Video: Black people destroy white privilege myth pushed by liberals

I use to think it was all bullshit as you do mindwars. Today I think it is mostly bs but I do realize that it maybe harder to get loans, the police may look at them personally slightly different and society in general don't respect them. It is an issue of respect and how they're looked at that makes up the difference. How could you disagree?
I use to think it was all bullshit as you do mindwars. Today I think it is mostly bs but I do realize that it maybe harder to get loans, the police may look at them personally slightly different and society in general don't respect them. It is an issue of respect and how they're looked at that makes up the difference. How could you disagree?

I could give you a list of the why's and how comes. When your bored someday research the term " social engineering" . Maybe things will fall into place in minute areas. It doesn't matter the color this hatred among people in this Nation was intentionally set up to fall just as you see it, and in many areas where you don't see it.

The Shadow Government has been behind it all . Obama played the cards . Remember " Social Engineering"
I am such a dumb ass white person.

Walked to public school every day. After high school graduation was drafted into the army. Served my country, then used the G.I. Bill to go to college and worked various side jobs to survive. Obtained my degree, but the job market was tough. Finally landed a good job. Got married and bought a house thru the VA loan program. Financially struggled to raise my kids, and pay the never ending monthly bills. None of this was easy, and it took decades.

I am soo stupid. If I would have known about "White Privilege", my life could have been soo much easier.

No need to go to college or get a job. A house would have been given to me because I'm white. No loans, no debt, no worries about money, no bills. .... :cool:
My white privilege must be broken. I have to work this weekend despite being white. To top it off I have to pay as much for my gas as the black people to get to work.

I hope those black people don't get murdered for a broken tail light
Keep your vehicle in proper working order and avoid getting pulled over.

If you get pulled over use some common sense and accept the ticket and fight it.

Keep your hands in plain sight and keep your mouth shut.
Indoctrination works well, esp. when they start is in the schools. That's where this white priv. bs even started.
I hope those black people don't get murdered for a broken tail light
Keep your vehicle in proper working order and avoid getting pulled over.

If you get pulled over use some common sense and accept the ticket and fight it.

Keep your hands in plain sight and keep your mouth shut.
Yeah that should work. Well, at the officer's discretion.
Sure Mr. ISIS flag...cops are just slaughtering black males...sure.
What is white privilege? Filmmaker and activist Ami Horowitz visited a “white privilege conference” in Kansas City to find out.

Video: Black People Destroy White Privilege Myth Pushed By Liberals

Maybe a few SJW can learn a thing or two then again maybe not.

Being born white, and I will add male, in this country is certainly an advantage. But being born a white male in this country does not automatically confer guilt on me. None of us where blinders, we all see color. You don't empower others by pointing out how they are disadvantaged like the white privileged crowd seems to think. The blacks in that video know how to empower minorities, the "privileged" whites haven't a clue how to empower others, but they know how to make themselves feel better.
I have heard one Black person get this thing right. She said she "happy" her ancestors were slaves. That allowed her to be a part of the greatest nation on earth. Otherwise she would be in some Third World shithole...starving...dying of AIDS...with flies all over her face.
I do not discriminate....veterans cemeteries have all types buried there.
I have heard one Black person get this thing right. She said she "happy" her ancestors were slaves. That allowed her to be a part of the greatest nation on earth. Otherwise she would be in some Third World shithole...starving...dying of AIDS...with flies all over her face.

Those comments from a black women prove she is healthy, smart and a happy person.
I have heard one Black person get this thing right. She said she "happy" her ancestors were slaves. That allowed her to be a part of the greatest nation on earth. Otherwise she would be in some Third World shithole...starving...dying of AIDS...with flies all over her face.

Those comments from a black women prove she is healthy, smart and a happy person.
Has a business degree and own's her own small business.
I have heard one Black person get this thing right. She said she "happy" her ancestors were slaves. That allowed her to be a part of the greatest nation on earth. Otherwise she would be in some Third World shithole...starving...dying of AIDS...with flies all over her face.

Those comments from a black women prove she is healthy, smart and a happy person.
Has a business degree and own's her own small business.

I knew it. She wouldn't let some ignorant "white privileged " assholes hold her down, not in this country.

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