Video emerges of Georgia jogger attack; case headed to grand jury

would surmise that McMichael pointed the gun at Arbery while they were both in front of the truck.
You are guessing. You don’t see anything in the video.

This tells me that you had already made up your mind before you even watch the video.

That’s what I thought.


You really can not see what happens in front of the truck. The only facts you know for certain are what is actually seen in the video:

As the vehicle turns a bend in a road, a black man wearing a white shirt — what Arbery was described as wearing in 911 calls — can be seen running. A white pickup truck, ostensibly the McMichaels’, blocks his path; a white man is in the street next to the driver’s side of the truck, and another stands in the flatbed. The video is blocked by the dashboard for a moment, and some unintelligible yelling can be heard. The video then shows the black man trying to run around the truck.
It’s not possible to see what happens next, but there’s a gunshot; the black man and the white man who was standing in the road reappear in the frame, engaged in a struggle, and move off the road, again leaving the video’s frame. As the man in the flatbed brings up his firearm, there’s another gunshot. The video Merritt posted ends with the struggle — seemingly over possession of a firearm — continuing. A longer version available online features a third gunshot, and the black man falling to the pavement, his shirt seemingly red with blood.

There were multiple points where those armed men could have avoided a confrontation and killing, including staying in the car and just following him. They chose NOT to.
I agree. For some reason, the people who’ve already made up their minds want to say for certain what happened.

This obviously infuriates the hell out of me. Especially when I’m trying to be reasonable about it.

Thank you for the voice of reason.

These two dudes were idiots for running this guy down. They should’ve just followed him and reported his whereabouts to police. They certainly didn’t need to do so carrying shotguns. I can understand a handgun for personal protection, but a damn shotgun?

How can you be reasonable, when you cannot address or counter my arguments?
AA WAS an attempted school shooter

The “unarmed jogger” Ahmaud Arbery was once arrested for attempting to bring a loaded gun into a high school. When the school police officer noticed the gun in his waist band, the man fled from police.

Luckily he was stoppped
I read that already. It was 2013 I believe. It was at a basketball game. What's that got to do with anything?
Watching Yao Ming in China? Your homeland.
I was initially sad that this tragic event happened. Now I don’t give a fuck. I’m gonna laugh my ass off when these dudes walk.

They're going to walk right into a prison cell.

And spare us your faux emotions. You're one of those useless fucks who's just happy a black guy is dead...
You can go fuck yourself.


That's the response from someone who's completely devoid of intelligence and reasonable arguments to make.

You're happy that the black guy is dead. You've admitted as much. You're a racist little fuck, and nothing more...
Is that true? You a racist, Bootney?
Why did Travis McMichael get out of the truck holding a shotgun.
You don't wanna' hear it? Too fuckin' bad. They chased him. That's aggressive.
That is not aggression. It certainly doesn’t justify the dead black dude committing assault.

Why can’t anybody hear about this black dude was a stupid motherfucker for trying to take a shot gun away from somebody? Why can’t anybody hear me at this was Darwin in effect. The stupidest thing a person can do is try to disarm somebody with a gun when there’s another guy there with a gun too.

Everything about this whole situation screams that this black dude was guilty. He was mad because these little crackers caught him. He ran after him and try to take the gun away because he was mad.

How is it irrelevant that Travis McMichael got out of his truck with a loaded shotgun? Son, you are losing this debate, and losing it badly.
All I know is that you idiots are saying that reasonable action is not running the other way or running toward the houses or running for the trees or trying to ask these guys what the fuck they want. No reasonable action is to attack the guy who’s holding a gun.

Can we all at least agree that this guy was a stupid motherfucker? I mean that’s the worst thing someone could have done in that situation right?

I mean, it’s also evidence that the dude was guilty as fuck and knew he was caught, but let’s put that aside for now.

The dead guy is dead because he is stupid as fuck. Right?

I was initially sad that this tragic event happened. Now I don’t give a fuck. I’m gonna laugh my ass off when these dudes walk.

They're going to walk right into a prison cell.

And spare us your faux emotions. You're one of those useless fucks who's just happy a black guy is dead...
You can go fuck yourself.


That's the response from someone who's completely devoid of intelligence and reasonable arguments to make.

You're happy that the black guy is dead. You've admitted as much. You're a racist little fuck, and nothing more...
Is that true? You a racist, Bootney?
No but that doesn’t stop him from making that stupid statement. Does it?
But address this again: is it your argument that when someone is allegedly pointing a gun at you, your first instinct is to run at them and try to take the gun away?

That's not what Arbery did.

I'll ask you a seventh time (although I suspect you're simply too big a coward to answer): If all Travis and Gregory McMichael wanted to do was talk, why did they arm themselves before they chased Arbery down?
Because they were confronting a burglar or they could be dangerous,

Actually, no.

Gregory McMichael was a former cop. As such, he would know that burglars almost never arm themselves, simply because that increases the severity of the crime. Because of that, it's almost unheard of for a burglar to be armed and, as a former cop, the elder McMichael would've known that and could've safely assumed Arbery was not armed.

There were two of them, and combined they look like they'd weigh in around 500 pounds or so. Arbery looked like he weighed around a third of that, at best. They didn't need guns to detain him. They needed guns to stop him, and that's where they fucked up, as they had no legal right to do that...
would surmise that McMichael pointed the gun at Arbery while they were both in front of the truck.
You are guessing. You don’t see anything in the video.

This tells me that you had already made up your mind before you even watch the video.

That’s what I thought.

No guess work at all. Pay attention to Avery and the way he was moving fast, then darted quickly to be on the right side of the vehicle. He saw two things. He saw his brother standing in the bed of the truck with a handgun, as we all did, darted to the right to avoid the driver with the loaded shotgun on the ground, and in those two to three seconds, knew his only chance was to get quickly around the front to try and get the gun from the shooter on the ground. There were three things in that video that give it all away. He could see both shooters with guns, his forward momentum was going to take him to the front of the truck, and third, and most important, each time I watch the video, I pretend I am Avery running at that speed, and I would have done exactly what he did, because there was no other option.
What do you mean no other option?

Run off the road into the woods.

Stop and ask them what the hell they want.

Turn around and run the other way.

Don’t give me this “there was no other option” bullshit. You are telling me that you would charge at a dude holding a gun when you had the option to run the other way, or run into the woods, or ask what they want?

Oh my fucking God, I am so goddamn sick of this bullshit.

Explain to me why this dude cannot run the other way.

Explain to me why this dude cannot run off into the woods.

Explain to me why this dude cannot say “what the fuck do you want why are you holding guns?”

One unarmed black guy. Two armed white men in a truck. A third white dude in a car behind him filming it.

Southern Georgia.

My first thought would be...I’m not going to make it out of this alive.
I was initially sad that this tragic event happened. Now I don’t give a fuck. I’m gonna laugh my ass off when these dudes walk.

They're going to walk right into a prison cell.

And spare us your faux emotions. You're one of those useless fucks who's just happy a black guy is dead...
You can go fuck yourself.


That's the response from someone who's completely devoid of intelligence and reasonable arguments to make.

You're happy that the black guy is dead. You've admitted as much. You're a racist little fuck, and nothing more...
Is that true? You a racist, Bootney?
No but that doesn’t stop him from making that stupid statement. Does it?
I believe you...
Why did Travis McMichael get out of the truck holding a shotgun.
You don't wanna' hear it? Too fuckin' bad. They chased him. That's aggressive.
That is not aggression. It certainly doesn’t justify the dead black dude committing assault.

Why can’t anybody hear about this black dude was a stupid motherfucker for trying to take a shot gun away from somebody? Why can’t anybody hear me at this was Darwin in effect. The stupidest thing a person can do is try to disarm somebody with a gun when there’s another guy there with a gun too.

Everything about this whole situation screams that this black dude was guilty. He was mad because these little crackers caught him. He ran after him and try to take the gun away because he was mad.

How is it irrelevant that Travis McMichael got out of his truck with a loaded shotgun? Son, you are losing this debate, and losing it badly.
All I know is that you idiots are saying that reasonable action is not running the other way or running toward the houses or running for the trees or trying to ask these guys what the fuck they want. No reasonable action is to attack the guy who’s holding a gun.

Can we all at least agree that this guy was a stupid motherfucker? I mean that’s the worst thing someone could have done in that situation right?

I mean, it’s also evidence that the dude was guilty as fuck and knew he was caught, but let’s put that aside for now.

The dead guy is dead because he is stupid as fuck. Right?


He's dead because he was chased down and killed by two rednecks.

When Travis McMichael was standing on the driver's side of the truck, Arbery ran to the passenger side. How is that, in any way, unreasonable?
I was initially sad that this tragic event happened. Now I don’t give a fuck. I’m gonna laugh my ass off when these dudes walk.

They're going to walk right into a prison cell.

And spare us your faux emotions. You're one of those useless fucks who's just happy a black guy is dead...
You can go fuck yourself.


That's the response from someone who's completely devoid of intelligence and reasonable arguments to make.

You're happy that the black guy is dead. You've admitted as much. You're a racist little fuck, and nothing more...
Is that true? You a racist, Bootney?
No but that doesn’t stop him from making that stupid statement. Does it?

No, what compels me to make that statement is that you revel in the death of an unarmed black man at the hands of two armed white men.

That's pretty much a textbook example of a piece of shit racist...
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Is anybody going to answer my question about what reasonable action would’ve save this guys life?

Run into the trees, ot to the houses, or the other way, or ask these motherfuckers what the hell they want.

I guess these idiots on here going to go with run at the guy with a gun.


A whole lot of stupid up in here.

I was initially sad that this tragic event happened. Now I don’t give a fuck. I’m gonna laugh my ass off when these dudes walk.

They're going to walk right into a prison cell.

And spare us your faux emotions. You're one of those useless fucks who's just happy a black guy is dead...
You can go fuck yourself.


That's the response from someone who's completely devoid of intelligence and reasonable arguments to make.

You're happy that the black guy is dead. You've admitted as much. You're a racist little fuck, and nothing more...
Is that true? You a racist, Bootney?
No but that doesn’t stop him from making that stupid statement. Does it?
I believe you...

I don't. He's reacted rather gleefully to Arbery's death, and continues to reference Arbery's race...
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would surmise that McMichael pointed the gun at Arbery while they were both in front of the truck.
You are guessing. You don’t see anything in the video.

This tells me that you had already made up your mind before you even watch the video.

That’s what I thought.


You really can not see what happens in front of the truck. The only facts you know for certain are what is actually seen in the video:

As the vehicle turns a bend in a road, a black man wearing a white shirt — what Arbery was described as wearing in 911 calls — can be seen running. A white pickup truck, ostensibly the McMichaels’, blocks his path; a white man is in the street next to the driver’s side of the truck, and another stands in the flatbed. The video is blocked by the dashboard for a moment, and some unintelligible yelling can be heard. The video then shows the black man trying to run around the truck.
It’s not possible to see what happens next, but there’s a gunshot; the black man and the white man who was standing in the road reappear in the frame, engaged in a struggle, and move off the road, again leaving the video’s frame. As the man in the flatbed brings up his firearm, there’s another gunshot. The video Merritt posted ends with the struggle — seemingly over possession of a firearm — continuing. A longer version available online features a third gunshot, and the black man falling to the pavement, his shirt seemingly red with blood.

There were multiple points where those armed men could have avoided a confrontation and killing, including staying in the car and just following him. They chose NOT to.
I agree. For some reason, the people who’ve already made up their minds want to say for certain what happened.

This obviously infuriates the hell out of me. Especially when I’m trying to be reasonable about it.

Thank you for the voice of reason.

These two dudes were idiots for running this guy down. They should’ve just followed him and reported his whereabouts to police. They certainly didn’t need to do so carrying shotguns. I can understand a handgun for personal protection, but a damn shotgun?

You aren't being reasonable. Some things are apparent. And while so many whites ion the right want to try gaslighting racism away, it just won't be eliminated like that. This video shows a truck with the drivers side door open, the jogger running around to the passenger side and then from then suddenly you see a confrontation that started at the front of the truck and went towards and past the drivers door. Now there was no confrontation until the jogger got to the front of the truck. The guy who got out of the drivers side went to the front of the truck. Why did he do that?
Is anybody going to answer my question about what reasonable action would’ve save this guys life?

Run into the trees, ot to the houses, or the other way, or ask these motherfuckers what the hell they want.

I guess these idiots on here going to go with run at the guy with a gun.


A whole lot of stupid up in here.

I've asked you seven times why they felt the need to arm themselves if all they wanted to talk, and you've cowardly run away from attempting to answer that.

Ergo, it takes a special kind of stupid for you to think anyone would answer a question of yours...
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He's dead because he was chased down and killed by two rednecks.
We don’t know that. They may have all walked away unharmed.

It looks to me like this dude is dead because he didn’t run into the trees, or run toward the houses, or run the other way, or ask these rednecks what the fuck they want.

It appears to all of us at this dude is dead because he decided to run at the guy with a fucking gun.


Are you telling me that’s what you would’ve done?

Please say yes. :laugh:

Is anybody going to answer my question about what reasonable action would’ve save this guys life?

Run into the trees, ot to the houses, or the other way, or ask these motherfuckers what the hell they want.

I guess these idiots on here going to go with run at the guy with a gun.


A whole lot of stupid up in here.

The question is stupid. Guns should never have been pulled on him and he should never have been bothered. Trying to fault this guy for an attempt to stop people from shooting him is very dumb.
would surmise that McMichael pointed the gun at Arbery while they were both in front of the truck.
You are guessing. You don’t see anything in the video.

This tells me that you had already made up your mind before you even watch the video.

That’s what I thought.

No guess work at all. Pay attention to Avery and the way he was moving fast, then darted quickly to be on the right side of the vehicle. He saw two things. He saw his brother standing in the bed of the truck with a handgun, as we all did, darted to the right to avoid the driver with the loaded shotgun on the ground, and in those two to three seconds, knew his only chance was to get quickly around the front to try and get the gun from the shooter on the ground. There were three things in that video that give it all away. He could see both shooters with guns, his forward momentum was going to take him to the front of the truck, and third, and most important, each time I watch the video, I pretend I am Avery running at that speed, and I would have done exactly what he did, because there was no other option.
What do you mean no other option?

Run off the road into the woods.

Stop and ask them what the hell they want.

Turn around and run the other way.

Don’t give me this “there was no other option” bullshit. You are telling me that you would charge at a dude holding a gun when you had the option to run the other way, or run into the woods, or ask what they want?

Oh my fucking God, I am so goddamn sick of this bullshit.

Explain to me why this dude cannot run the other way.

Explain to me why this dude cannot run off into the woods.

Explain to me why this dude cannot say “what the fuck do you want why are you holding guns?”

Run off into the woods in the open grass and get shot with no cover? No thank you.

"Stop and ask two armed men what they want", when whites usually shoot Blacks first, answer questions later? No thanks! Avery instinctively knew what was happening. The fact that two civilians had loaded weapons when he approached, and were white, and in southeast Georgia? One of the most racist regions in the country? Are you friggin kidding me?

There was no "turning around and running the other way." He was running too fast in their direction. He wasn't jogging, he was running. Forward momentum got him there. I know this because I run. You can't just up and stop on a dime.

Instincts kicked in and that's all she wrote. And it wasn't enough.

You are tired of this "bullshit" because you can't keep your stories straight. This is what you said; A white dude killed a black dude who deserved it. That's where you put your foot in your big mouth keyboard. In this post of yours you are responding to me by giving Avery all sorts of options to avoid getting shot. That's according to you right? If you are trying to give Avery advise on how to avoid getting shot, then why are you telling us that this Black guy deserved being shot? Your problem is, you can't decide which way is up. You convicted the black guy in one post, and giving him survival expertise in another. Lol! You are too conflicted/ confused/ whatever, to carry on an intelligent debate, because you blew your cover. See you later. You've been a big bunch of hot air who told us nothing.
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Is anybody going to answer my question about what reasonable action would’ve save this guys life?

Run into the trees, ot to the houses, or the other way, or ask these motherfuckers what the hell they want.

I guess these idiots on here going to go with run at the guy with a gun.


A whole lot of stupid up in here.

Why did they stop the truck in the middle of the street? No one an answer that question.
He's dead because he was chased down and killed by two rednecks.
We don’t know that. They may have all walked away unharmed.

It looks to me like this dude is dead because he didn’t run into the trees, or run toward the houses, or run the other way, or ask these rednecks what the fuck they want.

It appears to all of us at this dude is dead because he decided to run at the guy with a fucking gun.


Are you telling me that’s what you would’ve done?

Please say yes. :laugh:

You said the Black dude deserved it, so why do you care?
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You aren't being reasonable. Some things are apparent.
Why? Because I can’t understand why a guy like this, who is being confronted by two dudes with guns, would not run the other way, or run into the trees, or run toward the houses, or stop and ask these motherfuckers what the fuck they want?

I’m being unreasonable because I think a guy is acting unreasonably when faced with all these choices, and he decides to run at the guy carrying a gun?

I have nothing more to say about anything else until somebody can explain this shit.

He's dead because he was chased down and killed by two rednecks.
We don’t know that. They may have all walked away unharmed.

It looks to me like this dude is dead because he didn’t run into the trees, or run toward the houses, or run the other way, or ask these rednecks what the fuck they want.

It appears to all of us at this dude is dead because he decided to run at the guy with a fucking gun.


Are you telling me that’s what you would’ve done?

Please say yes. :laugh:

We do know that. You and those like you want to avoid that reality at all costs. The dude should not have been bothered.

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