Video: Brother Speaks My Mind On Media &Trayvon Fan Club Phonys

Do you want to just tell me his basic premise. I couldn't get past all the "FU"s

LOL, funny and true. I would like to ask him and Lockjaw what they would do if some asshole was following them around the neighborhood for no reason and then confronted them. Would they sit there and say "yes massa, I wuz jus walkin home massa, I's a good boy" and give the guy a blowjob? It's funny how some of these stooges, immediately take Zimmerman's explanation as "gospel".

All well and good, but don't you think a simple courteous answer to "What are you doing here?" (something like "Visiting my dad at ________(insert address)" might be a better (and wiser) response than throwing a punch?

You really don't know if it went down that way. If someone was following you and asked you "what are you doing here?", is that the answer you would give? What if that someone got out of their vehicle and walked up on you and asked that question, is that what you would do?
I would ask them who the fuck they were and if they walked up on me in a threatening manner, I would try my best to knock them the fuck out. Zimmerman had NO reason to get out of his truck and confront the guy after he called the police and was advised by the dispatcher not to confront the guy. I don't care what color the parties are in this case.
I go for a run every morning at 5am with my K9 and my puppy, if some asshole was following me and I tried to avoid them, and they went out of their way to confront me, that's THEIR FAULT, NOT MINE.
Do you want to just tell me his basic premise. I couldn't get past all the "FU"s

Basically that the media has totally messed up the reporting and invented a narrative instead of doing their job, just reporting the facts.

That Al, Jesse, Obama, and the Trayvon sycophants are hypocrites because they never march for the unsolved black murder victims or against black on black violence. That had this been a black on black crime, no one would care.

He's 100% accurate and black folks need to hear the truth. Especially the brothers on this site. They refuse to face the problems in our communities, all they do is offer emotional outbursts and display one of the biggest problems we as black Americans need to overcome: Collective denial of the truth and the lack of responsibility.

Speak for yourself.................."brother". :lol:
You are slowly deteriorating into a cartoon character. Please stop and try to make a point. You try to insult me, I know your little memes and you just ain't that funny. Brother..
To turn the situation into physical assault is not something Grown-Ups do. Somebody following you is no excuse.

I'm not a violent person, but if someone was following me and I tried to avoid them and they cornered me, you can be damn straight I'm not going to get on me knees like some people here are advocating. What would you do if someone was following you and you tried to avoid them and they walked up on you???

I sure wouldn't just hit him; I wouldn't have any legal right to, at that point. If he grabbed me, threatened me, pulled a weapon, or made an illegal demand, that's another story.
Phoenixops thinks he knows what tone Zimmerman used when asking Martin what he was doing there. We don't know, there is no recording of that confrontation. It's his "feelings" as usual. And the poor guy can't stop posting his "feelings" about what happened. He's just that way when it comes to race.

Typical tribalist responses is all he has.
Speak for yourself.................."brother". :lol:

Oh brother, here it comes. Locke does not march in lock step and the "real" brothers begin the expected process of questioning how much of a "brother" Locke is.

Do you know Lockjaw personally? I am the first one to state that "the Blacks' are not a monolithic community, even though some of your fellow "conservatives" try to state that they are. What's wrong with telling someone who is making a STUPID generalization that fits into the paradigm of some bigoted white people, to "speak for himself"? Who is "we as black people"? Certainly not me, so if it's him or his relatives, let him speak for them and not for everyone else.

Hell, brother. We ALL know that "the blacks" are not a monolithic community.

I think, if you studied what Locke actually said, you'd discover that he is not attributing any such thinking to ANY monolithic community.

LockeJaw can speak for himself, but the way I read his posts on the topic, he is taking issue with THOSE of his brothers who engage in such mindless "thinking." That has NEVER constituted a claim that ALL members of that community engage in such thinking.
To turn the situation into physical assault is not something Grown-Ups do. Somebody following you is no excuse.

I'm not a violent person, but if someone was following me and I tried to avoid them and they cornered me, you can be damn straight I'm not going to get on me knees like some people here are advocating. What would you do if someone was following you and you tried to avoid them and they walked up on you???

I sure wouldn't just hit him; I wouldn't have any legal right to, at that point. If he grabbed me, threatened me, pulled a weapon, or made an illegal demand, that's another story.

Well someone walking up on you when you try to avoid them, seems pretty threatening to me. If Zimmerman would have let the police do their job, we most likely wouldn't be talking about this subject today. Zimmerman was the problem in this case.
Ops.. None of us know any more than the next guy. You however just speculate and insert shit analysis of the facts. If you're going to try to piece this together.. Try leaving your emotions out of it and just Look at it unbiased. That's all I've done. YOu don't like my opinion that was formed from the facts we do have, don't read them.

It's that simple. You can't prove my position is wrong, but I can prove your excuses for Trayyvon taking actions that resulted in his death are all emotion and hyperbolic Internet tough guy bullshit. And have. Anything else I can help you with?
Oh brother, here it comes. Locke does not march in lock step and the "real" brothers begin the expected process of questioning how much of a "brother" Locke is.

Do you know Lockjaw personally? I am the first one to state that "the Blacks' are not a monolithic community, even though some of your fellow "conservatives" try to state that they are. What's wrong with telling someone who is making a STUPID generalization that fits into the paradigm of some bigoted white people, to "speak for himself"? Who is "we as black people"? Certainly not me, so if it's him or his relatives, let him speak for them and not for everyone else.

Hell, brother. We ALL know that "the blacks" are not a monolithic community.

I think, if you studied what Locke actually said, you'd discover that he is not attributing any such thinking to ANY monolithic community.

LockeJaw can speak for himself, but the way I read his posts on the topic, he is taking issue with THOSE of his brothers who engage in such mindless "thinking." That has NEVER constituted a claim that ALL members of that community engage in such thinking.
You got it. But trust me when I say, Phoenixops cannot accept that.

Anyway, he can stop harping on the "some guy fucking with me yo, I'll straight knock that mu'fucka out. Everywhere I go, mu'fucka I grab my balls and let um know this is MY street, don't ask me Sheiiit" stuff already. Let's move on Ops. What else do you have?
I'm not a violent person, but if someone was following me and I tried to avoid them and they cornered me, you can be damn straight I'm not going to get on me knees like some people here are advocating. What would you do if someone was following you and you tried to avoid them and they walked up on you???

I sure wouldn't just hit him; I wouldn't have any legal right to, at that point. If he grabbed me, threatened me, pulled a weapon, or made an illegal demand, that's another story.

Well someone walking up on you when you try to avoid them, seems pretty threatening to me. If Zimmerman would have let the police do their job, we most likely wouldn't be talking about this subject today. Zimmerman was the problem in this case.

No sir. That is what you want to be true. The truth is that we do not have any real idea of what happened those 2 or 3 minutes......
I sure wouldn't just hit him; I wouldn't have any legal right to, at that point. If he grabbed me, threatened me, pulled a weapon, or made an illegal demand, that's another story.

Well someone walking up on you when you try to avoid them, seems pretty threatening to me. If Zimmerman would have let the police do their job, we most likely wouldn't be talking about this subject today. Zimmerman was the problem in this case.

No sir. That is what you want to be true. The truth is that we do not have any real idea of what happened those 2 or 3 minutes......
Don't waste your time. Seems he is impervious to reason on this particular subject.
I will always argue for truth....

As will I, but Phoenixops is a very stubborn young man who will ignore any truth that doesn't jive with what he wants to be truth. And any amount of truth won't change that. He's got his mind made up and that's all there is to it.
Do you want to just tell me his basic premise. I couldn't get past all the "FU"s

LOL, funny and true. I would like to ask him and Lockjaw what they would do if some asshole was following them around the neighborhood for no reason and then confronted them. Would they sit there and say "yes massa, I wuz jus walkin home massa, I's a good boy" and give the guy a blowjob? It's funny how some of these stooges, immediately take Zimmerman's explanation as "gospel".

You can sound intelligent one minute and then at the drop of a hat come off like a retard. Again with your emotional appeals and weak ass "what-if" scenarios that you've dreamed up in that racial knee-jerk head of yours.
One thing I wouldn't have done is punch the guy in the nose and slammed his head into the ground. Infact, when I was younger I had something similiar happen when visiting a girlfriend, who I thought was home and wasn't.

I've already posted the story I believe. I'm still alive and so is the nosey neighbor to my knowledge is the only moral you would need from it anyway.

You can sound half way intelligent one minute and then can constantly have the same views and responses as Jesse Lee Peterson. Again your scenarios are NOTHING better than my realistic scenario. What racial knee jerk reaction was that? I already stated that I don't care what the race of the people involved were.

What did you do? Say; "yes massa I jus visitin"? I'm still alive too Jesse.
Basically that the media has totally messed up the reporting and invented a narrative instead of doing their job, just reporting the facts.

That Al, Jesse, Obama, and the Trayvon sycophants are hypocrites because they never march for the unsolved black murder victims or against black on black violence. That had this been a black on black crime, no one would care.

He's 100% accurate and black folks need to hear the truth. Especially the brothers on this site. They refuse to face the problems in our communities, all they do is offer emotional outbursts and display one of the biggest problems we as black Americans need to overcome: Collective denial of the truth and the lack of responsibility.

Speak for yourself.................."brother". :lol:
You are slowly deteriorating into a cartoon character. Please stop and try to make a point. You try to insult me, I know your little memes and you just ain't that funny. Brother..

A cartoon character? LOL. That's much better than being some blow job stooge who makes ignorant and blanket generalizations about his own alleged "race". Speak for yo self and not the rest of "the blacks" Jesse! :lol: I'm not insulting you, I'm being pretty accurate................."brother".
LOL, funny and true. I would like to ask him and Lockjaw what they would do if some asshole was following them around the neighborhood for no reason and then confronted them. Would they sit there and say "yes massa, I wuz jus walkin home massa, I's a good boy" and give the guy a blowjob? It's funny how some of these stooges, immediately take Zimmerman's explanation as "gospel".

You can sound intelligent one minute and then at the drop of a hat come off like a retard. Again with your emotional appeals and weak ass "what-if" scenarios that you've dreamed up in that racial knee-jerk head of yours.
One thing I wouldn't have done is punch the guy in the nose and slammed his head into the ground. Infact, when I was younger I had something similiar happen when visiting a girlfriend, who I thought was home and wasn't.

I've already posted the story I believe. I'm still alive and so is the nosey neighbor to my knowledge is the only moral you would need from it anyway.

You can sound half way intelligent one minute and then can constantly have the same views and responses as Jesse Lee Peterson. Again your scenarios are NOTHING better than my realistic scenario. What racial knee jerk reaction was that? I already stated that I don't care what the race of the people involved were.

What did you do? Say; "yes massa I jus visitin"? I'm still alive too Jesse.
This load of crap isn't worth responding to.

My views on this subject are identical to the man in the video, Ops. He isn't Jesse Lee Peterson. And let's try to stick to the topic.
Speak for yourself.................."brother". :lol:
You are slowly deteriorating into a cartoon character. Please stop and try to make a point. You try to insult me, I know your little memes and you just ain't that funny. Brother..

A cartoon character? LOL. That's much better than being some blow job stooge who makes ignorant and blanket generalizations about his own alleged "race". Speak for yo self and not the rest of "the blacks" Jesse! :lol: I'm not insulting you, I'm being pretty accurate................."brother".

You're so predictable.:lol:
So yeah, is there anything else you'd like to stomp and scream about like a little child, Ops?
Realistic scenario that doesn't mean a thing in the long run, Mr. Tough guy.
he a ranting moron ...makes no sense..talking about unsolved murders..they are unsolved because the perpetrator was illogical red herring argument,,,the media is exploitative we all know that the rest is just rambling

Dude I don't know who you were listening too but he was dead on the money.
I'm not a violent person, but if someone was following me and I tried to avoid them and they cornered me, you can be damn straight I'm not going to get on me knees like some people here are advocating. What would you do if someone was following you and you tried to avoid them and they walked up on you???

I sure wouldn't just hit him; I wouldn't have any legal right to, at that point. If he grabbed me, threatened me, pulled a weapon, or made an illegal demand, that's another story.
Phoenixops thinks he knows what tone Zimmerman used when asking Martin what he was doing there. We don't know, there is no recording of that confrontation. It's his "feelings" as usual. And the poor guy can't stop posting his "feelings" about what happened. He's just that way when it comes to race.

Typical tribalist responses is all he has.

See, this is the reason why I think that you are a fake, phony, fraud. Where did i sate that I knew the 'tone' that Zimmerman had? I do know that he according to his own statement, stepped out of that truck after following the kid. You are basically only going by Zimmerman's statement and your Jesse Lee peterson "feelings". Once again I will state that I DON'T CARE WHAT RACE the people involved were or are, I am addressing the scenario, ok?

What's "tribalist' in my response?
Oh brother, here it comes. Locke does not march in lock step and the "real" brothers begin the expected process of questioning how much of a "brother" Locke is.

Do you know Lockjaw personally? I am the first one to state that "the Blacks' are not a monolithic community, even though some of your fellow "conservatives" try to state that they are. What's wrong with telling someone who is making a STUPID generalization that fits into the paradigm of some bigoted white people, to "speak for himself"? Who is "we as black people"? Certainly not me, so if it's him or his relatives, let him speak for them and not for everyone else.

Hell, brother. We ALL know that "the blacks" are not a monolithic community.

I think, if you studied what Locke actually said, you'd discover that he is not attributing any such thinking to ANY monolithic community.

LockeJaw can speak for himself, but the way I read his posts on the topic, he is taking issue with THOSE of his brothers who engage in such mindless "thinking." That has NEVER constituted a claim that ALL members of that community engage in such thinking.

Really? "
He's 100% accurate and black folks need to hear the truth. Especially the brothers on this site. They refuse to face the problems in our communities, all they do is offer emotional outbursts and display one of the biggest problems we as black Americans need to overcome: Collective denial of the truth and the lack of responsibility."

He can speak for himself and maybe his relatives, not me or any other Black folks.

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