Victim du jour


Diamond Member
Feb 27, 2008
is now the Tea Party.

So much boo hooing from them lately.

is now the Tea Party.

So much boo hooing from them lately.


How dare some Americans want fiscal responsibility from their government.

We are democrats and oppose such a radical notion.
is now the Tea Party.

So much boo hooing from them lately.


Well their membership does seem to be flagging of late.

Maybe a little boo hooing will get more people back! :lol:
What the fucking thug said was. "Let's take those son of a bitches out!"

I guess dimowits don't want civil anymore huh?
I think was caused the Right to throw a fit of outrage was when Hoffa held up the map with crosshairs on the various Tea Party candidates.

The latest is them demanding an apology from some union dude because he called them sons of bitches.

you forgot the link

thanks :thup:

Hoffa called for workers to “take these son-of-a-bitches out” in the coming election, after referring to a war between workers and the Tea Party movement.
Tea Party-affiliated organizations such as Tea Party Express and have called for Hoffa to apologize for the remarks.

Wasserman Schultz downplays union chief Hoffa
I don't think anyone's playing "victim", more like they're rightfully pointing out that absolute hypocrisy that is the democratic party.
and so much braying from the congressional black idiots.. oh boo hoo is right.

Braying reallly?

Black idiots is what you call the congressional black caucus?

These are some of the best and brighest the black community contains.

These are the people tasked with representing vast swathes of the American black people and this is how you charactorize their commitment to the American self rule of democracy?

Its petty fools like you who are the people who perpetuate racism while the whole time you pretend you are OH SO FAIR and that black people are just whiners.

You are the face of racism in America today

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