Very Real WAR ON COPs Continues

Hmmm. I went to the BLM webpage . No mention of wanting to kill all cops . Quit making shit up .

Maybe the focus should be on the NRA . Crazy + criminals get guns way to easy .

So it's just a coincidence that 99.9% of the shooters are black?

Uh... more cops have been killed by White people this year than any other race.

But they THINK its the other way around and really...At the end of the day. Isnt that whats really important?
More cops are killed by whites than blacks.

Another moron who lacks the ability to understand percentages.

What fucking percentages? You've shown no proof of a single thing in this thread other than how racist you are.
Making up more shit I see.

Let's not forget the right creating this atmosphere of "the gov coming to get you" . How many of these shootings are from righty gun nuts ?

Very few.
Most are BLM adherents.


Cop killings make national news . Usually it's done by some white righty freak avoiding being served or somthing .

Het Timmy..
How about you show me large groups of white people calling for the murder of cops?

Gee. You mean like the organized groups like kkk . They have uniforms and chapters for Christ sakes .

And there are milita groups all over who's plan is to be armed for the purpose of fighting the gov . Meaning they'd be shooting law enforcement.

Look at what happened in Oregon !? And those guys walked . White People justice system .

So when did they kill a bunch of cops Timmy?
Police officers shot in Texas, Missouri and Florida

Invite me to one of your Klan meetings and let me video tape it. Then I'll post those videos to the forum so we can compare.
OhBoyObama's Department of Defense has been handing out MRAPs to local police departments like an Oprah Winfrey cooterfest, and libs have either been asleep, or blindly following and defending dear leader as per the norm.

The "Police State" happened under the libs.

Thanks Obama. ;)



The far right and alt right are thrilled!


9 cops killed in 11 days.
You know why the media isn't talking #BlueLivesMatter?
Because these police officers were killed by WHITE people. #AllLivesMatter
Great theory / false narrative; however, not true...

"McManus said a black male with a goatee drove up in a Mitsubishi Galant, walked up to Marconi's car and shot the 20-year department veteran in the head before reaching in and shooting him again."

Bloody Sunday: Four police officers shot across nation

9 cops killed in 11 days.
You know why the media isn't talking #BlueLivesMatter?
Because these police officers were killed by WHITE people. #AllLivesMatter
Great theory / false narrative; however, not true...

"McManus said a black male with a goatee drove up in a Mitsubishi Galant, walked up to Marconi's car and shot the 20-year department veteran in the head before reaching in and shooting him again."

Bloody Sunday: Four police officers shot across nation

You pick the 1 out of 11 and think you're vindicated after trying to blame it on BLM and they are all white dudes?

All those White dudes where taken into Custody too. Different rules for different people huh?
You pick the 1 out of 11 and think you're vindicated after trying to blame it on BLM and they are all white dudes?

You mad, Brau?! :p

1. I am not the one who claimed the media wasn't talking about the cop shootings because the attackers were WHITE....which was WRONG - another liberal FALSE NARRATIVE...or 'mistake' You said it, not me, brau- so don't get mad at me.

2. Now that we know you were wrong about the shootings being perpetrated by whites, how do we know all but 1 out of the 11 were perpetrated by whites - all we have is your word to go by...and we just saw how much weight that carries....
You pick the 1 out of 11 and think you're vindicated after trying to blame it on BLM and they are all white dudes?

You mad, Brau?! :p

1. I am not the one who claimed the media wasn't talking about the cop shootings because the attackers were WHITE....which was WRONG - another liberal FALSE NARRATIVE...or 'mistake' You said it, not me, brau- so don't get mad at me.

2. Now that we know you were wrong about the shootings being perpetrated by whites, how do we know all but 1 out of the 11 were perpetrated by whites - all we have is your word to go by...and we just saw how much weight that carries....

What does being mad have to do with owing your ass and your phony cries of war?
What does being mad have to do with owing your ass and your phony cries of war?

How exactly did you 'own my ass' when I just proved YOU LIED / YOU were WRONG?

Yes, CC, you 'own my ass' because I can't come close to the job of creating false narratives as you - great job! :p

YOU claimed the media was / is ignoring the Cop Shooting Stories because the shooters are white....except they're NOT all white.

You then expect us to believe you were only wrong about that 1 shooter...based on your word....that was just exposed as wrong.

I am sorry if I bruised your ego, causing you to lash out at me because I proved you were wrong in front of me. 'My bad', Snowflake.

(In case you are wondering, the 'big' thing would have been admitting you were wrong, maybe say something like - 'thanks for pointing that out'....thank YOU for reminding all of us how much Snowflakes hate to admit they were / are wrong....even when it wasn't that big of a deal....until you tried to attack ME because it was pointed out YOU were wrong. )
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What does being mad have to do with owing your ass and your phony cries of war?

How exactly did you 'own my ass' when I just proved YOU LIED / YOU were WRONG?

Yes, CC, you 'own my ass' because I can't come close to the job of creating false narratives as you - great job! :p

YOU claimed the media was / is ignoring the Cop Shooting Stories because the shooters are white....except they're NOT all white.

You then expect us to believe you were only wrong about that 1 shooter...based on your word....that was just exposed as wrong.

I am sorry if I bruised your ego, causing you to lash out at me because I proved you were wrong in front of me. 'My bad', Snowflake.

(In case you are wondering, the 'big' thing would have been admitting you were wrong, maybe say something like - 'thanks for pointing that out'....thank YOU for reminding all of us how much Snowflakes hate to admit they were / are wrong....even when it wasn't that big of a deal....until you tried to attack ME because it was pointed out YOU were wrong. )

You were wrong blaming it on BLM and then my post proved you were lying. Sorry, you lose. Do not pass go
Another moron who lacks the ability to understand percentages.

What fucking percentages? You've shown no proof of a single thing in this thread other than how racist you are.
Very few.
Most are BLM adherents.


Cop killings make national news . Usually it's done by some white righty freak avoiding being served or somthing .

Het Timmy..
How about you show me large groups of white people calling for the murder of cops?

Gee. You mean like the organized groups like kkk . They have uniforms and chapters for Christ sakes .

And there are milita groups all over who's plan is to be armed for the purpose of fighting the gov . Meaning they'd be shooting law enforcement.

Look at what happened in Oregon !? And those guys walked . White People justice system .

So when did they kill a bunch of cops Timmy?
Police officers shot in Texas, Missouri and Florida

Invite me to one of your Klan meetings and let me video tape it. Then I'll post those videos to the forum so we can compare.

The cries of racism from the left have no meaning anymore.
You lost and the BLM will get their place on the domestic terrorist list.
You were wrong blaming it on BLM and then my post proved you were lying. Sorry, you lose. Do not pass go
Now you throw a tantrum - creating more 'false narratives' and trying to justify attacking me because I proved you were wrong.

Keep it up, Snowflake....this is better than 'reality TV' :lmao:

(A deep seeded hatred for admitting he is wrong lies in this one. :p)
Black Lives Matter formed as a group to protest the un-deserved murder of blacks at the hands of cops who were targeting blacks.....except the 2 main cases they protested initially were 2 cases in which the police did NOT target blacks. In one case an officer shot and killed a man-child who had stolen from a store, assaulted the clerk, disrespected the officer, attacked the officer, and tried to take the officer's weapon.

Black Lives Matter hated police and whites so much members called for the murder of all whites and cops...proving they are nothing / little more than a racist terrorist group.

At the same time BLM ignored the record-setting gun violence and death in Chicago and other cities. They completely ignored the huge number of black-on-black violence occurring - in greater numbers than attacks of white cops on blacks. BLM used false data, created false narratives to claim white cops were targeting blacks in larger numbers that they were targeting other whites. The actual statistics disproved their arguments and proved that white cop - on - black violence wasn't even in the top 3 in violence statistics against blacks.

Recently, after Trump's victory, members of BLM have called for the overthrow of the govt, called for the racist murder of whites again, and have called for the assassination of the new President. It is a seditious, subversive racist terrorist organization.

And as HWGA pointed out, Liberals have used the tactic of calling anyone who opposes anything they want or believe a 'racist' so often that it has rendered the act of doing so and the term 'racist' itself moot.
I know the 'Law & Order Neocon'-types are gonna attack me for saying this, but the American Police Force contributed heavily to creating this war. After 9/11, our nations' police force was Militarized. That's when the war began.

Compared to the rest of the world, American Police are incredibly violent. They too often resort to physical force as a first option. And the US now ranks #1 in the world for incarcerating its own Citizens. We do have a very serious problem with our Police. The war won't end till most Americans start accepting that.
The fact that cops who resort to physical force as a first option are then found not guilty of any wrong doing is what has actually created this war.
It's a bad war. I don't know what the current crop of ultra-right survivalists are doing in the mix, but it is not a good time to be a cop.
The fact that cops who resort to physical force as a first option are then found not guilty of any wrong doing is what has actually created this war.
I beg to differ with your 'blanket statement'.

When a police officer pulls up, rolls down his window, and asks an individual to move over to the sidewalk instead of walk down the middle of the street, and the individual tells him to go F* himself, the policeman in this situation did not start anything.

When the individual, who is extremely large and has no respect for the officer then challenges that officer's authority the police officer is not asking for trouble.

When that individual then attacks the officer - punches the policeman and attempts to take his gun - the officer is then in a physical engagement with a violent criminal who has violated numerous crimes and is threatening the police officer's life....

When the officer frees his weapon and fires on the attacking individual in self-defense, killing the individual, the police officer never 'resorted to physical violence as a 1st option' and was RIGHTFULLY found innocent of wrong-doing.

When racist terrorists groups like BLM - and other radicals who are bussed in, begin rioting, begin looting, begin destroying and burning local businesses who are there to help the community, begin attacking whites and cops, begin firing weapons, and continues to create false narratives, continue to lie, continue to make up shit like 'Hands up / don't shoot - THAT NEVER HAPPENED....

It is not the police who are instigating what is going on.

When you have a racist terrorist group like BLM calling for the racist murder of whites and all cops....which started this 'war on cops' is neither the police's fault or justification for blacks to do what they are doing.


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