VICE News: Breitbart Facebook Page Beats NYT, WSJ, USA Today, WaPo Combined

I believe there is more justification in shutting down the radical left media, and its incitements of anarchy, terror, vulgarity, and anti-intellectualism, to be brutally honest.

"Frees speech", like any other axiom of the Constitution which in theory can and is designed to potentially be changed or amended, is thankfully not sacred except to the naïve, and those without anything a person, like one of the Framers, would have any intellectual value or reason to even consider "speech" to begin with, most liars, anarchists, and uneducated ignoramuses not even knowing, or caring about what "Free Speech", online or offline is to begin with, merely appealing to myths, fetishes, and false notions or believes about the subject, which thankfully can simply be rightfully ignored by the more educated, virtuous and creative, those uncouth Neanderthals be damned, literally or figuratively, or perhaps both.

Not all "speech", nor frozen peaches, is created equal, nor any of the childish myths and fables upon which false and blind faith in the anti-intellectual and anti-Constitutional degneracies which most of it is predicated on even imagining that has anything resembling a legal "right" to exist to begin with.

Shut the left-wing media down, and destroy the false axioms with myths and lies perpetuated about free speech and its non-existent sacredness which the immoral and anarchic fetishize, vulgarize, and childishly idolize; the anarchic and mob-wridden, impulsive sentiments upon which its philistine proliferation is founded on, would have prevented the intellectual and creative sentiments which the founding of the Constitution, or any legally-valid notions of "bills of rights", or systems designed to preserve and enforce them, whether state common law or federal, never would have existed to begin with in the context of degeneracy, feral and archaic impulses, and anti-intellectual mob-wridden sentiments to begin with, quaintly and helplessly beginng for their "big daddy" to protect their childish little "frozen peaches", being too weak, effiminate, and immoral, to institute, protect and preserve those things themselves, whether by force or rather by words, helpless, dependent little children that these anarchists, degenerates, and terrorists of language are to begin with.

Being so ill-informed, willfully or otherwise to the point that they would think that Constitutional originalism is "facism", have no reasonable idea of what a "peaceful assembly" is, under understanding what their actual, legal rights, in theory, such as in the law, or in practice, such as in the actual willingness or ability to interact with the law and make changes to it, or have their rights enforced or preserved to begin with, whether on the state or the federal level, to the point that merely learning about their own country, its actual institutions, its history, its founders and influencers, would be too mentally taxing for them and their idyllic or false notions to begin with, leaving most of their myths, fictions, and sentiments about it laughable to the more seasoned and more informed men and women of any actual. lasting say or relevance in law, government or other worthwhile institutions, or even civilizations, to begin with.

It's pretty apparent, for example, that the framers or their contemporaries, or their modern hiers to history didn't, thankfully believe that all "pursuits of happiness" were created equal, in practice or under any objective assessment, and that a "right" to pursue such, such as in the case of a murderer, a terrorist, a child rapist, or a child pornographer purusing their own degenerate version of "happiness", that such a "right isn't absolute, or even existant to begin with, at all.

And that out of all of the potentially infinite lifestyle choices or ways in which men and women like that of the Framers or other intellectual and cultural icons of any worth or reknown, choose to invest and find time in pursuing their happiness through creative and productive cultural, governmental, intellectual, or even artistic pursuits or endeavours, rather than the most fatuous, irrelevant, pleasures and anti-intellectual sentiments known to man, by which, were they (thankfully) not the pursuit of happiness for better men and women of the past, the present, as well as the future, there would never have been any Framers, any Constitution, any "rights" or freedoms of the civil variety (not that of anarchist or degerate, such as murderer who yearns for the "freedom" to kill, or a rapist for the "freedom" to rape (or the use and abuse of what that term even is) to begin with.
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