Video emerges of Georgia jogger attack; case headed to grand jury

Bootney. Let me tell you this. You stop a car and or truck in the middle of street in Boston, I pull you out of the car and beat the living daylights out of you. Only in the deep South is that considered "normal".
We see Avery rounding the front of the vehicle when the first shot goes off,
WRONG. The first shot was long after that. Watch it again.

Nope! Right when he rounded the corner. It was a physical impossibility for Avery to already be where the shooter was. That is why Avery instinctively knew he only had one choice. I*'ve watched the video many times and freezed it.
You can see his fucking foot right in front of the driver side tire. Don’t give me that shit. I watch the video many times.

Nope, he had not gotten to the shooter yet. Not to mention, you forget the most important detail. Avery would have had to have seen the brother standing in the back of the truck with the pistol. Now, you tell me this, you come up behind the truck fast because you are running fast, see the guy with the shotgun on the drivers side, quickly dart to your right to go around on the right side, all Avery had at that moment, knowing both men were armed, was to lung for the guy with the shotgun from the front. That's the only chance he had. Avery saw what was unfolding from behind the vehicle, but because he was going so fast only had two to three seconds decide what he could do. No doubt he thought they were wanting to gun him down.
Perhaps the person should have tried not stealing. Sometimes armed people might show up to defend the property, and then if you threaten them... well.

But that's not what happened.

Travis McMichaels didn't see that video. He didn't see Arbery going into the house that was under construction. All he knows is that Daddy told him to get a gun, get the truck and chase him down. He got out of his pickup, armed with a shotgun, and confronted Arbery, killing him.

Those are facts which cannot be refuted.

There are times when deadly force is legal to use. It was not in this case. They can't claim self defense because they initiated the entire thing...

What makes this case so special anyway? People are gunned down in Chicago all the time, you know certain people are 13 percent of the population but commit 50 percent of the crime? Oh... the perpetrators were white... so fuck those guys who claim race does not matter.

Just so you're aware, I'm a white conservative in my late 50's, and I carry a gun every single day, so I don't base my opinions on race...

And there is nothing that connects Arbery to the house under construction, either. As far as I know, there is no evidence that anything was stolen from the construction site by anyone. The owner of the house claims to have some film from a motion-activated camera on the property of a person moving around the property, which he refuses to release. There is no link here to Arbery. And what is the link between the McMichaels and the owner that they would know about this?
There is clear footage of Arbery in the construction site just prior to the shooting (he was just looking around). The police have had the footage since Day One. The family has confirmed that it was Arbery. Just so you know. I posted up both videos in one of these threads.... surprised you haven't seen the vid yet somewhere.

But the video of him at the site has no bearing on this case, simply because Travis McMichael never saw it. He had no idea that the guy he was chasing was at that construction site. Ergo, he had no reason to treat Arbery as a criminal, and he sure the fuck had no reason to kill him...
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My initial gut feeling tells Me, AA was involved in some kind burglary, and maybe even was armed. He was caught, ditched his gun, might have even shot at the guys chasing after him, and then the result was that he was caught, tried to fight them off, and then got shot when he went for the other guys gun. He was a thief... maybe he didn't learn his lesson. And that's just what My gut is telling Me as an investigator. And you know how the Black community politicizes and mobilizes even when the evidence is clear that the Black criminal who is shot was threatening and firing with deadly force at Police Officers.

What happened to Ariel in Chicago is much worse.

There is no way you're an investigator based on the above.

I investigated insurance claims. Took statements, reviewed evidence, police reports. Decided on whether to pay or not.

And you base your decision whether or not to pay a claim on your gut rather than the evidence and/or the police reports?

I based My decision off of the evidence. "Evidence being gathered includes security surveillance video from the home under construction, as well as surveillance video from other homes in the neighborhood, Barnhill said." Source: Shooting death presents conflict of interest for local DA's office

How much of that footage have you seen?

Which footage, the surveillance footage? There's not much to see, can't see the face... can match the clothes maybe, looks like a white tshirt and blue pants or shorts. I wouldn't be able to make a determination based off this video alone.

Surveillance from the homes in the area?
Probably not.

The surveillance footage is reportedly from a home security camera. Ahmaud Arbery case: Additional video being reviewed, authorities say Additionally, it is reported that he began running when exiting the house, which is suspicious behavior.

Why did Travis McMichael get out of the truck holding a shotgun.
You don't wanna' hear it? Too fuckin' bad. They chased him. That's aggressive.
That is not aggression. It certainly doesn’t justify the dead black dude committing assault.

Why can’t anybody hear about this black dude was a stupid motherfucker for trying to take a shot gun away from somebody? Why can’t anybody hear me at this was Darwin in effect. The stupidest thing a person can do is try to disarm somebody with a gun when there’s another guy there with a gun too.

Everything about this whole situation screams that this black dude was guilty. He was mad because these little crackers caught him. He ran after him and try to take the gun away because he was mad.

How is it irrelevant that Travis McMichael got out of his truck with a loaded shotgun? Son, you are losing this debate, and losing it badly.
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So, it turns out somebody caught it on video. It is clear from the video that the jogger was ambushed. The truck stopped in the road ahead of him, waiting on him to run by, and when he went around the truck, the driver jumped him while the other man, standing in the back of the truck, either shot the jogger, or was aiming and ready to shoot.

These men were not in fear of their lives. They ambushed the jogger plain and simple. Try them, and if convicted, give them the maximum sentence possible.

Something tells me that jogger pissed these guys off sometime before the attack. I think there's more to this case than we know at this time.

On the other hand, people are morons, and morons do incredibly stupid things. I may be overthinking this.
No there us nothing more to this.
One of the guys clearly tells him to freeze.
Indicating he wasnt intent on shooting him,just hold him until the cops arrived.
The guy then bum rushed him and got shot.
Of course it didnt help that CNN decided it was a good idea to cover part of the vid with their banner.
I'll wait to see more evidence on this one.
They had no right to tell him anything. nor did he have to obey their commands.
Arming yourself and chasing someone down, and then getting out of your pickup and confronting the person with a shotgun is "aggression" by any measure...

Are you telling me every cop is committing assault anytime they approach anyone with a gun? Go fuck yourself with that shit
He wasn't talking about cops. You are losing this debate terribly by distracting to something that wasn't said, to something you invented.
Cops carry guns. You’re telling me that anybody with a gun is being aggressive. So that means cops to write?

Like you can’t have it both ways. Having a gun is not aggression and less someone is using that gun aggressively. The video shows none of that prior to the dead black dude’s assault on McMichael.

You really just don't get it do you? Why are you inventing questions that have no relationship to what we are talking about? Get your brain thinking again. What does "cops carrying guns" have to do with the price of apples? A private citizen, with a loaded gun, in a vehicle, standing on a public road, is aggression. It is also very illegal. Get a clue.
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Perhaps the person should have tried not stealing. Sometimes armed people might show up to defend the property, and then if you threaten them... well.

But that's not what happened.

Travis McMichaels didn't see that video. He didn't see Arbery going into the house that was under construction. All he knows is that Daddy told him to get a gun, get the truck and chase him down. He got out of his pickup, armed with a shotgun, and confronted Arbery, killing him.

Those are facts which cannot be refuted.

There are times when deadly force is legal to use. It was not in this case. They can't claim self defense because they initiated the entire thing...

What makes this case so special anyway? People are gunned down in Chicago all the time, you know certain people are 13 percent of the population but commit 50 percent of the crime? Oh... the perpetrators were white... so fuck those guys who claim race does not matter.

Just so you're aware, I'm a white conservative in my late 50's, and I carry a gun every single day, so I don't base my opinions on race...

And there is nothing that connects Arbery to the house under construction, either. As far as I know, there is no evidence that anything was stolen from the construction site by anyone. The owner of the house claims to have some film from a motion-activated camera on the property of a person moving around the property, which he refuses to release. There is no link here to Arbery. And what is the link between the McMichaels and the owner that they would know about this?
There is clear footage of Arbery in the construction site just prior to the shooting (he was just looking around). The police have had the footage since Day One. The family has confirmed that it was Arbery. Just so you know. I posted up both videos in one of these threads.... surprised you haven't seen the vid yet somewhere.

But the video of him at the site has no bearing on this case, simply because Travis McMichael never saw it. He had no idea that the guy he was chasing was at that construction site. Ergo, he had no reason to treat Arbery as a criminal, and he sure the fuck had no reason to kill him...
I was just sharing information with Lysistrata, since she didn't know.
Both the McMichaels believed what they heard on the radio and that Arbery had been in the house. Arbery was in the house. It doesn't justify what they did. But people still saying that Arbery wasn't there are behind the times.
Perhaps the person should have tried not stealing. Sometimes armed people might show up to defend the property, and then if you threaten them... well.

But that's not what happened.

Travis McMichaels didn't see that video. He didn't see Arbery going into the house that was under construction. All he knows is that Daddy told him to get a gun, get the truck and chase him down. He got out of his pickup, armed with a shotgun, and confronted Arbery, killing him.

Those are facts which cannot be refuted.

There are times when deadly force is legal to use. It was not in this case. They can't claim self defense because they initiated the entire thing...

What makes this case so special anyway? People are gunned down in Chicago all the time, you know certain people are 13 percent of the population but commit 50 percent of the crime? Oh... the perpetrators were white... so fuck those guys who claim race does not matter.

Just so you're aware, I'm a white conservative in my late 50's, and I carry a gun every single day, so I don't base my opinions on race...

And there is nothing that connects Arbery to the house under construction, either. As far as I know, there is no evidence that anything was stolen from the construction site by anyone. The owner of the house claims to have some film from a motion-activated camera on the property of a person moving around the property, which he refuses to release. There is no link here to Arbery. And what is the link between the McMichaels and the owner that they would know about this?
There is clear footage of Arbery in the construction site just prior to the shooting (he was just looking around). The police have had the footage since Day One. The family has confirmed that it was Arbery. Just so you know. I posted up both videos in one of these threads.... surprised you haven't seen the vid yet somewhere.

But the video of him at the site has no bearing on this case, simply because Travis McMichael never saw it. He had no idea that the guy he was chasing was at that construction site. Ergo, he had no reason to treat Arbery as a criminal, and he sure the fuck had no reason to kill him...
I was just sharing information with Lysistrata, since she didn't know.
Both the McMichaels believed what they heard on the radio and that Arbery had been in the house. Arbery was in the house. It doesn't justify what they did. But people still saying that Arbery wasn't there are behind the times.

What radio?
would surmise that McMichael pointed the gun at Arbery while they were both in front of the truck.
You are guessing. You don’t see anything in the video.

This tells me that you had already made up your mind before you even watch the video.

That’s what I thought.


You really can not see what happens in front of the truck. The only facts you know for certain are what is actually seen in the video:

As the vehicle turns a bend in a road, a black man wearing a white shirt — what Arbery was described as wearing in 911 calls — can be seen running. A white pickup truck, ostensibly the McMichaels’, blocks his path; a white man is in the street next to the driver’s side of the truck, and another stands in the flatbed. The video is blocked by the dashboard for a moment, and some unintelligible yelling can be heard. The video then shows the black man trying to run around the truck.
It’s not possible to see what happens next, but there’s a gunshot; the black man and the white man who was standing in the road reappear in the frame, engaged in a struggle, and move off the road, again leaving the video’s frame. As the man in the flatbed brings up his firearm, there’s another gunshot. The video Merritt posted ends with the struggle — seemingly over possession of a firearm — continuing. A longer version available online features a third gunshot, and the black man falling to the pavement, his shirt seemingly red with blood.

There were multiple points where those armed men could have avoided a confrontation and killing, including staying in the car and just following him. They chose NOT to.
I agree. For some reason, the people who’ve already made up their minds want to say for certain what happened.

This obviously infuriates the hell out of me. Especially when I’m trying to be reasonable about it.

Thank you for the voice of reason.

These two dudes were idiots for running this guy down. They should’ve just followed him and reported his whereabouts to police. They certainly didn’t need to do so carrying shotguns. I can understand a handgun for personal protection, but a damn shotgun?

Perhaps the person should have tried not stealing. Sometimes armed people might show up to defend the property, and then if you threaten them... well.

But that's not what happened.

Travis McMichaels didn't see that video. He didn't see Arbery going into the house that was under construction. All he knows is that Daddy told him to get a gun, get the truck and chase him down. He got out of his pickup, armed with a shotgun, and confronted Arbery, killing him.

Those are facts which cannot be refuted.

There are times when deadly force is legal to use. It was not in this case. They can't claim self defense because they initiated the entire thing...

What makes this case so special anyway? People are gunned down in Chicago all the time, you know certain people are 13 percent of the population but commit 50 percent of the crime? Oh... the perpetrators were white... so fuck those guys who claim race does not matter.

Just so you're aware, I'm a white conservative in my late 50's, and I carry a gun every single day, so I don't base my opinions on race...

And there is nothing that connects Arbery to the house under construction, either. As far as I know, there is no evidence that anything was stolen from the construction site by anyone. The owner of the house claims to have some film from a motion-activated camera on the property of a person moving around the property, which he refuses to release. There is no link here to Arbery. And what is the link between the McMichaels and the owner that they would know about this?
There is clear footage of Arbery in the construction site just prior to the shooting (he was just looking around). The police have had the footage since Day One. The family has confirmed that it was Arbery. Just so you know. I posted up both videos in one of these threads.... surprised you haven't seen the vid yet somewhere.

But the video of him at the site has no bearing on this case, simply because Travis McMichael never saw it. He had no idea that the guy he was chasing was at that construction site. Ergo, he had no reason to treat Arbery as a criminal, and he sure the fuck had no reason to kill him...
I was just sharing information with Lysistrata, since she didn't know.
Both the McMichaels believed what they heard on the radio and that Arbery had been in the house. Arbery was in the house. It doesn't justify what they did. But people still saying that Arbery wasn't there are behind the times.

What radio?
Dispatch. That's not on radio anymore?
would surmise that McMichael pointed the gun at Arbery while they were both in front of the truck.
You are guessing. You don’t see anything in the video.

This tells me that you had already made up your mind before you even watch the video.

That’s what I thought.

No guess work at all. Pay attention to Avery and the way he was moving fast, then darted quickly to be on the right side of the vehicle. He saw two things. He saw his brother standing in the bed of the truck with a handgun, as we all did, darted to the right to avoid the driver with the loaded shotgun on the ground, and in those two to three seconds, knew his only chance was to get quickly around the front to try and get the gun from the shooter on the ground. There were three things in that video that give it all away. He could see both shooters with guns, his forward momentum was going to take him to the front of the truck, and third, and most important, each time I watch the video, I pretend I am Avery running at that speed, and I would have done exactly what he did, because there was no other option.
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Bootney. Let me tell you this. You stop a car and or truck in the middle of street in Boston, I pull you out of the car and beat the living daylights out of you. Only in the deep South is that considered "normal".
I don’t follow what you’re trying to tell me.

There is nothing normal about one person deciding to beat the shit out of somebody else.

We certainly do not put up with that in Texas.

I was initially sad that this tragic event happened. Now I don’t give a fuck. I’m gonna laugh my ass off when these dudes walk.

They're going to walk right into a prison cell.

And spare us your faux emotions. You're one of those useless fucks who's just happy a black guy is dead...
You can go fuck yourself.

You lost this debate and you know it. Your sour grapes aren't going to change the reality of their guilt either. You don't give a fuck because you know you are wrong.
would surmise that McMichael pointed the gun at Arbery while they were both in front of the truck.
You are guessing. You don’t see anything in the video.

This tells me that you had already made up your mind before you even watch the video.

That’s what I thought.


You really can not see what happens in front of the truck. The only facts you know for certain are what is actually seen in the video:

As the vehicle turns a bend in a road, a black man wearing a white shirt — what Arbery was described as wearing in 911 calls — can be seen running. A white pickup truck, ostensibly the McMichaels’, blocks his path; a white man is in the street next to the driver’s side of the truck, and another stands in the flatbed. The video is blocked by the dashboard for a moment, and some unintelligible yelling can be heard. The video then shows the black man trying to run around the truck.
It’s not possible to see what happens next, but there’s a gunshot; the black man and the white man who was standing in the road reappear in the frame, engaged in a struggle, and move off the road, again leaving the video’s frame. As the man in the flatbed brings up his firearm, there’s another gunshot. The video Merritt posted ends with the struggle — seemingly over possession of a firearm — continuing. A longer version available online features a third gunshot, and the black man falling to the pavement, his shirt seemingly red with blood.

There were multiple points where those armed men could have avoided a confrontation and killing, including staying in the car and just following him. They chose NOT to.
I agree. For some reason, the people who’ve already made up their minds want to say for certain what happened.

This obviously infuriates the hell out of me. Especially when I’m trying to be reasonable about it.

Thank you for the voice of reason.

These two dudes were idiots for running this guy down. They should’ve just followed him and reported his whereabouts to police. They certainly didn’t need to do so carrying shotguns. I can understand a handgun for personal protection, but a damn shotgun?

How can you be reasonable, when you cannot address or counter my arguments?
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