Very Thin Crowd - About 500,000 at most on the Mall

If you were a photographer you would be shot for trying to use those two images as comparisons.
1 image shows nearly the entire mall, and the other one shows about 1\4 of the mall, and is zoomed at about 75% over the other image.

No one ever said Liberals were honest people though, so it's to be expected from bitter sore losers to lie even over the smallest of things.

First we had rigged "News" then rigged DNC primaries, then rigged polls, and now we have "rigged photography?"

And The Left wonders why America doesn't trust them?
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It didn't look empty to me.
I watched the whole thing from 11 am to 1 pm, and the libtards on NBC were going on about how few were there by 11:30, and completely ignored:

1) the rain was miserable

2) the threatened violence no doubt deterred some

3) Because of the violence the security was heavy handed, and the SS and cops were not letting people in very quickly.

4) by 12 noon, the mall looked full when the TV cameras would pan on it down to the Washington monument, but much of that could have been the TV angle from the capital steps.

Lol, the libtards are so desperate for any win they think they can get, even diminishing public turn out for the inauguration they think is a 'win' for them, roflmao, how ridiculous.

These stupid morons have not learned a Gawd Damned thing from the election.

At 11 am this is the attendance.



serious comparison, but no time stamp.

Comparing Donald Trump and Barack Obama's inaugural crowd sizes -
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The National Mall holds 1 million people from the capitol steps past the National Monument to the Lincoln Memorial and INSIDE the rows of trees that line the park on each side.

All that white space you see in front of the Monument is EMPTY SPACE where people should be standing!
So about 500,000 white people showed up for Trump's inauguration by looking at this photo taken a few minutes ago.

But of course Trump said 10,000,000 are there. What a gasbag.


Here's a comparison shot between Obama's inauguration crowd and Trump's. Bhahahahahaa!


How big is the crowd for Hillary's inauguration?

Glum and glummer

glum and glummer.jpg
The National Mall holds 1 million people from the capitol steps past the National Monument to the Lincoln Memorial and INSIDE the rows of trees that line the park on each side.

All that white space you see in front of the Monument is EMPTY SPACE where people should be standing!
So about 500,000 white people showed up for Trump's inauguration by looking at this photo taken a few minutes ago.

But of course Trump said 10,000,000 are there. What a gasbag.


Here's a comparison shot between Obama's inauguration crowd and Trump's. Bhahahahahaa!

Trump supporters are working. We have jobs. We care about our jobs. We are independent. We care about the inauguration but not wrapped up in thinking the Messiah is here.
Obama supporters?
Not so much.
It tells me that Trump supporters have jobs and can't get off to travel to DC.

More likely it's because he's a cocksucking fuckwit and less people like him. His incoming poll numbers bear this out.

You mean the same pollsters that said Crooked Hillary was going to win by a landslide? LOL!

He was elected President because Crooked Hillary was a corrupt incompetent dishonest asshole that is a two time loser running for President. She lost to an obscure affirmative action dumbass Negro that never worked a day in his life and she lost to a reality star.

The talking heads for the coverage said this is a typical crowd. Obama got a larger than normal number for his crowd because the welfare queens and unemployed Moon Bats didn't have to go to work.

Glad to see you stupid Libtard Moon Bats so butt hurt today. I love Liberal Tears.
The National Mall holds 1 million people from the capitol steps past the National Monument to the Lincoln Memorial and INSIDE the rows of trees that line the park on each side.

All that white space you see in front of the Monument is EMPTY SPACE where people should be standing!
So about 500,000 white people showed up for Trump's inauguration by looking at this photo taken a few minutes ago.

But of course Trump said 10,000,000 are there. What a gasbag.


Here's a comparison shot between Obama's inauguration crowd and Trump's. Bhahahahahaa!


It is the QUALITY, not the quantity that matters.
The National Mall holds 1 million people from the capitol steps past the National Monument to the Lincoln Memorial and INSIDE the rows of trees that line the park on each side.

All that white space you see in front of the Monument is EMPTY SPACE where people should be standing!
So about 500,000 white people showed up for Trump's inauguration by looking at this photo taken a few minutes ago.

But of course Trump said 10,000,000 are there. What a gasbag.


Here's a comparison shot between Obama's inauguration crowd and Trump's. Bhahahahahaa!

Trump supporters are working. We have jobs. We care about our jobs. We are independent. We care about the inauguration but not wrapped up in thinking the Messiah is here.
Obama supporters?
Not so much.

good stuff here


There were so many liberals threatening to move to Canada, Cuba, and Russia (BTW Russia has been moving Right for years dummies and is more Democratic now) or they were all threatening to burn Washington down, and even going so far as the threaten The President, and the First Lady with Bodily Harm.

These are real ugly and hateful people, and they don't even give a phuck about concealing it anymore they are so blind with hatred.

But America sees. Lady Liberty sees. And that is why you "minions" are on the outside looking in.

But you still won't change your ways, will you? You even poison the minds of your children, passing on your legacy of hate to them.

There were so many liberals threatening to move to Canada, Cuba, and Russia (BTW Russia has been moving Right for years dummies and is more Democratic now) or they were all threatening to burn Washington down, and even going so far as the threaten The President, and the First Lady with Bodily Harm.

These are real ugly and hateful people, and they don't even give a phuck about concealing it anymore they are so blind with hatred.

But America sees. Lady Liberty sees. And that is why you "minions" are on the outside looking in.

But you still won't change your ways, will you? You even poison the minds of your children, passing on your legacy of hate to them.


last night there was a protester in the streets a child

he said he had lit a fire

then said screw the president

today they are using children as tiny human shields

to block the roadways

these people are dangerous freedom haters

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