VIDEO=> Black Women Switch Parties to Vote for Donald Trump in Primaries

No disrespect fool, but how's that vote of 2014 doing for ya? All GOP congress, all GOP senate and the only thing you nuts have to show for your wasted vote is a appropriation study of why squirrel shit turn green during the winter months.
The 2014 elections have been beneficial on the state level. More change on the federal level will be in effect in 2017 when Obama leaves office.

Yeah, you keep repeating that bullshit until you convince yourself of it. You mindless fucks bragged all year about the slaughter of democrats and got nothing for your votes, nothing. And just for the record and you heard it hear first....there is no way in hell, the people of this country is gonna put one of you nuts in the fuckin white house. I mean, just the thought of the crock of shit you have running for the white house should make us all want to vote TWICE!!
You obviously need your English and your mind revamped. I've little doubt that you vote twice and even less doubt that you're worried about your entitlements.

As I said, it is refreshing to see black women more interested in working than free stuff. It is sad there are not more.

Do me a favor and visit the south someday.....just about every white motherfucker that lives....all is on some type of government welfare. So miss me on this tired old 1970 playbook of the GOP of only black women getting welfare....white folks in the south reeeeeeekkkkk of it!!
I understand that whites get welfare. I don't think it was ever meant to be a black-only entitlement program despite their dominance. My God, it has practically become a way of life for black women from Seattle to Miami.

It is for just that reason that the women the OP mentioned are refreshing.

don't let these trolls DERAIL THIS THREAD. it's about changing your political affiliation and these two ladies. .:beer:
No disrespect fool, but how's that vote of 2014 doing for ya? All GOP congress, all GOP senate and the only thing you nuts have to show for your wasted vote is a appropriation study of why squirrel shit turn green during the winter months.
The 2014 elections have been beneficial on the state level. More change on the federal level will be in effect in 2017 when Obama leaves office.

Yeah, you keep repeating that bullshit until you convince yourself of it. You mindless fucks bragged all year about the slaughter of democrats and got nothing for your votes, nothing. And just for the record and you heard it hear first....there is no way in hell, the people of this country is gonna put one of you nuts in the fuckin white house. I mean, just the thought of the crock of shit you have running for the white house should make us all want to vote TWICE!!
You obviously need your English and your mind revamped. I've little doubt that you vote twice and even less doubt that you're worried about your entitlements.

As I said, it is refreshing to see black women more interested in working than free stuff. It is sad there are not more.

Do me a favor and visit the south someday.....just about every white motherfucker that lives....all is on some type of government welfare. So miss me on this tired old 1970 playbook of the GOP of only black women getting welfare....white folks in the south reeeeeeekkkkk of it!!
I understand that whites get welfare. I don't think it was ever meant to be a black-only entitlement program despite their dominance. My God, it has practically become a way of life for black women from Seattle to Miami.

It is for just that reason that the women the OP mentioned are refreshing.

Lets talk about corporate welfare....Your sitting here degrading people for getting a few dollars every month to eat, just to, lets talk about real welfare:

We have a congress, who has done nothing since becoming members, but sit on their ass and pass a few worthless bills that has yielded you nor I one gotdamned thing, yet we the tax payers pay these bastards 6 figures to sit on their ass, not to mention the other perks, we pay for.

We have oil companies that we pay billions to each and every year to fuck up our shore lines and get away with it.

We pay Wall Street billions in incentives to ship our jobs overseas

We pay billions to lazy motherfuckers, mostly white to sit on their ass through a thing called disability.

We throw money to Israel, who houses some of the riches jews on the planet.

We're spending trillions on war, with no end in sight and got nothing to show for it.....and your dumb ignorant ass want to complain cause some poor slob is getting a couple of hundred of dollars of month to eat???? Get the fuck outta here and sorry fuck for a heart!!
The 2014 elections have been beneficial on the state level. More change on the federal level will be in effect in 2017 when Obama leaves office.

Yeah, you keep repeating that bullshit until you convince yourself of it. You mindless fucks bragged all year about the slaughter of democrats and got nothing for your votes, nothing. And just for the record and you heard it hear first....there is no way in hell, the people of this country is gonna put one of you nuts in the fuckin white house. I mean, just the thought of the crock of shit you have running for the white house should make us all want to vote TWICE!!
You obviously need your English and your mind revamped. I've little doubt that you vote twice and even less doubt that you're worried about your entitlements.

As I said, it is refreshing to see black women more interested in working than free stuff. It is sad there are not more.

Do me a favor and visit the south someday.....just about every white motherfucker that lives....all is on some type of government welfare. So miss me on this tired old 1970 playbook of the GOP of only black women getting welfare....white folks in the south reeeeeeekkkkk of it!!
I understand that whites get welfare. I don't think it was ever meant to be a black-only entitlement program despite their dominance. My God, it has practically become a way of life for black women from Seattle to Miami.

It is for just that reason that the women the OP mentioned are refreshing.

Lets talk about corporate welfare....Your sitting here degrading people for getting a few dollars every month to eat, just to, lets talk about real welfare:

We have a congress, who has done nothing since becoming members, but sit on their ass and pass a few worthless bills that has yielded you nor I one gotdamned thing, yet we the tax payers pay these bastards 6 figures to sit on their ass, not to mention the other perks, we pay for.

We have oil companies that we pay billions to each and every year to fuck up our shore lines and get away with it.

We pay Wall Street billions in incentives to ship our jobs overseas

We pay billions to lazy motherfuckers, mostly white to sit on their ass through a thing called disability.

We throw money to Israel, who houses some of the riches jews on the planet.

We're spending trillions on war, with no end in sight and got nothing to show for it.....and your dumb ignorant ass want to complain cause some poor slob is getting a couple of hundred of dollars of month to eat???? Get the fuck outta here and sorry fuck for a heart!!
Start you're own thread on corporate welfare. This thread is about black women who shun welfare and vote Republican, or at least for Trump. If you want welfare, vote Democrat. No one is arguing that.
I think it's wonderful to see these two black women use the Republican underground railroad to encourage other black people to escape from the Democrat voter plantation. ...... :thup:
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I think it's wonderful to see these two black women use the Republican underground railroad to escape from the Democrat voter plantation. ...... :thup:

no kidding, someone on the site I got this from said, they will be declared non-black by the NAACP. or traitors to their color. that is how the left/dems speak about the black people who GOES against them. it's way past time they wake to it
Those sheilas are very cool indeed. Just what the Hillary Camp

Trump supports the type of system that holds that physical attributes make people less human. He will not get a great deal of people with the "wrong" physical attributes voting for him. Doesn't mean that there won't be a few. And it's hilarious you folks hold up these few as some sort of vindication of Trump's racism.
Trump supports the type of system that holds that physical attributes make people less human. He will not get a great deal of people with the "wrong" physical attributes voting for him. Doesn't mean that there won't be a few. And it's hilarious you folks hold up these few as some sort of vindication of Trump's racism.
Do you think black women are less human?
Trump supports the type of system that holds that physical attributes make people less human. He will not get a great deal of people with the "wrong" physical attributes voting for him. Doesn't mean that there won't be a few. And it's hilarious you folks hold up these few as some sort of vindication of Trump's racism.

you're the racist and a BIGOT to boot. so go fawn over your stinking party. you've spewed already that could gag a maggot
You go ladies. show them how it's done to kick out that nasty Democrat party from our lives:rock:
video at the site.

Vocal Trump supporters, Lynette “Diamond” Hardaway and Rochelle “Silk” Richardson, better known as the “Stump-for-Trump Girls,” have become a YouTube sensation with their hilarious rants and staunch support for Donald Trump.

The ladies have a YouTube Channel devoted to Donald Trump for President.

Today Diamond and Silk put their money where their mouth is and went to the board of elections and changed political parties from Democrat to Republican.

They posted the entire video to document their trip to the elections board.
They even included a catchy “Stump for Trump” rap playing in the background for effect.

all of it and video here
VIDEO=> Black Women Switch Parties to Vote for Donald Trump in Primaries - The Gateway Pundit

You really are a low IQ dumb fuk aren't you

People switch party's before primaries to affect the out come in the opposition party, Operation Chaos
You really are a low IQ dumb fuk aren't you

People switch party's before primaries to affect the out come in the opposition party, Operation Chaos
Yes, because no self-respecting black woman would ever vote Democrat. You are one racist fuk.
Just think how many more black women these two ladies will influence to switch parties.

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