Veterans mic cut off during memorial day speech about blacks.


Diamond Member
May 2, 2021

Good, I'm glad they cut that asshole off. Memorial day has never been, nor should it ever be about skin color and trying to shove it in there is a disgrace to the day and the people it's meant to honor.

It's dickheads like this that force in skin color and racism into every single thing that actually turn me against them. I'm not racist but when people won't shut up about it, constantly bringing it up, only talking about blacks and no one else well, it makes me start having racist feelings out of being sick of hearing about it and resist the idea by making it sound like I'm have no choice since I am defiant by nature.
The veteran giving the speech was informing the audience about the origins of Memorial day, and the role black people played towards making it a national holiday.
But liberals hate patriotic American history, so they silenced the speaker.
Although, if he was saying good things about BLM, then they would have allowed the veteran to talk as long as he wanted. ... :cool:
There seems to be nothing left that black activists will not step on, to have the chance to mouth off - and about what ? Having advantages over white people for the past 57 years ? I'll bet they don't talk about that.
There seems to be nothing left that black activists will not step on, to have the chance to mouth off - and about what ? Having advantages over white people for the past 57 years ? I'll bet they don't talk about that.
And just what did those bad black men take from you?
Why was what the retired Lt. Col. speaking about so objectionable that someone felt it necessary to cut his microphone?

Here is the great irony of this action: Had this same Lt. Col. made disparaging remarks about blacks, his microphone would likely not have been cut off. Those who cut off his mic. would have publicly condemned his remarks, but privately agreed with them.

But when this veteran just spoke about the actual history, he was publicly rebuked by having his voice silenced. This, folks, is what you call 'white privilege'.
Screenshot_20210531-212517_Samsung Internet.jpg
It's funny how fragile cuck conservatives are so triggered by something that should be inspiring

Do you know how patriotic you have to be to love a country that hates you??

You morons stormed the Capitol just because you lost an election -- so to deal with the bullshit black folks dealt with in the 1700's, 1800's and early 1900's and still love this country...that would make them super-patriots.

Good, I'm glad they cut that asshole off. Memorial day has never been, nor should it ever be about skin color and trying to shove it in there is a disgrace to the day and the people it's meant to honor.

It's dickheads like this that force in skin color and racism into every single thing that actually turn me against them. I'm not racist but when people won't shut up about it, constantly bringing it up, only talking about blacks and no one else well, it makes me start having racist feelings out of being sick of hearing about it and resist the idea by making it sound like I'm have no choice since I am defiant by nature.

The vet said nothing wrong-----ha had an interesting speech which was actually a credit to black people back when atleast many acted like people instead of these retarded violent marxist that we are seeing so many of now Such thin skins you haters have ..who cant even tolerate an old man quoting historic facts ( I assume--).

Good, I'm glad they cut that asshole off. Memorial day has never been, nor should it ever be about skin color and trying to shove it in there is a disgrace to the day and the people it's meant to honor.

It's dickheads like this that force in skin color and racism into every single thing that actually turn me against them. I'm not racist but when people won't shut up about it, constantly bringing it up, only talking about blacks and no one else well, it makes me start having racist feelings out of being sick of hearing about it and resist the idea by making it sound like I'm have no choice since I am defiant by nature.
Good, I'm glad they cut that asshole off. Memorial day has never been, nor should it ever be about skin color and trying to shove it in there is a disgrace to the day and the people it's meant to honor
It was about the origins of Memorial Day. It just happens to have been started by black folks.
Why does American history trigger you?

Good, I'm glad they cut that asshole off. Memorial day has never been, nor should it ever be about skin color and trying to shove it in there is a disgrace to the day and the people it's meant to honor.

It's dickheads like this that force in skin color and racism into every single thing that actually turn me against them. I'm not racist but when people won't shut up about it, constantly bringing it up, only talking about blacks and no one else well, it makes me start having racist feelings out of being sick of hearing about it and resist the idea by making it sound like I'm have no choice since I am defiant by nature.

The vet said nothing wrong-----ha had an interesting speech which was actually a credit to black people back when atleast many acted like people instead of these retarded violent marxist that we are seeing so many of now Such thin skins you haters have ..who cant even tolerate an old man quoting historic facts ( I assume--).
Black folks were literally classified as sub-human back the same conservative ideology who continues to dehumanize black people now....

Or in other words...folks like you
There seems to be nothing left that black activists will not step on, to have the chance to mouth off - and about what ? Having advantages over white people for the past 57 years ? I'll bet they don't talk about that.
And just what did those bad black men take from you?
There may be better tactics. It seems to divide us more then maybe we need to be. We should be enjoying the advances in relations between groups instead it seems like a permanent KGB/SS/ Stasi pogrom against anyone not Progressive Socialist.

Good, I'm glad they cut that asshole off. Memorial day has never been, nor should it ever be about skin color and trying to shove it in there is a disgrace to the day and the people it's meant to honor.

It's dickheads like this that force in skin color and racism into every single thing that actually turn me against them. I'm not racist but when people won't shut up about it, constantly bringing it up, only talking about blacks and no one else well, it makes me start having racist feelings out of being sick of hearing about it and resist the idea by making it sound like I'm have no choice since I am defiant by nature.
Good, I'm glad they cut that asshole off. Memorial day has never been, nor should it ever be about skin color and trying to shove it in there is a disgrace to the day and the people it's meant to honor
It was about the origins of Memorial Day. It just happens to have been started by black folks.
Why does American history trigger you?
It's a perfect microcosm for all of the consternation and outrage over shit like CRT and the 1619 project
There seems to be nothing left that black activists will not step on, to have the chance to mouth off - and about what ? Having advantages over white people for the past 57 years ? I'll bet they don't talk about that.
And just what did those bad black men take from you?
There may be better tactics. It seems to divide us more then maybe we need to be. We should be enjoying the advances in relations between groups instead it seems like a permanent KGB/SS/ Stasi pogrom against anyone not Progressive Socialist.
It's ok to just admit you didn't know about the origins of Memorial day......

it should be something to want to learn about -- without clutching your pearls and throwing buzzwords around like a moron

Good, I'm glad they cut that asshole off. Memorial day has never been, nor should it ever be about skin color and trying to shove it in there is a disgrace to the day and the people it's meant to honor.

It's dickheads like this that force in skin color and racism into every single thing that actually turn me against them. I'm not racist but when people won't shut up about it, constantly bringing it up, only talking about blacks and no one else well, it makes me start having racist feelings out of being sick of hearing about it and resist the idea by making it sound like I'm have no choice since I am defiant by nature.

The vet said nothing wrong-----ha had an interesting speech which was actually a credit to black people back when atleast many acted like people instead of these retarded violent marxist that we are seeing so many of now Such thin skins you haters have ..who cant even tolerate an old man quoting historic facts ( I assume--).
Black folks were literally classified as sub-human back the same conservative ideology who continues to dehumanize black people now....

Or in other words...folks like you

Dehumanize Black people? You mean like what we hear from the side that says Blacks are not capable of getting State-issued IDs?

Good, I'm glad they cut that asshole off. Memorial day has never been, nor should it ever be about skin color and trying to shove it in there is a disgrace to the day and the people it's meant to honor.

It's dickheads like this that force in skin color and racism into every single thing that actually turn me against them. I'm not racist but when people won't shut up about it, constantly bringing it up, only talking about blacks and no one else well, it makes me start having racist feelings out of being sick of hearing about it and resist the idea by making it sound like I'm have no choice since I am defiant by nature.
Thanks for posting this story. I would never have known about it if you hadnt been racist trash.

Good, I'm glad they cut that asshole off. Memorial day has never been, nor should it ever be about skin color and trying to shove it in there is a disgrace to the day and the people it's meant to honor.

It's dickheads like this that force in skin color and racism into every single thing that actually turn me against them. I'm not racist but when people won't shut up about it, constantly bringing it up, only talking about blacks and no one else well, it makes me start having racist feelings out of being sick of hearing about it and resist the idea by making it sound like I'm have no choice since I am defiant by nature.

The vet said nothing wrong-----ha had an interesting speech which was actually a credit to black people back when atleast many acted like people instead of these retarded violent marxist that we are seeing so many of now Such thin skins you haters have ..who cant even tolerate an old man quoting historic facts ( I assume--).
Black folks were literally classified as sub-human back the same conservative ideology who continues to dehumanize black people now....

Or in other words...folks like you

Dehumanize Black people? You mean like what we hear from the side that says Blacks are not capable of getting State-issued IDs? in literally dehumanizing black people......

Like how this child was blamed for his own murder over 60 years ago because he if to say he had it coming....he was even referred to as a man, as if he wasn't allowed to be viewed as a child..funny how the woman who lied on him isn't demonized tho...
Till Bryant.jpg

And 60 years later...this child was if he deserved to be murdered....he was also called a grown man....not even afforded the privilege of being referred to as a child...

And how on this very message board there are morons like yourself outraged over a woman shooting a 6 month old puppy because she claims to had feared for her safety....but yall would have been A-OK if she shot a 6 yr old long he was black enough for you to dehumanize....
Why was what the retired Lt. Col. speaking about so objectionable that someone felt it necessary to cut his microphone?

Here is the great irony of this action: Had this same Lt. Col. made disparaging remarks about blacks, his microphone would likely not have been cut off. Those who cut off his mic. would have publicly condemned his remarks, but privately agreed with them.

But when this veteran just spoke about the actual history, he was publicly rebuked by having his voice silenced. This, folks, is what you call 'white privilege'.
Wrong, idiot.
This was total irony. It’s a perfect ‘boy who cried wolf’ scenario.
The mic was cut off because Americans were tired of being force-fed neo-segregation politics except in this instance it happened to be a legit point.
It’s because of racists like you that this conditioning exists.

Good, I'm glad they cut that asshole off. Memorial day has never been, nor should it ever be about skin color and trying to shove it in there is a disgrace to the day and the people it's meant to honor.

It's dickheads like this that force in skin color and racism into every single thing that actually turn me against them. I'm not racist but when people won't shut up about it, constantly bringing it up, only talking about blacks and no one else well, it makes me start having racist feelings out of being sick of hearing about it and resist the idea by making it sound like I'm have no choice since I am defiant by nature.
Thanks for posting this story. I would never have known about it if you hadnt been racist trash.

Not a problem. You're very welcome.

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