‘Why did my friend get blown up? For what?’: Afghanistan war veterans horrified by Taliban gains

Sure, Angela Merkel opening borders to hundreds of thousands, if not millions of untested, un vetted migrants due to pressures from international human rights groups.

Jacinda Ardern--banning most weapons in New Zealand as a result of one mass shooting. Once again in response to international anti-gun organizations.

Women, whether left, or right invariably vote progressive, and internationalist. That is why they are so promoted, especially in culturally, and ethnically white nations.

Why? Because white males tend to vote the exact opposite...TEND to.
So...forgot about the Iron Lady, Prime Minister Thatcher?
This is a sentiment not at all uncommon for Afghan vets and Gold Star families.
I definitely feel their pain.
Yeap. I served in both Iraq, and Afghanistan. Iraq was bad, but they were somewhat competent from the tactical level up. Afghanistan was a complete joke. I realized this right away when two of our AAF pilots decided to take a couple Mi-8 helicopters home to the family farms for use over their Eid break.
Yes, in the middle of a war, and they took breaks for holidays. The stories I have about those cavemen.
Kipling Knew All About These Mountain Apes

When you're wounded and
Left on Afghanistan's plains
And their women come up
To gouge out your remains,
Take your gun
And blow out your brains
And go to God looking like a soldier.
No, but at the same time they are often incapable of making the tough decisions which create any perception which goes against the grain.
Remember this, whether we are talking about Angela Merkel or Betty the Denny's waitress the ultimate fear in a woman is rejection, from the group, the family, the society. Women must belong. They even shit in groups.
Sometimes as a leader you must make the hard decisions which are in the best interest of your country, and only your country. Women are communal creatures who seek to nurture, engender togetherness, and harmony. They are not hard nosed leaders.
Why do you think they are promoted so heavily in a globalist world? They are natural globalists.
Penis-Envy Princesses

It is necessary to distinguish which women are promoted in this historical twister. The daughters of the plutocracy. For the first time in history, they can inherit high positions without earning them, just like their brothers have done for millennia.
Yet it was Trump who signed a deal in Feb 2020 that troops would be withdrawn.

in fact he reduced the troops down to 2500.

Biden agreed and finished it.

So is Biden to blame or Trump or both. I would say let the Sunni Arab nations take care of it.

Trump quickly comment saying Biden didn't follow the plan

Contending that the difference of a few months is the reason for the problems.

It didn't matter when as it was going to be problematic for Americans to leave. Yet the question is why were their troops in Afghanistan to begin with?

Who wee supporting the Taliban in the beginning. the United Arab Emirates, Pakistan, and Saudi Arabia, all of which provided substantial aid.

why because they are mainly Sunni.
So it seems that our war veterans feel the Fucktard is throwing their sacrifices away....

again, Sunk Cost Fallacy. Just because we threw away lives and money for 20 years doesn't mean we should keep doing it.

My friend got blown up at Fallujah,Iraq.

He believed in what he was doing.

His country never followed through

I think you are a little confused, FatIrishSow.

The people who didn't follow through was Bush who had the Taliban on the ropes, then decided he needed to liberate the Oil in Iraq.
So it seems that our war veterans feel the Fucktard is throwing their sacrifices away....

‘Why did my friend get blown up? For what?’: Afghanistan war veterans horrified by Taliban gains​

After enlisting in the U.S. military against his family’s wishes, Chicago native Tom Amenta said he found himself in “middle-of-nowhere,” Afghanistan, in 2002 as an Army ranger in a remote area some 15 minutes from the border with Pakistan. He was fighting the initial battles of a war that few knew would stretch on for 20 years.

Now 40 and retired from the military, he felt anger foam inside as he watched the evening news on Thursday while on a work trip to Pennsylvania.

Headline after headline broadcast the latest gains by Taliban fighters, who have seized control of more than a dozen of the country’s provincial capitals as the Afghan government inches closer to collapse in the final days of the U.S. withdrawal. He was riveted in horror by news of fighters committing suspected war crimes against civilians or Afghan troops.

Friends who had been killed there came to mind, including NFL star Pat Tillman. Fond memories of former Afghan colleagues, such as interpreters, who remained in the country and whose fates he didn’t know, also resurfaced.

“It makes me angry, really angry,” Amenta said of the U.S. withdrawal, lamenting the billions upon billions of dollars spent on the war effort. Not to mention the emotional, financial and human toll suffered by thousands of Americans who served or had sent their loved ones to fight in Afghanistan.

Afghanistan “has never had a clean solution. But now that it’s gotten hard, we’re just going to bounce? It doesn’t make it right,” he said in a phone interview.

Amenta is one of many veterans across the world voicing frustration over the Taliban’s faster-than-expected comeback, reflecting how deeply the conflict resonates throughout the world. Around four dozen countries have sent troops in support of the United States, which with 2,300 killed while serving, has spilled the most amount of blood in the war excluding Afghanistan itself.

Taliban fighters capture Kandahar, Herat and Lashkar Gah in sweeping territorial gains
Amenta recounted memories of Jay A. Blessing of Tacoma, Wash., a goofy friend and fellow Army ranger who used to put hot sauce on everything: “I mean, literally everything. He put hot sauce on ice cream.” Blessing was killed by an improvised bomb in 2003 in Asadabad, Afghanistan.

“I mean, why did my friend get blown up? For what?” said Amenta, who has recently spoken to nearly six dozen veterans from the post-9/11 wars to write a book that’s to be released next month.

n the United Kingdom, where at least 455 British lives were lost over the course of the war, Foreign Affairs Select Committee Chair Tom Tugendhat, who served in Afghanistan, tweeted: “If you think I’m taking the news from Afghanistan badly and personally, you’re right.”

Tugendhat said the withdrawal was “wasteful and unnecessary.” He said, “I’ve seen what it costs and what sacrifices are being thrown away.”

Tugendhat, in a BBC interview, said that withdrawing coalition support in the country had left its government exposed and weak. “We’ve pulled the rug from under them,” he said. “We’ve taken away their air support, we’ve taken away their logistics and we’ve said, ‘Go on then, let’s see how you do.’ ”

Speaking from his home in Tucson, Army veteran John Whalen sighed as reports came in that Kandahar, the second-largest Afghan city, had fallen to the Taliban.

“It’s just frustrating,” Whalen said over the phone. “We knew that this would happen. Now, all the people who went and served, are like, ‘Why did my friend die?’ ”

“I ask that question, too,” Whalen said.

The reality is that if you fight in the US armed forces, you are more often than not not protecting your country, you're fighting for some rich people's special interests.

2001 there were four OPEC countries that hated the US. Forget that the Saudis had the most people on those planes, no, it was Iraq, Iran, Libya and Venezuela who were the targets for the US.

Look where they are. The US war machine, or the US sanctions machine has managed to destroy Libya, Venezuela is a mess (though that's not all the US, but they didn't help in any way to stop the mess from getting worse with heavy sanctions), Iran is suffering because of sanctions and Iraq lost hundreds of thousands of people, became a battlefield like Afghanistan and is still struggling.

Fighting for cheaper oil. Not cheaper oil because the US controls Iraq or whatever other country, but cheaper oil because OPEC is not unified, especially with the Saudis being friends/enemies of the US.

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