure why]

Under Obama, the average number of police intentionally killed each year has fallen to its lowest level yet — an average of 62 deaths annually through 2015. If you include the 2016 police officer shootings year-to-date and project it out to a full year, that average of 62 deaths doesn't change.

Police are safer under Obama than they have been in decades
Cops are hyper alert in the ghetto because thats where most crime occurs. Thats undeniable.

I don't know about THAT, but I do know THIS....

The police ARE extremely hyper-sensitive right now as the deserved perception is there is a war on cops going on right now. Of these 11 cops recently killed:

- 1 was called to a location to answer a call about a domestic violence disturbance. When the officer got to the address, he got out his car, his attacked stepped out of the shadows with a gun drawn, and shot the officer twice...there was no disturbance. It was a set-up - an ambush.

- 1 pulled over a car as part of a traffic stop. The policeman got out of his car, approached the vehicle, and another car nearby / pulled up and shot him before pulling away. Again, the police believe this may have been a set-up.

- 1 we already talked about - perp walks into the police station, surveys, asks a question, leaves, and ambushes a policeman a short time later.

The closest thing I can equate to being a police officer today is participating in urban combat - house to house fighting like that going on in Mosul right now. You don't know who your friends are, you don't know who your enemies are or where they're coming from. You have to be primed and ready at all times.

Some civilians don't understand why some policemen seem so gruff, so short, are commanding and direct instead of being 'friendly' these days....that's because they feel as if they are being hunted / ambushed and can't afford to be 'Andy Griffin on the streets of Mayberry' these days.

This is bad all the way is bad for the is bad for the individuals being approached by the officer. There is a lot of distrust on BOTH sides of the badge in a moment when they approach each other.
Cops are hyper alert in the ghetto because thats where most crime occurs. Thats undeniable.

I don't know about THAT, but I do know THIS....

The police ARE extremely hyper-sensitive right now as the deserved perception is there is a war on cops going on right now. Of these 11 cops recently killed:

- 1 was called to a location to answer a call about a domestic violence disturbance. When the officer got to the address, he got out his car, his attacked stepped out of the shadows with a gun drawn, and shot the officer twice...there was no disturbance. It was a set-up - an ambush.

- 1 pulled over a car as part of a traffic stop. The policeman got out of his car, approached the vehicle, and another car nearby / pulled up and shot him before pulling away. Again, the police believe this may have been a set-up.

- 1 we already talked about - perp walks into the police station, surveys, asks a question, leaves, and ambushes a policeman a short time later.

The closest thing I can equate to being a police officer today is participating in urban combat - house to house fighting like that going on in Mosul right now. You don't know who your friends are, you don't know who your enemies are or where they're coming from. You have to be primed and ready at all times.

Some civilians don't understand why some policemen seem so gruff, so short, are commanding and direct instead of being 'friendly' these days....that's because they feel as if they are being hunted / ambushed and can't afford to be 'Andy Griffin on the streets of Mayberry' these days.

This is bad all the way is bad for the is bad for the individuals being approached by the officer. There is a lot of distrust on BOTH sides of the badge in a moment when they approach each other.

About the only interaction I have with cops these days is chatting with the Sheriffs who patrol my neighborhood.
They're always relaxed and quite cordial.
Of course we have a damn near zero crime rate.

I can see why cops who patrol high crime rate areas would become assholes based on how they are treated by the people on their beat.
Data from the Officers Down Memorial Page, which tracks law enforcement officer fatalities in real time, illustrates the point. During the Reagan years, for instance, an average of 101 police officers were intentionally killed each year. Under George H.W. Bush that number fell to 90. It fell further, to 81 deaths per year, under Bill Clinton, and to 72 deaths per year under George W. Bush.

[More people were murdered last year than in 2014, and no one's sure why]

Under Obama, the average number of police intentionally killed each year has fallen to its lowest level yet — an average of 62 deaths annually through 2015. If you include the 2016 police officer shootings year-to-date and project it out to a full year, that average of 62 deaths doesn't change.

Police are safer under Obama than they have been in decades

Unfortunately it's up 44% from last year.
26 police killed so far in 2016, up 44% from 2015
They can always quit
So that's your solution? There is a chance that a policeman could make a mistake so he should just quit?

Perhaps people could also try to understand the officer's point of view, as well.

For instance....

When you're driving your car, you get stopped, you look in the rear view mirror, and you see a white cop getting out of the car....
- Don't immediately cop (no pun intended) an attitude, think he is just stopping and harassing me because 'I'm black'. Relax, give the officer the benefit of the doubt.
-- Be nice and do as the officer says....remember, his buddy just might have been the officer who was shot in the face as he walked up to the driver's window the night before. -- Try to make him/her feel a little more comfortable (smile, no attitude, will only help you and make things go more smoothly)
- Comply with the officer's orders - if you think the officer is in the wrong causing a scene, acting in a threatening manner, will ONLY escalate things and make them turn out bad...maybe REALLY bad.
- Take the issue up with others (other police, the officer's supervisor, etc) afterwards.
They can always quit
So that's your solution? There is a chance that a policeman could make a mistake so he should just quit?

Perhaps people could also try to understand the officer's point of view, as well.

For instance....

When you're driving your car, you get stopped, you look in the rear view mirror, and you see a white cop getting out of the car....
- Don't immediately cop (no pun intended) an attitude, think he is just stopping and harassing me because 'I'm black'. Relax, give the officer the benefit of the doubt.
-- Be nice and do as the officer says....remember, his buddy just might have been the officer who was shot in the face as he walked up to the driver's window the night before. -- Try to make him/her feel a little more comfortable (smile, no attitude, will only help you and make things go more smoothly)
- Comply with the officer's orders - if you think the officer is in the wrong causing a scene, acting in a threatening manner, will ONLY escalate things and make them turn out bad...maybe REALLY bad.
- Take the issue up with others (other police, the officer's supervisor, etc) afterwards.

I never could understand why you'd be combative when pulled over.
Even if the cop is being an ass I stay polite just to get it over with because starting shit wont do anything but make the experience worse.
On this subject, I saw 2 great, positive stories involving a citizen and a police officer in distress the other day...

The 1st was a story of an officer trying to apprehend an individual - the individual overpowered the police officer, was on top of him, and was pounding him unmercifully.

A passer by stopped his truck next to what was going on, grabbed a baseball bat out of the back of his truck, and started wailing on the perp...who gave up REALLY fast - he saved the cops life.

The 2nd story was similar - cop was in trouble, the perp managed to get his hands on the gun, and he immediately hit the ground. A passerby with a concealed carry permit / weapon was nearby, popped the perp in the shoulder, and covered him until the policeman recovered, called for back-up then arrested the perp.

I personally like stories like this because it shows citizens who understand not all cops are the enemy and are willing to step in and help them. I also understand, however, that not all people - minorities / those who are different are the enemy either. One of my favorite commercials a while back was several blacks handing out at a bust station by an ATM - not exactly clean-cut wearing suits - an elderly man goes into the ATM, watching the young guys carefully. The old guy leaves the ATM, visibly nervous, walks by, and one of the black guys says loudly, 'Hey'. The old man turns around, visibly nervous, and the young black man holds out the man's wallet, says he dropped it, and wish him a good day. The bus pulls up, the young guys get on the bus... & the old guy is reminded how just because we look different doesn't mean we are 'threats' / something to be frightened of.
No if they are scared they can just take off the uniform and find a safer line of work
While I somewhat agree, with everything going on right now, if you're a policeman and you aren't a little bit scared in certain situations then something is wrong with you as well.
No, you can't prove that with anything other than your racism.

The Latest: Obama offers condolences to Iowa cops' families

Hey you found one. Congratulations ....
Care to list blacks doing the same? Thought not.

One? He killed 2 cops... so for your figure to be correct, that means that Black people would have to have killed 102+ cops "execution style" this year. Care to show me 102+ stories where Black people have killed cops "execution style?"

You can't. You let your racism make a stupid ass ignorant post... now you have to live with it.

You found one instance you moron.
The dickhead in Dallas killed five.

Ok... now show me 97 more. Then I'll show you more by White people.

So far in this thread you have been proven wrong about what the thread is actually about... Cop killings and not "execution style" cop killings. About your 99.9% cops being killed by Black shooters. The White population in the United Sates is NOT 70%.... so how many more times do you need to be proven wrong? You racist moron.

So we use your number and say that the U.S. has around 31% white males.
While the black male population consists of around 3.5% of the population...

Bonus point. Which group commits around 50% of murders in the U.S.?

WTF is wrong with you racist? Are you making up more numbers and percentages? You don't get it... and obviously you never will. You are being called a racist because you ARE a racist.

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