Veterans Today Exposed!

And the boy without common sense or proof of anything other than he is a fool, marches on.....

Where's your proof that Bin Laden had anything to do with 9/11?
How did a reporter manage to find Bin Laden when US intelligence said they couldn't?

Why wasn't he brought back to the states alive for interrogation?

Why do you suppose all those Seals who were in on the raid just happened to be on the same copter that crashed and killed them all?

Why should anyone believe that story about dumping his body in the sea?
After having tromped all over the Muslim nations already, do you really think they were that all fired concerned about upsetting them? If that's so, then why did they publicize the hanging of Hussain and his sons' deaths?

Was a single body of any hijacker ever found or identified?

How can anyone be expected to believe that their passports would fall out of their pockets and manage to survive the alleged inferno that was supposed to bring the towers down?

And what a coincidence that the crooked Chief of Police with organized crime connections would be the ones who discovered them in all that debris?

Isn't it funny how those paper passports managed to get blown out from the midst of those buildings where the planes where imbedded and could be found when they couldn't even find the practically indestructible "black box" recorders of the planes?

And how fortunate that the hijackers left so much evidence in plane sight and that one of their suit cases just happened to get hung at the baggage check.

Isn't it amazing just how quickly the FBI and CIA managed to identify all of the hijackers when they couldn't even detect them for all the time they had been in the US?
During that time they were busy getting trained in how to fly a planes right in plain sight of everyone.

Of course no one suspected a thing, not Jack Abramoff, and not the Mossad agents that were shacked up near by a couple of them. That was just a coincidence.

You'd think that anyone who would have the balls to commit suicide in a plane would really have to be dedicated to the point of being a fanatic. That's how Muslim terrorists are described. Yet these particular Muslims couldn't even abstain from getting drunk, swearing, carousing with harlots, and using drugs.

And Condoleeza Rice and Bush Jr could not imagine a hijack attack in their wildest dreams despite the fact that it is PROVEN that such a scenario was being played out on the very day that the attacks occurred. What a coincidence.

On top of all those lies there were the lies about yellow cake , the illegal imprisonment of Susan Lindauer, the burning of Lt Col Shaffer's books and etc and etc.

How convenient for the "Conspiracy Nuts" that there were so many holes apparent in the official stories about every aspect of 9/11 including the attack on the Pentagon and the absence of any photographic evidence because their were no security cameras covering the area!
Hell no. The only security cameras covering THE PENTAGON were at some 7 to 11 and the FBI had to confiscate those for fear of "Jeopardizing National Security".
You've got to be kidding!

You can't even demonstrate that the total collapse of one steel framed building was possible let alone THREE, and all on the same day in the same locality with much less fire than has been observed in other steel framed buildings with much greater fires.

All we have is the word of a bunch of Neo-Con lackeys working for a bunch of flaming Zionists who are known liars themselves.

And you demand proof.

The Kosher explanation for all this is so full of holes that it looks as much like Swiss Cheese as those unexplained pieces of steel girders from building seven were.

LIES. LIES, and more LIES upon LIES.

Kol Nidre.

There are so many pieces of circumstantial evidence that scream CONSPIRACY that it would take a large volume to hold them all. There's no way that anyone can cram all that evidence into a web page or two and provide the documentation to PROVE it. No one with an ounce of common sense could look at all that and still believe the Zionist fairy tale. The only reason that more people don't is because they never get to see it, thanks to the Zio-media.
And even those who do can scarcely believe that any group of people other than an organized crime syndicate could follow through with such a plan that would result in the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people. The "Chutzbah" there is just too much for some of them to wrap their minds around and I could hardly blame them if I wasn't as familiar with it as I am.

How much are you getting paid to perpetuate the ZIO cover up?

Are you one of the "Chosen Ones" or what?

If you are not, then what makes you think that you will be spared the misery of an economic collapse if the Globalists have their way?
Are you going to fly to Israel or do you have a safe haven some where you can avoid whatever disasters the Zionist Elitists have in mind when they usher in their "Mashianic Age" or start implementing their "Agenda 21"?
Which class of peons and useless eaters do you think they would spare if they don't have anymore concern than they've demonstrated over the lives they have already destroyed in their bid for power?
9/11 is PROOF that they have no more compunction about snuffing out Americans than they do Palestinians or Arabs!

Do you really think that what you are doing in their defense is going to help endear everyone to the Jewish community or make them like Israel anymore?

You people really do take us all for stupid Putzes and idiots. Your people head up the financial institutions that are robbing the country blind and the war machine that never seems to get it's glut of fresh blood. You belong to a race of people who believe they have a God given right to rule over everyone and a divine license to steal, lie, and murder. Do you actually believe that God commends you for it?!

And you stand fully behind them in everything they do because you are so afraid of suffering the kind of ostracism and social punishment that they inflict on anyone else who displeases them that you haven't got the guts to call a spade a spade. Then you have the gall to call me a "racist" and an "anti-semite".

And we're supposed to like you for it??

If it isn't the Neo-Con Jewish Supremacists behind all this then who else in hell could it be? They are the only ones with the means and the motive to have pulled a stunt like this off.
The mere fact that the Jewish population could stand in favor of such actions to the point that they would lie to help cover up those who did is absolutely disgusting. That has nothing to do with racial characteristics or ethnicity and everything to do with character.

I wouldn't trade places with those megalomaniac millionaires for all the gold in Fort Knox, if there is any! It would be better to live in abject poverty and starve to death than to have to face God in that condition on judgement day. I believe I would come clean before it's too late.

And don't think I'm stupid enough to believe that that is your picture there in the corner either.
Where's your proof that Bin Laden had anything to do with 9/11? Must have been that video of him talking about it.

How did a reporter manage to find Bin Laden when US intelligence said they couldn't? Could you link to that please?

Why wasn't he brought back to the states alive for interrogation?Why do you suppose all those Seals who were in on the raid just happened to be on the same copter that crashed and killed them all?
Why should anyone believe that story about dumping his body in the sea?After having tromped all over the Muslim nations already, do you really think they were that all fired concerned about upsetting them? If that's so, then why did they publicize the hanging of Hussain and his sons' deaths? Nonsense questions, Why ask me? And how the hell would I know?

Was a single body of any hijacker ever found or identified? Actually, Yes, the remains were turned over to the FBI, you may question them about it.

You know it's not difficult to answer many of your silly questions and others just show how silly you are.

How can anyone be expected to believe that their passports would fall out of their pockets and manage to survive the alleged inferno that was supposed to bring the towers down?
Again it is called coincidence. But then many objects were found that are sort of surprising.

But enough for now I'll leave you with some pics of things found in the rubble.







Now how much do i get paid? You kids are so funny, I do this for relaxation, You clowns are the best comedy acts on the web.....
What are all those photos of junk supposed to prove?

I've given you plenty of photos myself. You can find them all over the web.

What I see there are boxes of junk.

And you are expecting us to believe what about them?

Those items could have came from ANYWHERE in the vicinity.

That's a far cry from saying that they all came from passengers on the planes themselves. Are you trying to let on they were?
I suppose they found fingerprints of the hijackers on all those keys.
And perhaps that purse belonged to one of them.

Come to think of it, the girl in the photo doesn't look much like an Arab or a man. Was she ever charged for the crime?
It's funny I don't remember ever seeing her picture in the line up.

Maybe she was one of those Arabs who were mistakenly identified because she had the same name as one of them.

I don't remember ever hearing anything being mentioned on the news about all the jewelry they were carrying. And I can't imagine what they would be doing with all those keys and cards. I notice that one of the rings has a crucifix on it. I didn't know that fanatical Muslims wore signs of the cross. That must have came from one of the fingers of the hijackers you said were identified. That must have been his finger they got it off of.

You don't suppose that any of them could have been retrieved from some other site than the BLAZING STEEL MELTING INFERNO do you?
Or did this inferno engulf the entire building?

You're not much of one to be calling people stupid. You're rather clownish yourself.
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You are imbecile. Please continue living in your fools paradise. I have offered you all the wisdom you can handle and you have as expected pissed all over your hands.

Do have a nice day and thank you for playing.
There are hundreds if not thousands of questions about the events leading up to and the day of 9-11-01.

There is zero proof that the US Government or the Israeli Governments had any for knowledge or were involved in any way. And that is the biggest question, Why didn't they know?
You people really do take us all for stupid Putzes and idiots.

Only because people like you do such a great job reinforcing it.

I hope that others out there are listening to your frank confession.

If they have any sense at all, they will realize that unless they are drawing the type of fire that I am getting from you jerks, that they are the very type of Goy that Jewish Supremacists approve of, namely those that are ignorant or obsequious enough to take it.

Since this thread was originally started to discredit Veterans Today and Gordan Duff in particular, I am including this article for your review.
I will highlight some of the material contained in it and you can "debunk" those portions which you disagree with.

It's entitled:

Covering Up the “Inside Job” of All Time With Charges of “Anti-Semitism” is Treason

There is No Evidence of a Jewish Conspiracy on 9/11

By Gordon Duff, Senior Editor

What about the part highlighted in bold?

Is that one of Duff's points you disagree with?

Law enforcement officials have long lists of witnesses, most American, some Israeli, a few American Jews with dual citizenship, that they have been blocked from questioning. There is hard proof the primary criminals on 9/11 were Bush officials.

What about the above ? Is that also an item which you contest?

The FBI believes 9/11 was an inside job. They want to question Israelis that were flown out of the country illegally, immediately after the attack to avoid FBI questioning. This was done at the orders of President Bush.

They also think criminals involved in 9/11 were on the plane that went to Saudi Arabia, also illegal, also on personal orders by President Bush.

And that? Surely you won't object to Senior Bush taking all the credit for 9/11.
Mr Duff seems to be giving it to him. Is he "crazy" on this point also?

In 2007, the FBI took evidence directly tying Israel’s Mossad to 9/11, names were named. We have access to those interviews. Mossad operations director Mike Harari took responsibility for 9/11.

Top officers in the IDF have expressed:

”We did it, so what, you can’t do anything about it.”

Such statements may well be intentionally misleading and false but were made to counter-terrorism officials of the US government. There is no question of this whatsoever.

Now we're getting somewhere. This HAS to be the part you were referring to that makes Duff a looney bird. Am I right?
There is no evidence 9/11 was a Jewish plot of any kind though one may be able to tie some interests allied to Israel or financial groups with Jewish members to those named as “persons of interest” who have not been allowed to be questioned by the FBI.

The FBI has a large list of “persons of interest” that they wish to question or have questioned about 9/11 and considerable evidence that contradicts the official story.

FBI and Department of Justice officials, some now retired, have been ordered to keep all such evidence secret under threat of criminal prosecution.

The FBI was prevented from investigating 9/11 for one simple reason. Their own preliminary investigation went straight to the top level of the US government including military leaders.

They were stopped then as they had been continually throughout the entire Bush administration.

Duff is putting quite a few Goy in the cross hairs. Do you have any objections to that?

I didn't think so.

Law ended in 2001 in the US. Spying, torture, illegal imprisonment, terrorist attacks on Americans, massive financial crimes, the largest drug operation in the history of the world and trillions in dollars stolen from the defense budget alone were made “off limits” to the FBI.

Would you object to further investigations into these matters (if that was possible given the state of the union at this time). Or would you be fearful as to what might be uncovered?
Would you be afraid, for instance, that among the guilty, if any were found, that some Zionists or Jews (practically the same thing) might be found?

Why should you fear that seeing that all the "stupid Goy" don't seem to have any qualms about hanging another Goy out to dry?

You see? One difference between you and me, is that I do not share guilt by association by virtue of race or ethnicity if it turns out that some lawbreaker happens to belong to the same group that I am classed in.
For some reason you do. Would you mind explaining why this is so?

I mean, why is it that you people feel that you have to shield some "Jew", no matter what he does, just because he claims to be one of your "tribe"?

Are you afraid that everyone will get mad at ALL Jews for what a few do?

If so, then you must really believe that we "Goyim" are all so stupid that we can't tell the distinguish between a person who violates a law and his ethnic or racial identity.
You really do believe we are all stupid. Either that or you have an intractable habit of lumping US all the same.

With as little faith in our own sense of jurisprudence as you show, why should I place any more in yours?

Members of the FBI and other officials who pushed for an investigation found one thing.

The US government had been overthrown in a coup d’etat planned years before, using the Supreme Court, the news media, especially the Murdoch/Fox networks and religious extremists within the military.

When the Obama administration took office, the president and his family were threatened with death were they to pursue prosecution of the guilty, those involved in, not only 9/11 but war crimes as well.

Over the past 3 weeks, this information has been leaked from a number of administration sources and stories confirming much of this have been published in the mainstream press.

I agree that the there has been a coup in the US government, although I do not know all the names of those who carried it out or exactly how it was managed.
One can form a rough idea about these things just from information which is available on the net. You don't have to be a genius, only observant, a reasonably fair memory, and a modest ability to tie a few ends together and sketch a mental picture which approximates the missing pieces.

In fact, on more than one occasion, top CIA assets were arrested, convicted, imprisoned or as in two other cases, one was put in “psychiatric detention” on a military base while another top CIA agent was exposed in the press.

The Bush Department of Justice went to war against the CIA, destroying any agents or assets who refused to support their falsified intelligence or who continued to submit accurate briefings to the president.

Evidence supporting these allegations is substantial, all admissable in court and lead directly to the President of the United States.

I would have to see this evidence myself before I would sign on to it. But at this point, hardly anything would surprise me.

Many top Bush advisors were part of a group of Jews, not just “Zionists” but who held wide beliefs that if Israel could control the United States through infiltrating the government, a “New World Order” would create a modern day equivalent of Hitler’s “Thousand Year Reich.”

What's so incredible about that? Is it any wilder than the idea that some people have that one day there will dawn a "New Mashianic Age"?!

However, in all fairness, we must categorize that “Jewish support” as that of a select group of financial elites working in partnership with many other groups, not a “Jewish plot’ as such.

That stands to reason. It's as much common sense to say that as it is to say that the average man in the street, be he white, black, brown, or Jew, has very little to do with national policy, let alone the type of intrigue we are talking about here.

To blame every Jew for the actions of a handful of zealots would be like a Jew blaming every Anglo Saxon for the "holocaust" or for a black to blame every white man for what some plantation owner did 200 years ago.
You don't indulge in those kinds of generalizations do you?

The most likely Jewish involvement goes two ways. Israeli intelligence units were used to perform demolitions at the World Trade Center site.

The FBI believes but is unable to release information that half a dozen other terror attacks were planned for 9/11 that were stopped by their efforts and those of NYPD. Those involved are believed to all have been agents of Israel’s Mossad.

Personally I think it is possible that former members of Russia's military, probably having ties to the "Russian" (predominately 'Jewish') mob could have as easily been enlisted to do work out the details for the demolition and plant the incendiaries/explosives.
They would have access to Russian munitions and technology. Many of them have PhDs which would qualify them in the needed specialties.

Few knew they were helping cover up an attack on the United States.

Documents and evidence backing this up are available for immediate trial. Witnesses on this and many other aspects of 9/11 as an “inside job” have come forward, more than enough for, not a new “panel investigation” but a grand jury and criminal trials.

However, there are still powerful organizations in place that are working to suppress the truth.

They include some Jewish organizations that believe, because some Jews, along with mostly Christians or other ‘non jews,’ were involved in 9/11, they can suppress an investigation by defending the Jewish role through charges of “Antisemitism.”

Groups seem to be tasked with this effort though they may simply be acting out of ignorance.

I'm not suggesting the possibility that it is only "truthers" who may suffering under the fog of ignorance. Duff is.
Far be it from me to say that you might possibly be guilty of some ignorance yourself.

Everyone know that only DeBunkers have the inside story on 9/11 and know all the details about it. "Twoofers" on the other hand are incapable of reasoning beyond a "See Spot Run" level and all believe that it is actually Lizard people from another world who plotted and carried out 9/11. (With help from Big Foot and the Loch Ness monster of course. Maybe a slight assist from the Easter Bunny if that makes you feel better)

Some things have to be made clear. There is no evidence that there is any wide involvement in 9/11 tied to Jewish ethnicity or the citizens of Israel.

Of course not, Duff. Israelis and Jews are always innocent of everything, regardless.
But what do you know? You're crazy. The forum 9/11 experts here have said so.


Now tell me. How could anyone think that these hot (very gentile looking) "Jewish Israeli" babes could be responsible for master minding 9/11 with their well oiled M-16s and their crisp green uniforms.

How dumb of me to ever have thought so. :eusa_shifty:

This does not mean that using charges of ‘Antisemitism’ to silence those calling for investigations into torture, kidnapping and illegal war does not make those who issue such charges criminally complicit, quite to the contrary.

You see there. Duff thinks you're innocent.

I don't think you were in on 9/11. But I don't think that makes you entirely innocent either. :evil:

There is, of yet, no direct proof that news organizations, Jewish defense groups, Christian Evangelical sects and political parties, particularly the Republican Party, were, in their entirety, involved in war crimes or treason against the United States.

Shucks. There goes my theory.

All this time I was believing that it was the Jewish Defense League and Christian Evangelicals that planted those bombs. I figured Joseph Lieberman and Pat Robertson to be the ring leaders.

It's good that Duff pointed that out, otherwise I would have went right on believing it.

We can categorically prove that one of the 3 towers destroyed on 9/11 was taken down by explosives. We surmise that the plane intended to crash into it never made it but the explosives were scheduled to bring the building down anyway.

We also surmise, not without conclusive scientific proof, that the larger towers were destroyed in a similar way.

Explosives or devices of some kind were planted long in advance and aircraft were intended to cover a demolition operation that had been scheduled long before 9/11.

Sounds reasonable enough to me.

It sure explains a lot of those mysterious anomalies and coincidences that everyone has been haggling about for the past 10 years.
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You people really do take us all for stupid Putzes and idiots.

Only because people like you do such a great job reinforcing it.

I hope that others out there are listening to your frank confession.

If they have any sense at all, they will realize that unless they are drawing the type of fire that I am getting from you jerks, that they are the very type of Goy that Jewish Supremacists approve of, namely those that are ignorant or obsequious enough to take it.

Since this thread was originally started to discredit Veterans Today and Gordan Duff in particular, I am including this article for your review.
I will highlight some of the material contained in it and you can "debunk" those portions which you disagree with.

It's entitled:

What about the part highlighted in bold?

Is that one of Duff's points you disagree with?

What about the above ? Is that also an item which you contest?

And that? Surely you won't object to Senior Bush taking all the credit for 9/11.
Mr Duff seems to be giving it to him. Is he "crazy" on this point also?

Now we're getting somewhere. This HAS to be the part you were referring to that makes Duff a looney bird. Am I right?

Duff is putting quite a few Goy in the cross hairs. Do you have any objections to that?

I didn't think so.

Would you object to further investigations into these matters (if that was possible given the state of the union at this time). Or would you be fearful as to what might be uncovered?
Would you be afraid, for instance, that among the guilty, if any were found, that some Zionists or Jews (practically the same thing) might be found?

Why should you fear that seeing that all the "stupid Goy" don't seem to have any qualms about hanging another Goy out to dry?

You see? One difference between you and me, is that I do not share guilt by association by virtue of race or ethnicity if it turns out that some lawbreaker happens to belong to the same group that I am classed in.
For some reason you do. Would you mind explaining why this is so?

I mean, why is it that you people feel that you have to shield some "Jew", no matter what he does, just because he claims to be one of your "tribe"?

Are you afraid that everyone will get mad at ALL Jews for what a few do?

If so, then you must really believe that we "Goyim" are all so stupid that we can't tell the distinguish between a person who violates a law and his ethnic or racial identity.
You really do believe we are all stupid. Either that or you have an intractable habit of lumping US all the same.

With as little faith in our own sense of jurisprudence as you show, why should I place any more in yours?

I agree that the there has been a coup in the US government, although I do not know all the names of those who carried it out or exactly how it was managed.
One can form a rough idea about these things just from information which is available on the net. You don't have to be a genius, only observant, a reasonably fair memory, and a modest ability to tie a few ends together and sketch a mental picture which approximates the missing pieces.

I would have to see this evidence myself before I would sign on to it. But at this point, hardly anything would surprise me.

What's so incredible about that?

That stands to reason. It's as much common sense to say that as it is to say that the average man in the street, be he white, black, brown, or Jew, has very little to do with national policy, let alone the type of intrigue we are talking about here.

To blame every Jew for the actions of a handful of zealots would be like a Jew blaming every Anglo Saxon for the "holocaust" or for a black to blame every white man for what some plantation owner did 200 years ago.
You don't indulge in those kinds of generalizations do you?

Personally I think it is possible that former members of Russia's military, probably having ties to the "Russian" (predominately 'Jewish') mob could have as easily been enlisted to do work out the details for the demolition and plant the incendiaries/explosives.
They would have access to Russian munitions and technology. Many of them have PhDs which would qualify them in the needed specialties.

I'm not suggesting the possibility that it is only "truthers" who may suffering under the fog of ignorance. Duff is.
Far be it from me to say that you might possibly be guilty of some ignorance yourself.

Everyone know that only DeBunkers have the inside story on 9/11 and know all the details about it. "Twoofers" on the other hand are incapable of reasoning beyond a "See Spot Run" level and all believe that it is actually Lizard people from another world who plotted and carried out 9/11. (With help from Big Foot and the Loch Ness monster of course. Maybe a slight assist from the Easter Bunny if that makes you feel better)

Of course not, Duff. Israelis and Jews are always innocent of everything, regardless.
But what do you know? You're crazy. The forum 9/11 experts here have said so.


Now tell me. How could anyone think that these hot (very gentile looking) "Jewish Israeli" babes could be responsible for master minding 9/11 with their well oiled M-!6s and their crisp green uniforms.

How dumb of me to ever have thought so. :eusa_shifty:

You see there. Duff thinks you're innocent.

I don't think you were in on 9/11. But I don't think that makes you entirely innocent either. :evil:

There is, of yet, no direct proof that news organizations, Jewish defense groups, Christian Evangelical sects and political parties, particularly the Republican Party, were, in their entirety, involved in war crimes or treason against the United States.

Shucks. There goes my theory.

All this time I was believing that it was the Jewish Defense League and Christian Evangelicals that planted those bombs. I figured Joseph Lieberman and Pat Robertson to be the ring leaders.

It's good that Duff pointed that out, otherwise I would have went right on believing it.

We can categorically prove that one of the 3 towers destroyed on 9/11 was taken down by explosives. We surmise that the plane intended to crash into it never made it but the explosives were scheduled to bring the building down anyway.

We also surmise, not without conclusive scientific proof, that the larger towers were destroyed in a similar way.

Explosives or devices of some kind were planted long in advance and aircraft were intended to cover a demolition operation that had been scheduled long before 9/11.

Sounds reasonable enough to me.

It sure explains a lot of those mysterious anomalies and coincidences that everyone has been haggling about for the past 10 years.

Duff admits 40% of what he writes as least purposely partially false. Perhaps it's 60% or 80%. It isn't worth the effort to determine what is true and what is bogus so it's best just to ignore his silliness altogether ... pretty much how peeps here treat your silliness, Princess.

Veterans Today Exposed!

"... about 30% of what's on Veterans Today is patently false." - Gordon Duff
"...about 40% of what I write is at least purposely partially false..." - Gordon Duff
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Duff admits 40% of what he writes as least purposely partially false. Perhaps it's 60% or 80%. It isn't worth the effort to determine what is true and what is bogus so it's best just to ignore his silliness altogether ... pretty much how peeps here treat your silliness, Princess.

Veterans Today Exposed!

"... about 30% of what's on Veterans Today is patently false." - Gordon Duff
"...about 40% of what I write is at least purposely partially false..." - Gordon Duff
veterans today debunked - Google Search

You are taking words out of context and misrepresenting them.

He said that he had to "write between the lines" because if he didn't, "he wouldn't be alive".
In other words, there are certain things that high profile people cannot say without putting themselves in serious danger.

" I have to " "purposely" "some things" or "I wouldn't be alive"

Considering the magnitude of 9/11, that stands to reason. For it to be otherwise wouldn't make sense.

Are you so naive as to believe that just anyone can say anything about any mobster, no matter how great, and do so with impunity?

Listen to what he said before that about even his own web site being hijacked and it's contents falsified or misrepresented just as you are trying to do.

He is bemoaning the lack of RELIABLE information on the internet itself.

The intended meaning is clear enough to me.

If I was a nationally recognized writer, I would also be very careful about what I said and about whom. There is more to fear at times than a simple liable suit, as if that wasn't bad enough.
A person cannot make allegations of such a serious nature even if they are in the context of pure speculation without risk. Even with solid proof in hand one must also have the "fire power" to back it up when push comes to shove, legally and every other wise. These aren't always available no matter how certain a person is that they are right about what they are saying.

Think about it Sweet Pea.
Duff admits 40% of what he writes as least purposely partially false. Perhaps it's 60% or 80%. It isn't worth the effort to determine what is true and what is bogus so it's best just to ignore his silliness altogether ... pretty much how peeps here treat your silliness, Princess.

Veterans Today Exposed!

"... about 30% of what's on Veterans Today is patently false." - Gordon Duff
"...about 40% of what I write is at least purposely partially false..." - Gordon Duff
veterans today debunked - Google Search

You are taking words out of context and misrepresenting them.

He said that he had to "write between the lines" because if he didn't, "he wouldn't be alive".
In other words, there are certain things that high profile people cannot say without putting themselves in serious danger.

" I have to " "purposely" "some things" or "I wouldn't be alive"

Considering the magnitude of 9/11, that stands to reason. For it to be otherwise wouldn't make sense.

Are you so naive as to believe that just anyone can say anything about any mobster, no matter how great, and do so with impunity?

Listen to what he said before that about even his own web site being hijacked and it's contents falsified or misrepresented just as you are trying to do.

He is bemoaning the lack of RELIABLE information on the internet itself.

The intended meaning is clear enough to me.

If I was a nationally recognized writer, I would also be very careful about what I said and about whom. There is more to fear at times than a simple liable suit, as if that wasn't bad enough.
A person cannot make allegations of such a serious nature even if they are in the context of pure speculation without risk. Even with solid proof in hand one must also have the "fire power" to back it up when push comes to shove, legally and every other wise. These aren't always available no matter how certain a person is that they are right about what they are saying.

Think about it Sweet Pea.

I have for a good 3 seconds, Princess, and I have decided you may have a sense of humor after all. There is no other way to explain someone like you complaining that another poster is guilty of "taking words out of context and misrepresenting them." Thanks for the laugh.
I have for a good 3 seconds, Princess, and I have decided you may have a sense of humor after all. There is no other way to explain someone like you complaining that another poster is guilty of "taking words out of context and misrepresenting them." Thanks for the laugh.


Hu deeba deeb hhhaww SHUUUCKS.

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