VICTORY! Federal court blocks Obama’s transgender bathroom order

Unfortunately I can see Pervert Bill 'Slick Willy' Clinton striding into the women's bathroom with a huge smile on his face while singing Shania Twain's song, 'I Feel Like a Woman', pausing long enough to say to himself out loud, "Thanks, Barry..."

You can see that, eh? Interesting.
Judge in Texas temporarily blocks Obama's transgender rules for schools
Odd you left the most important part out.
Well it will keep kids from getting raped in bathrooms for a while

And the 17 million women rape victims sure to relapse into PTSD if they had to shower or undress or relieve themselves in the presence of deranged men as a matter of "law"...
You'd finally have someone to talk to.
^^ Yes, but you advocate for all things LGBT so I need to keep reminding both you and your twin that trannies are just deranged men (and in rarer cases, women)
same thing I said.... low level texas judge who will be reversed.

Based on what exactly? And please be specific. Will you cite Hively v Ivy Tech (2016, 7th circuit)? :popcorn:

based on what? do you understand how our judicial system works.

trial level judge refuses to apply the precedent set by the high court.

trial level judge gets reversed either at the circuit level or supreme court.

7th circuit case doesn't outclass the supreme court.

you seem confused.
same thing I said.... low level texas judge who will be reversed.

Based on what exactly? And please be specific. Will you cite Hively v Ivy Tech (2016, 7th circuit)? :popcorn:

based on what? do you understand how our judicial system works....trial level judge refuses to apply the precedent set by the high court....trial level judge gets reversed either at the circuit level or supreme court....7th circuit case doesn't outclass the supreme court.,,,you seem confused.

Well in Obergefell, they discussed how they were drawing off numerous lower court findings that you know "gay marriage is cool". I can find the page and paragraph if you challenge me. So the upper Court looks to the lower ones to justify its findings in some cases; of that we have proof. And then there's the sticky problem you still haven't addressed, about Justice Ginsburg (the senior looney left judge) who made a public statement in an interview that even though the 1964 Civil Rights Act made men and women equal, it by no means meant they share a bathroom or shower together in public.

Then there's the problem of men self-diagnosing that they "are a woman trapped in a man's body". See, self-diagnosis isn't a big weighty bit of evidence in a court of law. You need witnesses, preferably professionals to back up your claims. And here's where it gets really sticky. Any MD who comes out and says "John Doe is really Jane Doe" without any empirical evidence to make that claim, puts himself, and more importantly, his insurance company at risk when John Doe enters the communal women's showers at the pool and suddenly in the moment self-diagnoses as a man again and rapes one of the gals standing next to him buck naked. Not that any deranged man could be expected to do such a thing...purely hypothetical of course.

And then there's the matter of teenage boys who are already sort of deranged on the best of many will claim they are "girls trapped in a boy's body"? Often these trannies are still attracted to women. For instance, many transgender dudes stay married to their wives after they get the help of an "MD" to amputate their otherwise healthy organs to play-act being a "female" (which of course they never are and the MD tells them this in writing before surgery as a disclaimer)....where was I? Oh, right, teenage boys. Ha. I know some loggers who were talking about this topic the other day and they were laughing gales of laughter, and a bit chagrined that these issues weren't solid when they were in high school. In unison they declared they would've made up being "a girl trapped in a boy's body" just to get a shot at the girls' shower room.

And as if all that weren't enough, there's the issue of the 17 million women rape victims who would be thereafter legally FORCED to share intimate disrobing areas with deranged males...and the PTSD they would suffer...and the lawsuits that would follow...etc. etc. etc. In short, letting self-diagnosed deranged males share intimate disrobing spaces with women is a FRIGGIN' LEGAL NIGHTMARE. Not to mention a complete embarrassment and a symptom of cultural insanity. I'd imagine upon the passing of such a law, the terrorists around the world would go into overdrive with new and undeniable proof that "America is the infidel!!". Even the Roman Catholic Church's more radical members might say to them.."you know, we're thinking you may have a point here.."...

So, your cookie-cutter "slam dunk" case of "deranged men vs women rape victims' PTSD" (ultimately that will be the case's essence) isn't such a quick win. And of course as the case makes its way Up, you will become appraised of that in writing...
same thing I said.... low level texas judge who will be reversed.

Based on what exactly? And please be specific. Will you cite Hively v Ivy Tech (2016, 7th circuit)? :popcorn:

based on what? do you understand how our judicial system works....trial level judge refuses to apply the precedent set by the high court....trial level judge gets reversed either at the circuit level or supreme court....7th circuit case doesn't outclass the supreme court.,,,you seem confused.

Well in Obergefell, they discussed how they were drawing off numerous lower court findings that you know "gay marriage is cool". I can find the page and paragraph if you challenge me. So the upper Court looks to the lower ones to justify its findings in some cases; of that we have proof. And then there's the sticky problem you still haven't addressed, about Justice Ginsburg (the senior looney left judge) who made a public statement in an interview that even though the 1964 Civil Rights Act made men and women equal, it by no means meant they share a bathroom or shower together in public.

Then there's the problem of men self-diagnosing that they "are a woman trapped in a man's body". See, self-diagnosis isn't a big weighty bit of evidence in a court of law. You need witnesses, preferably professionals to back up your claims. And here's where it gets really sticky. Any MD who comes out and says "John Doe is really Jane Doe" without any empirical evidence to make that claim, puts himself, and more importantly, his insurance company at risk when John Doe enters the communal women's showers at the pool and suddenly in the moment self-diagnoses as a man again and rapes one of the gals standing next to him buck naked. Not that any deranged man could be expected to do such a thing...purely hypothetical of course.

And then there's the matter of teenage boys who are already sort of deranged on the best of many will claim they are "girls trapped in a boy's body"? Often these trannies are still attracted to women. For instance, many transgender dudes stay married to their wives after they get the help of an "MD" to amputate their otherwise healthy organs to play-act being a "female" (which of course they never are and the MD tells them this in writing before surgery as a disclaimer)....where was I? Oh, right, teenage boys. Ha. I know some loggers who were talking about this topic the other day and they were laughing gales of laughter, and a bit chagrined that these issues weren't solid when they were in high school. In unison they declared they would've made up being "a girl trapped in a boy's body" just to get a shot at the girls' shower room.

And as if all that weren't enough, there's the issue of the 17 million women rape victims who would be thereafter legally FORCED to share intimate disrobing areas with deranged males...and the PTSD they would suffer...and the lawsuits that would follow...etc. etc. etc. In short, letting self-diagnosed deranged males share intimate disrobing spaces with women is a FRIGGIN' LEGAL NIGHTMARE. Not to mention a complete embarrassment and a symptom of cultural insanity. I'd imagine upon the passing of such a law, the terrorists around the world would go into overdrive with new and undeniable proof that "America is the infidel!!". Even the Roman Catholic Church's more radical members might say to them.."you know, we're thinking you may have a point here.."...

So, your cookie-cutter "slam dunk" case of "deranged men vs women rape victims' PTSD" (ultimately that will be the case's essence) isn't such a quick win. And of course as the case makes its way Up, you will become appraised of that in writing...

I'm not going to discuss this with you further, dear. you have an unhealthy obsession. I can't change that for you. Only you can change you.

And I'm not going to waste my breath anymore in trying to explain how our court system works and why you're wrong.

but that's ok.

have a good day.
same thing I said.... low level texas judge who will be reversed.

Based on what exactly? And please be specific. Will you cite Hively v Ivy Tech (2016, 7th circuit)? :popcorn:

based on what? do you understand how our judicial system works....trial level judge refuses to apply the precedent set by the high court....trial level judge gets reversed either at the circuit level or supreme court....7th circuit case doesn't outclass the supreme court.,,,you seem confused.

Well in Obergefell, they discussed how they were drawing off numerous lower court findings that you know "gay marriage is cool". I can find the page and paragraph if you challenge me. So the upper Court looks to the lower ones to justify its findings in some cases; of that we have proof. And then there's the sticky problem you still haven't addressed, about Justice Ginsburg (the senior looney left judge) who made a public statement in an interview that even though the 1964 Civil Rights Act made men and women equal, it by no means meant they share a bathroom or shower together in public.

Then there's the problem of men self-diagnosing that they "are a woman trapped in a man's body". See, self-diagnosis isn't a big weighty bit of evidence in a court of law. You need witnesses, preferably professionals to back up your claims. And here's where it gets really sticky. Any MD who comes out and says "John Doe is really Jane Doe" without any empirical evidence to make that claim, puts himself, and more importantly, his insurance company at risk when John Doe enters the communal women's showers at the pool and suddenly in the moment self-diagnoses as a man again and rapes one of the gals standing next to him buck naked. Not that any deranged man could be expected to do such a thing...purely hypothetical of course.

And then there's the matter of teenage boys who are already sort of deranged on the best of many will claim they are "girls trapped in a boy's body"? Often these trannies are still attracted to women. For instance, many transgender dudes stay married to their wives after they get the help of an "MD" to amputate their otherwise healthy organs to play-act being a "female" (which of course they never are and the MD tells them this in writing before surgery as a disclaimer)....where was I? Oh, right, teenage boys. Ha. I know some loggers who were talking about this topic the other day and they were laughing gales of laughter, and a bit chagrined that these issues weren't solid when they were in high school. In unison they declared they would've made up being "a girl trapped in a boy's body" just to get a shot at the girls' shower room.

And as if all that weren't enough, there's the issue of the 17 million women rape victims who would be thereafter legally FORCED to share intimate disrobing areas with deranged males...and the PTSD they would suffer...and the lawsuits that would follow...etc. etc. etc. In short, letting self-diagnosed deranged males share intimate disrobing spaces with women is a FRIGGIN' LEGAL NIGHTMARE. Not to mention a complete embarrassment and a symptom of cultural insanity. I'd imagine upon the passing of such a law, the terrorists around the world would go into overdrive with new and undeniable proof that "America is the infidel!!". Even the Roman Catholic Church's more radical members might say to them.."you know, we're thinking you may have a point here.."...

So, your cookie-cutter "slam dunk" case of "deranged men vs women rape victims' PTSD" (ultimately that will be the case's essence) isn't such a quick win. And of course as the case makes its way Up, you will become appraised of that in writing...

I'm not going to discuss this with you further, dear. you have an unhealthy obsession. I can't change that for you. Only you can change you.

And I'm not going to waste my breath anymore in trying to explain how our court system works and why you're wrong.

but that's ok....have a good day.

Translation: jillian is a bit overwhelmed by the facts of the case and can't get her head around the mammoth opposition facing her cult's "transgender" or "T" faction of "LGBT". It's OK jilly....give it awhile. Acceptance takes time.. :itsok:
same thing I said.... low level texas judge who will be reversed.

Based on what exactly? And please be specific. Will you cite Hively v Ivy Tech (2016, 7th circuit)? :popcorn:

based on what? do you understand how our judicial system works....trial level judge refuses to apply the precedent set by the high court....trial level judge gets reversed either at the circuit level or supreme court....7th circuit case doesn't outclass the supreme court.,,,you seem confused.

Well in Obergefell, they discussed how they were drawing off numerous lower court findings that you know "gay marriage is cool". I can find the page and paragraph if you challenge me. So the upper Court looks to the lower ones to justify its findings in some cases; of that we have proof. And then there's the sticky problem you still haven't addressed, about Justice Ginsburg (the senior looney left judge) who made a public statement in an interview that even though the 1964 Civil Rights Act made men and women equal, it by no means meant they share a bathroom or shower together in public.

Then there's the problem of men self-diagnosing that they "are a woman trapped in a man's body". See, self-diagnosis isn't a big weighty bit of evidence in a court of law. You need witnesses, preferably professionals to back up your claims. And here's where it gets really sticky. Any MD who comes out and says "John Doe is really Jane Doe" without any empirical evidence to make that claim, puts himself, and more importantly, his insurance company at risk when John Doe enters the communal women's showers at the pool and suddenly in the moment self-diagnoses as a man again and rapes one of the gals standing next to him buck naked. Not that any deranged man could be expected to do such a thing...purely hypothetical of course.

And then there's the matter of teenage boys who are already sort of deranged on the best of many will claim they are "girls trapped in a boy's body"? Often these trannies are still attracted to women. For instance, many transgender dudes stay married to their wives after they get the help of an "MD" to amputate their otherwise healthy organs to play-act being a "female" (which of course they never are and the MD tells them this in writing before surgery as a disclaimer)....where was I? Oh, right, teenage boys. Ha. I know some loggers who were talking about this topic the other day and they were laughing gales of laughter, and a bit chagrined that these issues weren't solid when they were in high school. In unison they declared they would've made up being "a girl trapped in a boy's body" just to get a shot at the girls' shower room.

And as if all that weren't enough, there's the issue of the 17 million women rape victims who would be thereafter legally FORCED to share intimate disrobing areas with deranged males...and the PTSD they would suffer...and the lawsuits that would follow...etc. etc. etc. In short, letting self-diagnosed deranged males share intimate disrobing spaces with women is a FRIGGIN' LEGAL NIGHTMARE. Not to mention a complete embarrassment and a symptom of cultural insanity. I'd imagine upon the passing of such a law, the terrorists around the world would go into overdrive with new and undeniable proof that "America is the infidel!!". Even the Roman Catholic Church's more radical members might say to them.."you know, we're thinking you may have a point here.."...

So, your cookie-cutter "slam dunk" case of "deranged men vs women rape victims' PTSD" (ultimately that will be the case's essence) isn't such a quick win. And of course as the case makes its way Up, you will become appraised of that in writing...

I'm not going to discuss this with you further, dear. you have an unhealthy obsession. I can't change that for you. Only you can change you.

And I'm not going to waste my breath anymore in trying to explain how our court system works and why you're wrong.

but that's ok....have a good day.

Translation: jillian is a bit overwhelmed by the facts of the case and can't get her head around the mammoth opposition facing her cult's "transgender" or "T" faction of "LGBT". It's OK jilly....give it awhile. Acceptance takes time.. :itsok:

your sociology, your science and your assessment of the law are all incorrect.
your sociology, your science and your assessment of the law are all incorrect.

Please be more specific. Given the thoroughness to which I've addressed my arguments, your simplistic blanket statement falls flat on its face. Specifics to each of my points or accept defeat on those points.
your sociology, your science and your assessment of the law are all incorrect.

Please be more specific. Given the thoroughness to which I've addressed my arguments, your simplistic blanket statement falls flat on its face. Specifics to each of my points or accept defeat on those points.
Know anybody like this?

same thing I said.... low level texas judge who will be reversed.

Based on what exactly? And please be specific. Will you cite Hively v Ivy Tech (2016, 7th circuit)? :popcorn:

based on what? do you understand how our judicial system works....trial level judge refuses to apply the precedent set by the high court....trial level judge gets reversed either at the circuit level or supreme court....7th circuit case doesn't outclass the supreme court.,,,you seem confused.

Well in Obergefell, they discussed how they were drawing off numerous lower court findings that you know "gay marriage is cool". I can find the page and paragraph if you challenge me. So the upper Court looks to the lower ones to justify its findings in some cases; of that we have proof. And then there's the sticky problem you still haven't addressed, about Justice Ginsburg (the senior looney left judge) who made a public statement in an interview that even though the 1964 Civil Rights Act made men and women equal, it by no means meant they share a bathroom or shower together in public.

Then there's the problem of men self-diagnosing that they "are a woman trapped in a man's body". See, self-diagnosis isn't a big weighty bit of evidence in a court of law. You need witnesses, preferably professionals to back up your claims. And here's where it gets really sticky. Any MD who comes out and says "John Doe is really Jane Doe" without any empirical evidence to make that claim, puts himself, and more importantly, his insurance company at risk when John Doe enters the communal women's showers at the pool and suddenly in the moment self-diagnoses as a man again and rapes one of the gals standing next to him buck naked. Not that any deranged man could be expected to do such a thing...purely hypothetical of course.

And then there's the matter of teenage boys who are already sort of deranged on the best of many will claim they are "girls trapped in a boy's body"? Often these trannies are still attracted to women. For instance, many transgender dudes stay married to their wives after they get the help of an "MD" to amputate their otherwise healthy organs to play-act being a "female" (which of course they never are and the MD tells them this in writing before surgery as a disclaimer)....where was I? Oh, right, teenage boys. Ha. I know some loggers who were talking about this topic the other day and they were laughing gales of laughter, and a bit chagrined that these issues weren't solid when they were in high school. In unison they declared they would've made up being "a girl trapped in a boy's body" just to get a shot at the girls' shower room.

And as if all that weren't enough, there's the issue of the 17 million women rape victims who would be thereafter legally FORCED to share intimate disrobing areas with deranged males...and the PTSD they would suffer...and the lawsuits that would follow...etc. etc. etc. In short, letting self-diagnosed deranged males share intimate disrobing spaces with women is a FRIGGIN' LEGAL NIGHTMARE. Not to mention a complete embarrassment and a symptom of cultural insanity. I'd imagine upon the passing of such a law, the terrorists around the world would go into overdrive with new and undeniable proof that "America is the infidel!!". Even the Roman Catholic Church's more radical members might say to them.."you know, we're thinking you may have a point here.."...

So, your cookie-cutter "slam dunk" case of "deranged men vs women rape victims' PTSD" (ultimately that will be the case's essence) isn't such a quick win. And of course as the case makes its way Up, you will become appraised of that in writing...

Yeah, the federal court didn't argue any of that shit.

You must be citing the federal court ruling that you imagined rather than the one that actually exists.
same thing I said.... low level texas judge who will be reversed.

Based on what exactly? And please be specific. Will you cite Hively v Ivy Tech (2016, 7th circuit)? :popcorn:

based on what? do you understand how our judicial system works....trial level judge refuses to apply the precedent set by the high court....trial level judge gets reversed either at the circuit level or supreme court....7th circuit case doesn't outclass the supreme court.,,,you seem confused.

Well in Obergefell, they discussed how they were drawing off numerous lower court findings that you know "gay marriage is cool". I can find the page and paragraph if you challenge me. So the upper Court looks to the lower ones to justify its findings in some cases; of that we have proof. And then there's the sticky problem you still haven't addressed, about Justice Ginsburg (the senior looney left judge) who made a public statement in an interview that even though the 1964 Civil Rights Act made men and women equal, it by no means meant they share a bathroom or shower together in public.

Then there's the problem of men self-diagnosing that they "are a woman trapped in a man's body". See, self-diagnosis isn't a big weighty bit of evidence in a court of law. You need witnesses, preferably professionals to back up your claims. And here's where it gets really sticky. Any MD who comes out and says "John Doe is really Jane Doe" without any empirical evidence to make that claim, puts himself, and more importantly, his insurance company at risk when John Doe enters the communal women's showers at the pool and suddenly in the moment self-diagnoses as a man again and rapes one of the gals standing next to him buck naked. Not that any deranged man could be expected to do such a thing...purely hypothetical of course.

And then there's the matter of teenage boys who are already sort of deranged on the best of many will claim they are "girls trapped in a boy's body"? Often these trannies are still attracted to women. For instance, many transgender dudes stay married to their wives after they get the help of an "MD" to amputate their otherwise healthy organs to play-act being a "female" (which of course they never are and the MD tells them this in writing before surgery as a disclaimer)....where was I? Oh, right, teenage boys. Ha. I know some loggers who were talking about this topic the other day and they were laughing gales of laughter, and a bit chagrined that these issues weren't solid when they were in high school. In unison they declared they would've made up being "a girl trapped in a boy's body" just to get a shot at the girls' shower room.

And as if all that weren't enough, there's the issue of the 17 million women rape victims who would be thereafter legally FORCED to share intimate disrobing areas with deranged males...and the PTSD they would suffer...and the lawsuits that would follow...etc. etc. etc. In short, letting self-diagnosed deranged males share intimate disrobing spaces with women is a FRIGGIN' LEGAL NIGHTMARE. Not to mention a complete embarrassment and a symptom of cultural insanity. I'd imagine upon the passing of such a law, the terrorists around the world would go into overdrive with new and undeniable proof that "America is the infidel!!". Even the Roman Catholic Church's more radical members might say to them.."you know, we're thinking you may have a point here.."...

So, your cookie-cutter "slam dunk" case of "deranged men vs women rape victims' PTSD" (ultimately that will be the case's essence) isn't such a quick win. And of course as the case makes its way Up, you will become appraised of that in writing...

Yeah, the federal court didn't argue any of that shit.

You must be citing the federal court ruling that you imagined rather than the one that actually exists.
The link to Obergefell is here, in case you want to actually make a substantive post rebutting what I said:
Skylar, read the link for the USSC Ruling on Obergefell and instead of just trolling with ad hominems, provide substance for your points. Try something new today!
same thing I said.... low level texas judge who will be reversed.

Based on what exactly? And please be specific. Will you cite Hively v Ivy Tech (2016, 7th circuit)? :popcorn:

based on what? do you understand how our judicial system works....trial level judge refuses to apply the precedent set by the high court....trial level judge gets reversed either at the circuit level or supreme court....7th circuit case doesn't outclass the supreme court.,,,you seem confused.

Well in Obergefell, they discussed how they were drawing off numerous lower court findings that you know "gay marriage is cool". I can find the page and paragraph if you challenge me. So the upper Court looks to the lower ones to justify its findings in some cases; of that we have proof. And then there's the sticky problem you still haven't addressed, about Justice Ginsburg (the senior looney left judge) who made a public statement in an interview that even though the 1964 Civil Rights Act made men and women equal, it by no means meant they share a bathroom or shower together in public.

Then there's the problem of men self-diagnosing that they "are a woman trapped in a man's body". See, self-diagnosis isn't a big weighty bit of evidence in a court of law. You need witnesses, preferably professionals to back up your claims. And here's where it gets really sticky. Any MD who comes out and says "John Doe is really Jane Doe" without any empirical evidence to make that claim, puts himself, and more importantly, his insurance company at risk when John Doe enters the communal women's showers at the pool and suddenly in the moment self-diagnoses as a man again and rapes one of the gals standing next to him buck naked. Not that any deranged man could be expected to do such a thing...purely hypothetical of course.

And then there's the matter of teenage boys who are already sort of deranged on the best of many will claim they are "girls trapped in a boy's body"? Often these trannies are still attracted to women. For instance, many transgender dudes stay married to their wives after they get the help of an "MD" to amputate their otherwise healthy organs to play-act being a "female" (which of course they never are and the MD tells them this in writing before surgery as a disclaimer)....where was I? Oh, right, teenage boys. Ha. I know some loggers who were talking about this topic the other day and they were laughing gales of laughter, and a bit chagrined that these issues weren't solid when they were in high school. In unison they declared they would've made up being "a girl trapped in a boy's body" just to get a shot at the girls' shower room.

And as if all that weren't enough, there's the issue of the 17 million women rape victims who would be thereafter legally FORCED to share intimate disrobing areas with deranged males...and the PTSD they would suffer...and the lawsuits that would follow...etc. etc. etc. In short, letting self-diagnosed deranged males share intimate disrobing spaces with women is a FRIGGIN' LEGAL NIGHTMARE. Not to mention a complete embarrassment and a symptom of cultural insanity. I'd imagine upon the passing of such a law, the terrorists around the world would go into overdrive with new and undeniable proof that "America is the infidel!!". Even the Roman Catholic Church's more radical members might say to them.."you know, we're thinking you may have a point here.."...

So, your cookie-cutter "slam dunk" case of "deranged men vs women rape victims' PTSD" (ultimately that will be the case's essence) isn't such a quick win. And of course as the case makes its way Up, you will become appraised of that in writing...

Yeah, the federal court didn't argue any of that shit.

You must be citing the federal court ruling that you imagined rather than the one that actually exists.
The link to Obergefell is here, in case you want to actually make a substantive post rebutting what I said:

Obergefell didn't say a thing about transgender folks. None of your 'deranged men v. rape victims' gibberish, bathrooms, any of it. Nor did Ginsberg say a thing about transgender women in bathrooms.

Here's the ruling. Show me any of that nonsense.
Skylar, read the link for the USSC Ruling on Obergefell and instead of just trolling with ad hominems, provide substance for your points. Try something new today!

Sil....I've read the ruling. I've quoted it to you literally dozens of times. And it doesn't say a thing about transgender women in bathrooms.

Your account of the Obergefell ruling changes virtually every time you talk about it. Sometimes you insist it justifies polygamy (it never mentions it), sometimes you insist its about the Infancy Doctrine (it never mentions that either), and now its babble about transgender women in bathrooms.

Which (shocker) it never mentions. You keep citing your imagination. And your imagination is legally meaningless.

Oh, the ruling that I was referring to....was the federal court ruling on transgender bathrooms. It never makes any of the arguments you do.

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