VET who served 2 tours in Afghanistan; MUST BE DEPORTED! All Dreamer VETS are Frauds & Criminals!

Exceptions can and should be made. This guys is the flagship of pardons that must be performed.
When it happens to your kid via however will your pathetic asses still fend for them over your own American rights. Gawd you fkrs are sickening. Who gives a damn fkrs should of came here the riht way a the parents are CRIMINALS, THE PARENTS BROKE THE LAW JACKASS what part of BROKE THE LAW shouldn't apply to them.

What part of If an America did the same thing in another Country they'd be practically hung stupid asses.

View attachment 175060

Why was an NFL player running around on a highway at 4 am?
Seems the NFL player was, may have been drunk at 4am
and puking on the side of the road. They all claim this btw.

Clearly, the Player charged the truck, trying to make a block.
Just from trained instincts. Really, they are not known to be very smart
outside of football And the other driver was just startled seeing a
Wild NFL player in the road at 4 am.

LMAO typical FKD up leftist, " blame the victims" ......... They had every right to drive around. Leave it to a sicko to blame the people killed gawd you leftist truly have mental illness. .

You idiots who fend for ILLEGALS deserve to be shipped the fk out of this country You are a DANGER TO AMERICAN FREEDOM , RIGHTS, and LIBERTIES.......... and o ILLEGALS DON'T HAVE AMERICAN RIGHTS nor CONSTITUTION ...
Oh, how many of you are armchair warrior's who didn't serve a day in your life?

Hey. Did you know? Still TODAY. Dang!? Many don't register today as required. WHY?
Would that be over 3 or 4 lost wars started by Dubya? Nope, even before that time.

According to law, a man must register with Selective Service within 30 days of his 18th birthday. Selective Service can accept a late registration but not after a man has reached his 26th birthday.

Some men may have failed to register during the time they were eligible to do so and may now find they are ineligible for certain benefits:

  • federal student loans and grant programs
  • federal job training under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (formerly Workforce Investment Act)
  • federal jobs or security clearance as a contractor
  • U.S. citizenship for immigrants ( This means you can be in Mexico
and be in the army when needed by signing up there.)

Well....:dunno: I did do so register.
But my number was never called.:dunno: :eek-52::happy-1::happy-1::happy-1:
I guess my JROTC Training made me too smart for the
Army etc.. OOPS! Hmm? I failed to mention that part.
JROTC: Just Ran On Too College. Even rejoined in the ROTC.
Being in the JROTC tells you what not to do in life.
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Should we overlook his criminal past because he served?
And you twats wonder why people say the democrats despise law and order..
Should we overlook his criminal past because he served?
And you twats wonder why people say the democrats despise law and order..

These are Dubya's enlistees for the 3-4 GOP started and lost wars from 2001-2008.

Enlistments rose in the months after the attacks 911, but only modestly. Over the next year, and over the next decade, the work of war fell to a relative few, with less than 1 percent of the nation deploying in Iraq or Afghanistan between 2001 and 2011.
As Of 2008, There Were 114,601 Foreign-Born Individuals Serving In The Military; 23% Of Them Were Not U.S. Citizens?
The 9/11 Decade: The Few Who Signed Up for the War
Should we overlook his criminal past because he served?
And you twats wonder why people say the democrats despise law and order..

These are Dubya's enlistees for the 3-4 GOP lost wars from 2001-2008.

Enlistments rose in the months after the attacks 911, but only modestly. Over the next year, and over the next decade, the work of war fell to a relative few, with less than 1 percent of the nation deploying in Iraq or Afghanistan between 2001 and 2011.
As Of 2008, There Were 114,601 Foreign-Born Individuals Serving In The Military; 23% Of Them Were Not U.S. Citizens?
The 9/11 Decade: The Few Who Signed Up for the War
ummm ok :dunno:
When it happens to your kid via however will your pathetic asses still fend for them over your own American rights. Gawd you fkrs are sickening. Who gives a damn fkrs should of came here the riht way a the parents are CRIMINALS, THE PARENTS BROKE THE LAW JACKASS what part of BROKE THE LAW shouldn't apply to them.

What part of If an America did the same thing in another Country they'd be practically hung stupid asses.

View attachment 175060

Why was an NFL player running around on a highway at 4 am?
Seems the NFL player was, may have been drunk at 4am
and puking on the side of the road. They all claim this btw.

Clearly, the Player charged the truck, trying to make a block.
Just from trained instincts. Really, they are not known to be very smart
outside of football And the other driver was just startled seeing a
Wild NFL player in the road at 4 am.

LMAO typical FKD up leftist, " blame the victims" ......... They had every right to drive around. Leave it to a sicko to blame the people killed gawd you leftist truly have mental illness. .

You idiots who fend for ILLEGALS deserve to be shipped the fk out of this country You are a DANGER TO AMERICAN FREEDOM , RIGHTS, and LIBERTIES.......... and o ILLEGALS DON'T HAVE AMERICAN RIGHTS nor CONSTITUTION ...

He was never driving. He was claimed to be puking on the road. And got hit. They be the facts,.
Without all the deals, I posted a plausible scenario how it happened. I say now, at this point
it is the Uber driver fault,
as he stopped in the roar and push the NFL player out to puke. btw. It is illegal to pull over on highways
when not an emergency. The Players family needs to sue the Uber driver and Company.

The assumed Drunk here who is the victim here and driving with no license, has no money.
It like a deer in the road got hit, do we blame the driver that hits it, NO!
Should we overlook his criminal past because he served?
And you twats wonder why people say the democrats despise law and order..
Did he serve his time? Both in the military and in prison?
Why does that matter? Are their exceptions like this in the DACA rules?
This is just an ignorant circle jerk for the partisans..
Hundreds of foreign-born veterans have been deported over the years for sometimes minor crimes because the U.S. government didn’t help them get naturalized during their military service — even though a major benefit of enlistment is supposed to be expedited citizenship.


They call it the bunker.

From the street in this working-class neighborhood, people passing by the two-story house can look through the window and glimpse a peace sign and various iterations of the Stars and Stripes.

The formal name is emblazoned in English on a banner above the entrance: "Deported Veterans Support House."


:fu:Hmm? Why do we allow illegals to breed here as illegals and the Spawns become still U.S. Citizens?
This must BE changed.
Really, even the people flying into the USA to give birth here to a child.
And take it home and sell the birth certificate to others to use. FFS!

TWO POUNDS of cocaine is a "minor crime" to you??

"TWO POUNDS of cocaine is" a meaningless Lessor crime in the overall bigger picture.
See legal drug pusher in America. Our American CEO's are the real criminals in America.
And all investors are co-Drug Pushers CRIMINALS for an income from stocks held.

It's only a "meaningless lessor crime" when you're a hopped up crankhead partisan and it's a convenient way to rationalize a political rant on a Message Board...
feck'em , he shouldn't have been in the USA or USA Military but while he was there he was fed and paid for his 'mercenary service' Baz !!
You are one sick asshole. Tell me, did you ever serve? What do your dd214 say? The man served this nation, he should have a direct pipeline to citizenship, and an asshole like you should be deported in his place.
Discharged form the Army for drug use, felony conviction over drugs.....bye
These are the guys you find later shot some place up. They make servicemen look bad

I want it so no immigrants want to come to the USA regardless of their color.
Veteran who served two tours in Afghanistan could be deported.
Born in Mexico, came in illegally at 8 years old.

So he started a hunger strike Wednesday, not long after his latest setback in federal court.
“If they are sentencing me to a certain death, and I am going to die, then why die in a place that I have not considered my home in a long time?”
" ‘I’d rather die like a man than live like a coward.’ In Mexico"

"Perez mistakenly believed enlisting in the US military
would automatically make him a US citizen"........Haha! :itsok::lmao::finger3: SUCKER!
U.S. Army Veteran Who Served Two Tours in Afghanistan Faces Possible Deportation to Mexico

:yes_text12: ......:happy-1::itsok::lmao::finger3: This must be DONE!
Die in Mexico LOSER criminal Lying FRAUD!.......All you've ever
done here from 8 years old. Is LIE, STEAL, Worked illegally and was a
drug dealer in the US Army. DEPORT the LAW BREAKER. Take the Family too,
as they likely broke our laws by staying over on visa's or were just mostly
illegally here to start! We need to apply Yuge amounts of MexBeGone on them
ALL, as they were involved in a criminal conspiracy as harboring a know illegal person.

btw: Anyone having legal paperwork to enter the USA. And breaks our laws
are deplorable. As that is the deal to enter the USA.

btw2: We now hire other nations/ Private Contractors to fight wars for us.
Really, see Dubya Wars. Why are these Dreamer Fraud in the U.S. Armed Forces?

Once again, Republicans stand up for our veterans
This is always what they's a point of convenience as to whether they veterans.

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