Victims' Families Want To Air New 9/11 Truth Ad

Anyone that posts a youtube video as evidence in ANY case, not just 9/11, is an idiot. Period.
Why do you think that JackDan? Some people here have a hard time understanding the written word it seems, videos help with that, and also a fresh look at the collapse allows us to reexamine the way it actually happened.

Most of the twoofers on here have to see it on a youtube before they believe it.

On a side note, that's why there is a whole section on youtube for sunrises and sunsets, otherwise the twoofers would insist it had never happened, or that it had been staged, or that one day had a concrete core ect.
Anyway, who's going to be at ground zero for the 10th anniversary of the false flag attack to attempt to engage in discussion with people and have many of them start screaming at you with arguments like "Its not possible!!" or "Nobody would do such a thing" or any other irrational emotion filled based claim that makes no sense while we get to be pushed into the little NYPD approved area and are treated rudely by them?
I wont be in NYC this year, but I will be attending a service that is scheduled in my local area, and I'll be ready with information handouts, DVDs, and engage anyone with any questions, and do what I have been doing for the last few years in promoting awareness on the topic, and other things, like the government's unconstitutional actions, and our local and state lawmakers trampling on our rights/ laws, and acquiescing to Federal pressure and bills they don't even read etc...
People who come to these congregations not prepared, get a big wake up call from us, and usually walk away with a different perspective on what the hell is really going down.
I am currently getting information together, and a speaker concerning Fluoride and Barium in our environment and drinking water.

I am always prepared for the likes of pukes like Patriot911 and his ilk, but hardly ever run into hardcore government assholes, and ass kissers like that in person...Most people who attend things like that are wanting to learn what the rest of us are so pissed off at, and have questions about the Patriot and Truth Movements because they actually care about what's going on and want to learn about the issues.
I am encouraged at how many folks are waking up and want to network with others about the real issues, instead of sucking ass to the Fascism and NWO that has brought our country down.

OathKeepers members are very reliable at coming out to the events, that have to do about government intrusion, American citizen's rights as well as the citizens Patriot movements that are growing in numbers.
Most rational people have felt or noticed what is happening, and are genuinely concerned..they know that they have been lied to about 9-11 and other things that are affecting them and their families and want to know what they can do about it as well as looking for like minded peeps to associate with.
Anyone that posts a youtube video as evidence in ANY case, not just 9/11, is an idiot. Period.
Why do you think that JackDan? Some people here have a hard time understanding the written word it seems, videos help with that, and also a fresh look at the collapse allows us to reexamine the way it actually happened.

Most of the twoofers on here have to see it on a youtube before they believe it.

On a side note, that's why there is a whole section on youtube for sunrises and sunsets, otherwise the twoofers would insist it had never happened, or that it had been staged, or that one day had a concrete core ect.

Are you suggesting that people who don't believe in the official theory regarding 9/11 also don't believe in the rising and setting of the sun?
Anyway, who's going to be at ground zero for the 10th anniversary of the false flag attack to attempt to engage in discussion with people and have many of them start screaming at you with arguments like "Its not possible!!" or "Nobody would do such a thing" or any other irrational emotion filled based claim that makes no sense while we get to be pushed into the little NYPD approved area and are treated rudely by them?

Wow, you should do something about it....

I'd start by brushing up on punctuation marks. :razz:
Why do you think that JackDan? Some people here have a hard time understanding the written word it seems, videos help with that, and also a fresh look at the collapse allows us to reexamine the way it actually happened.

Most of the twoofers on here have to see it on a youtube before they believe it.

On a side note, that's why there is a whole section on youtube for sunrises and sunsets, otherwise the twoofers would insist it had never happened, or that it had been staged, or that one day had a concrete core ect.

Are you suggesting that people who don't believe in the official theory regarding 9/11 also don't believe in the rising and setting of the sun?

if the tin foil cap fits......
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Anyway, who's going to be at ground zero for the 10th anniversary of the false flag attack to attempt to engage in discussion with people and have many of them start screaming at you with arguments like "Its not possible!!" or "Nobody would do such a thing" or any other irrational emotion filled based claim that makes no sense while we get to be pushed into the little NYPD approved area and are treated rudely by them?
I wont be in NYC this year, but I will be attending a service that is scheduled in my local area, and I'll be ready with information handouts, DVDs, and engage anyone with any questions, and do what I have been doing for the last few years in promoting awareness on the topic, and other things, like the government's unconstitutional actions, and our local and state lawmakers trampling on our rights/ laws, and acquiescing to Federal pressure and bills they don't even read etc...
People who come to these congregations not prepared, get a big wake up call from us, and usually walk away with a different perspective on what the hell is really going down.
I am currently getting information together, and a speaker concerning Fluoride and Barium in our environment and drinking water.

I am always prepared for the likes of pukes like Patriot911 and his ilk, but hardly ever run into hardcore government assholes, and ass kissers like that in person...Most people who attend things like that are wanting to learn what the rest of us are so pissed off at, and have questions about the Patriot and Truth Movements because they actually care about what's going on and want to learn about the issues.
I am encouraged at how many folks are waking up and want to network with others about the real issues, instead of sucking ass to the Fascism and NWO that has brought our country down.

OathKeepers members are very reliable at coming out to the events, that have to do about government intrusion, American citizen's rights as well as the citizens Patriot movements that are growing in numbers.
Most rational people have felt or noticed what is happening, and are genuinely concerned..they know that they have been lied to about 9-11 and other things that are affecting them and their families and want to know what they can do about it as well as looking for like minded peeps to associate with.

What is some of the information in your handouts and DVD's?
I'm just curious.
Anyway, who's going to be at ground zero for the 10th anniversary of the false flag attack to attempt to engage in discussion with people and have many of them start screaming at you with arguments like "Its not possible!!" or "Nobody would do such a thing" or any other irrational emotion filled based claim that makes no sense while we get to be pushed into the little NYPD approved area and are treated rudely by them?
I wont be in NYC this year, but I will be attending a service that is scheduled in my local area, and I'll be ready with information handouts, DVDs, and engage anyone with any questions, and do what I have been doing for the last few years in promoting awareness on the topic, and other things, like the government's unconstitutional actions, and our local and state lawmakers trampling on our rights/ laws, and acquiescing to Federal pressure and bills they don't even read etc...
People who come to these congregations not prepared, get a big wake up call from us, and usually walk away with a different perspective on what the hell is really going down.
I am currently getting information together, and a speaker concerning Fluoride and Barium in our environment and drinking water.

I am always prepared for the likes of pukes like Patriot911 and his ilk, but hardly ever run into hardcore government assholes, and ass kissers like that in person...Most people who attend things like that are wanting to learn what the rest of us are so pissed off at, and have questions about the Patriot and Truth Movements because they actually care about what's going on and want to learn about the issues.
I am encouraged at how many folks are waking up and want to network with others about the real issues, instead of sucking ass to the Fascism and NWO that has brought our country down.

OathKeepers members are very reliable at coming out to the events, that have to do about government intrusion, American citizen's rights as well as the citizens Patriot movements that are growing in numbers.
Most rational people have felt or noticed what is happening, and are genuinely concerned..they know that they have been lied to about 9-11 and other things that are affecting them and their families and want to know what they can do about it as well as looking for like minded peeps to associate with.

What is some of the information in your handouts and DVD's?
I'm just curious.

Informational DVDs deal with what I mentioned..the increasing government intrusion, media deceptions and omissions about our current social and economic situation, history of the Fed Reserve and so on, and the Building What information DVD.
Most of the information handouts are not as yet completed, but are along the same topics, including bills that have been passed (many without our law makers even reading) aconcerning the police state atmosphere and apparatus that is seemingly in place, and Oath Keepers material.

This is designed to promote awareness in a condensed form to highlight the major topics of concern which is mainly, government intrusiveness and excesses on our rights and the Constitution, media deceptions and lies (including a brief rundown on who owns and controls what is "the news"), and the economic situation and Fed Reserve creation, with a small donation to only cover the costs of blank DVDS, for a copy of The Money Masters for 2 bucks.

Real change for our nation and society will never occur if we don't reach out to point out the issues. We should all do our part, and at the very least guide others to the information while it is still available.
Awareness, unity, and strength in numbers, while pointing out that the divisiveness of the left vs right is what is keeping us from affecting real change.
page one is the title page?
do you disagree with the graphics..
or do you think it should read: WTC7 final report on the not provable theory of a
super secret rouge wing of the U.S government using an untraceable fairytale explosive /accelerant, without being noticed set to go off after a severely damaged building that burned for 8 hours was evacuated with no deaths or reported injuries?
or do you not like the type face? :eusa_whistle:
Anyone that posts a youtube video as evidence in ANY case, not just 9/11, is an idiot. Period.
Why do you think that JackDan? Some people here have a hard time understanding the written word it seems, videos help with that, and also a fresh look at the collapse allows us to reexamine the way it actually happened.
a fresh look by who?
you can't be suggesting the twoof you/ they are bias and would skew any findings in a truly INDEPENDENT investigation.
Anyone that posts a youtube video as evidence in ANY case, not just 9/11, is an idiot. Period.
Why do you think that JackDan? Some people here have a hard time understanding the written word it seems, videos help with that, and also a fresh look at the collapse allows us to reexamine the way it actually happened.

Most of the twoofers on here have to see it on a youtube before they believe it.

On a side note, that's why there is a whole section on youtube for sunrises and sunsets, otherwise the twoofers would insist it had never happened, or that it had been staged, or that one day had a concrete core ect.
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youtube is no different than a book or a newspaper or any other form of information dissemination..if the information is accurate it makes little difference what form of media is used...your comments are stupid and irrelevant
Anyway, who's going to be at ground zero for the 10th anniversary of the false flag attack to attempt to engage in discussion with people and have many of them start screaming at you with arguments like "Its not possible!!" or "Nobody would do such a thing" or any other irrational emotion filled based claim that makes no sense while we get to be pushed into the little NYPD approved area and are treated rudely by them?

Wow, you should do something about it....

I'd start by brushing up on punctuation marks. :razz:

Look, Candycorn uttered something
wow you are thick THE FIRE AT THE HOTEL .
I love the stuff you guys leave out to make your fairytale seem more probable.

the china hotel fire had water and firefighters to fight the fire.
the china hotel had not been damaged.
wtc7 had no water ,had just been severely damaged by wtc1
wtc7 the fire fighters were called away.
btw wtc7 and the china hotel both had no death or injuries.
Anyone that posts a youtube video as evidence in ANY case, not just 9/11, is an idiot. Period.
Why do you think that JackDan? Some people here have a hard time understanding the written word it seems, videos help with that, and also a fresh look at the collapse allows us to reexamine the way it actually happened.
a fresh look by who?
you can't be suggesting the twoof you/ they are bias and would skew any findings in a truly INDEPENDENT investigation.
I was referring to the watching of the videos, as sometimes people seem to forget how massive the buildings were, and how clean the collapse of WTC 7 was for example. Watching a video of the collapses on a U Tube video, provides a fresh look while discussing/debating the topic, and puts it in better prospective.

BTW, how would the "truth movement" skew any findings? And for what purpose? Hell, they wouldn't have to anyway, the lying fucks who skewed everything up the first time, and gave us the OCT have seen to that. Once everything is allowed on the table for all to see, it will be easier then you think to show the BS NIST and the others have tried to pass along as "truth" or credible.

"Twoof" movement?? You wreak of sock puppetry.
so from your pov the firefighters on scene made no difference?

made no difference to what ?
wow you are thick THE FIRE AT THE HOTEL .
I love the stuff you guys leave out to make your fairytale seem more probable.

the china hotel fire had water and firefighters to fight the fire.
the china hotel had not been damaged.
wtc7 had no water ,had just been severely damaged by wtc1
wtc7 the fire fighters were called away.
btw wtc7 and the china hotel both had no death or injuries.

It's also interesting to note that the steel on the upper floors of the Windsor Tower, in the video, did, in fact, collapse. What is still standing is the concrete core. And the floor where the collapse was arrested was a steel reinforced concrete mechanical floor.
It seems illogical to use this building fire as evidence of steel frame buildings NOT being able to collapse. It's not just possible, it, in fact, happened.
Madrid Windsor Tower
Why do you think that JackDan? Some people here have a hard time understanding the written word it seems, videos help with that, and also a fresh look at the collapse allows us to reexamine the way it actually happened.
a fresh look by who?
you can't be suggesting the twoof you/ they are bias and would skew any findings in a truly INDEPENDENT investigation.
I was referring to the watching of the videos, as sometimes people seem to forget how massive the buildings were, and how clean the collapse of WTC 7 was for example. Watching a video of the collapses on a U Tube video, provides a fresh look while discussing/debating the topic, and puts it in better prospective.

BTW, how would the "truth movement" skew any findings? And for what purpose? Hell, they wouldn't have to anyway, the lying fucks who skewed everything up the first time, and gave us the OCT have seen to that. Once everything is allowed on the table for all to see, it will be easier then you think to show the BS NIST and the others have tried to pass along as "truth" or credible.

"Twoof" movement?? You wreak of sock puppetry.
made no difference to what ?
wow you are thick THE FIRE AT THE HOTEL .
I love the stuff you guys leave out to make your fairytale seem more probable.

the china hotel fire had water and firefighters to fight the fire.
the china hotel had not been damaged.
wtc7 had no water ,had just been severely damaged by wtc1
wtc7 the fire fighters were called away.
btw wtc7 and the china hotel both had no death or injuries.

It's also interesting to note that the steel on the upper floors of the Windsor Tower, in the video, did, in fact, collapse. What is still standing is the concrete core. And the floor where the collapse was arrested was a steel reinforced concrete mechanical floor.
It seems illogical to use this building fire as evidence of steel frame buildings NOT being able to collapse. It's not just possible, it, in fact, happened.
Madrid Windsor Tower
made no difference to what ?
wow you are thick THE FIRE AT THE HOTEL .
I love the stuff you guys leave out to make your fairytale seem more probable.

the china hotel fire had water and firefighters to fight the fire.
the china hotel had not been damaged.
wtc7 had no water ,had just been severely damaged by wtc1
wtc7 the fire fighters were called away.
btw wtc7 and the china hotel both had no death or injuries.

It's also interesting to note that the steel on the upper floors of the Windsor Tower, in the video, did, in fact, collapse. What is still standing is the concrete core. And the floor where the collapse was arrested was a steel reinforced concrete mechanical floor.
It seems illogical to use this building fire as evidence of steel frame buildings NOT being able to collapse. It's not just possible, it, in fact, happened.
Madrid Windsor Tower

a small portion still under construction had some failure...the building remains did not even come close to a complete collapse is secs of and defying the laws of physics

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