Victoria Jackson: Former SNL Star Compares Connecticut School Shooting To Abortion, B


Active Member
Dec 3, 2012
Victoria Jackson: Former SNL Star Compares Connecticut School Shooting To Abortion, Blames Obama

Victoria Jackson has made controversial comments about the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting, comparing the actions of the shooter to an “abortionist.”

The former Saturday Night Live star is no stranger to controversy, and has made several incendiary comments in the past, airing her right-wing views. In the aftermath of the Newtown, Connecticut, school shooting, Victoria Jackson took to her Facebook page to air her views on the tragedy.

Quoting friend and fellow Tea Partier Jim Riley,Jackson says the actions of suspected shooter Adam Lanza are not unlike those who perform abortions.

She wrote:

“My friend Jim Riley posted: ‘Wasn’t the Connecticut killer just doing what abortionists do every day? It’s a wonder we don’t have more 20 year old “dads” doing what women and doctors have been an accomplice to for years in America. When you forget the TEN COMMANDMENTS, people, THIS is what you get.’ “

The comments drew outrage online, with The Huffington Post calling it “something you’d hear from Fred Phelps.”

But Victoria Jackson wasn’t done, making more comments comparing the Connecticut school shooting to abortion. She later directed her attack to President Obama in another post:

“Obama dramatically wiped a tear as he said, ‘The majority of those who died today were children — beautiful little kids … They had their entire lives ahead of them — birthdays, graduations, weddings, kids of their own…’



Read more at Victoria Jackson: Former SNL Star Compares Connecticut School Shooting To Abortion, Blames Obama
So? I've seen that repeated in half a dozen threads right here by our resident Nutter's.

Is as if they all got the same memo about today's talking points, which I suppose they did, given the inter-connected web of right wing websites and "news" outlets.
So? I've seen that repeated in half a dozen threads right here by our resident Nutter's.

Is as if they all got the same memo about today's talking points, which I suppose they did, given the inter-connected web of right wing websites and "news" outlets.

You can always tell when Limbaugh, Beck, fux, dredge have handed down their talking points because they start turning up here.

The radical rw depends on people who don't/can't think for themselves.
It's amazing that people who can't see how killing children can be compared with killing children have no problem thinking they are smater than people who care. Yet these same people can't even create a coherent argument to support themselves.
So what? She still has the right to speak her mind even if I completely disagree with it.

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