Video Catches Woman In Central Park Falsely Reporting An African American Man Is Threatening My Life

who did the government kill?

Apparently you didn't pay attention to the first 229 posts in this thread. The government killed George Floyd. The video is linked in Post #1.

Minnesota ex-officer gets 12-1/2 years in prison for Australian woman's shooting death
Did you know that the Police kill more than twice as many white suspects annually than black suspects?
The main differences are that the Press doesn't fan the flames of hate and there are no race riots when a white suspect is killed.
This story is not worthy of national news
There are robberies, rapes and murders that are more important than a minor verbal fight.
Every 4 years the Press starts fanning the flames of racial strife to get out the vote for the Democrats.

You really miss the point. Government abuse and killing of citizens without trial is the most important news of the day. It's bigger than space launches, than corona virus, trade with China, and just about everything in the news. If the colonists had taken the view that you have regarding the Boston Massacre, we might still be subjects of the Queen.

Black men are dying in their thousands at the hands of other black men in democrat party controlled cities and you guys don't give a rat's ass about them.....

You asshats pretend to care about blacks every two years during the few months before an election...then you ignore all of their problems until the next 2 year election......

Gang murders in the inner cities - and in rural areas, too - are a terrible thing. You're a fucking liar to say I don't care. I'm the most conservative person on this site. Start another thread and I'll back you up. This thread is about a woman who pretended to be scared on the phone with police and then walked further away - though the person she was supposedly scared of made no advance toward her - and the increased the pitch of her voice and tried to escalate the situation, literally in the hopes of instilling fear into Mr. Cooper that NYC cops were going to come do to him what Minneapolis cops would do a few hours later to George Floyd. She probably didn't want it to actually happen to him but she was using the threat of it to try to scare Mr. Cooper just because he politely asked her to leash her dog.

And why would she be offended that he asked her to leash her dog? Because she thinks she's an entitled, liberal, little bitch. It's amazing that so-called conservatives are defending this woman. Racism runs deeper than even their dislike for the entitled, liberal, Democrats.
Minnesota ex-officer gets 12-1/2 years in prison for Australian woman's shooting death
Did you know that the Police kill more than twice as many white suspects annually than black suspects?
The main differences are that the Press doesn't fan the flames of hate and there are no race riots when a white suspect is killed.

You should start a thread on cops killing white people. I'll be right there. Or a thread on cops killing people. You can believe that I was as impassioned about that murder you linked as I am about this one. As I was about the guy murdered in the hallway of an Arizona hotel. As I was about the guy murdered on his front porch for raising his hands after being swatted.

This thread, though, is about 4 Minneapolis cops partnering to murder a man in cold blood. Try to stay on topic.

You asked who the government killed and I reminded you. You have no comment on that? Are you going to suggest that the government didn't kill him? I thought conservatives were against democide. Normally, democide is a sport of the leftists but as long as it's a black man, apparently fake-conservatives are good with it.

For years, even many, many, posts on this forum, I have pointed out that the real racists in the US are the Democrats... And then self-proclaimed, conservatives, fake-conservatives as it turns out, show themselves to be racist. Oh, many don't think they're racist but that they don't apply their opinions or views, their logic, their arguments consistently, regardless of race, proves that they are racist.

If you, or others on the several racism threads going on, apply logic or opinions consistently then we might just disagree on the facts or the acts of the people involved - whether justified or not. But when the opinions constantly go pro-white, even for entitled leftists like Ms. Cooper-the-racist, and constantly against the black person, that's racism.
She commited a few petty misdemeanors, most of which get pled out to a fine and maybe some community service. Now she's unemployed and a pariah.

Oh, and she didn't commit a few petty misdemeanors: she committed a felony

Can you name it explicitly?

See, this is why I thought you were a leftist Trump hater. You're slow. I gave you the link.

It says misdemeanor or felony. In her mind she was in danger, it wasn't a setup hoax like Smollet.

Also laws vary by State, and to me this would probably only be a misdemeanor, which is she pled to it would probably be reduced to a very minor misdemeanor if she had no priors.
Not to excuse Smollet at all, but he wasn’t trying to hurt someone.

This lady was trying to hurt this man. It had malice.

This was a spur of the moment thing. Smollet planned his fraud.

Success of his fraud would have "hurt" far more people than this incident.

Who would his success have hurt? I can tell you exactly who this lady was trying to hurt.

He was trying to stir up trouble with race relations. Considering how progs use it as a weapon, please don't tell me that his fraud wouldn't have hurt anyone.
Just looking for an answer to the question, that’s all. Vague assumptions don’t stand up well against concrete identifiable harm that she was trying to subject an innocent man to.

The cops probably would have found her to be a neurotic mess.

I answered the question, you just didn't like my answer, SJW soi boi.

Ha! Soi boi?

Hilarious since your dear leader’s favorite past time is picking out fabric for new drapes.

These insults don’t work on people who don’t give a damn about your notions of what is and isn’t masculine.

Your answer is weak and I labeled it as such. Vague assumptions and allusions to diffuse and unidentifiable harm are always going to be weaker than concrete identifiable harm.

And for the record, we are discussing intent, obviously, since the police did identify Smollet’s deception.

But he actually followed through with his planned fraud. She got caught before it happened.

Two people being jerks in the park has now become a national event.....
She followed through when she called the cops. No difference.

Two people being jerks in a public park? One was just telling her to follow the rules. He wasn’t being a jerk.

The leash

Sorry that dog was 20 lbs soaking wet, harmless.

Small dogs can be just as vicious as large dogs. Especially to children. He wasn’t being a jerk for telling her she was breaking the rules. She was being a jerk for thinking she didn’t have to follow them.

Is it his job to confront her? What we are missing is the beginning of the confrontation.

If she's breaking posted rules, then he has every right to confront her about it. Seems pretty self-explanatory...

Do you confront every jaywalker you see?
It’s not like he chased her down in a pickup with a shotgun.

Nice attempt to move the goalposts there, hack.
But he actually followed through with his planned fraud. She got caught before it happened.

Two people being jerks in the park has now become a national event.....
Wrong. She committed the crime and fraud when she first said on the phone that a black man was threatening her and her dog. You are a full-of-shit racist. And I proved it.

You haven't proven anything, you mewly little SJW twit.
It’s not like he chased her down in a pickup with a shotgun.

I accidentally tagged this with dislike.. I fixed it with love. And, no, you didn't move the goalposts; you pointed out the hypocrisy. martybegan doesn't do well with logical thinking skills.
It’s not like he chased her down in a pickup with a shotgun.

I accidentally tagged this with dislike.. I fixed it with love. And, no, you didn't move the goalposts; you pointed out the hypocrisy. martybegan doesn't do well with logical thinking skills.

What a snivelling wibble white knight you are.

And a dislike from a useless SJW moron like you is a badge of fucking honor.
Moron....she had no idea who the guy was....what his intent was.........she was alone, in an isolated area of the park, and confronted by some weird guy who just happened to have something to lure her dog........and then he makes veiled threats against her.............she had every right to be freaked out by the moron....

The sad thing here is that you're lying, blatantly lying and you just don't care. I hate when self-proclaimed conservatives lie, even more than when liberals do. It destroys the hope of winning the political debate on truth and fact because of liars like you.

She took several fast steps toward him. Then she approached even more, her finger in his face.. He calmly asked her to not approach him. She backed off and then started the "scared" lie. Then she backed off even more, closer to where she started in the first place, and then pretended that the situation was escalating for the benefit of the 911 operator. The video shows Mr. Cooper's position to be stationary through the entire thing. He never took a single step toward her, liar.

I've posted this fact several times in response to your lie but you refuse to try to refute this fact because you know you cannot.

Moron, she was scared.......she was responding to a situation that was threatening you freaking doofus.....she was you understand that you moron......isolated and alone facing a really weird full grown doofs...

Ask any woman you know how she would feel in that situation....
Moron, she was scared.......she was responding to a situation that was threatening you freaking doofus.....she was you understand that you moron......isolated and alone facing a really weird full grown doofs...

Ask any woman you know how she would feel in that situation....
You should change your screen name. As an avid supporter of the 2nd Amendment and the right to keep and bear arms, I know that we need solid conservatives - honest conservatives - to support the argument. You've lost all credibility as being conservative or honest.

Scared white women in isolated areas of Central Park don't run up to the black man they're so afraid of wagging their finger. You're lying out because you're a racist and she's white and he's not. There's simply no other reason in the world that a person could look at the video of her coming up to him and getting in his face and saying she was afraid. And you continue to not respond to my questions about her behavior.. it doesn't fit your agenda, racist.
Diversity working great as all the race baiting stories demonstrate.

After addressing the 13/50 statistic we could maybe spare a look at these idiotic non-stories.
False reports to police are made for a number of reasons. I'll be anxious to see what's at the bottom of this

Name 3 of those reasons.

No, there is no good reason to break the law. In this case, she potentially put other people's lives at risk. During a pandemic.

Having a "good reason" doesn't absolve anyone for breaking the law.

It's a crime to make false reports to 9-11. Period. She broke the law. She should face prosecution for her crime.

She also broke leash laws. She should face the fine for violating that law.

It is not crime to record someone in public. That has been established by our Supreme Court a long time ago and has been upheld countless times since. If it wasn't legal to do, there would be no public video cameras or still cameras anywhere in the nation. Nor could the police wear body cams.
Did you see where I said the woman made a false report to the police? Get a fuckin' life, moron!
What this woman did is a crime. At least in my state it is. It's a crime to make false reports to 9-11. It takes police or first responders away from real emergencies when people need help. The police should arrest her and charge her for her crimes.

If I was that man, I would be suing that woman for every penny she has. She could have gotten that innocent man killed. The police could have mistaken his phone for a weapon and started shooting. He would have died. All because she broke at least 2 laws.

Garbage like this has got to stop.

She rescued that dog from an organization. That organization saw the video and how she was abusing her dog, the dog cried out in a yelp at one point, so they confiscated that dog from her and that dog is now safe.

Her employer has learned of her actions and placed her on administrative leave. If I was her boss, I would require her to go through anger management and racial training. Or fire her.

I don't know why we get all up in arms over ww hating on bm.....these sell out Tom's would be first in line to open a door for her, invite her on a date, romance her, treat her with respect...that's how brainwashed ni**** are today over these why on God's green should anybody give a damn? A ww cop came into an apartment shot a black guy dead, and his brother offered her forgivness the next fuckin day and a black bailiff hugged the white btch...that brother in Missouri, God rest his soul and my he get justice soon, but I would bet my last dollar, there's white babies in that family...I'm not upset over it, I don't care...BUT WE HAVE GOT TO STOP LOVING MF'S THAT DON'T LOVE US BACK!!!
What happened before the video started?
The man asked her to put her dog on a leash.

Please pay attention. Thanks.


There it is. To any rational thinking human being, we knew something happened before the video.

Screenshot_2020-05-28 Screen-Shot-2020-05-27-at-4 48 39-PM png (PNG Image, 491 × 541 pixels).png

That my friends is a direct threat against the woman and her dog.

No, for the sake of being open.... the woman was stupid, and should have had her dog on a leash.

But... I knew in watching that original video, and being a rational decent human being, that obviously something happened before that video started that triggered her fear response. She was clearly in fear. And that's what did it. He made a threat.

Bunch of arrogant self-righteous race baiting bigoted jerk offs, trying to make everything into a political issue.

No attempt to find the truth. No attempt to find out what happened. Slap your dumb racists label on everyone for everything, because you are all cowards and trash.

We're better than you. Better than all of you.
It appears the woman is a die hard DEMOCRAT!

American Thinker

Turns out 'Central Park Karen' was an Obama and Buttigieg donor

By Monica Showalter

May 27, 2020


A white woman who got into an incredibly stupid altercation with a black man in the wilds of Central Park over her inexplicable refusal to put her dog on a leash as he politely asked and the park rules required, and then threatened to call the cops on him, pretty well did herself in. After getting herself on film in the throes of her episode, and seeing it go viral, Amy Cooper lost her $170,000-a-year job at Franklin Templeton, any prospect of employment afterward, her reputation, and even her dog. And sure enough, her lowly dog-walker was the one who turned her in.


View attachment 342047

That my friends is a direct threat against the woman and her dog.

Once again for those keyboard warriors typing in their underwear in their basement. The woman was not afraid. She ran up to him, pointing her finger in his face. She never felt threatened.

Tell me something; do you think she liked what he did? He said he would do what he wanted; he was already doing what he wanted: recording her idiocy. And he was right; she didn't and doesn't like it. There was no physical threat implied or inferred. The threat was to post the video and he did and she doesn't like it.

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