Video emerges of Georgia jogger attack; case headed to grand jury

again, they are illegally detaining/hindering him.....unless he just committed a crime ....did he?

They are not detaining the all times the black guy had freedom of movement.....there was absolutely nothing to prevent him from jogging on down the street as he should have.

There was no excuse for him to attack the white guy with the gun.

They are detaining him. According to the fathers own words the incident in the video is at least the 3rd time they attempted to cut Ahmaud off. They went above and beyond what Georgia law allows for a citizens arrest. Ahmaud is under no obligation to talk to them. The father and son needed to let him got and just dial 911 after the first attempt to stop him. Instead they followed him and cut him off 2 more times. This was harassment and not a citizens arrest. It seems clear Ahmaud is trying to avoid them in the video (which is at last the 3rd time they cut him off) by swerving and running around the right side of the truck. But Travis moves to the front of the truck and cuts him off. I'm wondering what was going through Ahmaud's mind at that point knowing these guys weren't going to let him go. IMO he had a right to assume a defensive posture. A jury will decide.

I'm a Trump supporter and big defender of the 2nd Amendment. But this type of vigilante justice is NOT why we have the right to own weapons. The father and son had a right to open carry. They had a right to request Ahmaud stop to talk to them. But once Ahmaud made it clear he did not want to talk to them, they did not have a right to cut him off 3 times and block his path with a show of intimidating force. The poor decisions made by the father and son led to this incident. Under Georgia law this looks like involuntary manslaughter at least.
..they can request to talk to him, but they don't have a right to.....if fact, that can be seen as harassment
harassment especially if they are holding firearms......I talk to people everyday--but they don't have firearms
Lookie here this nation anyone has a right to talk or try to talk to anyone...not complicated at all. you know the law regarding harassment?
And anyone in this nation has the right to not be harassed by strangers without being shot. Boy.
Apparently not in rural Georgia....if you're black...and jogging.
Who is running toward somebody the black or the white guy?

Arbery runs around the truck to be confronted by a man holding a rifle. It's not hard to believe Arbery was in fear for his life. Neither of these guys are police and neither of them had any reason to confront him.

Your opinion is irrelevant as you are a known racist.

Jits and Asclepias are two sides of the same racist coin. Neither can be taken very seriously when logic is required.
I’m typing what the video shows
Then we are seeing two vastly different encounters. Does your video show the man to be larger and faster than a typical truck?
do you see a truck chasing the jogger? again, post the time from the video showing that. I'll wait.
No. This is an assumption I am making. Need more facts than the 35 second video but people have yet to explain why the persons in the truck did not drive away. If more of the story comes out and there is a credible reason, I will gladly retract what I said. My intuition has been great so far in my life so I will continue to trust it. Hopefully more details come out regarding this homicide.
you don't know if that black man threatened someone prior to the incident, you don't know if he was a home invader, maybe he keyed their truck. No one fking knows. dude you jumped into hanging without one piece of evidence. wow. again, isn't like you at all.
Don't know and don't care anymore. TBH. I would have called the police and taken his picture but thats me. If people like Assfaceias see me as an equal to those men then I'll play the part and just bad for actually caring initially. He, IM2, MarcATL all assholes.

I find it interesting that you can’t seem to discuss white conservative racist assholes without adding the names of some black guys who you believe are racists too.

What’s up with that?
Because Assfaceias blatantly said that because I am white he does not want my help or opinion. IM2 and Marc have made similar statements before. Me being white makes me the enemy. So now, I'll just shrug. When you tell me to "fuck off" and you don't need or want my help then you reap what you sow. What morons like them and likely you don't comprehend is that racists hate Jews more than blacks and I have seen racism more frequently than any of those jokes, I would wager, but they don't care because I am "white".

What you don't get, Lone Leftist, is that racism is not only a white disease. Blacks may be racist too and those three I mentioned are case in point.
I must have really hurt your feelings. You still talking about me? Dont be mad bro. Like I told you before, I dont need nor did I ask for your help. Not because youre white. Because youre white and you assume I need your help. If you have to be convinced that Black people shouldnt be killed by racists then youre a racist.
I am responding to Lone Leftist's question. To me all lives are equal, I don't play the race game. But you don't want to hear that. In actuality, I don't care what you want or think. You're an idiot and a coward, by your own self admission. Not sure why you keep responding to my posts? You lonely hiding under that bed?
Bullshit. You specifically said Black people have to get you on their side. Like I said then I will say now. Fuck you. I dont want or need your type of help. Dont be mad about that bro. :)
I did? LOL

I said "black people need me on their side"?

You certainly misconstrued that statement. But whatever. To my face you'd never say any of this. You're a typical coward, internet tough guy. You live your life and I'll live mine. You want to live like a victim the rest of your life then so be it. I don't care. After all, by your own operational definition, I am superior as I am "white"..ooohhhhh.

Yes you did say that and there is no way to misconstrue it. Dont be mad bro. Youre help is not needed or wanted. Black people would be up shit creek if they needed your help.
Stop replying to me. Cowards are a waste of my time. You see what you want to see.
I will when you stop trying to talk to me and mentioning me everytime you get a sad.
One time is every time?

You're a stupid idiot and a coward who is scared of a cold virus. I don't have time for cowards. Go cry over your reparations to someone who cares. I've experienced more racism than you and you rarely see me bring it up. You bring it up daily. Pussy.
This is like the 5th time you have whined to someone that I didnt want your help. Stop your crying.
Wrong. I answered a direct question. 5th time? LOL

You cannot even count. So not only are you a pussy you're also an idiot. Stop replying to me. You're pathetic.
You sad sack of lying shit. :)

No one asked you about me. You freely volunteered to whine. Here is the supposed question

"you don't know if that black man threatened someone prior to the incident, you don't know if he was a home invader, maybe he keyed their truck. No one fking knows. dude you jumped into hanging without one piece of evidence. wow. again, isn't like you at all."

Here is your "I have a sad" answer referencing me for no reason whatsover.

"Don't know and don't care anymore. TBH. I would have called the police and taken his picture but thats me. If people like Assfaceias see me as an equal to those men then I'll play the part and just bad for actually caring initially. He, IM2, MarcATL all assholes."

Get over it and please stop whining and talking about or to me. :)
I find it interesting that you can’t seem to discuss white conservative racist assholes without adding the names of some black guys who you believe are racists too.

What’s up with that?

This was the post I was responding too. Now go and play in traffic you sensitive snowflake.

Nope. This was the post you were responding to. :)

Now stop whining please.

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Again, the two men called 911 to report a possible robber in the area.

Horse pucky.

From the report...

The 911 calls show the call taker was asking the men what Arbery is doing that was of criminal concern, Merritt said.

"They didn't give any answer for that, they said, 'He's a black man running down our road,'" Merritt said.
what is the normal reason for calling 911? just curious if you make daily calls.
Who is running toward somebody the black or the white guy?

Arbery runs around the truck to be confronted by a man holding a rifle. It's not hard to believe Arbery was in fear for his life. Neither of these guys are police and neither of them had any reason to confront him.

Your opinion is irrelevant as you are a known racist.

Jits and Asclepias are two sides of the same racist coin. Neither can be taken very seriously when logic is required.
I’m typing what the video shows
Then we are seeing two vastly different encounters. Does your video show the man to be larger and faster than a typical truck?
do you see a truck chasing the jogger? again, post the time from the video showing that. I'll wait.
No. This is an assumption I am making. Need more facts than the 35 second video but people have yet to explain why the persons in the truck did not drive away. If more of the story comes out and there is a credible reason, I will gladly retract what I said. My intuition has been great so far in my life so I will continue to trust it. Hopefully more details come out regarding this homicide.
you don't know if that black man threatened someone prior to the incident, you don't know if he was a home invader, maybe he keyed their truck. No one fking knows. dude you jumped into hanging without one piece of evidence. wow. again, isn't like you at all.
Don't know and don't care anymore. TBH. I would have called the police and taken his picture but thats me. If people like Assfaceias see me as an equal to those men then I'll play the part and just bad for actually caring initially. He, IM2, MarcATL all assholes.

I find it interesting that you can’t seem to discuss white conservative racist assholes without adding the names of some black guys who you believe are racists too.

What’s up with that?
Because Assfaceias blatantly said that because I am white he does not want my help or opinion. IM2 and Marc have made similar statements before. Me being white makes me the enemy. So now, I'll just shrug. When you tell me to "fuck off" and you don't need or want my help then you reap what you sow. What morons like them and likely you don't comprehend is that racists hate Jews more than blacks and I have seen racism more frequently than any of those jokes, I would wager, but they don't care because I am "white".

What you don't get, Lone Leftist, is that racism is not only a white disease. Blacks may be racist too and those three I mentioned are case in point.
I must have really hurt your feelings. You still talking about me? Dont be mad bro. Like I told you before, I dont need nor did I ask for your help. Not because youre white. Because youre white and you assume I need your help. If you have to be convinced that Black people shouldnt be killed by racists then youre a racist.
I am responding to Lone Leftist's question. To me all lives are equal, I don't play the race game. But you don't want to hear that. In actuality, I don't care what you want or think. You're an idiot and a coward, by your own self admission. Not sure why you keep responding to my posts? You lonely hiding under that bed?
Bullshit. You specifically said Black people have to get you on their side. Like I said then I will say now. Fuck you. I dont want or need your type of help. Dont be mad about that bro. :)
I did? LOL

I said "black people need me on their side"?

You certainly misconstrued that statement. But whatever. To my face you'd never say any of this. You're a typical coward, internet tough guy. You live your life and I'll live mine. You want to live like a victim the rest of your life then so be it. I don't care. After all, by your own operational definition, I am superior as I am "white"..ooohhhhh.

Yes you did say that and there is no way to misconstrue it. Dont be mad bro. Youre help is not needed or wanted. Black people would be up shit creek if they needed your help.
Stop replying to me. Cowards are a waste of my time. You see what you want to see.
I will when you stop trying to talk to me and mentioning me everytime you get a sad.
One time is every time?

You're a stupid idiot and a coward who is scared of a cold virus. I don't have time for cowards. Go cry over your reparations to someone who cares. I've experienced more racism than you and you rarely see me bring it up. You bring it up daily. Pussy.
This is like the 5th time you have whined to someone that I didnt want your help. Stop your crying.
Wrong. I answered a direct question. 5th time? LOL

You cannot even count. So not only are you a pussy you're also an idiot. Stop replying to me. You're pathetic.
You sad sack of lying shit. :)

No one asked you about me. You freely volunteered to whine. Here is the supposed question

"you don't know if that black man threatened someone prior to the incident, you don't know if he was a home invader, maybe he keyed their truck. No one fking knows. dude you jumped into hanging without one piece of evidence. wow. again, isn't like you at all."

Here is your "I have a sad" answer referencing me for no reason whatsover.

"Don't know and don't care anymore. TBH. I would have called the police and taken his picture but thats me. If people like Assfaceias see me as an equal to those men then I'll play the part and just bad for actually caring initially. He, IM2, MarcATL all assholes."

Get over it and please stop whining and talking about or to me. :)
I find it interesting that you can’t seem to discuss white conservative racist assholes without adding the names of some black guys who you believe are racists too.

What’s up with that?

This was the post I was responding too. Now go and play in traffic you sensitive snowflake.

Nope. This was the post you were responding to. :)
View attachment 333564
That was yesterday. And?

If it triggers you so much, I'll keep doing it now. What are you going to do about it?

again, they are illegally detaining/hindering him.....unless he just committed a crime ....did he?

They are not detaining the all times the black guy had freedom of movement.....there was absolutely nothing to prevent him from jogging on down the street as he should have.

There was no excuse for him to attack the white guy with the gun.

They are detaining him. According to the fathers own words the incident in the video is at least the 3rd time they attempted to cut Ahmaud off. They went above and beyond what Georgia law allows for a citizens arrest. Ahmaud is under no obligation to talk to them. The father and son needed to let him got and just dial 911 after the first attempt to stop him. Instead they followed him and cut him off 2 more times. This was harassment and not a citizens arrest. It seems clear Ahmaud is trying to avoid them in the video (which is at last the 3rd time they cut him off) by swerving and running around the right side of the truck. But Travis moves to the front of the truck and cuts him off. I'm wondering what was going through Ahmaud's mind at that point knowing these guys weren't going to let him go. IMO he had a right to assume a defensive posture. A jury will decide.

I'm a Trump supporter and big defender of the 2nd Amendment. But this type of vigilante justice is NOT why we have the right to own weapons. The father and son had a right to open carry. They had a right to request Ahmaud stop to talk to them. But once Ahmaud made it clear he did not want to talk to them, they did not have a right to cut him off 3 times and block his path with a show of intimidating force. The poor decisions made by the father and son led to this incident. Under Georgia law this looks like involuntary manslaughter at least.
..they can request to talk to him, but they don't have a right to.....if fact, that can be seen as harassment
harassment especially if they are holding firearms......I talk to people everyday--but they don't have firearms
Lookie here this nation anyone has a right to talk or try to talk to anyone...not complicated at all. you know the law regarding harassment?
And anyone in this nation has the right to not be harassed by strangers without being shot. Boy.
Well don’t try to steal a gun. Man this black guy was crazy
he actually pulled the gun into his own midsection after it went off twice.
Oooooooh. I see. It was suicide by red neck.
again, they are illegally detaining/hindering him.....unless he just committed a crime ....did he?

They are not detaining the all times the black guy had freedom of movement.....there was absolutely nothing to prevent him from jogging on down the street as he should have.

There was no excuse for him to attack the white guy with the gun.

They are detaining him. According to the fathers own words the incident in the video is at least the 3rd time they attempted to cut Ahmaud off. They went above and beyond what Georgia law allows for a citizens arrest. Ahmaud is under no obligation to talk to them. The father and son needed to let him got and just dial 911 after the first attempt to stop him. Instead they followed him and cut him off 2 more times. This was harassment and not a citizens arrest. It seems clear Ahmaud is trying to avoid them in the video (which is at last the 3rd time they cut him off) by swerving and running around the right side of the truck. But Travis moves to the front of the truck and cuts him off. I'm wondering what was going through Ahmaud's mind at that point knowing these guys weren't going to let him go. IMO he had a right to assume a defensive posture. A jury will decide.

I'm a Trump supporter and big defender of the 2nd Amendment. But this type of vigilante justice is NOT why we have the right to own weapons. The father and son had a right to open carry. They had a right to request Ahmaud stop to talk to them. But once Ahmaud made it clear he did not want to talk to them, they did not have a right to cut him off 3 times and block his path with a show of intimidating force. The poor decisions made by the father and son led to this incident. Under Georgia law this looks like involuntary manslaughter at least.
..they can request to talk to him, but they don't have a right to.....if fact, that can be seen as harassment
harassment especially if they are holding firearms......I talk to people everyday--but they don't have firearms
Lookie here this nation anyone has a right to talk or try to talk to anyone...not complicated at all. you know the law regarding harassment?
And anyone in this nation has the right to not be harassed by strangers without being shot. Boy.
Well don’t try to steal a gun. Man this black guy was crazy

Half the black people you see walking around or jogging around seem to be crazy or on drugs....ever notice how they talk to themselves as they walk down the street?

It is quite common for them to do that.
Now....THIS is an interesting post. I bet you are a trump voter, correct? I'm seeing a pattern.
If we’re going to rely on the media to give us proper information forget about it. It could come out of this guy was the robber we could be audio of him saying fucking white boy motherfuckers.. And it won’t release it and they won’t give us any information

The media will lie, twist, spin etc etc always when it comes to black the medias narrative all blacks are innocent and all whites are evil racists.
Was this shooting victim a criminal?
Who is running toward somebody the black or the white guy?

Arbery runs around the truck to be confronted by a man holding a rifle. It's not hard to believe Arbery was in fear for his life. Neither of these guys are police and neither of them had any reason to confront him.

Your opinion is irrelevant as you are a known racist.

Jits and Asclepias are two sides of the same racist coin. Neither can be taken very seriously when logic is required.
I’m typing what the video shows
Then we are seeing two vastly different encounters. Does your video show the man to be larger and faster than a typical truck?
do you see a truck chasing the jogger? again, post the time from the video showing that. I'll wait.
No. This is an assumption I am making. Need more facts than the 35 second video but people have yet to explain why the persons in the truck did not drive away. If more of the story comes out and there is a credible reason, I will gladly retract what I said. My intuition has been great so far in my life so I will continue to trust it. Hopefully more details come out regarding this homicide.
you don't know if that black man threatened someone prior to the incident, you don't know if he was a home invader, maybe he keyed their truck. No one fking knows. dude you jumped into hanging without one piece of evidence. wow. again, isn't like you at all.
Don't know and don't care anymore. TBH. I would have called the police and taken his picture but thats me. If people like Assfaceias see me as an equal to those men then I'll play the part and just bad for actually caring initially. He, IM2, MarcATL all assholes.

I find it interesting that you can’t seem to discuss white conservative racist assholes without adding the names of some black guys who you believe are racists too.

What’s up with that?
Because Assfaceias blatantly said that because I am white he does not want my help or opinion. IM2 and Marc have made similar statements before. Me being white makes me the enemy. So now, I'll just shrug. When you tell me to "fuck off" and you don't need or want my help then you reap what you sow. What morons like them and likely you don't comprehend is that racists hate Jews more than blacks and I have seen racism more frequently than any of those jokes, I would wager, but they don't care because I am "white".

What you don't get, Lone Leftist, is that racism is not only a white disease. Blacks may be racist too and those three I mentioned are case in point.
I must have really hurt your feelings. You still talking about me? Dont be mad bro. Like I told you before, I dont need nor did I ask for your help. Not because youre white. Because youre white and you assume I need your help. If you have to be convinced that Black people shouldnt be killed by racists then youre a racist.
I am responding to Lone Leftist's question. To me all lives are equal, I don't play the race game. But you don't want to hear that. In actuality, I don't care what you want or think. You're an idiot and a coward, by your own self admission. Not sure why you keep responding to my posts? You lonely hiding under that bed?
Bullshit. You specifically said Black people have to get you on their side. Like I said then I will say now. Fuck you. I dont want or need your type of help. Dont be mad about that bro. :)
I did? LOL

I said "black people need me on their side"?

You certainly misconstrued that statement. But whatever. To my face you'd never say any of this. You're a typical coward, internet tough guy. You live your life and I'll live mine. You want to live like a victim the rest of your life then so be it. I don't care. After all, by your own operational definition, I am superior as I am "white"..ooohhhhh.

Yes you did say that and there is no way to misconstrue it. Dont be mad bro. Youre help is not needed or wanted. Black people would be up shit creek if they needed your help.
Stop replying to me. Cowards are a waste of my time. You see what you want to see.
I will when you stop trying to talk to me and mentioning me everytime you get a sad.
One time is every time?

You're a stupid idiot and a coward who is scared of a cold virus. I don't have time for cowards. Go cry over your reparations to someone who cares. I've experienced more racism than you and you rarely see me bring it up. You bring it up daily. Pussy.
This is like the 5th time you have whined to someone that I didnt want your help. Stop your crying.
Wrong. I answered a direct question. 5th time? LOL

You cannot even count. So not only are you a pussy you're also an idiot. Stop replying to me. You're pathetic.
You sad sack of lying shit. :)

No one asked you about me. You freely volunteered to whine. Here is the supposed question

"you don't know if that black man threatened someone prior to the incident, you don't know if he was a home invader, maybe he keyed their truck. No one fking knows. dude you jumped into hanging without one piece of evidence. wow. again, isn't like you at all."

Here is your "I have a sad" answer referencing me for no reason whatsover.

"Don't know and don't care anymore. TBH. I would have called the police and taken his picture but thats me. If people like Assfaceias see me as an equal to those men then I'll play the part and just bad for actually caring initially. He, IM2, MarcATL all assholes."

Get over it and please stop whining and talking about or to me. :)
I find it interesting that you can’t seem to discuss white conservative racist assholes without adding the names of some black guys who you believe are racists too.

What’s up with that?

This was the post I was responding too. Now go and play in traffic you sensitive snowflake.

Nope. This was the post you were responding to. :)
View attachment 333564
That was yesterday. And?

If it triggers you so much, I'll keep doing it now. What are you going to do about it?

And you should stop whining about me and mentioning me just because I gave you a sad. :)
So, it turns out somebody caught it on video. It is clear from the video that the jogger was ambushed. The truck stopped in the road ahead of him, waiting on him to run by, and when he went around the truck, the driver jumped him while the other man, standing in the back of the truck, either shot the jogger, or was aiming and ready to shoot.

These men were not in fear of their lives. They ambushed the jogger plain and simple. Try them, and if convicted, give them the maximum sentence possible.

So, it turns out somebody caught it on video. It is clear from the video that the jogger was ambushed. The truck stopped in the road ahead of him, waiting on him to run by, and when he went around the truck, the driver jumped him while the other man, standing in the back of the truck, either shot the jogger, or was aiming and ready to shoot.

These men were not in fear of their lives. They ambushed the jogger plain and simple. Try them, and if convicted, give them the maximum sentence possible.

We cannot see what happens out of the camera view. They claim they thought he was a burglar. But certainly at a minimum 2nd degree murder seems applicable. We also cannot know if it was racially motivated.
As you say we cant see the beginning of the struggle

but odds are the black guy attacked the white kid and attempted to take the shotgun away

which he failed to do
These guys were in a truck and obviously cut off this jogger, who was on foot. If they "thought" that he "might" be a burglar, they always had the option to call the police, so I want to hear the recording of their 911 call and what the dispatcher instructed them to do. Certainly they have no claim to self defense.

The picture of one of the alleged murderers with the governor and wearing a shirt that insults religion gives the impression that he is not credible and trustworthy.
Lot of unanswered questions. We cannot deterime if this was racially motivated at all. What's happening outside the camera view? Why is someone videoing this incident? Surely the DA would have brought charges sooner if this was an open shut case of murder. 2nd degree or manslaughter seems the likely charges then Al Sharpton and AOC can have something to protest.
It looks like premeditated murder, which is first degree.
Thats silly

what I see are three, thats right I said THREE, knuckleheads that collided with tragic consequences
So, it turns out somebody caught it on video. It is clear from the video that the jogger was ambushed. The truck stopped in the road ahead of him, waiting on him to run by, and when he went around the truck, the driver jumped him while the other man, standing in the back of the truck, either shot the jogger, or was aiming and ready to shoot.

These men were not in fear of their lives. They ambushed the jogger plain and simple. Try them, and if convicted, give them the maximum sentence possible.

I support the death penalty for there any information on why they murdered this guy?
I support self defense, and the video in the OP shows the jogger kid attacked the truck driver. didn't you watch? We know nothing more. And, why was the jogger being followed with a video camera? that's odd.

No, it doesn't clearly show that. The truck blocks the view.

But agree, what was the deal with the video? Who shot it and why? What did they see?
It looks like another setup to bring back the black vote.... ala Michael Brown or Trayvon.
Just like clockwork during an election cycle the media digs up a 2 month old incident that eventually proves to be totally different from what they first reported.
Of course. You see a conspiracy here. You always do.

I don't know much about the Georgia case except for what I read here and I couldn't see the video, so watched it here. The two's story does not jive as they didn't attempt to call the police and they confronted the unarmed jogger with a shotgun. It does look like a racially motivated killing to me. Give them life in prison or the death sentence. It seems open and shut to me with the video.

The difficult part would be to show a racially motivated killing.

Now, you bring George Zimmerman into this and I think that makes it more confusing of a case if you do that. You have to remember that "super dumbass" Zimmerman was found not guilty and shot in self-defense. Okay, that case was crazy, but why bring that into the black jogger in Georgia case when it appears the father and son's testimonies are full of holes? We haven't even gotten to their arrest nor a criminal case yet.

It makes it sound that you think the father and son will get off scot free in this case. How do you know? these sorts of cases bias in the facts are ignored, spun, censored or as in the case of the video on cbs ....the whole video is not shown....when you watch the whole video you see the black guy run over to the guy with the shotgun and attack him.....thus in defense of his life he shoots the black guy....not a complicated case...another case of simple self defense....yet the media once again is attempting to ignite racial tensions by not correctly reporting the story.

That is why there were no arrests in the we will see what the grand jury has to say.....if they follow the law and do not bow to political and media pressure the shooter will be exonerated.

That's not how the law is supposed to work. I had the video that showed it all along with a witness and you got jack diddly. This was second degree murder or Nit could've been first degree. We know these guys were racist. What's the punishment for a capital crime in Georgia? Better yet the Feds are investigating for a hate crime. Let these suckas burn. do you know these guys were racist? Not that in and of itself would matter.

What matters is the facts of the case which though very simple seem beyond your grasp......can anyone say because you are biased?

Not even to mention you have a severe ignorance of the law. the whole video and you will clearly see the black guy jogging down the road....then he runs around the truck to the right on the passenger side....the father is in the bed of the truck....the son is to the front and left of the truck....the black jogger then quickly runs to the left to attack the son with the shotgun.....when he runs into the white guy we hear a gunshot and then we hear a second and 3rd gunshot as the black guy strikes the white guy and they struggle for the gun...and then we see the jogger start to run off and then collapses.

Simple case of self guy stupidly attacks white guy with a gun and gets killed. Case closed.

Watch the full on full video.

The video does not show clearly where the gunman was standing when he was "attacked" by Arbery, but he appears to have moved in front of the truck when Arbery viered off to the right. It looks like he was stalking Arbery and Arbery was trying to avoid him. It is interesting that it was the gunmen's friend following behind who shot the video. Third arrest?

Definitely an accessory to the crime. It was probably going to go up on some website called

Arbery ran to the other side of the truck, away from his earlier trajectory, when he saw the gunman and appeared to try to run up a driveway, and then probably lunged at the gunman when he realized that he couldn't outrun him and might be shot in the back. This stinks like week old fish. If this wasn't premeditated, why the guy filming from the back?

In some states, the third guy would be charged with murder because even drivers of getaway cars in robberies are charged if a murder has occurred inside during a robbery.
So, it turns out somebody caught it on video. It is clear from the video that the jogger was ambushed. The truck stopped in the road ahead of him, waiting on him to run by, and when he went around the truck, the driver jumped him while the other man, standing in the back of the truck, either shot the jogger, or was aiming and ready to shoot.

These men were not in fear of their lives. They ambushed the jogger plain and simple. Try them, and if convicted, give them the maximum sentence possible.

So, it turns out somebody caught it on video. It is clear from the video that the jogger was ambushed. The truck stopped in the road ahead of him, waiting on him to run by, and when he went around the truck, the driver jumped him while the other man, standing in the back of the truck, either shot the jogger, or was aiming and ready to shoot.

These men were not in fear of their lives. They ambushed the jogger plain and simple. Try them, and if convicted, give them the maximum sentence possible.

We cannot see what happens out of the camera view. They claim they thought he was a burglar. But certainly at a minimum 2nd degree murder seems applicable. We also cannot know if it was racially motivated.
As you say we cant see the beginning of the struggle

but odds are the black guy attacked the white kid and attempted to take the shotgun away

which he failed to do
These guys were in a truck and obviously cut off this jogger, who was on foot. If they "thought" that he "might" be a burglar, they always had the option to call the police, so I want to hear the recording of their 911 call and what the dispatcher instructed them to do. Certainly they have no claim to self defense.

The picture of one of the alleged murderers with the governor and wearing a shirt that insults religion gives the impression that he is not credible and trustworthy.
Lot of unanswered questions. We cannot deterime if this was racially motivated at all. What's happening outside the camera view? Why is someone videoing this incident? Surely the DA would have brought charges sooner if this was an open shut case of murder. 2nd degree or manslaughter seems the likely charges then Al Sharpton and AOC can have something to protest.
It looks like premeditated murder, which is first degree.
Thats silly

what I see are three, thats right I said THREE, knuckleheads that collided with tragic consequences
So, it turns out somebody caught it on video. It is clear from the video that the jogger was ambushed. The truck stopped in the road ahead of him, waiting on him to run by, and when he went around the truck, the driver jumped him while the other man, standing in the back of the truck, either shot the jogger, or was aiming and ready to shoot.

These men were not in fear of their lives. They ambushed the jogger plain and simple. Try them, and if convicted, give them the maximum sentence possible.

I support the death penalty for there any information on why they murdered this guy?
I support self defense, and the video in the OP shows the jogger kid attacked the truck driver. didn't you watch? We know nothing more. And, why was the jogger being followed with a video camera? that's odd.

No, it doesn't clearly show that. The truck blocks the view.

But agree, what was the deal with the video? Who shot it and why? What did they see?
It looks like another setup to bring back the black vote.... ala Michael Brown or Trayvon.
Just like clockwork during an election cycle the media digs up a 2 month old incident that eventually proves to be totally different from what they first reported.
Of course. You see a conspiracy here. You always do.
I hear the McMichaels wanted to rape the thug.
again, they are illegally detaining/hindering him.....unless he just committed a crime ....did he?

They are not detaining the all times the black guy had freedom of movement.....there was absolutely nothing to prevent him from jogging on down the street as he should have.

There was no excuse for him to attack the white guy with the gun.

They are detaining him. According to the fathers own words the incident in the video is at least the 3rd time they attempted to cut Ahmaud off. They went above and beyond what Georgia law allows for a citizens arrest. Ahmaud is under no obligation to talk to them. The father and son needed to let him got and just dial 911 after the first attempt to stop him. Instead they followed him and cut him off 2 more times. This was harassment and not a citizens arrest. It seems clear Ahmaud is trying to avoid them in the video (which is at last the 3rd time they cut him off) by swerving and running around the right side of the truck. But Travis moves to the front of the truck and cuts him off. I'm wondering what was going through Ahmaud's mind at that point knowing these guys weren't going to let him go. IMO he had a right to assume a defensive posture. A jury will decide.

I'm a Trump supporter and big defender of the 2nd Amendment. But this type of vigilante justice is NOT why we have the right to own weapons. The father and son had a right to open carry. They had a right to request Ahmaud stop to talk to them. But once Ahmaud made it clear he did not want to talk to them, they did not have a right to cut him off 3 times and block his path with a show of intimidating force. The poor decisions made by the father and son led to this incident. Under Georgia law this looks like involuntary manslaughter at least.
..they can request to talk to him, but they don't have a right to.....if fact, that can be seen as harassment
harassment especially if they are holding firearms......I talk to people everyday--but they don't have firearms
Lookie here this nation anyone has a right to talk or try to talk to anyone...not complicated at all. you know the law regarding harassment?
And anyone in this nation has the right to not be harassed by strangers without being shot. Boy.
Well don’t try to steal a gun. Man this black guy was crazy

Half the black people you see walking around or jogging around seem to be crazy or on drugs....ever notice how they talk to themselves as they walk down the street?

It is quite common for them to do that.
Now....THIS is an interesting post. I bet you are a trump voter, correct? I'm seeing a pattern.

I'm a Trump supporter and I've been calling for the arrest of the two white guys. Turning this into a political argument isn't going to help Ahmaud Arbery's family. There are plenty of Trump supporters, including Trump himself, who find this whole thing disturbing and want a fair and impartial full investigation.
All the police had to do was to call them up and ask them to come down to the station.....all this dramatic arrest hoopla is just politics....the authorities trying to placate the media and their negroid try and avoid riots, looting and burning. As is usually the case when the media stirs up the natives. aka berkeley mo. etc.etc.etc.
So glad to see no racism in your post.
Who is running toward somebody the black or the white guy?

Arbery runs around the truck to be confronted by a man holding a rifle. It's not hard to believe Arbery was in fear for his life. Neither of these guys are police and neither of them had any reason to confront him.

Your opinion is irrelevant as you are a known racist.

Jits and Asclepias are two sides of the same racist coin. Neither can be taken very seriously when logic is required.
I’m typing what the video shows
Then we are seeing two vastly different encounters. Does your video show the man to be larger and faster than a typical truck?
do you see a truck chasing the jogger? again, post the time from the video showing that. I'll wait.
No. This is an assumption I am making. Need more facts than the 35 second video but people have yet to explain why the persons in the truck did not drive away. If more of the story comes out and there is a credible reason, I will gladly retract what I said. My intuition has been great so far in my life so I will continue to trust it. Hopefully more details come out regarding this homicide.
you don't know if that black man threatened someone prior to the incident, you don't know if he was a home invader, maybe he keyed their truck. No one fking knows. dude you jumped into hanging without one piece of evidence. wow. again, isn't like you at all.
Don't know and don't care anymore. TBH. I would have called the police and taken his picture but thats me. If people like Assfaceias see me as an equal to those men then I'll play the part and just bad for actually caring initially. He, IM2, MarcATL all assholes.

I find it interesting that you can’t seem to discuss white conservative racist assholes without adding the names of some black guys who you believe are racists too.

What’s up with that?
Because Assfaceias blatantly said that because I am white he does not want my help or opinion. IM2 and Marc have made similar statements before. Me being white makes me the enemy. So now, I'll just shrug. When you tell me to "fuck off" and you don't need or want my help then you reap what you sow. What morons like them and likely you don't comprehend is that racists hate Jews more than blacks and I have seen racism more frequently than any of those jokes, I would wager, but they don't care because I am "white".

What you don't get, Lone Leftist, is that racism is not only a white disease. Blacks may be racist too and those three I mentioned are case in point.
I must have really hurt your feelings. You still talking about me? Dont be mad bro. Like I told you before, I dont need nor did I ask for your help. Not because youre white. Because youre white and you assume I need your help. If you have to be convinced that Black people shouldnt be killed by racists then youre a racist.
I am responding to Lone Leftist's question. To me all lives are equal, I don't play the race game. But you don't want to hear that. In actuality, I don't care what you want or think. You're an idiot and a coward, by your own self admission. Not sure why you keep responding to my posts? You lonely hiding under that bed?
Bullshit. You specifically said Black people have to get you on their side. Like I said then I will say now. Fuck you. I dont want or need your type of help. Dont be mad about that bro. :)
I did? LOL

I said "black people need me on their side"?

You certainly misconstrued that statement. But whatever. To my face you'd never say any of this. You're a typical coward, internet tough guy. You live your life and I'll live mine. You want to live like a victim the rest of your life then so be it. I don't care. After all, by your own operational definition, I am superior as I am "white"..ooohhhhh.

Yes you did say that and there is no way to misconstrue it. Dont be mad bro. Youre help is not needed or wanted. Black people would be up shit creek if they needed your help.
Stop replying to me. Cowards are a waste of my time. You see what you want to see.
I will when you stop trying to talk to me and mentioning me everytime you get a sad.
One time is every time?

You're a stupid idiot and a coward who is scared of a cold virus. I don't have time for cowards. Go cry over your reparations to someone who cares. I've experienced more racism than you and you rarely see me bring it up. You bring it up daily. Pussy.
This is like the 5th time you have whined to someone that I didnt want your help. Stop your crying.
Wrong. I answered a direct question. 5th time? LOL

You cannot even count. So not only are you a pussy you're also an idiot. Stop replying to me. You're pathetic.
You sad sack of lying shit. :)

No one asked you about me. You freely volunteered to whine. Here is the supposed question

"you don't know if that black man threatened someone prior to the incident, you don't know if he was a home invader, maybe he keyed their truck. No one fking knows. dude you jumped into hanging without one piece of evidence. wow. again, isn't like you at all."

Here is your "I have a sad" answer referencing me for no reason whatsover.

"Don't know and don't care anymore. TBH. I would have called the police and taken his picture but thats me. If people like Assfaceias see me as an equal to those men then I'll play the part and just bad for actually caring initially. He, IM2, MarcATL all assholes."

Get over it and please stop whining and talking about or to me. :)
I find it interesting that you can’t seem to discuss white conservative racist assholes without adding the names of some black guys who you believe are racists too.

What’s up with that?

This was the post I was responding too. Now go and play in traffic you sensitive snowflake.

Nope. This was the post you were responding to. :)
View attachment 333564
That was yesterday. And?

If it triggers you so much, I'll keep doing it now. What are you going to do about it?

And you should stop whining about me and mentioning me just because I gave you a sad. :)
Nope. Now I am going to stalk you and see how you like it. This will be fun. BTW - those in the truck are going to jail for life. You'll likely be joining them soon. It is a free messageboard if you don't want to read my posts making you look like an idiot then feel free to follow IM2 and put me on ignore. Otherwise reap the love. I am going to crush you and there is nothing you can do about. Bitch. ;)

I don't know much about the Georgia case except for what I read here and I couldn't see the video, so watched it here. The two's story does not jive as they didn't attempt to call the police and they confronted the unarmed jogger with a shotgun. It does look like a racially motivated killing to me. Give them life in prison or the death sentence. It seems open and shut to me with the video.

The difficult part would be to show a racially motivated killing.

Now, you bring George Zimmerman into this and I think that makes it more confusing of a case if you do that. You have to remember that "super dumbass" Zimmerman was found not guilty and shot in self-defense. Okay, that case was crazy, but why bring that into the black jogger in Georgia case when it appears the father and son's testimonies are full of holes? We haven't even gotten to their arrest nor a criminal case yet.

It makes it sound that you think the father and son will get off scot free in this case. How do you know? these sorts of cases bias in the facts are ignored, spun, censored or as in the case of the video on cbs ....the whole video is not shown....when you watch the whole video you see the black guy run over to the guy with the shotgun and attack him.....thus in defense of his life he shoots the black guy....not a complicated case...another case of simple self defense....yet the media once again is attempting to ignite racial tensions by not correctly reporting the story.

That is why there were no arrests in the we will see what the grand jury has to say.....if they follow the law and do not bow to political and media pressure the shooter will be exonerated.

That's not how the law is supposed to work. I had the video that showed it all along with a witness and you got jack diddly. This was second degree murder or Nit could've been first degree. We know these guys were racist. What's the punishment for a capital crime in Georgia? Better yet the Feds are investigating for a hate crime. Let these suckas burn. do you know these guys were racist? Not that in and of itself would matter.

What matters is the facts of the case which though very simple seem beyond your grasp......can anyone say because you are biased?

Not even to mention you have a severe ignorance of the law. the whole video and you will clearly see the black guy jogging down the road....then he runs around the truck to the right on the passenger side....the father is in the bed of the truck....the son is to the front and left of the truck....the black jogger then quickly runs to the left to attack the son with the shotgun.....when he runs into the white guy we hear a gunshot and then we hear a second and 3rd gunshot as the black guy strikes the white guy and they struggle for the gun...and then we see the jogger start to run off and then collapses.

Simple case of self guy stupidly attacks white guy with a gun and gets killed. Case closed.

Watch the full on full video.

The video does not show clearly where the gunman was standing when he was "attacked" by Arbery, but he appears to have moved in front of the truck when Arbery viered off to the right. It looks like he was stalking Arbery and Arbery was trying to avoid him. It is interesting that it was the gunmen's friend following behind who shot the video. Third arrest?

Definitely an accessory to the crime. It was probably going to go up on some website called

Arbery ran to the other side of the truck, away from his earlier trajectory, when he saw the gunman and appeared to try to run up a driveway, and then probably lunged at the gunman when he realized that he couldn't outrun him and might be shot in the back. This stinks like week old fish. If this wasn't premeditated, why the guy filming from the back?

In some states, the third guy would be charged with murder because even drivers of getaway cars in robberies are charged if a murder has occurred inside during a robbery.

Agreed. There is no doubt in my mind it was premeditated. They thought they were going to have some fun but they didnt bargain on Arbery fighting back.
Had these two wanna be a cowboy yahoos made the effort to specifically tell the man first and foremost that he was being detained in a citizen arrest LIKE THEY WERE SUPPOSED TO DO BY LAW, instead of just cutting him off in a pickup truck with loaded guns talking about hey, wanna talk to you, this would likely have had an entirely different ending.

But it didn't happen the way it was supposed to happen by law, now, did it?
well they didn't cut him off. you still haven't watched the video in the thread. funny. The jogger had plenty of time to turn and get in his friends vehicle that was taping him. It seems he chose the confrontation ahead of him.

The guy filming from the second vehicle was a friend of the gunmen's, not Arbery.
Who is running toward somebody the black or the white guy?

Arbery runs around the truck to be confronted by a man holding a rifle. It's not hard to believe Arbery was in fear for his life. Neither of these guys are police and neither of them had any reason to confront him.

Your opinion is irrelevant as you are a known racist.

Jits and Asclepias are two sides of the same racist coin. Neither can be taken very seriously when logic is required.
I’m typing what the video shows
Then we are seeing two vastly different encounters. Does your video show the man to be larger and faster than a typical truck?
do you see a truck chasing the jogger? again, post the time from the video showing that. I'll wait.
No. This is an assumption I am making. Need more facts than the 35 second video but people have yet to explain why the persons in the truck did not drive away. If more of the story comes out and there is a credible reason, I will gladly retract what I said. My intuition has been great so far in my life so I will continue to trust it. Hopefully more details come out regarding this homicide.
you don't know if that black man threatened someone prior to the incident, you don't know if he was a home invader, maybe he keyed their truck. No one fking knows. dude you jumped into hanging without one piece of evidence. wow. again, isn't like you at all.
Don't know and don't care anymore. TBH. I would have called the police and taken his picture but thats me. If people like Assfaceias see me as an equal to those men then I'll play the part and just bad for actually caring initially. He, IM2, MarcATL all assholes.

I find it interesting that you can’t seem to discuss white conservative racist assholes without adding the names of some black guys who you believe are racists too.

What’s up with that?
Because Assfaceias blatantly said that because I am white he does not want my help or opinion. IM2 and Marc have made similar statements before. Me being white makes me the enemy. So now, I'll just shrug. When you tell me to "fuck off" and you don't need or want my help then you reap what you sow. What morons like them and likely you don't comprehend is that racists hate Jews more than blacks and I have seen racism more frequently than any of those jokes, I would wager, but they don't care because I am "white".

What you don't get, Lone Leftist, is that racism is not only a white disease. Blacks may be racist too and those three I mentioned are case in point.
I must have really hurt your feelings. You still talking about me? Dont be mad bro. Like I told you before, I dont need nor did I ask for your help. Not because youre white. Because youre white and you assume I need your help. If you have to be convinced that Black people shouldnt be killed by racists then youre a racist.
I am responding to Lone Leftist's question. To me all lives are equal, I don't play the race game. But you don't want to hear that. In actuality, I don't care what you want or think. You're an idiot and a coward, by your own self admission. Not sure why you keep responding to my posts? You lonely hiding under that bed?
Bullshit. You specifically said Black people have to get you on their side. Like I said then I will say now. Fuck you. I dont want or need your type of help. Dont be mad about that bro. :)
I did? LOL

I said "black people need me on their side"?

You certainly misconstrued that statement. But whatever. To my face you'd never say any of this. You're a typical coward, internet tough guy. You live your life and I'll live mine. You want to live like a victim the rest of your life then so be it. I don't care. After all, by your own operational definition, I am superior as I am "white"..ooohhhhh.

Yes you did say that and there is no way to misconstrue it. Dont be mad bro. Youre help is not needed or wanted. Black people would be up shit creek if they needed your help.
Stop replying to me. Cowards are a waste of my time. You see what you want to see.
I will when you stop trying to talk to me and mentioning me everytime you get a sad.
One time is every time?

You're a stupid idiot and a coward who is scared of a cold virus. I don't have time for cowards. Go cry over your reparations to someone who cares. I've experienced more racism than you and you rarely see me bring it up. You bring it up daily. Pussy.
This is like the 5th time you have whined to someone that I didnt want your help. Stop your crying.
Wrong. I answered a direct question. 5th time? LOL

You cannot even count. So not only are you a pussy you're also an idiot. Stop replying to me. You're pathetic.
You sad sack of lying shit. :)

No one asked you about me. You freely volunteered to whine. Here is the supposed question

"you don't know if that black man threatened someone prior to the incident, you don't know if he was a home invader, maybe he keyed their truck. No one fking knows. dude you jumped into hanging without one piece of evidence. wow. again, isn't like you at all."

Here is your "I have a sad" answer referencing me for no reason whatsover.

"Don't know and don't care anymore. TBH. I would have called the police and taken his picture but thats me. If people like Assfaceias see me as an equal to those men then I'll play the part and just bad for actually caring initially. He, IM2, MarcATL all assholes."

Get over it and please stop whining and talking about or to me. :)
I find it interesting that you can’t seem to discuss white conservative racist assholes without adding the names of some black guys who you believe are racists too.

What’s up with that?

This was the post I was responding too. Now go and play in traffic you sensitive snowflake.

Nope. This was the post you were responding to. :)
View attachment 333564
That was yesterday. And?

If it triggers you so much, I'll keep doing it now. What are you going to do about it?

And you should stop whining about me and mentioning me just because I gave you a sad. :)
Nope. Now I am going to stalk you and see how you like it. This will be fun. BTW - those in the truck are going to jail for life. You'll likely be joining them soon. It is a free messageboard if you don't want to read my posts making you look like an idiot then feel free to follow IM2 and put me on ignore. Otherwise reap the love. I am going to crush you and there is nothing you can do about. Bitch. ;)
Its the internet dude. You cant stalk me. :laughing0301:

I don't know much about the Georgia case except for what I read here and I couldn't see the video, so watched it here. The two's story does not jive as they didn't attempt to call the police and they confronted the unarmed jogger with a shotgun. It does look like a racially motivated killing to me. Give them life in prison or the death sentence. It seems open and shut to me with the video.

The difficult part would be to show a racially motivated killing.

Now, you bring George Zimmerman into this and I think that makes it more confusing of a case if you do that. You have to remember that "super dumbass" Zimmerman was found not guilty and shot in self-defense. Okay, that case was crazy, but why bring that into the black jogger in Georgia case when it appears the father and son's testimonies are full of holes? We haven't even gotten to their arrest nor a criminal case yet.

It makes it sound that you think the father and son will get off scot free in this case. How do you know? these sorts of cases bias in the facts are ignored, spun, censored or as in the case of the video on cbs ....the whole video is not shown....when you watch the whole video you see the black guy run over to the guy with the shotgun and attack him.....thus in defense of his life he shoots the black guy....not a complicated case...another case of simple self defense....yet the media once again is attempting to ignite racial tensions by not correctly reporting the story.

That is why there were no arrests in the we will see what the grand jury has to say.....if they follow the law and do not bow to political and media pressure the shooter will be exonerated.

That's not how the law is supposed to work. I had the video that showed it all along with a witness and you got jack diddly. This was second degree murder or Nit could've been first degree. We know these guys were racist. What's the punishment for a capital crime in Georgia? Better yet the Feds are investigating for a hate crime. Let these suckas burn. do you know these guys were racist? Not that in and of itself would matter.

What matters is the facts of the case which though very simple seem beyond your grasp......can anyone say because you are biased?

Not even to mention you have a severe ignorance of the law. the whole video and you will clearly see the black guy jogging down the road....then he runs around the truck to the right on the passenger side....the father is in the bed of the truck....the son is to the front and left of the truck....the black jogger then quickly runs to the left to attack the son with the shotgun.....when he runs into the white guy we hear a gunshot and then we hear a second and 3rd gunshot as the black guy strikes the white guy and they struggle for the gun...and then we see the jogger start to run off and then collapses.

Simple case of self guy stupidly attacks white guy with a gun and gets killed. Case closed.

Watch the full on full video.

The video does not show clearly where the gunman was standing when he was "attacked" by Arbery, but he appears to have moved in front of the truck when Arbery viered off to the right. It looks like he was stalking Arbery and Arbery was trying to avoid him. It is interesting that it was the gunmen's friend following behind who shot the video. Third arrest?

Definitely an accessory to the crime. It was probably going to go up on some website called

Arbery ran to the other side of the truck, away from his earlier trajectory, when he saw the gunman and appeared to try to run up a driveway, and then probably lunged at the gunman when he realized that he couldn't outrun him and might be shot in the back. This stinks like week old fish. If this wasn't premeditated, why the guy filming from the back?

In some states, the third guy would be charged with murder because even drivers of getaway cars in robberies are charged if a murder has occurred inside during a robbery.

Thats crazy talk

the driver of the 2nd car committed no crime
Who is running toward somebody the black or the white guy?

Arbery runs around the truck to be confronted by a man holding a rifle. It's not hard to believe Arbery was in fear for his life. Neither of these guys are police and neither of them had any reason to confront him.

Your opinion is irrelevant as you are a known racist.

Jits and Asclepias are two sides of the same racist coin. Neither can be taken very seriously when logic is required.
I’m typing what the video shows
Then we are seeing two vastly different encounters. Does your video show the man to be larger and faster than a typical truck?
do you see a truck chasing the jogger? again, post the time from the video showing that. I'll wait.
No. This is an assumption I am making. Need more facts than the 35 second video but people have yet to explain why the persons in the truck did not drive away. If more of the story comes out and there is a credible reason, I will gladly retract what I said. My intuition has been great so far in my life so I will continue to trust it. Hopefully more details come out regarding this homicide.
you don't know if that black man threatened someone prior to the incident, you don't know if he was a home invader, maybe he keyed their truck. No one fking knows. dude you jumped into hanging without one piece of evidence. wow. again, isn't like you at all.
Don't know and don't care anymore. TBH. I would have called the police and taken his picture but thats me. If people like Assfaceias see me as an equal to those men then I'll play the part and just bad for actually caring initially. He, IM2, MarcATL all assholes.

I find it interesting that you can’t seem to discuss white conservative racist assholes without adding the names of some black guys who you believe are racists too.

What’s up with that?
Because Assfaceias blatantly said that because I am white he does not want my help or opinion. IM2 and Marc have made similar statements before. Me being white makes me the enemy. So now, I'll just shrug. When you tell me to "fuck off" and you don't need or want my help then you reap what you sow. What morons like them and likely you don't comprehend is that racists hate Jews more than blacks and I have seen racism more frequently than any of those jokes, I would wager, but they don't care because I am "white".

What you don't get, Lone Leftist, is that racism is not only a white disease. Blacks may be racist too and those three I mentioned are case in point.
I must have really hurt your feelings. You still talking about me? Dont be mad bro. Like I told you before, I dont need nor did I ask for your help. Not because youre white. Because youre white and you assume I need your help. If you have to be convinced that Black people shouldnt be killed by racists then youre a racist.
I am responding to Lone Leftist's question. To me all lives are equal, I don't play the race game. But you don't want to hear that. In actuality, I don't care what you want or think. You're an idiot and a coward, by your own self admission. Not sure why you keep responding to my posts? You lonely hiding under that bed?
Bullshit. You specifically said Black people have to get you on their side. Like I said then I will say now. Fuck you. I dont want or need your type of help. Dont be mad about that bro. :)
I did? LOL

I said "black people need me on their side"?

You certainly misconstrued that statement. But whatever. To my face you'd never say any of this. You're a typical coward, internet tough guy. You live your life and I'll live mine. You want to live like a victim the rest of your life then so be it. I don't care. After all, by your own operational definition, I am superior as I am "white"..ooohhhhh.

Yes you did say that and there is no way to misconstrue it. Dont be mad bro. Youre help is not needed or wanted. Black people would be up shit creek if they needed your help.
Stop replying to me. Cowards are a waste of my time. You see what you want to see.
I will when you stop trying to talk to me and mentioning me everytime you get a sad.
One time is every time?

You're a stupid idiot and a coward who is scared of a cold virus. I don't have time for cowards. Go cry over your reparations to someone who cares. I've experienced more racism than you and you rarely see me bring it up. You bring it up daily. Pussy.
This is like the 5th time you have whined to someone that I didnt want your help. Stop your crying.
Wrong. I answered a direct question. 5th time? LOL

You cannot even count. So not only are you a pussy you're also an idiot. Stop replying to me. You're pathetic.
You sad sack of lying shit. :)

No one asked you about me. You freely volunteered to whine. Here is the supposed question

"you don't know if that black man threatened someone prior to the incident, you don't know if he was a home invader, maybe he keyed their truck. No one fking knows. dude you jumped into hanging without one piece of evidence. wow. again, isn't like you at all."

Here is your "I have a sad" answer referencing me for no reason whatsover.

"Don't know and don't care anymore. TBH. I would have called the police and taken his picture but thats me. If people like Assfaceias see me as an equal to those men then I'll play the part and just bad for actually caring initially. He, IM2, MarcATL all assholes."

Get over it and please stop whining and talking about or to me. :)
I find it interesting that you can’t seem to discuss white conservative racist assholes without adding the names of some black guys who you believe are racists too.

What’s up with that?

This was the post I was responding too. Now go and play in traffic you sensitive snowflake.

Nope. This was the post you were responding to. :)
View attachment 333564
That was yesterday. And?

If it triggers you so much, I'll keep doing it now. What are you going to do about it?

And you should stop whining about me and mentioning me just because I gave you a sad. :)
Nope. Now I am going to stalk you and see how you like it. This will be fun. BTW - those in the truck are going to jail for life. You'll likely be joining them soon. It is a free messageboard if you don't want to read my posts making you look like an idiot then feel free to follow IM2 and put me on ignore. Otherwise reap the love. I am going to crush you and there is nothing you can do about. Bitch. ;)
Can you girls get a room, take me off your reply’s, both of you have the IQ of a fucking earthworm. Small. Start a new convo so we aren’t caught up in your girl fight.
Who is running toward somebody the black or the white guy?

Arbery runs around the truck to be confronted by a man holding a rifle. It's not hard to believe Arbery was in fear for his life. Neither of these guys are police and neither of them had any reason to confront him.

Your opinion is irrelevant as you are a known racist.

Jits and Asclepias are two sides of the same racist coin. Neither can be taken very seriously when logic is required.
I’m typing what the video shows
Then we are seeing two vastly different encounters. Does your video show the man to be larger and faster than a typical truck?
do you see a truck chasing the jogger? again, post the time from the video showing that. I'll wait.
No. This is an assumption I am making. Need more facts than the 35 second video but people have yet to explain why the persons in the truck did not drive away. If more of the story comes out and there is a credible reason, I will gladly retract what I said. My intuition has been great so far in my life so I will continue to trust it. Hopefully more details come out regarding this homicide.
you don't know if that black man threatened someone prior to the incident, you don't know if he was a home invader, maybe he keyed their truck. No one fking knows. dude you jumped into hanging without one piece of evidence. wow. again, isn't like you at all.
Don't know and don't care anymore. TBH. I would have called the police and taken his picture but thats me. If people like Assfaceias see me as an equal to those men then I'll play the part and just bad for actually caring initially. He, IM2, MarcATL all assholes.

I find it interesting that you can’t seem to discuss white conservative racist assholes without adding the names of some black guys who you believe are racists too.

What’s up with that?
Because Assfaceias blatantly said that because I am white he does not want my help or opinion. IM2 and Marc have made similar statements before. Me being white makes me the enemy. So now, I'll just shrug. When you tell me to "fuck off" and you don't need or want my help then you reap what you sow. What morons like them and likely you don't comprehend is that racists hate Jews more than blacks and I have seen racism more frequently than any of those jokes, I would wager, but they don't care because I am "white".

What you don't get, Lone Leftist, is that racism is not only a white disease. Blacks may be racist too and those three I mentioned are case in point.
I must have really hurt your feelings. You still talking about me? Dont be mad bro. Like I told you before, I dont need nor did I ask for your help. Not because youre white. Because youre white and you assume I need your help. If you have to be convinced that Black people shouldnt be killed by racists then youre a racist.
I am responding to Lone Leftist's question. To me all lives are equal, I don't play the race game. But you don't want to hear that. In actuality, I don't care what you want or think. You're an idiot and a coward, by your own self admission. Not sure why you keep responding to my posts? You lonely hiding under that bed?
Bullshit. You specifically said Black people have to get you on their side. Like I said then I will say now. Fuck you. I dont want or need your type of help. Dont be mad about that bro. :)
I did? LOL

I said "black people need me on their side"?

You certainly misconstrued that statement. But whatever. To my face you'd never say any of this. You're a typical coward, internet tough guy. You live your life and I'll live mine. You want to live like a victim the rest of your life then so be it. I don't care. After all, by your own operational definition, I am superior as I am "white"..ooohhhhh.

Yes you did say that and there is no way to misconstrue it. Dont be mad bro. Youre help is not needed or wanted. Black people would be up shit creek if they needed your help.
Stop replying to me. Cowards are a waste of my time. You see what you want to see.
I will when you stop trying to talk to me and mentioning me everytime you get a sad.
One time is every time?

You're a stupid idiot and a coward who is scared of a cold virus. I don't have time for cowards. Go cry over your reparations to someone who cares. I've experienced more racism than you and you rarely see me bring it up. You bring it up daily. Pussy.
This is like the 5th time you have whined to someone that I didnt want your help. Stop your crying.
Wrong. I answered a direct question. 5th time? LOL

You cannot even count. So not only are you a pussy you're also an idiot. Stop replying to me. You're pathetic.
You sad sack of lying shit. :)

No one asked you about me. You freely volunteered to whine. Here is the supposed question

"you don't know if that black man threatened someone prior to the incident, you don't know if he was a home invader, maybe he keyed their truck. No one fking knows. dude you jumped into hanging without one piece of evidence. wow. again, isn't like you at all."

Here is your "I have a sad" answer referencing me for no reason whatsover.

"Don't know and don't care anymore. TBH. I would have called the police and taken his picture but thats me. If people like Assfaceias see me as an equal to those men then I'll play the part and just bad for actually caring initially. He, IM2, MarcATL all assholes."

Get over it and please stop whining and talking about or to me. :)
I find it interesting that you can’t seem to discuss white conservative racist assholes without adding the names of some black guys who you believe are racists too.

What’s up with that?

This was the post I was responding too. Now go and play in traffic you sensitive snowflake.

Nope. This was the post you were responding to. :)
View attachment 333564
That was yesterday. And?

If it triggers you so much, I'll keep doing it now. What are you going to do about it?

And you should stop whining about me and mentioning me just because I gave you a sad. :)
Nope. Now I am going to stalk you and see how you like it. This will be fun. BTW - those in the truck are going to jail for life. You'll likely be joining them soon. It is a free messageboard if you don't want to read my posts making you look like an idiot then feel free to follow IM2 and put me on ignore. Otherwise reap the love. I am going to crush you and there is nothing you can do about. Bitch. ;)
Can you girls get a room, take me off your reply’s, both of you have the IQ of a fucking earthworm. Small. Start a new convo so we aren’t caught up in your girl fight.
Says the unemployed Klan member. STFU.

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