Veterans Today Exposed!

People have been convicted of murder on far less evidence than is available about 9/11.

Hasbarats posing as non-Jews would like to convince everyone there is none.

Anyone who has examined the evidence critically for very long and managed to sift through the disinformation plants knows they are lying when they deny there is any evidence.

Evidence has been posted over and over again all over the internet and the Hasbarats continue to bury it.

Keep trying. Maybe eventually the stink of it will cease to rise.

Foul odors can linger in ones nostrils for some time after exposure. I still haven't managed to rig myself of the stench of 9/11 and I doubt if I ever will.
I guess there are some things a person just has to learn to live with.
Where have you been Mr Van Winkle?




Whoomp There it is.
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I'll explain this one time. Everything you have referenced in the above mess of posts has been debunked, and well debunked. Now I'm not the sort who makes a list so you just pick out one thing at a time and I'm sure we can explain it so even you can understand it.

We can start with your picture of what has been called a squib. It's called compression. Not difficult to understand at all. Explosion? No, there was no recorded explosion. Besides how do you rig a building then smash an airliner into it without screwing up your explosive plans?
I'll explain this one time. Everything you have referenced in the above mess of posts has been debunked, and well debunked. Now I'm not the sort who makes a list so you just pick out one thing at a time and I'm sure we can explain it so even you can understand it.

We can start with your picture of what has been called a squib. It's called compression. Not difficult to understand at all. Explosion? No, there was no recorded explosion. Besides how do you rig a building then smash an airliner into it without screwing up your explosive plans?

I've heard it all before just as I knew you had seen it all before too when you said you had never seen a shred of evidence.
The feeble ways in which all of these anomalies have been "debunked" have themselves been debunked.

The media continues to suppress the bulk of this information. They are not ones who are likely to pass up a sensational story either. What little information they have allowed to pass through the air waves has been spun and Kosherized to the point it's scarcely recognizable.

It should be interesting to anyone with an inquiring mind just how it came to be that SO MANY of these "coincidences" and anomalies could arise all around 9/11 and still all point to the same conclusion.
What are the odds of that?

Anyone familiar with the way probabilities are derived would tell you 'MIGHTY SLIM'.

One would think that if things happened according to the Kosher tale of 9/11 that the EVIDENCE would be in favor of THAT. You would think that the State Department would have been eager to show everyone the "proof" that they have to support their 9/11 hypothesis. But thus far all we've been handed is a tale about paper passports surviving a fiery crash that could topple steel buildings and suitcases filled with "incriminating" evidence magically left in parked cars and "hung" suitcases.

On top of that they didn't see fit to divulge who was behind all the Put Options because "It didn't matter". And you might think that they would want to show us the evidence that Bin Laden was responsible for the attacks and that they would have preferred to bring him back to the US for interrogation the way they have all the prisoners at Guantanamo. Yet they thought it better to "dump his body in the sea" to "avoid offending Muslims" and thus ensure that doubts about Bin Laden's passing survived where nothing else did.

On top of that, the 9/11 Commission never PROVED a damned thing about how the twin towers came down so neat and fast. much less building 7.
Instead it's been "Oh well, it COULD HAVE BEEN this", or "It COULD have been that". The only thing it COULDN'T have been to DeBunkers is what the real evidence showed it was!
If the 9/11 Commission Report never proved anything then it's a certainty that YOU people haven't!
So don't hand me a bunch of crap about needing proof when you don't have any yourself and all the evidence stacks in favor of PRIOR KNOWLEDGE and CONTROLLED DEMOLITION.

Need I go on?

Having the media and the government in the hands of a Zionist criminal Cabal has made your 'debunking' job a lot easier, hasn't it?

In fact, you scarcely have to do any more than jeer at and call names to anyone anytime the subject is brought up. That's about all you have done from the beginning. That's because that is about all you can do. And that's because your excuses amount to little more than, "Ah hum ah Hah, well that could be this or this could be that".

I suppose the earth could have been seeded by aliens from another world a long time ago.
But my guess is that it didn't happen that way because the evidence doesn't support it.

I suppose that by some fluke a few Arabs got together one day and bypassed US and Israeli intelligence, and NORAD and then managed to perform all the difficult stunts they have been credited with, but it sort of taxes the imagination how they could have been so successful.
Then I suppose that all of the incriminating evidence that sprung up around 9/11 happened by chance alone even though the odds against ALL of those items occurring together in the same time frame and all in harmony.
But the odds are stacked against that too.

The evidence speaks for itself. No amount of hand waving from the Hasbarats can make it say anything else.

One of the things that really irritates me about you people is that you think we are all that stupid.

My guess is that 9/11 was an "inside job" for lack of a quicker way of saying it, BECAUSE THAT's WHAT THE EVIDENCE SAYS!
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People have been convicted of murder on far less evidence than is available about 9/11.

Hasbarats posing as non-Jews would like to convince everyone there is none.

Anyone who has examined the evidence critically for very long and managed to sift through the disinformation plants knows they are lying when they deny there is any evidence.

Evidence has been posted over and over again all over the internet and the Hasbarats continue to bury it.

Keep trying. Maybe eventually the stink of it will cease to rise.

Foul odors can linger in ones nostrils for some time after exposure. I still haven't managed to rig myself of the stench of 9/11 and I doubt if I ever will.
I guess there are some things a person just has to learn to live with.

people sure have been convicted of murder for far less evidence that is available for government complicity alright.
I'll explain this one time. Everything you have referenced in the above mess of posts has been debunked, and well debunked. Now I'm not the sort who makes a list so you just pick out one thing at a time and I'm sure we can explain it so even you can understand it.

We can start with your picture of what has been called a squib. It's called compression. Not difficult to understand at all. Explosion? No, there was no recorded explosion. Besides how do you rig a building then smash an airliner into it without screwing up your explosive plans?

9-11 Review: Witnesses to the Towers' Explosions

I've heard it all before just as I knew you had seen it all before too when you said you had never seen a shred of evidence.
The feeble ways in which all of these anomalies have been "debunked" have themselves been debunked.

The media continues to suppress the bulk of this information. They are not ones who are likely to pass up a sensational story either. What little information they have allowed to pass through the air waves has been spun and Kosherized to the point it's scarcely recognizable.

It should be interesting to anyone with an inquiring mind just how it came to be that SO MANY of these "coincidences" and anomalies could arise all around 9/11 and still all point to the same conclusion.
What are the odds of that?

Anyone familiar with the way probabilities are derived would tell you 'MIGHTY SLIM'.

One would think that if things happened according to the Kosher tale of 9/11 that the EVIDENCE would be in favor of THAT. You would think that the State Department would have been eager to show everyone the "proof" that they have to support their 9/11 hypothesis. But thus far all we've been handed is a tale about paper passports surviving a fiery crash that could topple steel buildings and suitcases filled with "incriminating" evidence magically left in parked cars and "hung" suitcases.

On top of that they didn't see fit to divulge who was behind all the Put Options because "It didn't matter". And you might think that they would want to show us the evidence that Bin Laden was responsible for the attacks and that they would have preferred to bring him back to the US for interrogation the way they have all the prisoners at Guantanamo. Yet they thought it better to "dump his body in the sea" to "avoid offending Muslims" and thus ensure that doubts about Bin Laden's passing survived where nothing else did.

On top of that, the 9/11 Commission never PROVED a damned thing about how the twin towers came down so neat and fast. much less building 7.
Instead it's been "Oh well, it COULD HAVE BEEN this", or "It COULD have been that". The only thing it COULDN'T have been to DeBunkers is what the real evidence showed it was!
If the 9/11 Commission Report never proved anything then it's a certainty that YOU people haven't!
So don't hand me a bunch of crap about needing proof when you don't have any yourself and all the evidence stacks in favor of PRIOR KNOWLEDGE and CONTROLLED DEMOLITION.

Need I go on?

Having the media and the government in the hands of a Zionist criminal Cabal has made your 'debunking' job a lot easier, hasn't it?

In fact, you scarcely have to do any more than jeer at and call names to anyone anytime the subject is brought up. That's about all you have done from the beginning. That's because that is about all you can do. And that's because your excuses amount to little more than, "Ah hum ah Hah, well that could be this or this could be that".

I suppose the earth could have been seeded by aliens from another world a long time ago.
But my guess is that it didn't happen that way because the evidence doesn't support it.

I suppose that by some fluke a few Arabs got together one day and bypassed US and Israeli intelligence, and NORAD and then managed to perform all the difficult stunts they have been credited with, but it sort of taxes the imagination how they could have been so successful.
Then I suppose that all of the incriminating evidence that sprung up around 9/11 happened by chance alone even though the odds against ALL of those items occurring together in the same time frame and all in harmony.
But the odds are stacked against that too.

The evidence speaks for itself. No amount of hand waving from the Hasbarats can make it say anything else.

One of the things that really irritates me about you people is that you think we are all that stupid.

My guess is that 9/11 was an "inside job" for lack of a quicker way of saying it, BECAUSE THAT's WHAT THE EVIDENCE SAYS!

as always you handed agent gomer pyle ollies ass to him on a platter.of course he will deny that reality and calin you didnt though.:cuckoo::lol::lol:
People have been convicted of murder on far less evidence than is available about 9/11.

Hasbarats posing as non-Jews would like to convince everyone there is none.

Anyone who has examined the evidence critically for very long and managed to sift through the disinformation plants knows they are lying when they deny there is any evidence.

Evidence has been posted over and over again all over the internet and the Hasbarats continue to bury it.

Keep trying. Maybe eventually the stink of it will cease to rise.

Foul odors can linger in ones nostrils for some time after exposure. I still haven't managed to rig myself of the stench of 9/11 and I doubt if I ever will.
I guess there are some things a person just has to learn to live with.

people sure have been convicted of murder for far less evidence that is available for government complicity alright.

But Holston's point is that the Joooos did it. Of course, Holston blames everything on the Joooos. Funny how under the veneer of so many CTs is a rabidly anti-Semitic twit.
I'll explain this one time. Everything you have referenced in the above mess of posts has been debunked, and well debunked. Now I'm not the sort who makes a list so you just pick out one thing at a time and I'm sure we can explain it so even you can understand it.

We can start with your picture of what has been called a squib. It's called compression. Not difficult to understand at all. Explosion? No, there was no recorded explosion. Besides how do you rig a building then smash an airliner into it without screwing up your explosive plans?

9-11 Review: Witnesses to the Towers' Explosions

I've heard it all before just as I knew you had seen it all before too when you said you had never seen a shred of evidence.
The feeble ways in which all of these anomalies have been "debunked" have themselves been debunked.

The media continues to suppress the bulk of this information. They are not ones who are likely to pass up a sensational story either. What little information they have allowed to pass through the air waves has been spun and Kosherized to the point it's scarcely recognizable.

It should be interesting to anyone with an inquiring mind just how it came to be that SO MANY of these "coincidences" and anomalies could arise all around 9/11 and still all point to the same conclusion.
What are the odds of that?

Anyone familiar with the way probabilities are derived would tell you 'MIGHTY SLIM'.

One would think that if things happened according to the Kosher tale of 9/11 that the EVIDENCE would be in favor of THAT. You would think that the State Department would have been eager to show everyone the "proof" that they have to support their 9/11 hypothesis. But thus far all we've been handed is a tale about paper passports surviving a fiery crash that could topple steel buildings and suitcases filled with "incriminating" evidence magically left in parked cars and "hung" suitcases.

On top of that they didn't see fit to divulge who was behind all the Put Options because "It didn't matter". And you might think that they would want to show us the evidence that Bin Laden was responsible for the attacks and that they would have preferred to bring him back to the US for interrogation the way they have all the prisoners at Guantanamo. Yet they thought it better to "dump his body in the sea" to "avoid offending Muslims" and thus ensure that doubts about Bin Laden's passing survived where nothing else did.

On top of that, the 9/11 Commission never PROVED a damned thing about how the twin towers came down so neat and fast. much less building 7.
Instead it's been "Oh well, it COULD HAVE BEEN this", or "It COULD have been that". The only thing it COULDN'T have been to DeBunkers is what the real evidence showed it was!
If the 9/11 Commission Report never proved anything then it's a certainty that YOU people haven't!
So don't hand me a bunch of crap about needing proof when you don't have any yourself and all the evidence stacks in favor of PRIOR KNOWLEDGE and CONTROLLED DEMOLITION.

Need I go on?

Having the media and the government in the hands of a Zionist criminal Cabal has made your 'debunking' job a lot easier, hasn't it?

In fact, you scarcely have to do any more than jeer at and call names to anyone anytime the subject is brought up. That's about all you have done from the beginning. That's because that is about all you can do. And that's because your excuses amount to little more than, "Ah hum ah Hah, well that could be this or this could be that".

I suppose the earth could have been seeded by aliens from another world a long time ago.
But my guess is that it didn't happen that way because the evidence doesn't support it.

I suppose that by some fluke a few Arabs got together one day and bypassed US and Israeli intelligence, and NORAD and then managed to perform all the difficult stunts they have been credited with, but it sort of taxes the imagination how they could have been so successful.
Then I suppose that all of the incriminating evidence that sprung up around 9/11 happened by chance alone even though the odds against ALL of those items occurring together in the same time frame and all in harmony.
But the odds are stacked against that too.

The evidence speaks for itself. No amount of hand waving from the Hasbarats can make it say anything else.

One of the things that really irritates me about you people is that you think we are all that stupid.

My guess is that 9/11 was an "inside job" for lack of a quicker way of saying it, BECAUSE THAT's WHAT THE EVIDENCE SAYS!

No please, do not go on embarrassing yourself so much. You have presented nothing more than opinion and coincidence. We have hard evidence in the wreckage of 4 planes. We have photos and emails. We have bodies and DNA. And you offer what again'"? Yes I believe you must be that stupid. Since you want to bring it up.
No please, do not go on embarrassing yourself so much. You have presented nothing more than opinion and coincidence. We have hard evidence in the wreckage of 4 planes. We have photos and emails. We have bodies and DNA. And you offer what again'"? Yes I believe you must be that stupid. Since you want to bring it up.

And you are just a plain ol' liar.


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I'll explain this one time. Everything you have referenced in the above mess of posts has been debunked, and well debunked. Now I'm not the sort who makes a list so you just pick out one thing at a time and I'm sure we can explain it so even you can understand it.

We can start with your picture of what has been called a squib. It's called compression. Not difficult to understand at all. Explosion? No, there was no recorded explosion. Besides how do you rig a building then smash an airliner into it without screwing up your explosive plans?

9-11 Review: Witnesses to the Towers' Explosions

I've heard it all before just as I knew you had seen it all before too when you said you had never seen a shred of evidence.
The feeble ways in which all of these anomalies have been "debunked" have themselves been debunked.

The media continues to suppress the bulk of this information. They are not ones who are likely to pass up a sensational story either. What little information they have allowed to pass through the air waves has been spun and Kosherized to the point it's scarcely recognizable.

It should be interesting to anyone with an inquiring mind just how it came to be that SO MANY of these "coincidences" and anomalies could arise all around 9/11 and still all point to the same conclusion.
What are the odds of that?

Anyone familiar with the way probabilities are derived would tell you 'MIGHTY SLIM'.

One would think that if things happened according to the Kosher tale of 9/11 that the EVIDENCE would be in favor of THAT. You would think that the State Department would have been eager to show everyone the "proof" that they have to support their 9/11 hypothesis. But thus far all we've been handed is a tale about paper passports surviving a fiery crash that could topple steel buildings and suitcases filled with "incriminating" evidence magically left in parked cars and "hung" suitcases.

On top of that they didn't see fit to divulge who was behind all the Put Options because "It didn't matter". And you might think that they would want to show us the evidence that Bin Laden was responsible for the attacks and that they would have preferred to bring him back to the US for interrogation the way they have all the prisoners at Guantanamo. Yet they thought it better to "dump his body in the sea" to "avoid offending Muslims" and thus ensure that doubts about Bin Laden's passing survived where nothing else did.

On top of that, the 9/11 Commission never PROVED a damned thing about how the twin towers came down so neat and fast. much less building 7.
Instead it's been "Oh well, it COULD HAVE BEEN this", or "It COULD have been that". The only thing it COULDN'T have been to DeBunkers is what the real evidence showed it was!
If the 9/11 Commission Report never proved anything then it's a certainty that YOU people haven't!
So don't hand me a bunch of crap about needing proof when you don't have any yourself and all the evidence stacks in favor of PRIOR KNOWLEDGE and CONTROLLED DEMOLITION.

Need I go on?

Having the media and the government in the hands of a Zionist criminal Cabal has made your 'debunking' job a lot easier, hasn't it?

In fact, you scarcely have to do any more than jeer at and call names to anyone anytime the subject is brought up. That's about all you have done from the beginning. That's because that is about all you can do. And that's because your excuses amount to little more than, "Ah hum ah Hah, well that could be this or this could be that".

I suppose the earth could have been seeded by aliens from another world a long time ago.
But my guess is that it didn't happen that way because the evidence doesn't support it.

I suppose that by some fluke a few Arabs got together one day and bypassed US and Israeli intelligence, and NORAD and then managed to perform all the difficult stunts they have been credited with, but it sort of taxes the imagination how they could have been so successful.
Then I suppose that all of the incriminating evidence that sprung up around 9/11 happened by chance alone even though the odds against ALL of those items occurring together in the same time frame and all in harmony.
But the odds are stacked against that too.

The evidence speaks for itself. No amount of hand waving from the Hasbarats can make it say anything else.

One of the things that really irritates me about you people is that you think we are all that stupid.

My guess is that 9/11 was an "inside job" for lack of a quicker way of saying it, BECAUSE THAT's WHAT THE EVIDENCE SAYS!

thats the understatement of the year that the 9/11 coverup commission didnt prove a damn thing.Yeah Gomer Pyle Ollie and sayit troll think we are so stupid to fall for their lies.Their handlers pay them a lot of money,no way would they come back here constantly for their constant ass beatings they get from you here for FREE everyday.:D they pay them major bucks for them to endure the ass beatings they get from people like you here everyday. thats why they jeer and call people names cause they know thya re cornered alright.

Having the media and the government in the hands of a Zionist criminal Cabal has made your 'debunking' job a lot easier, hasn't it?
damn straight,could not say it better myself.:udaman::clap::clap::clap::clap:

and dont forget the CIA controlled media as well who works hand in hand with the zionists.
No please, do not go on embarrassing yourself so much. You have presented nothing more than opinion and coincidence. We have hard evidence in the wreckage of 4 planes. We have photos and emails. We have bodies and DNA. And you offer what again'"? Yes I believe you must be that stupid. Since you want to bring it up.

And you are just a plain ol' liar.



Gen Wesley Clark is a Liar. No General is going to give classified information to any retiree. It never happened.

Enjoy the negs, I do not lie. I may be wrong now and again, though that is not going to be very often, but no one walks away freely calling me a liar. You on the other hand are a fool.

You have no proof. You have proved that.
Gen Wesley Clark is a Liar. No General is going to give classified information to any retiree. It never happened.

Enjoy the negs, I do not lie. I may be wrong now and again, though that is not going to be very often, but no one walks away freely calling me a liar. You on the other hand are a fool.

You have no proof. You have proved that.

I just did. You are a liar.
Gen Wesley Clark is a Liar. No General is going to give classified information to any retiree. It never happened.

Enjoy the negs, I do not lie. I may be wrong now and again, though that is not going to be very often, but no one walks away freely calling me a liar. You on the other hand are a fool.

You have no proof. You have proved that.

I just did. You are a liar.

And the boy without common sense or proof of anything other than he is a fool, marches on.....

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