Vice President Pawlenty?

False, as always, Liability. We can count on you to snort and distort.

You are a far right freak in a very small minority which is losing its impact daily.

Your opinion is your right, although you are getting left. (out) (behind).

So then the conclusion is inevitable.

You are effectively confessing to being a complete lowlife lying pussy. Good. We all already see you as a deliberate liar, worthy of no respect. But admitting it is a first (positive) step in curing yourself.

And to help your dishonesty proceed on a path to recovery, the thing that works best is the truth.

So admit a couple of things with clarity and precision:

Candidate Obama -- as you know -- did not get vetted particularly well.

State what grades young Barack Hussein Obama got in college(s) and in law school. It is perfectly ok to simply acknowledge that you don't know and cannot know since the less-than-properly-vetted candidate and President has never permitted the release of such information. In other words, he was not subjected to proper vetting, as you know.

Also, contrary to your oft-repeated deliberate lie, I am not "far right." I am solidly conservative -- with a few caveats that make a few other conservatives question my commitment. Oh well. In your liberal partisan world, of course, anybody who is conservative is derided as being "far right." You persist in being at war with truth, you dishonest liberal hack fraud.

You, by contrast, are a far left wing liberal Democratic posing (unconvincingly) as a "Republican." :lmao:
You know nothing of the sort, Liability, and you demonstrate it here daily for our benefit.

Obama was vetted, Romney was vetted. There are no surprises.


As always, Fakey, you are just being deliberately dishonest.

President Obama, back when he was mere candidate Obama was not vetted particularly well at all.

And yes, you do know that. But you are too pitiful and wholly dishonest to ever admit it.

Asshats like you loved to poke at W for his academic grades. So, tell the class, you fraudulent pig, what grades did President Obama get in -- pick one -- say -- law school?
OK - what has come out about President Obama (praise be unto Him!) since he was elected that we didn't know before, and would have made a difference to the American voter?
*bump* for Liability. :lol:
Can'tBeSmart disapproves of the alleged "refusal" of Mitt to be background checked;

but has no problem with refusal of The ONE to be vetted.
You need to produce 3 years of tax returns to get a home loan.

Why should there be a lower standard for President Of The United States?
*bump* for Liability. :lol:

Why do my questions frighten you so?

As always, Fakey, you are just being deliberately dishonest.

President Obama, back when he was mere candidate Obama was not vetted particularly well at all.

And yes, you do know that. But you are too pitiful and wholly dishonest to ever admit it.

Asshats like you loved to poke at W for his academic grades. So, tell the class, you fraudulent pig, what grades did President Obama get in -- pick one -- say -- law school?
OK - what has come out about President Obama (praise be unto Him!) since he was elected that we didn't know before, and would have made a difference to the American voter?
*bump* for Liability. :lol:


As always, Fakey, you are just being deliberately dishonest.

President Obama, back when he was mere candidate Obama was not vetted particularly well at all.

And yes, you do know that. But you are too pitiful and wholly dishonest to ever admit it.

Asshats like you loved to poke at W for his academic grades. So, tell the class, you fraudulent pig, what grades did President Obama get in -- pick one -- say -- law school?
OK - what has come out about President Obama (praise be unto Him!) since he was elected that we didn't know before, and would have made a difference to the American voter?
*bump* for Liability. :lol:

As usual, you ask the wrong question, Synth.

The issue is not whether anything "new" (or real) about The ONE has come out since Dejection Day 2008.

The REAL issue and the real question is why hasn't he finally manned up and answered some of the incredibly stonewalled questions about himself?

Tell me. What grades did he get in college? Did he apply for and get economic aid? Under what program(s)? Why did he vote "present" so much a mere Illinois state senator?
Obama is vetted, Romney is vetted, and Liability is vetted as a far right extremist loony.

Move on, fellow, if you don't have anything worthwhile to vet.
The gutless rag known as The New York Slimes won't come right out and say it. But apparently they are doing their level best to suggest that the decision -- supposedly now reached by the Republican presidential nominee to be -- on who Mitt will be naming as his running mate is as good as done. They won't commit to it, but they like to subtly lay it between the lines.

They seem to believe it's Pawlenty.

I have recently been hoping for Paul Ryan, if Romney feels he would make a good team member, and possible successor to the presidency...
Obama is vetted, Romney is vetted, and Liability is vetted as a far right extremist loony.

Move on, fellow, if you don't have anything worthwhile to vet.

President Obama was never properly vetted, as Fakey knows.

Mitt is certainly far more vetted than Pres. Obama was, since the biased left wing media considers doing so important in HIS case.

I am not an extremist, as Fakey knows, making Fakey more fully vetted than ever as a simple and deliberate liar. No surprise.

Fakey has also been vetted as a liberal Democratic. He pretends otherwise, but fools absolutely nobody.
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That's interesting, AA.

It would keep him powerless.

It would keep him where Romney could torture him with his powerlessness.

It would keep Romney awake at night, afraid to die.

The gutless rag known as The New York Slimes won't come right out and say it. But apparently they are doing their level best to suggest that the decision -- supposedly now reached by the Republican presidential nominee to be -- on who Mitt will be naming as his running mate is as good as done. They won't commit to it, but they like to subtly lay it between the lines.

They seem to believe it's Pawlenty.

I have recently been hoping for Paul Ryan, if Romney feels he would make a good team member, and possible successor to the presidency...
That's interesting, AA.

It would keep him powerless.

It would keep him where Romney could torture him with his powerlessness.

It would keep Romney awake at night, afraid to die.

The gutless rag known as The New York Slimes won't come right out and say it. But apparently they are doing their level best to suggest that the decision -- supposedly now reached by the Republican presidential nominee to be -- on who Mitt will be naming as his running mate is as good as done. They won't commit to it, but they like to subtly lay it between the lines.

They seem to believe it's Pawlenty.

I have recently been hoping for Paul Ryan, if Romney feels he would make a good team member, and possible successor to the presidency...

Spoken exactly like a liberal Democratic.
Are you still living in a fantasy world where the Teabaggers won't make Romney their bitch?

That's interesting, AA.

It would keep him powerless.

It would keep him where Romney could torture him with his powerlessness.

It would keep Romney awake at night, afraid to die.

The gutless rag known as The New York Slimes won't come right out and say it. But apparently they are doing their level best to suggest that the decision -- supposedly now reached by the Republican presidential nominee to be -- on who Mitt will be naming as his running mate is as good as done. They won't commit to it, but they like to subtly lay it between the lines.

They seem to believe it's Pawlenty.

I have recently been hoping for Paul Ryan, if Romney feels he would make a good team member, and possible successor to the presidency...
Are you still denying you are a Mormon apostate and that is your only reason for opposing Romney.

Get over the Church, because I am sure it has gotten over you.
Are you still denying you are a Mormon apostate and that is your only reason for opposing Romney.

Get over the Church, because I am sure it has gotten over you.

given how hysterical they get when I rip into them, I doubt that..

But you avoid the question.

You really think that Mitt isn't the TEA Party's prison bitch these days?

JoeyBitch: the only thing you can rip into is a bag of Cheetohs, motherfucker.

You are beyond lame.

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