Video: Brother Speaks My Mind On Media &Trayvon Fan Club Phonys


VIP Member
Mar 18, 2012
[ame=]Trayvon Martin's Fan Club and Media are a joke - YouTube[/ame]

This man is a godsend to me. I wanted to say this just as blatantly but to my fellow black posters here who seem blinded by their left wing media-fueled peer pressure to not be realistic. They fell for the "it could've been me" bullshit because emotional appeals are easier to process than doing their own research and applying a little critical thinking and common sense. And their hypocrisy is so intolerable it makes me ashamed to see brothers and sisters so easily whipped into a frenzy and shit. I'm in 100% agreement with this brother.
Do you want to just tell me his basic premise. I couldn't get past all the "FU"s

In a nutshell, he slams the media for making this tragedy about hoodies, race and painting Trayvon as a little child while slamming Zimmerman as 'white' then 'hispanic' then 'white hispanic'.... he says (and I absolutely agree) that we don't KNOW what happened so we can't make a judgment.... and he slams Sharpton etc for race baiting and setting the country back 50 years with their bullshit.

He's really worth watching... give it a try.

His solution to racism is sheer brilliance! Get the black racists and the white racists in a field and let them shoot the shit out of each other and the rest of us can carry on with our lives.
he a ranting moron ...makes no sense..talking about unsolved murders..they are unsolved because the perpetrator was illogical red herring argument,,,the media is exploitative we all know that the rest is just rambling
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he a ranting moron ...makes no sense..talking about unsolved murders..they are unsolved because the perpetrator was illogical red herring argument,,,the media is exploitative we all know that the rest is just rambling


He was right on the fucking money.

An id-eot like you couldn't possibly hope to follow along, though. It was too factually based, straightforward and far too premised in honest logic.

id-eot, face it. You are nothing but a lowlife lying piece of crap.

Do you want to just tell me his basic premise. I couldn't get past all the "FU"s

Basically that the media has totally messed up the reporting and invented a narrative instead of doing their job, just reporting the facts.

That Al, Jesse, Obama, and the Trayvon sycophants are hypocrites because they never march for the unsolved black murder victims or against black on black violence. That had this been a black on black crime, no one would care.

He's 100% accurate and black folks need to hear the truth. Especially the brothers on this site. They refuse to face the problems in our communities, all they do is offer emotional outbursts and display one of the biggest problems we as black Americans need to overcome: Collective denial of the truth and the lack of responsibility.
he a ranting moron ...makes no sense..talking about unsolved murders..they are unsolved because the perpetrator was illogical red herring argument,,,the media is exploitative we all know that the rest is just rambling

Youre a moron.
he a ranting moron ...makes no sense..talking about unsolved murders..they are unsolved because the perpetrator was illogical red herring argument,,,the media is exploitative we all know that the rest is just rambling


He was right on the fucking money.

An id-eot like you couldn't possibly hope to follow along, though. It was too factually based, straightforward and far too premised in honest logic.

id-eot, face it. You are nothing but a lowlife lying piece of crap.

Idiot thinks he knows how we should think. And that is how the white liberals say so. A piece of shit like him is the worst friend black folks could ever wish for. A coddling little touchy feely pussy of a man, who would rather see us ignorantly acting tribalistic than looking at the case critically and with common sense.. Based on the information provided.

He seems to think its okay for us to kill each other and never march about that and demand the violence stop but get all up in arms over a white guy does it.
Eot is a worthless to my community and can take a leap from the Golden Gate bridge.
Do you want to just tell me his basic premise. I couldn't get past all the "FU"s

In a nutshell, he slams the media for making this tragedy about hoodies, race and painting Trayvon as a little child while slamming Zimmerman as 'white' then 'hispanic' then 'white hispanic'.... he says (and I absolutely agree) that we don't KNOW what happened so we can't make a judgment.... and he slams Sharpton etc for race baiting and setting the country back 50 years with their bullshit.

He's really worth watching... give it a try.

His solution to racism is sheer brilliance! Get the black racists and the white racists in a field and let them shoot the shit out of each other and the rest of us can carry on with our lives.
Yeah I was going to post exactly that in the "armed skinheads" thread yesterday. But I decided to bite my tongue. I wish they would do just that.
he a ranting moron ...makes no sense..talking about unsolved murders..they are unsolved because the perpetrator was illogical red herring argument,,,the media is exploitative we all know that the rest is just rambling

Figures that you'd ignore the 99% and latch on to 1%.... and even that 1% is absolutely right... thousands of blacks get murdered every year.... no one fucking marches for those people - and they are just as dead as Trayvon. Where is the outrage about that? Nowhere... because those thousands don't matter - because we don't have a conveniently 'white' scapegoat to hang. You people - and by you people I mean those assclowns who blindly accept what the media tells you - sicken me. Without you, this would be a better country.
he a ranting moron ...makes no sense..talking about unsolved murders..they are unsolved because the perpetrator was illogical red herring argument,,,the media is exploitative we all know that the rest is just rambling

Figures that you'd ignore the 99% and latch on to 1%.... and even that 1% is absolutely right... thousands of blacks get murdered every year.... no one fucking marches for those people - and they are just as dead as Trayvon. Where is the outrage about that? Nowhere... because those thousands don't matter - because we don't have a conveniently 'white' scapegoat to hang. You people - and by you people I mean those assclowns who blindly accept what the media tells you - sicken me. Without you, this would be a better country.

Liberals of all walks ignore anything they cannot defend. A pathetic bunch of fools who couldn't be honest if their life depended on it.
Trayvon Martin's Fan Club and Media are a joke - YouTube

This man is a godsend to me. I wanted to say this just as blatantly but to my fellow black posters here who seem blinded by their left wing media-fueled peer pressure to not be realistic. They fell for the "it could've been me" bullshit because emotional appeals are easier to process than doing their own research and applying a little critical thinking and common sense. And their hypocrisy is so intolerable it makes me ashamed to see brothers and sisters so easily whipped into a frenzy and shit. I'm in 100% agreement with this brother.

Yep, he nailed it........
For me he hits the nail on the head precisely between 6.30 and 6.34, driving it into the heart of the frenzy this murder's coverage is rooted in: The sense of being offended on behalf of those who some have been conditioned into feeling should be offended; or should at least capitalise on the situation, by whatever means possible.
Eot probably himmed and hawed through the entire video just from the title. And then his little pink liberal panties got all twisted as soon as Obama was called out for the fraud he is.
From that point on eot's brain shut off and went into Obamabot drone mode. You know the look they get; Blank stare, eyes glossed over. Mouth halfway open, drool building up and spilling over the corners of his mouth. That's the obamabot program uploading a response to his brain.

They're never any good, but I have to give the administration some grudging respect for being able to create and control such useful tools.
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Eot probably himmed and hawed through the entire video just from the title. And then his little pink liberal panties got all twisted as soon as Obama was called out for the fraud he is.
From that point on eot's brain shut off and went into Obamabot drone mode. You know the look they get; Blank stare, eyes glossed over. Mouth halfway open, drool building up and spilling over the corners of his mouth. That's the obamabot program uploading a response to his brain.

They're never any good, but I have to give the administration some grudging respect for being able to create and control such useful tools.

Actually Eots is simply anti-Government no matter who is in the White House.....
Trayvon Martin's Fan Club and Media are a joke - YouTube

This man is a godsend to me. I wanted to say this just as blatantly but to my fellow black posters here who seem blinded by their left wing media-fueled peer pressure to not be realistic. They fell for the "it could've been me" bullshit because emotional appeals are easier to process than doing their own research and applying a little critical thinking and common sense. And their hypocrisy is so intolerable it makes me ashamed to see brothers and sisters so easily whipped into a frenzy and shit. I'm in 100% agreement with this brother.

Fantastic Assessment. I wouldn't change a word.
Eot probably himmed and hawed through the entire video just from the title. And then his little pink liberal panties got all twisted as soon as Obama was called out for the fraud he is.
From that point on eot's brain shut off and went into Obamabot drone mode. You know the look they get; Blank stare, eyes glossed over. Mouth halfway open, drool building up and spilling over the corners of his mouth. That's the obamabot program uploading a response to his brain.

They're never any good, but I have to give the administration some grudging respect for being able to create and control such useful tools.

Obama is a complete fraud as are Jackson. sharpton and all mainstream media talking heads, none of that is debatable or news to me...but talking about unsolved murders where the perpetrator is unknown is a complete red herring and has nothing to do with the circumstances of this incident in question
he a ranting moron ...makes no sense..talking about unsolved murders..they are unsolved because the perpetrator was illogical red herring argument,,,the media is exploitative we all know that the rest is just rambling

thousands of blacks get murdered every year.... no one fucking marches for those people - and they are just as dead as Trayvon. Where is the outrage about that? Nowhere...

Well perhaps we should start...

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