Very Thin Crowd - About 500,000 at most on the Mall

So what you're saying is that conservatives are either stuck in soulless corporations that won't give them vacation time, or conservatives don't think trump is worthy of their vacation time to go show support at inauguration.

Nice shitty excuse.

A lot of us own our business and have to stay put so our dimocrap scum employees don't rob us blind.

A lot more of us are in what you would vital industries -- The Health Field, etc.

When the Lying Cocksucker stole the office, nobody gave a flying fuck if you attended. All it did was keep you off the street in front of the Drug Store. I think the Lying Cocksucker's inngeration had an economic impact of 37 missed Man Hours of work

Gave the Cops a break, too.

And let your mommy take the opportunity to clean the basement
Trump's low turnout is not that surprising. Only about 25% of Republicans like him. Most of the people who voted for him were really voting against Hillary.

Like my dad said when I took him to vote and he voted the straight GOP ticket: "I hate Trump, but I don't want Hillary to win."
Obama was the first black man elected President a historic moment no matter what you think of him as President Trump is not the first white man to be elected President probably plays a part in the crowd sizes just saying.
The National Mall holds 1 million people from the capitol steps past the National Monument to the Lincoln Memorial and INSIDE the rows of trees that line the park on each side.

All that white space you see in front of the Monument is EMPTY SPACE where people should be standing!
So about 500,000 white people showed up for Trump's inauguration by looking at this photo taken a few minutes ago.

But of course Trump said 10,000,000 are there. What a gasbag.


Here's a comparison shot between Obama's inauguration crowd and Trump's. Bhahahahahaa!


You proud of yourselves, scumbag?

YOu proud that you had your people beat innocent Citizens up for the hideous crime of disagreeing with your politics?

You proud that your people issued death threats to entertainers so they wouldn't couldn't be there?

You proud that the powers-that-be in Hollywood and New Yawk threated entertainers with being shunned if they went to the Inauguration?

You proud that 70 dimocrap SCUM politicians boycotted the PEACEFUL TRANSFER OF POWER IN THIS COUNTRY??

You proud of that scumbag?

In the old days, as the victors we would have killed you and dragged your lifeless bodies behind our chariots.

Something to be said for that

dimocraps are some serious scum

The worst in human history.

While it's not the worst in human history, it is among the worst in US history.
While it's not the worst in human history, it is among the worst in US history.

The only thing stopping them from being THE worst in history is their lack of total control of the US Military.

And they WERE headed in the direction of taking it over. Almost completely.

What makes them hideous is -- America is the greatest Country the world has ever known and, while they won't admit it up front, they really do hate the USA.

They hate our Capitalism, which has delivered everything communists/socialists promised but without the Revolutions and bloodshed.

They hate our Military because -- Well, because it's so BADASS.

They hate that most of America is from Northern Europe and our culture is based on it.

They hate us because we pray to God and believe in Him.

They hate us because they REALLY DO think we're too stupid to make decisions for ourselves and that only THEY, the anointed ones, the ones chosen by ancestry, by attending the right schools, having the right breeding should be making ALL our decisions for us.... Because -- We just don't matter

They hate us because we think that Black People are just as capable, just as intelligent, just as loving of their children, just as good parents, fathers and mothers as anybody else and they are only interested in them once every four years or so. Then forget they exist.

dimocraps HATE America. They will argue it. They will accuse us of it. But all you gotta do is read what they write and listen to what they say.

It is so obvious, you have to be deaf and blind to not see it.

Or a dimocrap.

It tells me that Trump supporters have jobs and can't get off to travel to DC.

Unlike the welfare assholes that flocked in doves to Obama's little hate fest.
The National Mall holds 1 million people from the capitol steps past the National Monument to the Lincoln Memorial and INSIDE the rows of trees that line the park on each side.

All that white space you see in front of the Monument is EMPTY SPACE where people should be standing!
So about 500,000 white people showed up for Trump's inauguration by looking at this photo taken a few minutes ago.

But of course Trump said 10,000,000 are there. What a gasbag.


Here's a comparison shot between Obama's inauguration crowd and Trump's. Bhahahahahaa!


So let me get this straight.

You Haters on the Left threatened violence and disruption to the point where the MSM was spreading a meme that an Obama cabinet member might actually be President after an attack left Trump and Pence dead before they could take the oath of office.

And now you're surprised that some people stayed home instead of subjecting themselves to terrorism.

Is that the best excuse you could figure out? :lol:

You're trying awfully hard to prove my point about pseudocons being pants shitters!

It's hardly a surprise that the DC establishment didn't show up to celebrate Trump breaking up their grift. Trumps supporters are spread across the country...and many of them are too impoverished by Obamanomics to afford to go to DC.

And then there is this - quite shameful that the Dems are such Sore Loserxers that they can't celebrate our form of government and the peaceful transition of power.

Washington is a thousand miles from here. Obama's supporters lived 5 miles away.

I enjoyed the inauguration immensely from the comfort of my own living room.

Then signed up for emails from President Trump @
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