Vice President Pawlenty?

I'm quietly confident that Romney won't give a rat's ass what the NY Slime 'suggests'. But it's sweet that they think they're relevant. :lol:

awwwwwwww.......... glad you finally came out of the closet as full rightwingnut. :thup:

no doubt you'll get lots of rightwingnut rep for it.

You had doubts? The NYT has too many multisyllable words for many on the right, likewise the Washington Post. Thus the NY Post, and Washington Times are "reliable". Like FOXnews, those papers are "SIMPLE".
You're on a roll! :lol:
Why would Romney choose a Minnesota lightweight?

Sorry. bad choice.

It's a horrible choice, if Pawlenty is his choice. I'll wait to see. Rubio is the only one who really helps Romney, but I think he's too chicken shit to put someone on the ticket who will outshine him. With Rubio on the ticket, cons would really be wishing the ticket was reversed. Romney knows this, so he probably won't pick Rubio even though Rubio gives him the best chance to win. Rubio gives him a real good shot at carrying Florida and he energizes the conservative base nationally.

So what does Pawlenty do? Maybe, maybe he helps Romney win Minnesota's ten electoral votes. As for energizing the base, Pawlenty makes the base puke. Pawlenty is Romney with less money. Anyway, that's my point of view, and I am supporting Obama. As an Obama supporter, the person I least want to see is Rubio. That doesn't mean Rubio guarantees Romney victory, but I believe Rubio does give him his best chance.

If Pawlenty was the GOP candidate, I'd have vote for him. Unfortunately, he lost his balls at Ames in a meaningless straw poll when he lost to two crazy people.

Rubio would probably be a disaster if he were picked. He has a crapload of dodgy dealings in his past, and he brings all the Teabagger Crazy to the front of the ticket.

Keep in mind, Romney's goal in the endgame is going to be getting those uncommitteds who like Obama but are disappointed with him to switch. And Rubio doesn't do that. T-Paw might.

Pawlenty wanted to reduce government spending and revenue to around 13% of GDP. The man is on drugs.
Portman was Bush's OMB - read: budget - director.

Bush and budget go together like Palin and sophistication.

Bush's budgets seem quite nice compared to Obama's... Sorry, this really isn't a discussion the Dems should ever want to have.
Portman would have to answer many extensions of the debt ceiling?

Mitch Daniels answered for a few in Bush's 1st term, but answered rationally:

[ame=""]Mitch Daniels on the Debt Ceiling - YouTube[/ame]

You know that kind of response isn't going to cut it with these rabid crazies.

The problem with that is asking these people for idealogical consistancy went out the window when they were all for individual mandates in RomneyCare but ObamaCare was an affront to the Constitution and Freedom and George Washington!

Portman will not be an easy target. He's a nice, safe, not going to cause anyone a problem pick. And he might help Romney in a swing state.
He could choose someone just a little more exciting but Pawlenty is safe. Gosh, why not Rubio? What is wrong with a Rubio VP?

Maybe he'd outshine Romney too much.
He could choose someone just a little more exciting but Pawlenty is safe. Gosh, why not Rubio? What is wrong with a Rubio VP?

Maybe he'd outshine Romney too much.

I've seen liberals salivating over the possibility of going after Rubio. I don't remember the list of things in his background they were talking about (there was a shiny object near my computer screen and I was a little distracted), but I do remember thinking that those issues may have been a little sticky for him. I'm sure one of our liberal friends here could fill in the blanks.

He could choose someone just a little more exciting but Pawlenty is safe. Gosh, why not Rubio? What is wrong with a Rubio VP?

Maybe he'd outshine Romney too much.

There's that.

There's also the fact he has a lot of questionable stuff in his Florida career that would embarrass him.

The McCain people probalby STILL wish they had paid more attention to the red flags on Palin like trying to fire her brother-in-law.
He could choose someone just a little more exciting but Pawlenty is safe. Gosh, why not Rubio? What is wrong with a Rubio VP?

Maybe he'd outshine Romney too much.

I've seen liberals salivating over the possibility of going after Rubio. I don't remember the list of things in his background they were talking about (there was a shiny object near my computer screen and I was a little distracted), but I do remember thinking that those issues may have been a little sticky for him. I'm sure one of our liberal friends here could fill in the blanks.


Well I've also heard that Rubio is pretty stupid, like Rick Perry stupid..
I still think the only valid ones are Portman and Pawlenty...

Pawlenty's advantage is that he's safe, won't outshine Romney, and if Romney were to die in office, he could run the country. HIs disadvantages is that no one can get excited about him. There is also that unfortunate "ObomneyCare" comment he made before he dropped out. But Bush survived "voodoo economics". Picking Pawlenty would indicate Romney feels confident enough to pick a guy based on the only real qualification - he can run the country if he had to.

I still think the GOP screwed up by NOT giving Pawlenty more of a look, and Pawlenty screwed up by dropping out after a meaningless straw poll.

Portman's advantage is that he's competent, won't outshine Romney, and he comes from a key swing state. His downside is that he reminds everyone of Bush, and he's Washington Establishment.

If I were Romney, I would pick Pawlenty... But if were Romney, I'd belong to a whackadoo cult that had it's own reality....
He could choose someone just a little more exciting but Pawlenty is safe. Gosh, why not Rubio? What is wrong with a Rubio VP?

Maybe he'd outshine Romney too much.

I've seen liberals salivating over the possibility of going after Rubio. I don't remember the list of things in his background they were talking about (there was a shiny object near my computer screen and I was a little distracted), but I do remember thinking that those issues may have been a little sticky for him. I'm sure one of our liberal friends here could fill in the blanks.


Well I've also heard that Rubio is pretty stupid, like Rick Perry stupid..

I don't see that. Perry struck me as a male Palin, all simplistic platitudes. Rubio seems more articulate, more intellectual elasticity. I think there's a couple of skeletons in his closet that the Democrats would use.

Portman or Pawlenty will help the ticket elevate itself from the far right nuttiness.
Bush's budgets seem quite nice compared to Obama's... Sorry, this really isn't a discussion the Dems should ever want to have.
Portman would have to answer many extensions of the debt ceiling?

Mitch Daniels answered for a few in Bush's 1st term, but answered rationally:

[ame=""]Mitch Daniels on the Debt Ceiling - YouTube[/ame]

You know that kind of response isn't going to cut it with these rabid crazies.

The problem with that is asking these people for idealogical consistancy went out the window when they were all for individual mandates in RomneyCare but ObamaCare was an affront to the Constitution and Freedom and George Washington!

Portman will not be an easy target. He's a nice, safe, not going to cause anyone a problem pick. And he might help Romney in a swing state.
Only Ohio.

And anyone who was a Bush budget director is going to help Obama revive all the economic incompetence and irresponsibility of the Bush administration.
He could choose someone just a little more exciting but Pawlenty is safe. Gosh, why not Rubio? What is wrong with a Rubio VP?

Maybe he'd outshine Romney too much.
Rubio is too young, and a political lightweight, with a lot more baggage than has come out.

Can you see Little Marco sitting in the Oval Office, if something happened to the Mittwit?
Umm, yeah, it is true: one of them will elevate the party from the nuttiness.

You can run around with your party talking about dancing horses and picking on a woman with MS.

Really classy, sonny.
Umm, yeah, it is true: one of them will elevate the party from the nuttiness.

You can run around with your party talking about dancing horses and picking on a woman with MS.

Really classy, sonny.

Lots of people have MS.

Most of them don't have a plan that involves $77,000 Show Horses...

And if Romney had his way, Big Insurance can go back to calling MS a "Pre-Existing Condition" and refuse payment for it...
JoeB just gave up the ghost on the argument. No class, just shows his ass.
Umm, yeah, it is true: one of them will elevate the party from the nuttiness.

You can run around with your party talking about dancing horses and picking on a woman with MS.

Really classy, sonny.

Then she needs to keep quiet about the politics and play the traditional role of the spouse.

Wingnuts have said for years that once the spouse gets involved, they are fair game. She appeared on 'GMA' with Robin Roberts this morning and said about the tax returns:

“We’ve given all you people need to know”

You people! Yeah - she's now fair game.

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