Veselnitskaya Has Anti-Trump Pictures And Post On Her Facebook, Connection To Fake Dossier

Like Putin, this woman is a Soviet. She and Putin miss their old communist days. This is who helped Trump, and now he is helping them.

You're saying all Soviets are like Putin?

(I doubt all Soviets even like Putin)

Most Russians support both the internal and foreign policies of the current administration, according to a poll conducted by US company the Pew Research Center.

The report says that 87 percent of the Russian public are confident their president is making the right decisions on foreign policy, with just 12 percent believing the opposite to be true.
Russians overwhelmingly back Putin policies – US pollster

87% or Russian citizens support Putin and as a resident of Ukraine, I can tell you more: almost half of Ukraine wants Putin to be their president and the more Obama's puppets are ruling Ukraine since the 2014 coup, the more people are supporting Putin (Western press will never tell you about it).

If you don't support Putin, you might disappear. That means nothing. Putin rules with a iron fist.

Ukrainians elected a Parliament that impeached the puppet that Russia had in place. I am sure that you have talked to all those Ukrainians who support Putin.

Put down the bong. We backed a violent coup that removed a duly elected leader in the Ukraine.
Like Putin, this woman is a Soviet. She and Putin miss their old communist days. This is who helped Trump, and now he is helping them.

You're saying all Soviets are like Putin?

(I doubt all Soviets even like Putin)

Most Russians support both the internal and foreign policies of the current administration, according to a poll conducted by US company the Pew Research Center.

The report says that 87 percent of the Russian public are confident their president is making the right decisions on foreign policy, with just 12 percent believing the opposite to be true.
Russians overwhelmingly back Putin policies – US pollster

87% or Russian citizens support Putin and as a resident of Ukraine, I can tell you more: almost half of Ukraine wants Putin to be their president and the more Obama's puppets are ruling Ukraine since the 2014 coup, the more people are supporting Putin (Western press will never tell you about it).

If you don't support Putin, you might disappear. That means nothing. Putin rules with a iron fist.

Ukrainians elected a Parliament that impeached the puppet that Russia had in place. I am sure that you have talked to all those Ukrainians who support Putin.

The Clintons have more dead people around them from "arkansascide" than Putin.

Yeah. Senator John "I hate Tump" McCain of the Fusion GPS fake dossier fame.

Even your MessiahRushie today admitted the story is BULLSHIT, and she was never in McCain's office and that she is a big time Don THE Con supporter!!!

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