Video emerges of Georgia jogger attack; case headed to grand jury

So, it turns out somebody caught it on video. It is clear from the video that the jogger was ambushed. The truck stopped in the road ahead of him, waiting on him to run by, and when he went around the truck, the driver jumped him while the other man, standing in the back of the truck, either shot the jogger, or was aiming and ready to shoot.

These men were not in fear of their lives. They ambushed the jogger plain and simple. Try them, and if convicted, give them the maximum sentence possible.

The video you posted was a black man running towards a white truck and then attacking somebody with a gun. Do you have this video of what you’re saying?
No, he ran around the truck, then the guy with the gun pursued him.
And ?
The black guy was being pursued. The video is plain as day buddy. Can't you see it?
again, they are illegally detaining/hindering him.....unless he just committed a crime ....did he?

They are not detaining the all times the black guy had freedom of movement.....there was absolutely nothing to prevent him from jogging on down the street as he should have.

There was no excuse for him to attack the white guy with the gun.

They are detaining him. According to the fathers own words the incident in the video is at least the 3rd time they attempted to cut Ahmaud off. They went above and beyond what Georgia law allows for a citizens arrest. Ahmaud is under no obligation to talk to them. The father and son needed to let him got and just dial 911 after the first attempt to stop him. Instead they followed him and cut him off 2 more times. This was harassment and not a citizens arrest. It seems clear Ahmaud is trying to avoid them in the video (which is at last the 3rd time they cut him off) by swerving and running around the right side of the truck. But Travis moves to the front of the truck and cuts him off. I'm wondering what was going through Ahmaud's mind at that point knowing these guys weren't going to let him go. IMO he had a right to assume a defensive posture. A jury will decide.

I'm a Trump supporter and big defender of the 2nd Amendment. But this type of vigilante justice is NOT why we have the right to own weapons. The father and son had a right to open carry. They had a right to request Ahmaud stop to talk to them. But once Ahmaud made it clear he did not want to talk to them, they did not have a right to cut him off 3 times and block his path with a show of intimidating force. The poor decisions made by the father and son led to this incident. Under Georgia law this looks like involuntary manslaughter at least.
..they can request to talk to him, but they don't have a right to.....if fact, that can be seen as harassment
harassment especially if they are holding firearms......I talk to people everyday--but they don't have firearms
Lookie here this nation anyone has a right to talk or try to talk to anyone...not complicated at all. you know the law regarding harassment?
And anyone in this nation has the right to not be harassed by strangers without being shot. Boy.
Well don’t try to steal a gun. Man this black guy was crazy
he actually pulled the gun into his own midsection after it went off twice.
Oooooooh. I see. It was suicide by red neck.
If you’re defending your house somebody breaks in and try to grab a gun in your hand what did you call that?
Who's how was being broken into? Who was in someone's house grabbing a gun in someone's hand?
The video shows a black guy wrestling the gun from the white guy and he got shot in his fucking chest, did he think his race card made him bulletproof lol

Here's the problem with everyone argument and it is the two that are being charged for murder admitted they followed the guy because they claim he fit a description of someone robbing the area.

Then the two had their guns out and had no business of trying to subdue the individual and they should have called the local authorities.

Laws are different from State to State but if someone is trying to stop you while running and you are black and they are white and they are holding a firearm to stop you from leaving then those holding the firearm could be in trouble.

Again, it is what the two men said why they were following the other guy is what will get them into trouble and the video hurt them even of the man lunges at the guy with the drawn firearm because that guy had no business getting out of his truck and trying to stop the other man.
they did call 911.

Then they should have left it to the local authorities and they had no business trying to subdue the person after he had been down the road.

They could have followed at a distance and gave the 911 operator the person home address or if they gotten in a vehicle the plate number and description of the automobile.

Again, this has been told countless of times do not take the law into your own hands unless your life is threaten and the two white guys put their lives at risk when confronting the runner.
they were looking to keep under control until the cops got there. Maybe stupid, but isn't illegal either.

You can not have guns drawn while waiting for someone to run down the road.

Also it is not illegal to run down a road and they had no business chasing after him unless a crime had been committed and they were witness to the crime.
They were a witness to a crime. One of them saw the man trespassing in a house under construction, called 9-1-1. Then the black man wearing a white t-shirt took off running when he realized he was spotted.

They followed him in their truck. Called 9-1-1 again. That’s when the black man wearing a white t-shirt attacked the man with the shotgun.

If you believe this, there is a bridge in Brooklyn that I've put up for sale.
Do you don’t believe the 9-1-1 audio or the video footage?

Video, mostly. I certainly don't believe the gunmen's stories, or the way you are trying so hard to spin your narrative. What's your connection to the gunmen?
No connection. I am not invested in this emotionally. I look at only the actual evidence. That’s what logical people do and that is what the justice system attempts to do. “Social Justice” on the other hand is fueled by emotion, and has an Agenda. Social Justice Terrorists could care less about the facts and evidence, all they care about is using the situation to create racial divide in order to help their Marxist party win elections. This is how they motivate their base.
:Because the burglar ran off to the side. If they were “chasing him down” why did the black “jogger” run right in front of the stopped vehicle and charge at the man with the shotgun?"

cats get it when confronted with their turds. the above real amerikan won't get it.
well no, the question is why didn't the jogger just keep jogging when he passed the truck? no one was in his way at all. no time was his freedom of movement denied.....he could have happily just kept on jogging down the road and be home now eating his mama's chitlings....if he hadn't freaked out and attacked a guy with a gun.....he must have though he would just snatch the gun and shoot the white guy with his own weapon.....surprise surprise dat white dude knew what he was doing...must have been well trained.
And now his well-trained ass can sit in prison.

Do they fry them in Georgia?
Meanwhile in Chicago 146 people mostly blacks have been killed since January.

Concerns? Cares?
Yes. Start a thread on it and stop deflecting.

So its "deflecting" to go from talking about young black men being killed to young black men being killed?
Chicago isnt in Georgia. Get your dumb ass back on topic.

Is Georgia the topic or the killing of a young black man the topic?
Who is running toward somebody the black or the white guy?

Arbery runs around the truck to be confronted by a man holding a rifle. It's not hard to believe Arbery was in fear for his life. Neither of these guys are police and neither of them had any reason to confront him.

Your opinion is irrelevant as you are a known racist.

Jits and Asclepias are two sides of the same racist coin. Neither can be taken very seriously when logic is required.
I’m typing what the video shows
Then we are seeing two vastly different encounters. Does your video show the man to be larger and faster than a typical truck?
do you see a truck chasing the jogger? again, post the time from the video showing that. I'll wait.
No. This is an assumption I am making. Need more facts than the 35 second video but people have yet to explain why the persons in the truck did not drive away. If more of the story comes out and there is a credible reason, I will gladly retract what I said. My intuition has been great so far in my life so I will continue to trust it. Hopefully more details come out regarding this homicide.
you don't know if that black man threatened someone prior to the incident, you don't know if he was a home invader, maybe he keyed their truck. No one fking knows. dude you jumped into hanging without one piece of evidence. wow. again, isn't like you at all.
Don't know and don't care anymore. TBH. I would have called the police and taken his picture but thats me. If people like Assfaceias see me as an equal to those men then I'll play the part and just bad for actually caring initially. He, IM2, MarcATL all assholes.

I find it interesting that you can’t seem to discuss white conservative racist assholes without adding the names of some black guys who you believe are racists too.

What’s up with that?
Because Assfaceias blatantly said that because I am white he does not want my help or opinion. IM2 and Marc have made similar statements before. Me being white makes me the enemy. So now, I'll just shrug. When you tell me to "fuck off" and you don't need or want my help then you reap what you sow. What morons like them and likely you don't comprehend is that racists hate Jews more than blacks and I have seen racism more frequently than any of those jokes, I would wager, but they don't care because I am "white".

What you don't get, Lone Leftist, is that racism is not only a white disease. Blacks may be racist too and those three I mentioned are case in point.
I must have really hurt your feelings. You still talking about me? Dont be mad bro. Like I told you before, I dont need nor did I ask for your help. Not because youre white. Because youre white and you assume I need your help. If you have to be convinced that Black people shouldnt be killed by racists then youre a racist.
I am responding to Lone Leftist's question. To me all lives are equal, I don't play the race game. But you don't want to hear that. In actuality, I don't care what you want or think. You're an idiot and a coward, by your own self admission. Not sure why you keep responding to my posts? You lonely hiding under that bed?
Bullshit. You specifically said Black people have to get you on their side. Like I said then I will say now. Fuck you. I dont want or need your type of help. Dont be mad about that bro. :)

Das rite! You don't want help, until you need help. Than you demand it, or you'll cry racism.

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What white supremacist site did you get that off of?

That's your life story.
Hardly. I grew up. I'm not afraid of people different than myself.
When are you taking that vacation to Libya?
Why would I? What an odd thing to say.
So, it turns out somebody caught it on video. It is clear from the video that the jogger was ambushed. The truck stopped in the road ahead of him, waiting on him to run by, and when he went around the truck, the driver jumped him while the other man, standing in the back of the truck, either shot the jogger, or was aiming and ready to shoot.

These men were not in fear of their lives. They ambushed the jogger plain and simple. Try them, and if convicted, give them the maximum sentence possible.

The video you posted was a black man running towards a white truck and then attacking somebody with a gun. Do you have this video of what you’re saying?
No, he ran around the truck, then the guy with the gun pursued him.
And ?
The black guy was being pursued. The video is plain as day buddy. Can't you see it?
So you saw a white guy chasing a black guy?? Huh
..plain and simple:
..he was doing no wrong
..the suspects admit to chasing/blocking/intercepting him--and they admit he even peacefully tried to get away
...they shot him
..he finally was FORCED to stand his ground
I have a slightly different opinion, after seeing the video.

He was doing no wrong by jogging.
They did chase/block/intercept him
I have not read where he "peacefully" tried to get away
He tried to take the shotgun away from one of them, even punched him multiple times
The struggle went on long enough for the person with the handgun to shot many times over, without hitting the shotgun guy, but he did not shoot. The shotgun guy could have shot him several times, but did not. The gun was going off because of the struggle.
At no time did it appear to me that this guy could not have just ran away, given the multiple opportunities for both gunmen to shoot him.
I never once saw him attempt to flee.

Despite the jogger not having a duty to flee, the fact that he didn't when many opportunities presented themselves, indicate that he was not acting out of fear, but out of anger.

Either way, everybody was stupid in this situation.


Again, we do not know what was said when he was confronted and if we had a way to know what was said then we would have a very clear reason why the jogger did what he did...
all he said was stop and he was attacked By a out-of-control Afr

The black dude must have watched too many of the netflix movies we see out there now....showing black men snatching weapons and shooting it is such an easy thing to do.
His race card wasn’t bulletproof lol
There's that Race Card Card.
What is wrong with seeking "social justice"? There is nothing wrong with insisting on "liberty and justice for all" as we declare in the salute to our flag.
"Social Justice" is not liberty and justice for all. It's take all the money and divide it up equally, even to those who didn't earn it. It's code for commie shit.

So they could shoot him in the back? Get back in the truck and run him over? I think it had gone beyond "ignoring" at that point.
Except now we have video evidence that the "jogger" did not fear for his life. He was trying to take the shotgun.

Had he not REPEATEDLY attempted to take the shotgun, he may still be alive.

He was mad that they caught him, and he wanted to fight. That's what really happened.

Meanwhile in Chicago 146 people mostly blacks have been killed since January.

Concerns? Cares?
Yes. Start a thread on it and stop deflecting.

So its "deflecting" to go from talking about young black men being killed to young black men being killed?
Chicago isnt in Georgia. Get your dumb ass back on topic.

Is Georgia the topic or the killing of a young black man the topic?
The killing of a young Black man by white yahoos from Georgia is the topic. it even says "Georgia" right in the title.
well, we know two guys in a truck with guns, jogger running down the road, and instead of continuing with his jog, ran at the dude out of the truck.
...and tried to take his shotgun...repeatedly....even when there was a clear avenue of escape.....and the other guy with the handgun had not fired on him.....with MULTIPLE OPPORTUNITIES TO DO SO prior to actually doing it.

It figures that you fly the traitor flag
This one is also a "traitor" flag.


Or, did you forget.


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