Victimhood is a virus we will no longer allow them to destroy us- Candace Owens

Maybe so.
But I'm not confused about MAGA or the threat it poses to democracy:

Wealth and Politics in the United States, Wealth, Money-Culture, Ethics, and Corruption excerpted from the book Wealth and Democracy a political history of the American rich by Kevin Phillips

"Wealth and politics have a long history of intense interaction in the United States.

"From the 1780s on, foreign visitors remarked about Americans being money-fixated.

"John Stuart Mill, the English political economist, suggested in 1860 that in America, 'the life of the whole of one sex is devoted to dollar-hunting, and the other to breeding dollar hunters.'

"A generation earlier, Alexis de Tocqueville had observed that, 'Whenever the reverence which belonged to what is old has vanished, birth, condition, and profession no longer distinguish men, or scarcely distinguish them, hardly anything but money remains.... Among aristocratic nations, money reaches only to a few points on the vast circle of man's desires; in democracies, it seems to lead all.'"

Trump is the living embodiment of a dollar-hunter.
His scale of corruption and narcissism is unmatched among former presidents.
Anyone who apologizes for his ignorance and hate isn't qualified to judge others.
Clearly, you are confused. MAGA poses zero threat to democracy.
Clearly, you are confused. MAGA poses zero threat to democracy.
That depends when Trump and his supporters believe America was "great."

Wealth and Politics in the United States, Wealth, Money-Culture, Ethics, and Corruption excerpted from the book Wealth and Democracy a political history of the American rich by Kevin Phillips

"In 1890 the Populist firebrand Mary Ellen Lease, she who had urged Kansans to 'raise less corn and more hell,' told her audiences that 'Wall Street owns the country. It is no longer a government of the people, by the people and for the people, but a government of Wall Street, by Wall Street and for Wall Street.'

"Two years later Populist presidential nominee James B. Weaver deplored how 'Wall Street has become the Western extension of Threadneedle and Lombard streets,' the London location of the Bank of England.

"Eastern finance had grown into what would become an enduring symbol."

Was American"great" in the 1890s?
If so, for whom was it "great?"
Again, it depends on none of that. It is simply a belief that America can be more, and that does not threaten our country or our form of government; btw, we are NOT a democracy.
Again, it depends on none of that. It is simply a belief that America can be more, and that does not threaten our country or our form of government; btw, we are NOT a democracy.
"Make America Great Again" implies a former time when America was Great, right?

When was THAT?


United States - Wikipedia

"The United States is the world's oldest surviving federation. It is a federal republic and a representative democracy."
You'll be better informed the day you stop reading Wikipedia. That site is a bastion for left wing editing and no one with credibility uses it. Quote a site that cannot be edited by whoever wants to edit it for political reasons.

America was great great before and can be again. However, it has nothing to do with the people and everything to do with the ideologies. The right has gotten more spineless, the left have become the absolute scum of the earth. Making America Great again is a discussion of a time when the left was willing to compromise and actually put AMERICA ahead of its own power ambitions.

So, yeah there was a time when America was great. The past 14 or so years have seen a marked decline in her greatness.
With Bush and Obama we had the two dumbest back-to-back Presidents in American history. Now that our 16 year ordeal is over, we are back to Making America Great Again!


Michelle with Dumb and Dumber
When people had a more secure economic future. Your continued twisting of maga is nothing but a show of your filthy bias.
That depends when Trump and his supporters believe America was "great."

Wealth and Politics in the United States, Wealth, Money-Culture, Ethics, and Corruption excerpted from the book Wealth and Democracy a political history of the American rich by Kevin Phillips

"In 1890 the Populist firebrand Mary Ellen Lease, she who had urged Kansans to 'raise less corn and more hell,' told her audiences that 'Wall Street owns the country. It is no longer a government of the people, by the people and for the people, but a government of Wall Street, by Wall Street and for Wall Street.'

"Two years later Populist presidential nominee James B. Weaver deplored how 'Wall Street has become the Western extension of Threadneedle and Lombard streets,' the London location of the Bank of England.

"Eastern finance had grown into what would become an enduring symbol."

Was American"great" in the 1890s?
If so, for whom was it "great?"
Again, it depends on none of that. It is simply a belief that America can be more, and that does not threaten our country or our form of government; btw, we are NOT a democracy.
Again, it depends on none of that. It is simply a belief that America can be more, and that does not threaten our country or our form of government; btw, we are NOT a democracy.
"Make America Great Again" implies a former time when America was Great, right?

When was THAT?


United States - Wikipedia

"The United States is the world's oldest surviving federation. It is a federal republic and a representative democracy."
When people had a more secure economic future. Your continued twisting of maga is nothing but a show of your filthy bias.
MAGA was a con when Reagan rolled it out.
Trump's imitation is an even bigger lie.
Americans had a more secure economic future before

That depends when Trump and his supporters believe America was "great."

Wealth and Politics in the United States, Wealth, Money-Culture, Ethics, and Corruption excerpted from the book Wealth and Democracy a political history of the American rich by Kevin Phillips

"In 1890 the Populist firebrand Mary Ellen Lease, she who had urged Kansans to 'raise less corn and more hell,' told her audiences that 'Wall Street owns the country. It is no longer a government of the people, by the people and for the people, but a government of Wall Street, by Wall Street and for Wall Street.'

"Two years later Populist presidential nominee James B. Weaver deplored how 'Wall Street has become the Western extension of Threadneedle and Lombard streets,' the London location of the Bank of England.

"Eastern finance had grown into what would become an enduring symbol."

Was American"great" in the 1890s?
If so, for whom was it "great?"
Whenever it was great for you, that's when you want to make it great again.
Whenever it was great for you, that's when you want to make it great again.
When do you think America was "Great"?

Jim Crow Laws, Plessy v Ferguson, NAACP Flashcards | Quizlet
Yes. The Democrats were a real mess but Republicans prevailed. Today our challenge still comes from the Left and Democrats and their politics of racialism and division.

We are One People,
With One Law
Applied without favor.

Think of it this way, Democrats aren't as bad today as they have been historically, and maybe now is the Time when Democrats put aside their politics of race and division and become truly GREAT like the rest of us.
Yes. The Democrats were a real mess but Republicans prevailed. Today our challenge still comes from the Left and Democrats and their politics of racialism and division.
Yes. Conservative (cracker) Democrats drove Jim Crow until LBJ forced all the ignorant crackers to become Republicans. You know, like the ignorant cracker in the White House today who was a Democrat for decades before noticing he had to switch parties to become POTUS. Democrats today don't hide under their beds when people without white skins move into their communities unlike the MAGA morons.
Democrats are the Party of Slavery, Rape, Lynchings and Dred Scott until The Republicans defeated them in the Civil War. Then Democrats became the Party of the KKK and Jim Crow until the 1964 civil rights bill passed on Republican votes.

The Nation again tires of your politics of hate and division. It's time Democrats finally join the rest of the post racial nation, realizing that we are:
One People
With One Law
Applied without Favor
The Nation again tires of your politics of hate and division. It's time Democrats finally join the rest of the post racial nation, realizing that we are:
One People
With One Law
Applied without Favor
Why are some people more equal than the rest?

Racial Economic Inequality -
That depends when Trump and his supporters believe America was "great."

Wealth and Politics in the United States, Wealth, Money-Culture, Ethics, and Corruption excerpted from the book Wealth and Democracy a political history of the American rich by Kevin Phillips

"In 1890 the Populist firebrand Mary Ellen Lease, she who had urged Kansans to 'raise less corn and more hell,' told her audiences that 'Wall Street owns the country. It is no longer a government of the people, by the people and for the people, but a government of Wall Street, by Wall Street and for Wall Street.'

"Two years later Populist presidential nominee James B. Weaver deplored how 'Wall Street has become the Western extension of Threadneedle and Lombard streets,' the London location of the Bank of England.

"Eastern finance had grown into what would become an enduring symbol."

Was American"great" in the 1890s?
If so, for whom was it "great?"
Whenever it was great for you, that's when you want to make it great again.
Whenever it was great for you, that's when you want to make it great again.
When do you think America was "Great"?

Jim Crow Laws, Plessy v Ferguson, NAACP Flashcards | Quizlet
Yes. The Democrats were a real mess but Republicans prevailed. Today our challenge still comes from the Left and Democrats and their politics of racialism and division.

We are One People,
With One Law
Applied without favor.

Think of it this way, Democrats aren't as bad today as they have been historically, and maybe now is the Time when Democrats put aside their politics of race and division and become truly GREAT like the rest of us.
We are One People,
With One Law
Applied without favor.

The race gap in US prisons is glaring, and poverty is making it worse
What is the point you are trying to make?
What is the point you are trying to make?
We are NOT one people with one law applied without favor.
We never have been, and it is useless eaters like Trump and Clinton who profit most from that inherent inequality.

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