Veselnitskaya Has Anti-Trump Pictures And Post On Her Facebook, Connection To Fake Dossier

This is who supports Trump:

Like Putin, this woman is a Soviet. She and Putin miss their old communist days. This is who helped Trump, and now he is helping them.

You're saying all Soviets are like Putin?

(I doubt all Soviets even like Putin)

No that person just said they are a like because they both miss the days of communism. Not all Soviets miss communism.
Reagn would be puking in a bin right now if he knew what type of traitors his party has become...

Bripat is going for a crap on Arlington graves later...
Reagan fundamentally transformed the republican party. Thats why its so split now. Its full of globalists and corporatists.
Like Putin, this woman is a Soviet. She and Putin miss their old communist days. This is who helped Trump, and now he is helping them.

You're saying all Soviets are like Putin?

(I doubt all Soviets even like Putin)

Most Russians support both the internal and foreign policies of the current administration, according to a poll conducted by US company the Pew Research Center.

The report says that 87 percent of the Russian public are confident their president is making the right decisions on foreign policy, with just 12 percent believing the opposite to be true.
Russians overwhelmingly back Putin policies – US pollster

87% or Russian citizens support Putin and as a resident of Ukraine, I can tell you more: almost half of Ukraine wants Putin to be their president and the more Obama's puppets are ruling Ukraine since the 2014 coup, the more people are supporting Putin (Western press will never tell you about it).
It's looking the her meeting with Trump Jr was a set up, and once again another fake news "smoking gun" is dissolving into a puddle of shit:

Natalia Veselnitskaya, the Russian lawyer who met with Donald Trump Jr in June of 2016 to provide 'dirt' on Hillary Clinton looks exactly like she wanted to hurt the Trump campaign, not help it according to her Facebook photos and post.In January 2017 Veselnitskaya was posting images of Trump protesters in Chicago:The rabbit hole goes deeper, Fusion GPS, the company responsible for the fake Steele dossier, worked for Prevezon Holdings, a Russian owned company which employs Veselnitskaya, the lawyer who met with Trump Jr. In December 2015 she took a photo of Trump's biggest backer, Senator John McCain: Now take a...
Make sure you go read the original article.

Reminds me of the hecklers seen at Trump rallies.

As for the "scandal"... it reminds me of a nothing-burger.
Putin has stolen billions and billions and billions from the Russian people, and he has been forced to find ways to hide and launder it.

Sergei Magnitsky, a lawyer for Hermitage Capital, exposed a massive Russian money laundering and tax fraud scheme involving properties in Manhattan. Magnitsky was murdered by the Putin regime. As a result, the United States passed the Magnitsky Act in 2012 to punish those Russians connected to the murder of Magnitsky. In retaliation, Putin stop allowing Americans to adopt Russian babies.

Interestingly enough, Trump's son-in-law is caught up in a very similar money laundering scheme using Russian money to buy some property in Manhattan. Kushner firm’s $285 million Deutsche Bank loan came just before Election Day

Natalia Veselnitskaya was hired to lobby America to repeal the Magnistsky Act.
It's looking the her meeting with Trump Jr was a set up, and once again another fake news "smoking gun" is dissolving into a puddle of shit:

Natalia Veselnitskaya, the Russian lawyer who met with Donald Trump Jr in June of 2016 to provide 'dirt' on Hillary Clinton looks exactly like she wanted to hurt the Trump campaign, not help it according to her Facebook photos and post.In January 2017 Veselnitskaya was posting images of Trump protesters in Chicago:The rabbit hole goes deeper, Fusion GPS, the company responsible for the fake Steele dossier, worked for Prevezon Holdings, a Russian owned company which employs Veselnitskaya, the lawyer who met with Trump Jr. In December 2015 she took a photo of Trump's biggest backer, Senator John McCain: Now take a...
Make sure you go read the original article.

If it was a set-up then why was it not dropped in October of 2016? The fact that it was released after the election shows it was not a set-up. This destroys the Trump line that he had no communication with the Russians. Charles Krauthammer had it right. If you set up a meeting to receive stolen goods and the police show up, the stolen goods not being there is no excuse.
Kremlin apparently has nothing to do with all that crap. Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov says :
“I was amazed to find out that Trump’s son is accused of talking to her [Natalia Veselnitskaya]. For me it’s basically wild, because when a person talks to a lawyer, what is the threat to anyone?”

Lavrov added that he had learned about this fact from the media. "It is amazing how serious people are making an elephant out of a fly,” the minister added .

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov has said Moscow “is not aware of this whole story, has never had contacts with this lawyer; that’s why we have nothing to say about this story: it has nothing to do with us.”

Assange: I urged Trump Jr to release emails on Russian lawyer before NYT story
‘Wild & overblown’: Lavrov blasts media hype over Trump Jr. meeting with Russian lawyer

And they had nothing to do with the hacking either. When does a Russian lie? When their mouths are moving. You really expect them to admit it?
It's looking the her meeting with Trump Jr was a set up, and once again another fake news "smoking gun" is dissolving into a puddle of shit:

Natalia Veselnitskaya, the Russian lawyer who met with Donald Trump Jr in June of 2016 to provide 'dirt' on Hillary Clinton looks exactly like she wanted to hurt the Trump campaign, not help it according to her Facebook photos and post.In January 2017 Veselnitskaya was posting images of Trump protesters in Chicago:The rabbit hole goes deeper, Fusion GPS, the company responsible for the fake Steele dossier, worked for Prevezon Holdings, a Russian owned company which employs Veselnitskaya, the lawyer who met with Trump Jr. In December 2015 she took a photo of Trump's biggest backer, Senator John McCain: Now take a...
Make sure you go read the original article.

If it was a set-up then why was it not dropped in October of 2016? The fact that it was released after the election shows it was not a set-up. This destroys the Trump line that he had no communication with the Russians. Charles Krauthammer had it right. If you set up a meeting to receive stolen goods and the police show up, the stolen goods not being there is no excuse.
Busy makes a fine point
Reagn would be puking in a bin right now if he knew what type of traitors his party has become...

Bripat is going for a crap on Arlington graves later...
Your belief that you have an inkling of what Reagan thought is hilarious, to say the least.

Reagan recognized evil when he saw it and he would have seen that Putin is evil. He would not have stood by and done nothing. What Putin did and is continuing to do is a attack on the US.
Like Putin, this woman is a Soviet. She and Putin miss their old communist days. This is who helped Trump, and now he is helping them.

You're saying all Soviets are like Putin?

(I doubt all Soviets even like Putin)

Most Russians support both the internal and foreign policies of the current administration, according to a poll conducted by US company the Pew Research Center.

The report says that 87 percent of the Russian public are confident their president is making the right decisions on foreign policy, with just 12 percent believing the opposite to be true.
Russians overwhelmingly back Putin policies – US pollster

87% or Russian citizens support Putin and as a resident of Ukraine, I can tell you more: almost half of Ukraine wants Putin to be their president and the more Obama's puppets are ruling Ukraine since the 2014 coup, the more people are supporting Putin (Western press will never tell you about it).

If you don't support Putin, you might disappear. That means nothing. Putin rules with a iron fist.

Ukrainians elected a Parliament that impeached the puppet that Russia had in place. I am sure that you have talked to all those Ukrainians who support Putin.
It's looking the her meeting with Trump Jr was a set up, and once again another fake news "smoking gun" is dissolving into a puddle of shit:

Natalia Veselnitskaya, the Russian lawyer who met with Donald Trump Jr in June of 2016 to provide 'dirt' on Hillary Clinton looks exactly like she wanted to hurt the Trump campaign, not help it according to her Facebook photos and post.In January 2017 Veselnitskaya was posting images of Trump protesters in Chicago:The rabbit hole goes deeper, Fusion GPS, the company responsible for the fake Steele dossier, worked for Prevezon Holdings, a Russian owned company which employs Veselnitskaya, the lawyer who met with Trump Jr. In December 2015 she took a photo of Trump's biggest backer, Senator John McCain: Now take a...
Make sure you go read the original article.

If it was a set-up then why was it not dropped in October of 2016? The fact that it was released after the election shows it was not a set-up. This destroys the Trump line that he had no communication with the Russians. Charles Krauthammer had it right. If you set up a meeting to receive stolen goods and the police show up, the stolen goods not being there is no excuse.

What would it mean to "drop it?" They went to a meeting, decided it was a waste of their time, and then went about their business. What needed to be "dropped?"
Reagn would be puking in a bin right now if he knew what type of traitors his party has become...

Bripat is going for a crap on Arlington graves later...
Your belief that you have an inkling of what Reagan thought is hilarious, to say the least.

Reagan recognized evil when he saw it and he would have seen that Putin is evil. He would not have stood by and done nothing. What Putin did and is continuing to do is a attack on the US.
Do you morons actually want to start a war with Russia?

Your idiocy is off the scale.
It's looking the her meeting with Trump Jr was a set up, and once again another fake news "smoking gun" is dissolving into a puddle of shit:

Natalia Veselnitskaya, the Russian lawyer who met with Donald Trump Jr in June of 2016 to provide 'dirt' on Hillary Clinton looks exactly like she wanted to hurt the Trump campaign, not help it according to her Facebook photos and post.In January 2017 Veselnitskaya was posting images of Trump protesters in Chicago:The rabbit hole goes deeper, Fusion GPS, the company responsible for the fake Steele dossier, worked for Prevezon Holdings, a Russian owned company which employs Veselnitskaya, the lawyer who met with Trump Jr. In December 2015 she took a photo of Trump's biggest backer, Senator John McCain: Now take a...
Make sure you go read the original article.

If it was a set-up then why was it not dropped in October of 2016? The fact that it was released after the election shows it was not a set-up. This destroys the Trump line that he had no communication with the Russians. Charles Krauthammer had it right. If you set up a meeting to receive stolen goods and the police show up, the stolen goods not being there is no excuse.
Busy makes a fine point
Busy never made a "fine point" in his entire life. He's just one vast geyser of pure idiocy.
It's looking the her meeting with Trump Jr was a set up, and once again another fake news "smoking gun" is dissolving into a puddle of shit:

Natalia Veselnitskaya, the Russian lawyer who met with Donald Trump Jr in June of 2016 to provide 'dirt' on Hillary Clinton looks exactly like she wanted to hurt the Trump campaign, not help it according to her Facebook photos and post.In January 2017 Veselnitskaya was posting images of Trump protesters in Chicago:The rabbit hole goes deeper, Fusion GPS, the company responsible for the fake Steele dossier, worked for Prevezon Holdings, a Russian owned company which employs Veselnitskaya, the lawyer who met with Trump Jr. In December 2015 she took a photo of Trump's biggest backer, Senator John McCain: Now take a...
Make sure you go read the original article.

If it was a set-up then why was it not dropped in October of 2016? The fact that it was released after the election shows it was not a set-up. This destroys the Trump line that he had no communication with the Russians. Charles Krauthammer had it right. If you set up a meeting to receive stolen goods and the police show up, the stolen goods not being there is no excuse.

I hope Krauthammer isn't a lawyer
It's looking the her meeting with Trump Jr was a set up, and once again another fake news "smoking gun" is dissolving into a puddle of shit:

Natalia Veselnitskaya, the Russian lawyer who met with Donald Trump Jr in June of 2016 to provide 'dirt' on Hillary Clinton looks exactly like she wanted to hurt the Trump campaign, not help it according to her Facebook photos and post.In January 2017 Veselnitskaya was posting images of Trump protesters in Chicago:The rabbit hole goes deeper, Fusion GPS, the company responsible for the fake Steele dossier, worked for Prevezon Holdings, a Russian owned company which employs Veselnitskaya, the lawyer who met with Trump Jr. In December 2015 she took a photo of Trump's biggest backer, Senator John McCain: Now take a...
Make sure you go read the original article.

If it was a set-up then why was it not dropped in October of 2016? The fact that it was released after the election shows it was not a set-up. This destroys the Trump line that he had no communication with the Russians. Charles Krauthammer had it right. If you set up a meeting to receive stolen goods and the police show up, the stolen goods not being there is no excuse.

I hope Krauthammer isn't a lawyer
He's a psychiatrist.
It's looking the her meeting with Trump Jr was a set up, and once again another fake news "smoking gun" is dissolving into a puddle of shit:

Natalia Veselnitskaya, the Russian lawyer who met with Donald Trump Jr in June of 2016 to provide 'dirt' on Hillary Clinton looks exactly like she wanted to hurt the Trump campaign, not help it according to her Facebook photos and post.In January 2017 Veselnitskaya was posting images of Trump protesters in Chicago:The rabbit hole goes deeper, Fusion GPS, the company responsible for the fake Steele dossier, worked for Prevezon Holdings, a Russian owned company which employs Veselnitskaya, the lawyer who met with Trump Jr. In December 2015 she took a photo of Trump's biggest backer, Senator John McCain: Now take a...
Make sure you go read the original article.

If it was a set-up then why was it not dropped in October of 2016? The fact that it was released after the election shows it was not a set-up. This destroys the Trump line that he had no communication with the Russians. Charles Krauthammer had it right. If you set up a meeting to receive stolen goods and the police show up, the stolen goods not being there is no excuse.
Busy makes a fine point

NO, he doesn't
It's looking the her meeting with Trump Jr was a set up, and once again another fake news "smoking gun" is dissolving into a puddle of shit:

Natalia Veselnitskaya, the Russian lawyer who met with Donald Trump Jr in June of 2016 to provide 'dirt' on Hillary Clinton looks exactly like she wanted to hurt the Trump campaign, not help it according to her Facebook photos and post.In January 2017 Veselnitskaya was posting images of Trump protesters in Chicago:The rabbit hole goes deeper, Fusion GPS, the company responsible for the fake Steele dossier, worked for Prevezon Holdings, a Russian owned company which employs Veselnitskaya, the lawyer who met with Trump Jr. In December 2015 she took a photo of Trump's biggest backer, Senator John McCain: Now take a...
Make sure you go read the original article.

If it was a set-up then why was it not dropped in October of 2016? The fact that it was released after the election shows it was not a set-up. This destroys the Trump line that he had no communication with the Russians. Charles Krauthammer had it right. If you set up a meeting to receive stolen goods and the police show up, the stolen goods not being there is no excuse.
Busy makes a fine point

NO, he doesn't
Are you trying to set an example on how to make a good point? Cause I hate to tell you, you're doing a piss poor job of it.

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