Vice President Pawlenty?

Why would Romney choose a Minnesota lightweight?

Sorry. bad choice.

It's a horrible choice, if Pawlenty is his choice. I'll wait to see. Rubio is the only one who really helps Romney, but I think he's too chicken shit to put someone on the ticket who will outshine him. With Rubio on the ticket, cons would really be wishing the ticket was reversed. Romney knows this, so he probably won't pick Rubio even though Rubio gives him the best chance to win. Rubio gives him a real good shot at carrying Florida and he energizes the conservative base nationally.

So what does Pawlenty do? Maybe, maybe he helps Romney win Minnesota's ten electoral votes. As for energizing the base, Pawlenty makes the base puke. Pawlenty is Romney with less money. Anyway, that's my point of view, and I am supporting Obama. As an Obama supporter, the person I least want to see is Rubio. That doesn't mean Rubio guarantees Romney victory, but I believe Rubio does give him his best chance.
The gutless rag known as The New York Slimes won't come right out and say it. But apparently they are doing their level best to suggest that the decision -- supposedly now reached by the Republican presidential nominee to be -- on who Mitt will be naming as his running mate is as good as done. They won't commit to it, but they like to subtly lay it between the lines.

They seem to believe it's Pawlenty.

you seem to have a spelling error... that would be "times". just saying. slimes would be the washtimes rag.

as for pawlenty. he'd be a good choice. but i don't see willard picking someone as VP who is a superior candidate to him in every way possible.

but i guess you never know.

The problem is, any choice would be a superior candidate.

I'm still hoping for Jindal. Magic Underpants/Exorcist 2012 would just be comedy gold.

Pawlenty would be a good choice for the following reasons.

He wouldn't upstage Mitt.

He could help Mitt in Iowa and the Midwest.

Sean Trende did a chart of 10 attributes a veep needsd, and T-Paw hit 9 out of 10.

The one he didn't hit was "firing up the base". But the base is already fired up by their hate of Obama, so there might not be a need.
Why would Romney choose a Minnesota lightweight?

Sorry. bad choice.

It's a horrible choice, if Pawlenty is his choice. I'll wait to see. Rubio is the only one who really helps Romney, but I think he's too chicken shit to put someone on the ticket who will outshine him. With Rubio on the ticket, cons would really be wishing the ticket was reversed. Romney knows this, so he probably won't pick Rubio even though Rubio gives him the best chance to win. Rubio gives him a real good shot at carrying Florida and he energizes the conservative base nationally.

So what does Pawlenty do? Maybe, maybe he helps Romney win Minnesota's ten electoral votes. As for energizing the base, Pawlenty makes the base puke. Pawlenty is Romney with less money. Anyway, that's my point of view, and I am supporting Obama. As an Obama supporter, the person I least want to see is Rubio. That doesn't mean Rubio guarantees Romney victory, but I believe Rubio does give him his best chance.

If Pawlenty was the GOP candidate, I'd have vote for him. Unfortunately, he lost his balls at Ames in a meaningless straw poll when he lost to two crazy people.

Rubio would probably be a disaster if he were picked. He has a crapload of dodgy dealings in his past, and he brings all the Teabagger Crazy to the front of the ticket.

Keep in mind, Romney's goal in the endgame is going to be getting those uncommitteds who like Obama but are disappointed with him to switch. And Rubio doesn't do that. T-Paw might.
I thought this was an interesting piece, in which the writer essentially "scored" the veep candidates on their value as a running mate.

Interesting how low Condi and Jindal are, and that Ayotte is tied with Rubio for #2.

Given the shit storm Romney's dealing with right now, I'd think Pawlenty would want to hang around and keep his suits pressed in case the Mittster somehow gets pushed out.


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Another northern moderate ? I don't see this getting anyone excited.
It's not an election. There is no frontrunner.
It's a VP horse race.

What race? Mitt's going to make a choice based on what he thinks is his best option. There isnt a race. It's just Mitt's choice.
Best option for what? To win an election, or to pick someone who is qualified to lead the country, if?

Sometimes they are not the same. See: McCain/Palin, GHW Bush/Quayle
Sometimes they are. See: Obama/Biden, Bush/Cheney

Bishop Romney doesn't have good options. Piyush and Portman are not, T-Paw perhaps is, McDonnell is a joke.
It's a VP horse race.

What race? Mitt's going to make a choice based on what he thinks is his best option. There isnt a race. It's just Mitt's choice.
Best option for what? To win an election, or to pick someone who is qualified to lead the country, if?

Sometimes they are not the same. See: McCain/Palin, GHW Bush/Quayle
Sometimes they are. See: Obama/Biden, Bush/Cheney

Bishop Romney doesn't have good options. Piyush and Portman are not, T-Paw perhaps is, McDonnell is a joke.

I think Portman would be fine. So woudl Pawlenty.

Jindal, yeah, he brings a whole level of religious crazy.

"Magic Underpants/Exorcist 2012! - Because what this country needs is more religious craziness!"
Why would Romney choose a Minnesota lightweight?

Sorry. bad choice.

It's a horrible choice, if Pawlenty is his choice. I'll wait to see. Rubio is the only one who really helps Romney, but I think he's too chicken shit to put someone on the ticket who will outshine him. With Rubio on the ticket, cons would really be wishing the ticket was reversed. Romney knows this, so he probably won't pick Rubio even though Rubio gives him the best chance to win. Rubio gives him a real good shot at carrying Florida and he energizes the conservative base nationally.

So what does Pawlenty do? Maybe, maybe he helps Romney win Minnesota's ten electoral votes. As for energizing the base, Pawlenty makes the base puke. Pawlenty is Romney with less money. Anyway, that's my point of view, and I am supporting Obama. As an Obama supporter, the person I least want to see is Rubio. That doesn't mean Rubio guarantees Romney victory, but I believe Rubio does give him his best chance.

I don't think Rubio helps him at all, except in a pocket of Miami. Rubio is not that popular here in Florida. He hasn't done shit, and didn't even have much of a record in the Florida Legislature, as far as getting things done for the people. Plus, he has more baggage than has come out in the national press. They have only lightly skimmed it.

And he doesn't help at all with Hispanics, who generally do not look at Cubans as one of them, and see them as privileged without cause, due to their favored immigration status (wet foot/dry foot).

And, when it comes down to it, Rubio is too young to be a heartbeat away from the presidency, magic underwear notwithstanding, and is a political lightweight.

No wonder the teabaggers like him.
Why would Romney choose a Minnesota lightweight?

Sorry. bad choice.
Explain this. T-Paw is admittedly boring, but how is he a lightweight? He is a very Conservative Governor in a blue state, he is a social conservative, and has no negatives that will come back to haunt the team.

I think you wingnuts would rather have an idiot who is a firebreathing bombthrower, than an intelligent Conservative who puts you to sleep.

As always, style over substance.
I thought this was an interesting piece, in which the writer essentially "scored" the veep candidates on their value as a running mate.

Interesting how low Condi and Jindal are, and that Ayotte is tied with Rubio for #2.

Given the shit storm Romney's dealing with right now, I'd think Pawlenty would want to hang around and keep his suits pressed in case the Mittster somehow gets pushed out.



I disagree with a few rankings. Rubio, and especially Ryan, are both scary teabaggers.

And he didn't rank the person I have been calling a potential dark horse: SC Gov. Nikki "Boom-Boom" Haley. She's a:

Southern Governor
Social Conservative
What race? Mitt's going to make a choice based on what he thinks is his best option. There isnt a race. It's just Mitt's choice.
Best option for what? To win an election, or to pick someone who is qualified to lead the country, if?

Sometimes they are not the same. See: McCain/Palin, GHW Bush/Quayle
Sometimes they are. See: Obama/Biden, Bush/Cheney

Bishop Romney doesn't have good options. Piyush and Portman are not, T-Paw perhaps is, McDonnell is a joke.

I think Portman would be fine. So woudl Pawlenty.

Jindal, yeah, he brings a whole level of religious crazy.

"Magic Underpants/Exorcist 2012! - Because what this country needs is more religious craziness!"
Portman was Bush's OMB - read: budget - director.

Bush and budget go together like Palin and sophistication.
The etch a sketch will "choose" whoever his owners tell him to choose.

Doesn't really matter who it is because the rw's will also do as they are told.

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