vet speaks the truth about trump

Republicans', traditional Free Market Ideology, and constant need to push back against the socialist Left, have led them to be way to soft of predatory lenders.

Of course, this is not about that, neither for the man making the video, nor for Strolling, this is about smearing the President.

This is certain an issue that calling your republican senators, and reps could get some action.

Indeed, I will email mine about this today.
Progressive veterans are a rare thing. I see you found one.

So, I take it then that you do not approve of Military Lending Act and approve of Trump’s plan to weaken it?

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All the Act did was add another useless layer of bureaucracy. Those in the military are adults and should be able to make decisions based upon common sense.

Sure there are companies that prey on the military. But they prey on civilians as well.

People who try to live beyond their means leap into contracts with these companies and end up paying the toll. This is not something government should get involved in.

Good leaders can and should educate and advise their subordinates on the dangers they face.

so he supports the military? he supports the banks and lets them screw the people....

You think leftist military are trained seals. After your endless hating and attacking the military, if they speak leftism, you reward them with a fish.

Most military disagree with your leftist shill. So really you're insulting the military yet again by telling them you don't give a shit what they say, you only care about the ones who say what you want to hear
Progressive veterans are a rare thing. I see you found one.

So, I take it then that you do not approve of Military Lending Act and approve of Trump’s plan to weaken it?

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All the Act did was add another useless layer of bureaucracy. Those in the military are adults and should be able to make decisions based upon common sense.

Sure there are companies that prey on the military. But they prey on civilians as well.

People who try to live beyond their means leap into contracts with these companies and end up paying the toll. This is not something government should get involved in.

Good leaders can and should educate and advise their subordinates on the dangers they face.

Professional bankers should have a code of professional ethics.

If their current behavior, and not just aimed at the military, is not a violation of them, then they need more regulations, not less.
Pres. Obama using the CFPB to help active duty military personal not get ripped off by predatory lenders is the one thing his failed administration did right. .... :thup:

The CFPB is a useless waste of government funds with a bunch of hacks who have no business being there!

CFPB @ Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
CFPB on Wiki @ Consumer Financial Protection Bureau - Wikipedia
A 2013 press release from the United States House Financial Services Committee criticized the CFPB for what was described as a "radical structure" that "is controlled by a single individual who cannot be fired for poor performance and who exercises sole control over the agency, its hiring and its budget." Moreover, the committee alleged a lack of financial transparency and a lack of accountability to Congress or the President. Committee Vice Chairman Patrick McHenry, expressed particular concern about travel costs and a $55 million renovation of CFPB headquarters, stating "$55 million is more than the entire annual construction and acquisition budget for GSA for the totality of federal buildings."[73] In 2012, the majority of GSA's Federal Buildings Fund went to rental costs, totaling $5.2 billion. $50 million was budgeted for construction and acquisition of facilities.[74]

In 2014, some employees and former employees of the CFPB testified before Congress about an alleged culture of racism and sexism at the agency. Former employees testified they were retaliated against for bringing problems to the attention of superiors.[75]

The CFPB has been criticized[by whom?] for the methodology it uses to identify instances of racial discrimination among auto lenders. Because of legal constraints, the agency used a system to "guess" the race of auto loan applicants based on their last name and zip code. Based on that information, the agency charged several lenders were discriminating against minority applicants and levied large fines and settlements against those companies. Ally Financial paid $98 million in fines and settlement fees in 2013. As the agency's methodology means it can only guess who may be victims of discrimination entitled to settlement funds, as of late 2015 the CFPB had yet to compensate any individuals who were victims of Ally's allegedly discriminatory practices.[76]

Cordray was accused of multiple violations of the Hatch Act as Director of the CFPB and investigated by the Office of Special Counsel (OSC), who found no violations.[77]

In a 2014 interview with the Credit Union Times, current CFPB head Mick Mulvaney said the CFPB was a "sick, sad joke" and that it was run by "essentially a one person dictator."[78]

Partial Repeal
On May 21, 2018, the bureau was weakened after US President Donald Trump signed into law Congressional legislation repealing the enforcement of automobiles lending rules.[79] On May 24, 2018, Trump signed into law further Congressional legislation exempting dozens of banks from the CFPB's regulations.[80]
I grew up around military bases and even did a hitch in the Army.

There are rip off lenders, pawn shops, title loans, and used car dealers all around the base trying to separate the soldier and sailor from their pay. Their interest rates would make a mafia loan shark green with envy.

Especially vulnerable targets are the naive young military personnel who are away from home for the first time. ..... :cool:
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I grew up around military bases and even did a hitch in the Army.

There are rip off lenders, pawn shops, title loans, and used car dealers all around the base trying to separate the soldier and sailor from their pay. Their interest rates would make a mafia loan shark green with envy.

Especially vulnerable targets are the naive young military personnel who are away from home for the first time. ..... :cool:

And they know it is 100 times easier to get their money from a member of the military.

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I worked on two campaigns in '08 and '12. The candidate I worked for received more votes from active duty military personel than all other GOP candidates...combined...combined...combined.

And they laughed him off the stage.

Nobody gives a flying crap what military personel have to say.
so few stop to think that people who say things we DON'T agree with may well be speaking the truth. only those who say shit we already agree with.
so few stop to think that people who say things we DON'T agree with may well be speaking the truth. only those who say shit we already agree with.
Also, so few stop to think that people who say things you DO agree with, may well be speaking LIES.
Less than half of the military like Trump.

Overall, about 44 percent of all troops surveyed in the Military Times poll have a favorable view of Trump, while roughly 40 percent have an unfavorable opinion of him. That’s a stark contrast to opinion polls of the general public, which have shown Trump’s popularity at less than 40 percent and an unfavorable rating as high as 56 percent.

Yet, the poll of more than 1,100 active-duty troops, conducted in September, shows a deep divide over service members’ opinions of the commander in chief, whose first nine months in office have been marked by military policies that have drawn both praise and concern from Pentagon leaders.

While almost 48 percent of enlisted troops approve of Trump, only about 30 percent of officers say the same, the poll shows

Nothing has changed in the last year to show that the President has gained any popularity. To the opposite, it appears he has lost appeal among the troops.

Military Times Poll: What you really think about Trump
thats right yall support vets till they dare to disagree...bunch of patrioteers and not very good ones at that
quite wrong. i support them to. they have just as much right to speak as any of us. moreso at times as they've put it on the line for us. however, you're cherry picking a vet and now using them for your cause while ignoring the ones who don't agree with your viewpoint.

so i have to ask - why must you use the vets for your own gain?

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