Victims' Families Want To Air New 9/11 Truth Ad

the national institute for standards and technology has been forced to admit that the total free-fall collapse of the twin towers cannot be explained after an exhaustive scientific study, implicitly acknowledging that controlled demolition is the only means by which the buildings could have come down.

In a recent letter (pdf link) to 9/11 victim's family representatives bill doyle and bob mcilvaine, nist states, "we are unable to provide a full explanation of the total collapse."

a 10,000 page scientific study only offers theories as to how the "collapse initiation" proceeded and fails to address how it was possible for part of a wtc structure to fall through the path of most resistance at freefall speed, completely violating the accepted laws of physics

from your link:

Nist has fully documented it's analysis approach in it's reports....and is denying your request.

Thus there is no inconsistency between the text of ncstar 1-6 and the information depicted in figure 9-3.

We believe this statement is correct and useful, and do not plan to make revisions as suggested.

There is no inconsistency present in these results, and therefore your request for correction is being denied.

On this basis ....... Your request is being denied.

You letter further asserts that nist failed to take into account interviews of emergency personnel that suggested the presence of bombs in the towers. Nist reviewed all the interviews conducted by the fdny of firefighters (500 interviews) and in addition conducted it's own set of interviews with emergency responders and building occupants. Taken as a whole, the interviews did not support the contention that explosives played a role in the collapse of the wtc towers.

Finally nist has stated that it found no corroborating to suggest that explosives were used to bring down the buildings.

( oh i love it when you guys debunk yourselves)

denial of witness testimony by nist debwunks nothing

Except the NIST clearly didn't deny witness testimony, or did you not bother to read the above post?

Of course, it has been a long time dishonest tactic of the TBM to pretend that any mention of explosions MUST MEAN the use of high explosives. :lol:

News flash, truthtards! Not all explosions are caused by high explosives, especially when dealing with multiple fires.

News flash, truthtards! If a witness THINKS it was explosives, that is their opinion unless they actually SAW the explosives or have some other evidence to back up their opinion. Opinion is not evidence.

News flash, truthtards! You still need to explain the complete lack of all hard evidence to back up controlled demolition before ANYONE with an above room temperature IQ is going to actually believe your controlled demolition bullshit.

I realize these blinding flashes of the obvious will not be addressed by the TBM crowd as this hurts their little hardwired brains. Makes it all the more hilarious as they make fools out of themselves time and time again making the same bullshit claims. :lol:
Excellent post Gamolon! It's hard to believe that the "truth movement" can look at all of these same pictures & videos and see that the lower portions of those buildings should have arrested the collapse of the upper portion. Once those floors started to fail, which pulled the outer columns in, (shown very clearly in the south tower collapse) there was no way that building was going to stay standing.
Right, so according to truthtards afflicted with paranoid delusions, this PROVES they were lying simply because they are a government agency.... yet they've never been caught lying before. They are an investigative branch of the government with no political ties.
lol!! "They are an investigative branch of the government, but with no political ties"?

And again, constant claims by proven liars that the NIST is lying when the only evidence presented is the fact they are a government agency doesn't exactly win anyone over based on logic, does it. :lol:
Fuck you you lying asshole, there are loads of discrepancies from very credible sources that totally counter and rebuke the NIST guesses, and theories. You know it, I know it, and anybody with half a brain knows it.
They are well known and published all over the place and you pretending they don't exist is typical of your delusional paranoid mind. It hilarious to watch an asshole like you get all bent out of shape, an act like a fool in their denial of this.

You mean the ignorant fucks over at AE911? :lol: The ones pretending the towers were really boxes when they were trying to explain their theories, much to the amusement of everyone? :lol: Meanwhile, the rest of the WORLD of engineers is doing nothing but laughing at the "experts" you pretend are relevant. And considering you dismiss the lead structural engineer of the towers simply because YOU claim he contradicted himself, who are you to talk about experts? :lol:
Who the fuck are you? Oh that's right a known liar that is also a paranoid social outcast with no meaningful life other then the trolling he does behind a keyboard. :lol::lol:

Wrong yet again. The evidence points to the NIST story and directly conflicts with your bullshit. There is NO evidence to support your bullshit. Not one piece. That is what this current thread is about. Eots couldn't produce one. You can't produce one. Nobody else in the TBM has been able to produce one. So why are we suppose to believe you over all the other evidence which YOU can't refute?
You mean the "evidence" that NIST had to create??
You are referring to what NIST guessed at as the undisputed evidence? LOL, the BS from NIST that has been countered, rebuked and dismissed by real experts in their fields?
You mean the made up "evidence" that supports their guesses, that depends heavily on wild assumptions and never before happening in history, with astronomically outrageous odds of ever happening or even coming close to being the truth? :lol::lol:
How's that conspiracy about the truth movement taking over the government working out for you, you fucking dipshit idiot:lol::lol:?? :cuckoo:

Wrong yet again. The NIST reported maximum temperatures of 1000C, not that the collapse event required those temperatures. Way to lie your ass off yet again. BTW, you are aware other studies showed a collapse initiating without the stripping of insulation or even the impact of the planes, right? Or are international engineering firms and universities now in on the conspiracy as well?
The temps that NIST used were never proven, and in fact there is reason to doubt such high temps, and to doubt much of what NIST said, by the way they conducted their so called investigation. So you lie to yourself and to everyone else again by suggesting there is no evidence or reason to doubt NIST.
You can not prove without a doubt that what NIST has said and you back up is true!! Never.

Wrong yet again. All the NIST findings are based on the physical evidence found in the form of video and photographic evidence of what happened prior to and during the collapse initiation. See, unlike you truthtards, the NIST has to base their findings on the facts, not dreamed up fantasies that have no evidence to back them up.
NIST=flawed evidence, and testing. Other experts not connected to or working for the government, have come out and said so.
Are you too stupid to understand that it is the actual government that is a possible defendant in any case that would arise from an independent 9-11 investigation??
Are you that stupid that you cannot realize that if the government has any responsibility in the attacks on 9-11, that any agency that works for them is going to side with their employer, and produce a report that is favorable and clears their boss??
You ignorant dense SOB!

And? Unlike truthtards, others admit fault and correct their theories to line up with the facts. Meanwhile truthtards hang on to their precious lies regardless of what facts prove they are wrong.
Totally false, and BS statement by you yet again. NIST only admitted freefall because it was so blatantly obvious, and they were forced to. Do you mean to tell us that the experts from NIST, whose ass you lick at every opportunity, couldn't figure out what a simple teacher like Chandler did?? :lol::lol:

So we're suppose to believe a theologian who has been widely discredited over the true experts. :lol: Yeah right! Grow up and get a life.
Take your own advice you fucking asshole!
There are many many more people that know what BS NIST said is flawed, and bootlicking cowards like you know it too.
You are so terrified you think there is some big conspiracy about taking over the country, when the country has already been taken over and you don't have the sense to the courage to admit what many people who are in touch with reality already know.

It is speculation based on fact, which is far more than you can claim about your bullshit fantasies, right? :lol:
Speculation based on BS is more like it. NIST and peddlers of their BS by cowards like you have been caught time and time again, trying to mislead the American people and it has not worked. There is opposition, and it is growing, and you can't stand it :lol::lol::lol: Too bad for you.
Mr. Jones said:
There is no direct evidence for high temperature fires, expansion of girders, or failure of columns due to fire.
Sure there is. How else do you explain the complete failure of an entire vertical section of the interior as proven by the collapse of the penthouse? Oh wait. You deny anything and everything that doesn't fit your fantasies. Silly question! But then again, everyone else knows the truth. :lol:
No there isn't, and if there is, why don't you post your evidence of the high temps....Oh wait this just in from NIST...."… we are unable to provide a full explanation of the total collapse." :lol::lol:
And neither can you, but it's funny watching you believe that you can explain what NIST can't!!

Mr. Jones said:
NIST: "… we are unable to provide a full explanation of the total collapse."
In contrast to the truthtard "We know everything that happened including all the space age new stuff that still hasn't been shown to the public but we somehow know about it!" :lol:
Is that all you can say about your source that admits it doesn't know what the fuck really happened?? :lol:
And that BS quote you posted...any links to back that up or are you lying and making up shit like you always do?? :eusa_liar:

So show us your true evidence your bullshit is correct. Then we can go to the NIST and see if they have accounted for this evidence, right? Oh wait. You HAVE no evidence. That is why you have to attack the NIST in the pathetic attempt to try and whine that they have no evidence either. :lol: Must be pretty sad to know you have nothing to back up your bullshit.
NIST has no real evidence, and they ADMIT they don't know what the fuck happened..all they can do is guess and inflate figures that go along with what heir boss needs the public to believe.
The independent scientists and engineers have pointed out all the known flaws about the NIST and governments version, and there isn't shit you can do or say to make it go away, and it just pisses you off that you can't actually do anything about it other then to act like the fucking paranoid idiot you really are :lol::cuckoo:
What a sorry castrated debunker you turned out to be!! You can't even prove the theory you say is so full of evidence and has so many facts is actually true!!
You have to resort to acting like a whinny little bitch in hopes people will believe you and your source....A source that has been thoroughly destroyed of having any credibility, just like you!! LOL!

What you deny understanding is the fact that NIST had to distort things in order to achieve the storyline that its boss needed for the public to believe. The argument against NIST is vast, and has been exposed, like you here on this forum, as distorting the facts, and espousing "truth" when in fact they don't even know it.
But you even admit they could be wrong so, the question is what are you going to do about it?
Continue to admit they could be wrong, and not bother to ask questions, and be a good little coward and hope no one notices??

You have been exposed troll!! :lol: And your sources have been too, as liars.
Read the NIST report on the collapse. It explains everything in great detail including how they came to their conclusions and what evidence they had that led them to their conclusions.
It only explains their theory, which has been proven by many credible experts to have many flaws.
They started out with preconceived notions, and made their "evidence" and "facts" fit it.The independent researchers point this out, and have written papers and articles about it. Are you still pretending this does not even exist? :cuckoo: :eusa_liar:

It is obvious there was some kind of failure in the vertical columns as evidenced by the collapse of the penthouse and the observable internal collapse occuring inside WTC 7 before the external collapse started.
No shit sherlock, it IS obvious there was a failure, genius. Just exactly what caused it and how it happened is what is in question you fucking idiot! The NIST theory is proven to be flawed, as has been pointed out to you numerous times.
Yet you pretend it hasn't :eusa_liar:

Yes, I know you deny the video evidence and what it represents. It doesn't change the facts nor does it change the fact there is observable evidence that backs up the NIST theory.
Yet you deny the very real and credible evidence these videos and witnesses in the videos say that counters the BS you think is so very real!

Could the NIST theory be wrong? Absolutely.
So what do you even do about it? NOTHING!! You don't even bother to question what might have led you to even say such a statement!! :lol: Now you want people to think you have an open mind, which is the LAST thing you have concerning 9-11.

But it fits all available evidence.
How can it when they dismissed much of the available evidence?? You can't have a complete theory and have it hold up to scrutiny, when you start out with incomplete evidence, and leave all other possibilities out.

Your bullshit doesn't even come close. If new evidence surfaces that disproves the NIST report, then I am sure the NIST report will be revisited to see if there are other impacts to building design methodologies.
There has been, and no nothing has been done about it, not even a peep to counter the claims by independent researchers from NIST.
But you are just soooo sure :lol::lol:
BTW, your evasion of the truth of you not having any real evidence to support your bullshit isn't going unnoticed. Diversions aren't going to save you from the truth that you have no real evidence.
Reports that presuppose an impossible physical phenomenon are clearly not adequate.You ignoring the glaring discrepancies of your NIST theories isn't going unnoticed either. The faults in the NIST report have been made public for quite sometime now, and continuing to stick your head up your own ass has not made them go away.
NIST hasn't proven their theories are correct in the least bit, but they have the power and are helped by the government to push their BS. It is a David VS Goliath scenario, and coward fucks like you, that think siding with the government is somehow going to save you from the impending catastrophe that awaits us all in this nation, are going to be in for a rude awakening, unless you actually don't live here and are just a hired troll. :razz:
Right, so according to truthtards afflicted with paranoid delusions, this PROVES they were lying simply because they are a government agency.... yet they've never been caught lying before. They are an investigative branch of the government with no political ties.
lol!! "They are an investigative branch of the government, but with no political ties"?
If they had political ties, you would have exposed them already. They don't. Who would need them? What kind of political clout do you get from the National Institute of Standards and Technology? :lol: Go ahead and continue to deny the obvious. No skin off my nose.

Mr. Jones said:
Fuck you you lying asshole, there are loads of discrepancies from very credible sources that totally counter and rebuke the NIST guesses, and theories. You know it, I know it, and anybody with half a brain knows it.
Wrong again. You continuing to push your fantasies doesn't make them true, it just makes you look desperate.

Mr. Jones said:
They are well known and published all over the place and you pretending they don't exist is typical of your delusional paranoid mind.
They are only published on truthtard sites. No other engineering society, educational facility or agency takes them seriously because they're all talking out their collective asses and the stench is unbearable!

Mr. Jones said:
It hilarious to watch an asshole like you get all bent out of shape, an act like a fool in their denial of this.
Pointing out that known proven liars making claims they want us to take on faith is "getting bent out of shape"? :lol: Man, do you have a twisted idea of what bent out of shape is! :lol:

Mr. Jones said:
Who the fuck are you? Oh that's right a known liar that is also a paranoid social outcast with no meaningful life other then the trolling he does behind a keyboard. :lol::lol:
I am someone who kicked your ass up one side and down the other and ended up with you admitting you just didn't know. :lol: That was classic! And you can CLAIM I am a liar all you want, but your pathetic attempt to prove I lied only exposed your lies even more. I've already exposed numerous lies from you that you had to tap dance around and change definitions ala Bill Clinton in order for you to come up with a sorry excuse for an excuse. :lol:

Mr. Jones said:
You mean the "evidence" that NIST had to create??
They didn't have to create anything. Or are you now trying to pretend they made up their own videos? :lol: You truthtards sure don't know much about evidence, do you.

Mr. Jones said:
You are referring to what NIST guessed at as the undisputed evidence?
Like I said, you truthtards have no idea what evidence is. The theory the NIST came up with isn't the evidence. The evidence is what they used to come up with the theory. Their theory lines up with the known evidence. You can't even produce one shred of evidence that proves your bullshit claims even when asked time and time again to produce just ONE piece out of the vast amounts of evidence you CLAIM to have. :lol: In the mean time, your theories do NOT line up with the known evidence and is, in fact, directly refuted by the known evidence.

Mr. Jones said:
LOL, the BS from NIST that has been countered, rebuked and dismissed by real experts in their fields?
The retarded jackasses at AE911 are not experts. Gage isn't even an engineer and pretends boxes can represent the complex structures in the towers! :lol: You need to find a much better set of role models because the ones you have suck ass!

In the mean time, REAL experts from around the world have looked at the NIST findings and have studied them at great length, which is a far cry from the retarded one liners from the "experts" at AE911. These universities and engineering firms found minor issues with the NIST reports, but agreed on the whole.

Mr. Jones said:
You mean the made up "evidence" that supports their guesses, that depends heavily on wild assumptions and never before happening in history, with astronomically outrageous odds of ever happening or even coming close to being the truth? :lol::lol:
Why do you insist on lying like this? Think anyone believes you that the NIST made their own videos? Think anyone believes you that the NIST came up with their own eyewitnesses? What "made up" evidence are you talking about, or is this the antithesis of the evidence you claim to have but can't produce? :lol:

Mr. Jones said:
How's that conspiracy about the truth movement taking over the government working out for you, you fucking dipshit idiot:lol::lol:?? :cuckoo:
Just fine, thanks. You still run away from trying to explain what it is you expect people who buy into your bullshit to do. Just sit there and take it? Do nothing? Elect more of the same? :lol: You can run. You can deny. You can do whatever you want, but the truth is still going to be there staring you back in the face.

Mr. Jones said:
The temps that NIST used were never proven, and in fact there is reason to doubt such high temps, and to doubt much of what NIST said, by the way they conducted their so called investigation.
Actually the temps were proven with NOAA modeling of the smoke plumes. These can show how hot fires get and have been proven time and time again to be accurate because they are used in other fires like forest fires. So once again you make a claim that is nothing but a lie.

Mr. Jones said:
So you lie to yourself and to everyone else again by suggesting there is no evidence or reason to doubt NIST.
I have made repeated demands for such evidence. All I get is you whining about why everyone is picking on you poor truthtards for not being able to produce one real piece of evidence. Why SHOULDN'T people mock you? You blatantly lie about having evidence and then when asked to produce it, you dance around like a barefooted buffoon on a hot plate in hell. It is comical and sad at the same time.

Mr. Jones said:
You can not prove without a doubt that what NIST has said and you back up is true!! Never.
Well, let's see. They are the experts. They've consulted with agencies all over the world and relied on hundreds of engineers here in the US on this project. Nobody but truthtards are claiming the information is false. Truthtards can't produce a single scrap of evidence that proves the NIST is lying. Hmm. Boy. That is a hard one. Who to believe? Shit. I still have to give it to the NIST. You children just don't have the kind of credibility needed to overturn the hard evidence.

Mr. Jones said:
NIST=flawed evidence, and testing. Other experts not connected to or working for the government, have come out and said so.
Yeah, and they consider you bunch of truthtards as the serious whackos! :lol: While some have come out and questioned some of the NIST's findings, they have also stated that you truthtards are a bunch of nuts and they want nothing to do with you. See, you truthtards like to pretend anyone who questions the NIST agrees with your sorry assed claims, but they don't. There is a huge difference between questioning what happened vs. pretending something completely unsupported by any evidence and directly refuted by other evidence is what happened. Someday you will understand this very simple concept.

Mr. Jones said:
Are you too stupid to understand that it is the actual government that is a possible defendant in any case that would arise from an independent 9-11 investigation??
Not until you come out with all this evidence you claim to have. You DO realize the case would have to revolve around this evidence, right? I mean... there have already been investigations into 9/11 and you truthtards STILL haven't come up with anything that refutes those investigations or implicates the government.

Mr. Jones said:
Are you that stupid that you cannot realize that if the government has any responsibility in the attacks on 9-11, that any agency that works for them is going to side with their employer, and produce a report that is favorable and clears their boss??
You ignorant dense SOB!
Wrong again. See, you truthtards like to pretend the government is one big borg-like entity with a hive mind and people who are only going to do what they are told even if it means covering up the deaths of thousands. News flash! People turn on the government all the time for FAR LESS.

And who the fuck are you trying to kid that the entire government would lose their job?!? :lol: That is just too fucking funny! You really need to rethink who is the ignorant, dense SOB, because judging from what you write, it would be hard to top just how ignorant your claims are!

But lets run with this new line of ignorant thinking and see where it takes us. Let's say the NIST lied its collective ass off about the towers and WTC 7. Let's say they are discovered. Guess what. Everyone associated with that project is now implicated in the murder and coverup of 3,000 Americans.

So seriously. What is a better motivation? Hoping to keep your job by lying your ass off for your boss? Or hoping to keep your life by telling the truth and exposing those who are trying to cover up the largest single crime in US history?

Here is another point you're little bullshit "theory" misses. EVERY SINGLE ONE that is on the project would have to be in on the conspiracy without ANYONE giving it away. Not after they retire. Not on their deathbed. Not in a tell all book. NEVER. Now seriously.... what are the odds of that? I realize truthtards have no concience, morals, honesty or dignity, but that doesn't mean EVERYONE is like that! :lol:

Mr. Jones said:
Totally false, and BS statement by you yet again. NIST only admitted freefall because it was so blatantly obvious, and they were forced to. Do you mean to tell us that the experts from NIST, whose ass you lick at every opportunity, couldn't figure out what a simple teacher like Chandler did?? :lol::lol:
Your opinion and nothing more. Whether or not part of the facade fell at free fall acceleration or not has no bearing on the report whatsoever. The report details how the collapse started and played out.

Now, if you could prove they fell FASTER than freefall, then someone would have some 'esplaining to do! :lol:

Mr. Jones said:
Take your own advice you fucking asshole!
I have. I've got a great life and I am very happy. I guess that explains why I have to debate bitter, disgruntled malcontents like you who try to do the whole doom and gloom schtick to death.

Mr. Jones said:
There are many many more people that know what BS NIST said is flawed, and bootlicking cowards like you know it too.
Wrong again. The NIST reports are used worldwide by engineering schools, societies and agencies to determine building codes and where potential flaws may exist. All you have is a bunch of retarded wannabe "experts" pretending they know what they are talking about. But since they, like you, have no evidence to back up their bullshit, nobody is ever going to give them more than a parting glance. The fact that some of their claims are pure and utter bullshit to anyone who knows the subject matter only makes you truthtards a complete laughingstock.

Mr. Jones said:
You are so terrified you think there is some big conspiracy about taking over the country, when the country has already been taken over and you don't have the sense to the courage to admit what many people who are in touch with reality already know.
Wrong again. All I do is demand evidence before going off half cocked like you do. So once again I am demanding you present real evidence that your bullshit theories are true.

Mr. Jones said:
Speculation based on BS is more like it. NIST and peddlers of their BS by cowards like you have been caught time and time again, trying to mislead the American people and it has not worked.
Really? So point out some of these other times other than 9/11. Go ahead. Or admit you're once again lying and exaggerating.

Mr. Jones said:
There is opposition, and it is growing, and you can't stand it :lol::lol::lol: Too bad for you.
Oh, there is opposition. And I keep hearing it is growing. I've been hearing that for almost ten years now. I'm still waiting for you truthtards to be able to scrape up more than a handful of people. :lol:

Mr. Jones said:
No there isn't, and if there is, why don't you post your evidence of the high temps....Oh wait this just in from NIST...."… we are unable to provide a full explanation of the total collapse." :lol::lol:
I see. So you're really so stupid you believe that the NIST stating they don't have all the answers is somehow the same as them saying they have NONE of the answers? :lol: But somehow you and your "experts" have all the answers even though you can't produce a single shred of real evidence that backs you up? Hmmmm. Sorry. But believing someone who can't take a statement at face value and has to pretend it means something completely different while having no evidence to back up their own fantasies just isn't someone any rational human being would believe.

Mr. Jones said:
And neither can you, but it's funny watching you believe that you can explain what NIST can't!!
I've never made the claim I can provide a full explanation of the total collapse. Just more blatant lies from you.

Mr. Jones said:
Is that all you can say about your source that admits it doesn't know what the fuck really happened?? :lol:
More blatant lies from you. That isn't what the NIST said at all, but you want so much to believe you are right that you are willing to outright lie to everyone about what the NIST said. That is truly pathetic.

Mr. Jones said:
And that BS quote you posted...any links to back that up or are you lying and making up shit like you always do?? :eusa_liar:
I was paraphrasing.

You and your fellow truthtards have come up with some real doozies that back up what I paraphrased. Bullshit about nano-thermite, directed energy weapons, new explosives that don't make much sound, and all kinds of other ridiculous fantasies have been bandied about by you and others. You all claim they are true and valid until you come up with something different, usually after having your asses handed to you by the truth.

Mr. Jones said:
So show us your true evidence your bullshit is correct. Then we can go to the NIST and see if they have accounted for this evidence, right? Oh wait. You HAVE no evidence. That is why you have to attack the NIST in the pathetic attempt to try and whine that they have no evidence either. :lol: Must be pretty sad to know you have nothing to back up your bullshit.
NIST has no real evidence, and they ADMIT they don't know what the fuck happened..all they can do is guess and inflate figures that go along with what heir boss needs the public to believe.
Wrong yet again. The NIST has plenty of evidence as detailed in their report. Your evidence they made it all up? Absolutely none. :lol: Par for the course. Does the NIST admit they don't know everything? Yes. Do they say they don't know what the fuck happened? No. That is yet another desperate lie by you as pointed out above.

Mr. Jones said:
The independent scientists and engineers have pointed out all the known flaws about the NIST and governments version, and there isn't shit you can do or say to make it go away, and it just pisses you off that you can't actually do anything about it other then to act like the fucking paranoid idiot you really are :lol::cuckoo:
Wrong yet again, little truthtard! The stupid ignorant pretenders at AE 911 don't amount to dick. That is why every OTHER engineering firm, agency and univeristy laughs at them. It would be a feather in any engineering firm, agency or universities' cap to prove the NIST was outright lying, yet none of them have spoken up other than to point out minor discrepancies that they believe the NIST made. Why is that? Oh, for the record, the discrepancies found by international agencies and universities found that it was even easier for the collapse of the towers to happen than the NIST stated, and that fire alone without the impacts from the planes would have produced the same results.

I guess it truly sucks to be a truthtard these days!

Mr. Jones said:
What a sorry castrated debunker you turned out to be!! You can't even prove the theory you say is so full of evidence and has so many facts is actually true!!
You have to resort to acting like a whinny little bitch in hopes people will believe you and your source....A source that has been thoroughly destroyed of having any credibility, just like you!! LOL!
Wrong yet again! It is easy to make the claim you made above, but like everything else, you can't prove it, especially as you have no evidence that refutes the evidence I have provided for the various claims I have made. Just a bunch of empty lip flapping by someone who knows he has been beat.

Mr. Jones said:
What you deny understanding is the fact that NIST had to distort things in order to achieve the storyline that its boss needed for the public to believe.
So where is your evidence they distorted "things"? You constantly make claims that are based on nothing more than your word. Your word isn't worth shit.

Mr. Jones said:
The argument against NIST is vast, and has been exposed, like you here on this forum, as distorting the facts, and espousing "truth" when in fact they don't even know it.
By the retards over at AE 911? :lol: Oh, that's a good one! The retards that use boxes to demonstrate their points because they're too fucking stupid to understand the complexities of a building! :lol: These are the experts you're relying on to make you look good? Wow. Talk about aiming low and STILL missing! :lol:

Mr. Jones said:
But you even admit they could be wrong so, the question is what are you going to do about it?
Apparently you're not bright enough to understand the difference between could be wrong and wrong. Until someone actually comes up with hard evidence they are wrong, their theory fits the known evidence and I will continue to assume it is correct. Do you have such hard evidence? No? I didn't think so. So what am I going to do about it? Sit here and make you silly truthtards look like complete jackasses by exposing your lies and continuing to ask you for evidence we both know you don't have.

Mr. Jones said:
Continue to admit they could be wrong, and not bother to ask questions, and be a good little coward and hope no one notices??
:lol: I've looked at the evidence. The evidence lines up with the NIST theory. In the mean time, the evidence directly REFUTES your bullshit fantasies and you have yet to produce any evidence that actually SUPPORTS your bullshit fantasies.

So who am I to believe? The NIST who real experts only have minor points of contention with? Or the stupid truthtards who CLAIM the NIST is lying, cannot produce evidence the NIST is lying, comes up with their own wild fantasies about what happened, and cannot produce evidence THOSE fantasies are true.



That is a hard one.

But I am still going to go with the NIST even though I am sure you think you made a good case for believing a bunch of bullshit artists with no evidence.

Mr. Jones said:
You have been exposed troll!! :lol: And your sources have been too, as liars.
Really? Why in this post alone you've been caught lying your truthtard ass off several times. :lol: I always laugh at people without a shred of dignity, honesty, integrity or moral fiber mocking those who do. :lol: Here's to you, Mr. Jones! :lol:
Read the NIST report on the collapse. It explains everything in great detail including how they came to their conclusions and what evidence they had that led them to their conclusions.
It only explains their theory, which has been proven by many credible experts to have many flaws.
THEIR theory fits the facts. Your fantasies fit something out of a poorly written suspense novel. Given that you have no evidence to refute the NIST findings or back up your own bullshit theories, one still has to believe the NIST over dishonest thugs like you.

Mr. Jones said:
They started out with preconceived notions, and made their "evidence" and "facts" fit it.
Really? And how do you know this? What is your evidence? Or are you once again pulling shit out of your ass and pretending if you polish it enough, people won't mind the stench and recognize it for the turd that it is?

Mr. Jones said:
The independent researchers point this out, and have written papers and articles about it. Are you still pretending this does not even exist? :cuckoo: :eusa_liar:
So who else has acknowledged the work of your supposed experts? Please list the associations, agencies and universities that have examined the claims of AE 911 and managed not to either barf or succumb to fits of hysterical laughter.

Mr. Jones said:
No shit sherlock, it IS obvious there was a failure, genius. Just exactly what caused it and how it happened is what is in question you fucking idiot! The NIST theory is proven to be flawed, as has been pointed out to you numerous times.
Yet you pretend it hasn't :eusa_liar:
So once again I ask you for the evidence that prove the NIST is lying and you are telling the truth. Come on. How hard can it be? It must be some pretty concrete rock solid convincing evidence for you to be so convinced! So let's have it!

BTW, I would also like the evidence you claim to have that backs up your bullshit fantasies. After all, if you're going to go around bashing the NIST for not having evidence, you wouldn't be so hypocritical as to not have any evidence to back up YOUR bullshit, right? Right?

Mr. Jones said:
Yet you deny the very real and credible evidence these videos and witnesses in the videos say that counters the BS you think is so very real!
:lol: You mean like the witnesses that you and your fellow truthtards have to put words in their mouths in order for them to say what you're pretending they are saying? No. I don't deny those witnesses. I deny your conclusions, especially since none of the witnesses have clarified they were talking about explosives or have joined your retarded bowel movement.

Or the witness who is directly refuted by video and audio who claimed there was a countdown over the red-cross radio and a massive explosion just before the collapse? :lol: Yeah, that is a fun one! Must make you proud to have such a proven liar on your side! Or have you come up with an explanation for why there is no massive explosion heard just prior to the collapse or how no tapes of the radio conversations on 9/11 included count downs?

Mr. Jones said:
So what do you even do about it? NOTHING!!
So again I ask you, what is there to do? You STILL don't understand the difference between COULD be wrong and ARE wrong. EINSTEIN could be wrong about his theory of relativity. Right now all the evidence backs up his theory. Does that mean we should all assume Einstein is wrong and dismiss his theory? No. It means we revisit the theory when evidence comes along that makes the theory incorrect.

Mr. Jones said:
You don't even bother to question what might have led you to even say such a statement!!
No, unlike you, I don't make retarded assumptions about what other people have stated. Read above.

Mr. Jones said:
:lol: Now you want people to think you have an open mind, which is the LAST thing you have concerning 9-11.
I have a very open mind. Your problem is that I demand evidence and not some truthtard's "good word" that what they are claiming is true. So go ahead and give me this real evidence that backs up your claims. What? You have none? So why should I believe you, especially when you truthtards can't agree on anything other than 9/11 didn't happen as claimed.

Mr. Jones said:
How can it when they dismissed much of the available evidence?? You can't have a complete theory and have it hold up to scrutiny, when you start out with incomplete evidence, and leave all other possibilities out.
So what evidence did they dismiss? You've made this claim several times now, as well as conflicting statements. Time to man up and state your case, not make vague references that mean nothing.

Mr. Jones said:
There has been, and no nothing has been done about it, not even a peep to counter the claims by independent researchers from NIST.
And once again you make a claim that evidence exists. So once again I will put the onus on you to present said real evidence that is so solid it overturns the NIST findings. Go ahead. You made the claim. Now deliver or run away. The choice is yours.

Mr. Jones said:
But you are just soooo sure :lol::lol:
Well, you certainly haven't given me any reason to think the NIST is wrong and you are right!

BTW, your evasion of the truth of you not having any real evidence to support your bullshit isn't going unnoticed. Diversions aren't going to save you from the truth that you have no real evidence.
Reports that presuppose an impossible physical phenomenon are clearly not adequate.
Another baseless and bullshit claim by you. So what is your evidence the report "presupposes and impossible physical phenomenon"?

Mr. Jones said:
You ignoring the glaring discrepancies of your NIST theories isn't going unnoticed either.
Really? And what is your evidence of these glaring discrepancies you can't even enumerate?

Mr. Jones said:
The faults in the NIST report have been made public for quite sometime now, and continuing to stick your head up your own ass has not made them go away.
So every other engineering association, agency and university is also sticking their heads up their asses? Why is it nobody but you truthtards is giving any kind of credibility to your "expert" wannabes? I'll tell you why. They're full of shit and nothing but pretenders.

Mr. Jones said:
NIST hasn't proven their theories are correct in the least bit, but they have the power and are helped by the government to push their BS.
Really? How did the government "help them push their BS"? :lol: More bullshit claims from you.

Mr. Jones said:
It is a David VS Goliath scenario, and coward fucks like you, that think siding with the government is somehow going to save you from the impending catastrophe that awaits us all in this nation, are going to be in for a rude awakening, unless you actually don't live here and are just a hired troll. :razz:
:lol: More pathetic bullshit from you. I am sure you get off on thinking you're some kind of hero, but you're really nothing but a zero. You have nothing to back up your claims and are basically just a really pathetic liar. The more you post, the more this becomes glaringly obvious.
It only explains their theory, which has been proven by many credible experts to have many flaws.
THEIR theory fits the facts. Your fantasies fit something out of a poorly written suspense novel. Given that you have no evidence to refute the NIST findings or back up your own bullshit theories, one still has to believe the NIST over dishonest thugs like you.
Really? And how do you know this? What is your evidence? Or are you once again pulling shit out of your ass and pretending if you polish it enough, people won't mind the stench and recognize it for the turd that it is?
So who else has acknowledged the work of your supposed experts? Please list the associations, agencies and universities that have examined the claims of AE 911 and managed not to either barf or succumb to fits of hysterical laughter.
So once again I ask you for the evidence that prove the NIST is lying and you are telling the truth. Come on. How hard can it be? It must be some pretty concrete rock solid convincing evidence for you to be so convinced! So let's have it!
BTW, I would also like the evidence you claim to have that backs up your bullshit fantasies. After all, if you're going to go around bashing the NIST for not having evidence, you wouldn't be so hypocritical as to not have any evidence to back up YOUR bullshit, right? Right?
:lol: You mean like the witnesses that you and your fellow truthtards have to put words in their mouths in order for them to say what you're pretending they are saying? No. I don't deny those witnesses. I deny your conclusions, especially since none of the witnesses have clarified they were talking about explosives or have joined your retarded bowel movement.
Or the witness who is directly refuted by video and audio who claimed there was a countdown over the red-cross radio and a massive explosion just before the collapse? :lol: Yeah, that is a fun one! Must make you proud to have such a proven liar on your side! Or have you come up with an explanation for why there is no massive explosion heard just prior to the collapse or how no tapes of the radio conversations on 9/11 included count downs?
So again I ask you, what is there to do? You STILL don't understand the difference between COULD be wrong and ARE wrong. EINSTEIN could be wrong about his theory of relativity. Right now all the evidence backs up his theory. Does that mean we should all assume Einstein is wrong and dismiss his theory? No. It means we revisit the theory when evidence comes along that makes the theory incorrect.
No, unlike you, I don't make retarded assumptions about what other people have stated. Read above.
I have a very open mind. Your problem is that I demand evidence and not some truthtard's "good word" that what they are claiming is true. So go ahead and give me this real evidence that backs up your claims. What? You have none? So why should I believe you, especially when you truthtards can't agree on anything other than 9/11 didn't happen as claimed
So what evidence did they dismiss? You've made this claim several times now, as well as conflicting statements. Time to man up and state your case, not make vague references that mean nothing.
And once again you make a claim that evidence exists. So once again I will put the onus on you to present said real evidence that is so solid it overturns the NIST findings. Go ahead. You made the claim. Now deliver or run away. The choice is yours.
Mr. Jones said:
But you are just soooo sure :lol::lol:
Another baseless and bullshit claim by you. So what is your evidence the report "presupposes and impossible physical phenomenon"?
Really? And what is your evidence of these glaring discrepancies you can't even enumerate?
So every other engineering association, agency and university is also sticking their heads up their asses? Why is it nobody but you truthtards is giving any kind of credibility to your "expert" wannabes? I'll tell you why. They're full of shit and nothing but pretenders.
Really? How did the government "help them push their BS"? :lol: More bullshit claims from you.
:lol: More pathetic bullshit from you. I am sure you get off on thinking you're some kind of hero, but you're really nothing but a zero. You have nothing to back up your claims and are basically just a really pathetic liar. The more you post, the more this becomes glaringly obvious.

LOL, I don't have the time nor the desire to continually walk you through the vast amount of opposition that has been accumulated in the last decade concerning NIST and the attacks on 9-11.
The information is out there to be researched and looked at by serious people.
You may continue to dismiss that nothing of relevance exists, and you may continue to make an ass out of yourself, but you fool absolutely no one.
The fact that you are registered on multiple forums and spew the same disinformation tactics as you do on here is proof that you are not one to take serious when it comes to addressing the matters that affect our nation, like the 9-11 attacks.
A few minutes spent reading your posts and your history and what one has to gain from you is readily confirmed as a big NOTHING.

You offer nothing that stimulates or encourages intelligent debate or discussion on any matter, and it is clear that you are here precisely to sabotage any discussion, no matter what the topic, if it pertains to an American citizen questioning his government on matters of importance.

The fact that you readily sit behind a keyboard and ramble off vast amounts of BS, as if you are on the clock is obvious also.
There are many who have concluded that you are a paid troll, and that is why you have the ability to post on multiple accounts on the internet, and devote so much time to taking up the governments cause against its own people.
I would have to concur that this is a strong possibility, though being a pathetic loser with no life, and no close relationship obligations to speak of might be a more accurate explanation, as you fit the psych profile of a lonely troll.

It makes no matter, as it is abundantly obvious that posters such as yourself are not worth the time writing page long responses to, and it keeps you in work, or fulfills your need to communicate your anger and sick hatred anonymously and is part of some therapy you obviously need.
In closing, it is sick people like you that have made me become a champion for abortion rights, as this world needs to leave open the possibility of ridding itself of such utterly sick fucks as yourself, any chance it gets.

Always know that you have never helped the cause that you believe so much in, and by yourself, have given the OCT believers such a bad name and reputation, that you literally have alienated whatever support and respect you had any chance of recruiting, for this we thank you.
We also thank you for proving that you have never fulfilled your mission statement, and for also confirming that there are more seriously mentally damaged believers of the OCT then ever could be in the alternative theories put together.

You have singlehandedly sabotaged the OCT, :lol:
No one with any integrity or self respect would want to be associated with an idiot like you championing for their cause...Think about that for a while :cuckoo:

I urge anybody reading this post to take a few minutes and read your posting history, it is a lesson on what an internet troll truly is.
If they can find some assistance with these links, I am glad to help.

(sick minded personal attack)

(made to apologize like a child for 2nd personal attack)


(childish gibberish)

( intrusive nosiness)

(others see his tactics)

(attacks others)

(more namecalling)

(the one and only thread started by Parrot9-11-mission statement)

(attempts at thread derail)

(Everyone is a POS liar and insulted)

(more of the same)

(even his supporters are tired of him)

(not surprisingly)
Patriot911 has not made any friends yet

This is only a small part of what this person posts day in and day out,
So as you can see, this is one sick individual.
I took the time to save many of this sickos comments as I became curious as to what kind of a sick mind such hate would come from, and I read a little on the subject of internet trolls :eek:

( perfect psych profile that fits Parrot911)
An abusive childhood
Mental illness / Mental Health Problems
Homosexuals in denial.
Social Outcasts


For those that would like to say "pot kettle black" without knowing the history
I readily admit I have engaged in the use of profanity, I'm guilty for sure, but I challenge anyone to find where I have ever started a post or response where I initiated it, you wont as I have dished it out defending myself.

USMB would really be a better place without having people like this to degrade and lower the status of what otherwise is a fine forum to discuss topics with rational folks with all kinds of different and interesting view points. This place is becoming another AWE and an outlet for free therapy by wackos.
figures. Fucktard Jones can't respond nor can he produce any evidence so he goes with the ad hominem attack. :lol: Way to prove my points, fucktard Jones!

So where is the real evidence that proves your bullshit fantasies?

Come on. I'm only asking for one piece of real, actionable evidence. You know.... the kind you pretend you have tons of.

So quit being a pussy and produce it. Or run away while flinging shit like usual. Choice is yours. Let's see what you do.
figures. Fucktard Jones can't respond nor can he produce any evidence so he goes with the ad hominem attack. :lol: Way to prove my points, fucktard Jones!

So where is the real evidence that proves your bullshit fantasies?

Come on. I'm only asking for one piece of real, actionable evidence. You know.... the kind you pretend you have tons of.

So quit being a pussy and produce it. Or run away while flinging shit like usual. Choice is yours. Let's see what you do.

you are a total it what you will

LOL, I don't have the time nor the desire to continually walk you through the vast amount of opposition that has been accumulated in the last decade concerning NIST and the attacks on 9-11.

NIST's final report was released in November 2008. Are you now trying to claim that a decade is 31 months long??

Maybe the other 89 months were blown up with nano-therm*te. Or Dr. Judy's space beams.

Or did Bushcheneyhaliburton use their NWO connections to just make them vanish, like the Pentagon plane, into another dimension?
figures. Fucktard Jones can't respond nor can he produce any evidence so he goes with the ad hominem attack. :lol: Way to prove my points, fucktard Jones!

So where is the real evidence that proves your bullshit fantasies?

Come on. I'm only asking for one piece of real, actionable evidence. You know.... the kind you pretend you have tons of.

So quit being a pussy and produce it. Or run away while flinging shit like usual. Choice is yours. Let's see what you do.

you are a total it what you will
Wow does anybody else notice how this troll is now using one of 9-11 Insides Jobs lines that was used against Parrot??! This POS can't even come up with his own verbiage!
Fucking loser, exposed for the troll he is.

LOL, I don't have the time nor the desire to continually walk you through the vast amount of opposition that has been accumulated in the last decade concerning NIST and the attacks on 9-11.

NIST's final report was released in November 2008. Are you now trying to claim that a decade is 31 months long??

Maybe the other 89 months were blown up with nano-therm*te. Or Dr. Judy's space beams.

Or did Bushcheneyhaliburton use their NWO connections to just make them vanish, like the Pentagon plane, into another dimension?
Another one who can't make sense of what he reads.Is this all you people have? Making things up as you go along. Distorting things people say because you have nothing useful or insightful to post?
Here's a newsflash for you, the NIST report has been found to contain flaws, there is documented rebuttals of it by credible independent engineers and scientists, and your attempt at creating strawman arguments all fail.
If you don't think these good people have a legitimate basis on which they make these claims, then perhaps you could show us the undisputed evidence that NIST has and used. You could start with the test they did to prove the fire retardant blew off..?You know the one with a shotgun blast??
No that's not a good one, that one failed..How about the fire test that showed the floors DIDN'T SAG?
Nope that one failed too..How about the testing for explosive materials or incendiaries?... Nope they didn't bother to do one of those, even though the WTC had a prior bomb attempt in '93..
Well I'm sure you can find something that NIST did other then fudging around with computer models, and exaggerating the fuel loads.
Let us know what you have.
Perhaps you can also explain how NIST came to the conclusion the "buildings fell essentially in free fall"-NIST
Or why the lower more robust structures "provided only minimal resistance"-NIST
And I'll round up all my articles, and link you to them, but I'll be asking questions, so you'll have to read and study cheating.
Last edited:
figures. Fucktard Jones can't respond nor can he produce any evidence so he goes with the ad hominem attack. :lol: Way to prove my points, fucktard Jones!

So where is the real evidence that proves your bullshit fantasies?

Come on. I'm only asking for one piece of real, actionable evidence. You know.... the kind you pretend you have tons of.

So quit being a pussy and produce it. Or run away while flinging shit like usual. Choice is yours. Let's see what you do.

Mr Jones responded with undeniable facts about you, showing all readers your true colors and just what kind of a sick person you are. And you can't deny any of it :lol::lol:
You even stole another posters little parting shot meant for you!!
Look up 9/11 Inside Jobs posts!! You plagiarized him!! :lol::lol:
How original of you Parrot!! :lol:
Explain to us just how the truth movement is taking over the government Parrot...we're all ears on your scoop:lol:
Fucking loser :eusa_hand: Oh man this is too funny..You stole someones little line that YOU put down all the time?? Real classy..
Or did Bushcheneyhaliburton use their NWO connections to just make them vanish, like the Pentagon plane, into another dimension?

Hey do you know what happened on 9-11 and why many people don't believe the NIST and governments version?? Do you really think you can get away with the kind of shit you just posted without looking like a total fool??
Do you even have a clue as to what is meant when something like the NWO is even mentioned??
:lol: This is hilarious! Fucktard Jones can't produce any evidence, so he tries to pretend the term "flinging shit" is trademarked by 9/11 inside job and that I am PLAGERIZING him! :lol:

How fucking pathetic!

Anyone else notice he ran like a little bitch instead of presenting the evidence he claims to have? :lol: Anyone reading this think Jones actually HAS any real evidence to present? Considering all the utter crap he has posted so far, he would have posted any real evidence he had a long time ago.
Most of this thread has been personal attacks and no evidence. They've got nothing. They've had nothing for 10 years and they will still have nothing 10 years from now.

Simple question for you eots about this video. Are you telling me that you believe that the ENTIRE portion of the tower shown below that 10 floor block is what any engineer should use to show how that lower portion should have resisted the upper block coming down?


Do you believe that the video you have linked is an accurate representation of what occurred? The a smaller upper solid block hit a larger lower solid block and that the upper block should have been resisted by the larger lower block??

Here is one of the written paragraphs in that video:

On 9/11, 2001, the Top Floors seemingly "sank" through Steel & Concrete (B) in just 10 to 15 seconds.

If the above is true, how do you explain the core still standing in this next photo?

I thought they upper floors "sank" THROUGH steel and concrete????

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