Vet Commits Suicide at VA Hospital After Being Refused Help

Obama has the same regard for Vets as he has for Black people.

Yeah cause VA problems are something new.

Just dump it and roll the money into obamaCare .
What has Obama done for the VA?
Other than reinstating the suspended execs from the last scandal and give them huge bonuses.

The problem with the VA ? They keep putting military folk in charge instead of hospital folk . They treat it like a branch of the military !
Obama has the same regard for Vets as he has for Black people.

Yeah cause VA problems are something new.

Just dump it and roll the money into obamaCare .
What has Obama done for the VA?
Other than reinstating the suspended execs from the last scandal and give them huge bonuses.

The problem with the VA ? They keep putting military folk in charge instead of hospital folk . They treat it like a branch of the military !
Who's they?

Oh yeah, Obama.
Perhaps this will shame Republicans in congress who control the budget to get them some much needed help.

But I suspect not. People who shout let him die just don't care.
Do give us the link where Obama has demanded more money.

While youre at it, tell us and Congress where he got the tens of millions to send to Iran.
The money he sent to Iraq was the Iranians. It was never spent. Just sitting in banks since the Iranians grabbed our embassy personal. How can you not know what? Pull your head out of your ass.

Oh, and links where Obama has demanded more money? Too much of a dumbfuck to know how to use Google?

Obama Asks for More Spending on Veterans

Budget: Obama proposes big increase in VA funding

President Obama signs bill to give VA resources to improve Veterans' care - VAntage Point

Military Groups Slam Republicans For Killing A Bill Supporting Veterans
Obama has the same regard for Vets as he has for Black people.

Yeah cause VA problems are something new.

Just dump it and roll the money into obamaCare .
What has Obama done for the VA?
Other than reinstating the suspended execs from the last scandal and give them huge bonuses.

The problem with the VA ? They keep putting military folk in charge instead of hospital folk . They treat it like a branch of the military !

Are you saying that veterans are not as competent as civilians?

Regardless, the politicians in D.C. are the ones holding the purse strings and the ones that are truly in charge. If the largest healthcare system in the country is underfunded and consequently under staffed it tends to function poorly.

You would think that the politicians in charge would know this. Then again, maybe they do. Keeping the VA underfunded would certainly make it easier to argue that it should be privatized.

But they would never do something like that to our veterans.

Government healthcare at its finest.

If only Obama knew the VA had problems.

Good thing all those VA execs that were suspended returned to work.

View attachment 86990
Private healthcare at its finest...

Even more significantly, the medical system has played a large role in undermining the health of Americans. According to several research studies in the last decade, a total of 225,000 Americans per year have died as a result of their medical treatments:

• 12,000 deaths per year due to unnecessary surgery

• 7000 deaths per year due to medication errors in hospitals

• 20,000 deaths per year due to other errors in hospitals

• 80,000 deaths per year due to infections in hospitals

• 106,000 deaths per year due to negative effects of drugs

Thus, America's healthcare-system-induced deaths are the third leading cause of the death in the U.S., after heart disease and cancer.
Doctors are the Third Leading Cause of Death
Why is this guy even using thenVA ? He was in the military 50 years ago and wasn't injured as part of his service .Kaisen served in the U.S. Navy from 1958 to 1962, working on the USS Denebola, a ship that delivered refrigerated items and equipment to ships in the fleet, his friend said. According to Farley, Kaisen was severely injured in a car accident while working as an officer for the Long Beach Police Department in the late 60's. After that, he was disabled, Farley said, and had been on constant medication since."
The VA has multiple healthcare enrollment Priority Groups.

Educate yourself.

The VA reviews each veteran's status, relative to these Priority Groups, annually; on the anniversary date of their original application or enrollment.

Congress sometimes votes to fund all Priority Groups, and sometimes they vote only to fund the lower-numbered ones; although funding has been available for all, for years.

Well the va needs to downsize cause they can't handle it ...
On the contrary, the VA probably handled, quite well, about 75-80% of their caseload.

They were, indeed, over-extended, and unsympathetic bureaucrats (both in Congress and at the agency) were largely responsible for lack of resources to handle the remainder.

That has largely changed.

After a couple of years of hard-fought reforms, the VA is now properly handling 85-90% of their caseload, and provides private-sector alternatives for another 5-10%.

Given another year... two, at best... they will have nailed it altogether... with only an occasional anomaly falling through the cracks.

Unfortunately for those at the VA who are pushing so hard to fix the remaining noticeable issues, public perception hasn't caught up with the new Reality there.

It's not your Dad's... or even your Big Brother's... VA anymore.

...There's no reason a dude who was in the military 50 years ago , and wasn't injured , should be using the va...
The Nation cares for those who have served, and who need the help.

...If they guy worked his like as a police officer, why didn't he have insurance ?? That doesn't make sense . Was he just going to the va because it was cheaper?
Who knows what life-events conspired to remove the fellow from private-sector care and into the public sector?

The bottom line is... VA healthcare is custom-tailored to meet the needs of veterans.

Most veterans you ask would say: "Reform the VA? Damned straight! Keep improving it after reform? Damned right! Privatize the VA? Don't you dare!"

If you feel that strongly about VA reforms, hit their website, start digging around for "MyVA" references, and begin to gauge the nature and progress and future of reforms there.
Quick you have a link to an actual news article, or just this tweet?
Don't do dishes and don't do Bing searches for people.
Lol Bing? You alt-righties are so precious.

Unfortunately you idjit lefties are not so precious, as you make light of vets killing themselves. (Yes folks, vote Hillary in 2016!).

In 2013, 16 Georgia Vets attempted suicide while waiting for mental health care. Also, read on, in the below link. Precious Democraps really do not give a crap, tho'........ article from a year and a half ago, which is why there was a shake up in the VA and things have since been changed.

One of the changes that came out was an issuance of a civilian care ID that allowed you to go to a civilian doctor if you were 50 miles away or more from a VA, or if it was going to take you over 30 days to be seen.

Got mine last fall.

I did too and it has an 800 number to get authorization as well. I am not 50 miles away from a VA clinic or a VA hospital and have never had to wait 30 days for care at the Clinic. I have only gone to the VA Hospital 3 times several years ago and have no idea what the wait time would be.
Unfortunately you idjit lefties are not so precious, as you make light of vets killing themselves. (Yes folks, vote Hillary in 2016!).

In 2013, 16 Georgia Vets attempted suicide while waiting for mental health care. Also, read on, in the below link. Precious Democraps really do not give a crap, tho'........

Arizona veteran suicides a tragic cost of broken VA system

Remember all those times republicans voted to block or decrease VA funding? Or have you blocked that out?

The VA, re: my link, also under a Democrap Administration, ain't telling what the real suicide rates are!
I wonder what it would be if you rubes had gotten your way and we were still sending our troops to die in your wars.

My wars?.........WTF!.......please tell us that you renounced your citizenship and are living in Paraguay.............
Nope. If I had, and others like me had too, your wars would probably still be going on.

The wars ARE still going on dipshit.

"It's fair to say" that the number of U.S. troops in Iraq serving as trainers and advisors -- or in support or on special assignment -- was well above 4,000 on a daily basis, said Army Col. Steve Warren, a spokesman for Combined Joint Task Force-Operation Inherent Resolve led by Army Lt. Gen. Sean MacFarland.

Number of US Troops in Iraq More Than 4,000, Exceeds Previous Claims |

WASHINGTON — President Obama said Wednesday that he planned to leave 8,400 American troops in Afghanistanuntil the end of his term, further slowing the drawdown in a 14-year war that Mr. Obama pledged to end on his watch but now seems likely to grind on indefinitely.
Our troops are in combat in FOUR nations right now, ignoramous.
If it were up to you they'd be arriving home by the plane load in caskets.
Lovely strawman bull. Just lovely.
You voted twice for the Dubya disaster, then for McCain and Romney. Correct? And you think all we needed was just a liiiiiiittle more time for Iraq to be completely westernized. Correct?
You're voting for the person that insisted al Queda was in Iraq, so what's your point?

At least Bush didn't start wars with two nations that were no threat to Ameerica while having no approval from Congress.
I'm sure that's great comfort to the thousands and thousands of dead and maimed American lives ol' Dubya is responsible for.

You might want to put some of that blame on the attack on the WTC and the Pentagon unless you forgot about that.
Obama has the same regard for Vets as he has for Black people.

Yeah cause VA problems are something new.

Just dump it and roll the money into obamaCare .
What has Obama done for the VA?
Other than reinstating the suspended execs from the last scandal and give them huge bonuses.

The problem with the VA ? They keep putting military folk in charge instead of hospital folk . They treat it like a branch of the military !

Are you saying that veterans are not as competent as civilians?

Regardless, the politicians in D.C. are the ones holding the purse strings and the ones that are truly in charge. If the largest healthcare system in the country is underfunded and consequently under staffed it tends to function poorly.

You would think that the politicians in charge would know this. Then again, maybe they do. Keeping the VA underfunded would certainly make it easier to argue that it should be privatized.

But they would never do something like that to our veterans.


Have you ever been to a VA Hospital? I have, three times and I was amazed to walk down the crowded hallway and notice that about every third person had an employee badge on. Underfunded, baloney.

I had to get some hearing aids when I lost part of my hearing. It took a VA employee to check in, a Dr and her assistant to give me the hearing test, a technician to make a mold for my ears, a different VA employee to check out, and a different Dr to explain how to use them when I picked them up a couple of weeks later.

Two years later my wife needed hearing aids and we went to Costco. An associate checked her in, a licensed Audiologist gave her the hearing test, made a mold of her ears and a week later she picked the hearing aids up from the same associate that checked her in.

That means that 2 people at Costco can do what it took 6 people to do at the VA and they can do it a week faster.
Government healthcare at its finest.

If only Obama knew the VA had problems.

Good thing all those VA execs that were suspended returned to work.

View attachment 86990

At 76 why didn't he have medicare if he were that hard up?
More of that leftist compassion we read about.

It is just reality. As his age he should have also been on medicare which makes me think whatever went on had little to nothing to do with the VA
Perhaps this will shame Republicans in congress who control the budget to get them some much needed help.

But I suspect not. People who shout let him die just don't care.
Do give us the link where Obama has demanded more money.

While youre at it, tell us and Congress where he got the tens of millions to send to Iran.
The money he sent to Iraq was the Iranians. It was never spent. Just sitting in banks since the Iranians grabbed our embassy personal. How can you not know what? Pull your head out of your ass.

Oh, and links where Obama has demanded more money? Too much of a dumbfuck to know how to use Google?

Obama Asks for More Spending on Veterans

Budget: Obama proposes big increase in VA funding

President Obama signs bill to give VA resources to improve Veterans' care - VAntage Point

Military Groups Slam Republicans For Killing A Bill Supporting Veterans
How did Obama sign a bill giving the VA resources?
Oh yeah, passed by Congress.

This guy agrees, government health care works amazingly well!
Our troops are in combat in FOUR nations right now, ignoramous.
If it were up to you they'd be arriving home by the plane load in caskets.
Lovely strawman bull. Just lovely.
You voted twice for the Dubya disaster, then for McCain and Romney. Correct? And you think all we needed was just a liiiiiiittle more time for Iraq to be completely westernized. Correct?
You're voting for the person that insisted al Queda was in Iraq, so what's your point?

At least Bush didn't start wars with two nations that were no threat to Ameerica while having no approval from Congress.
I'm sure that's great comfort to the thousands and thousands of dead and maimed American lives ol' Dubya is responsible for.
Most of our troops died from munitions supplied by Iran.

Who just rewarded Iran a huge financial boost?

Democrats have always hated America, you're proof.
Obama has the same regard for Vets as he has for Black people.

Yeah cause VA problems are something new.

Just dump it and roll the money into obamaCare .
What has Obama done for the VA?
Other than reinstating the suspended execs from the last scandal and give them huge bonuses.

The problem with the VA ? They keep putting military folk in charge instead of hospital folk . They treat it like a branch of the military !

Are you saying that veterans are not as competent as civilians?

Regardless, the politicians in D.C. are the ones holding the purse strings and the ones that are truly in charge. If the largest healthcare system in the country is underfunded and consequently under staffed it tends to function poorly.

You would think that the politicians in charge would know this. Then again, maybe they do. Keeping the VA underfunded would certainly make it easier to argue that it should be privatized.

But they would never do something like that to our veterans.


Have you ever been to a VA Hospital? I have, three times and I was amazed to walk down the crowded hallway and notice that about every third person had an employee badge on. Underfunded, baloney.

I had to get some hearing aids when I lost part of my hearing. It took a VA employee to check in, a Dr and her assistant to give me the hearing test, a technician to make a mold for my ears, a different VA employee to check out, and a different Dr to explain how to use them when I picked them up a couple of weeks later.

Two years later my wife needed hearing aids and we went to Costco. An associate checked her in, a licensed Audiologist gave her the hearing test, made a mold of her ears and a week later she picked the hearing aids up from the same associate that checked her in.

That means that 2 people at Costco can do what it took 6 people to do at the VA and they can do it a week faster.

I work at a VA hospital. Our parking lots, and we have three large ones, are full to near capacity Monday through Friday. I did not say a lot of people do not work at VA hospitals, I said we were under staffed. The ratio of patient to staff matters.

As for wait times, I take my mother for simple lab work every couple of months, and it is not at a VA, and we sit in the waiting room for up to an hour and a half before they even call her name, and their single parking lot is no where near full capacity.

It is a problem everywhere, not just at the VA. The spotlight, however, is only on the VA.
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Obama has the same regard for Vets as he has for Black people.

Yeah cause VA problems are something new.

Just dump it and roll the money into obamaCare .
What has Obama done for the VA?
Other than reinstating the suspended execs from the last scandal and give them huge bonuses.

The problem with the VA ? They keep putting military folk in charge instead of hospital folk . They treat it like a branch of the military !

Are you saying that veterans are not as competent as civilians?

Regardless, the politicians in D.C. are the ones holding the purse strings and the ones that are truly in charge. If the largest healthcare system in the country is underfunded and consequently under staffed it tends to function poorly.

You would think that the politicians in charge would know this. Then again, maybe they do. Keeping the VA underfunded would certainly make it easier to argue that it should be privatized.

But they would never do something like that to our veterans.


Yes . Why would brass from the military be qualified to run a huge medical agency ?

Maybe the head of blue cross should run the afghan occupation!?
Let's give the Elites more Wars so they can continue to shit on the poor souls who've been duped into fighting for them. Let's do that. Permanent War's a lotta fun, huh?

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