Video emerges of Georgia jogger attack; case headed to grand jury

Why did Travis McMichael get out of the truck holding a shotgun.
You don't wanna' hear it? Too fuckin' bad. They chased him. That's aggressive.
That is not aggression. It certainly doesn’t justify the dead black dude committing assault.

Why can’t anybody hear about this black dude was a stupid motherfucker for trying to take a shot gun away from somebody? Why can’t anybody hear me at this was Darwin in effect. The stupidest thing a person can do is try to disarm somebody with a gun when there’s another guy there with a gun too.

Everything about this whole situation screams that this black dude was guilty. He was mad because these little crackers caught him. He ran after him and try to take the gun away because he was mad.

How is it irrelevant that Travis McMichael got out of his truck with a loaded shotgun? Son, you are losing this debate, and losing it badly.
All I know is that you idiots are saying that reasonable action is not running the other way or running toward the houses or running for the trees or trying to ask these guys what the fuck they want. No reasonable action is to attack the guy who’s holding a gun.

Can we all at least agree that this guy was a stupid motherfucker? I mean that’s the worst thing someone could have done in that situation right?

I mean, it’s also evidence that the dude was guilty as fuck and knew he was caught, but let’s put that aside for now.

The dead guy is dead because he is stupid as fuck. Right?

The REASONABLE ACTION was for those 2 men to have let the police handle this situation.
Because they were chasing him, attempting to cut him off and intercept him and pulled their truck up to him specifically to stop him.
And that does not justify Arbery's aggression.

If you can’t see where McMichael is, then how can you say it’s clear that he never approached Arbery? You can’t. It’s not “clear”. It’s anything but.
You can't see him anywhere in the frame when Arbery RUNS AT HIM!!!!

The video confirms this was self defense, not aggression. The shot rang out at the point Avery was rounding the vehicle. The aggression is from those who were in possession of illegally loaded firearms.
Yeah, what part of the video do you see where the dead guy initially feared for his life? It’s not there. All you see is the black guy being aggressive toward a white dude. That’s what’s making you fucking pissed off. A white dude killed a black dude who deserved it.

Boo fucking who.

Guys having guns does not equal aggression, you gun-grabbing twat. Running at someone is. You can cry all you want. The black dude was the aggressor and deserved to die. Fuck him.

All you have to do, is put your instinct goggles on, pretend you are Avery running in the video yourself, and tell me what you see. My eyes and instincts tell me I would have done the same exact thing. Avery knew that running in the grass was his end too. And from where I see it, it looked like open territory to the right to me.

What about run the other way?

What about stop and ask him what the fuck they want?

What about Ron 90° from the truck toward the woods?

You are so full of shit. You know you’re full of shit.

Nobody, when a gun is pointed at them, runs at the gun. Nobody.

:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: "Run the other way?" That's a good one. Turn around while running at least fifteen miles an hour? :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:Dude, you are definitely no runner. Not to mention, that would really be dumb. It's nothing but open road behind him. Good clear shots. Why do you even care? Id on't get you? You already said the black guy deserved it. WTF do you care what he does? He deserved it right? You threw your whole argument in the toilet. You gave yourself away. Don't you get it? Your arguments have no credibility after that. You keep telling others that they've made up their minds. And you? Lol! You're a joke. Get out of this debate now. You have no credibility here.
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Why did they stop the truck in the middle of the street? No one an answer that question.
Does it really matter given what this guy decided to do?

Assume they stop the truck in the middle of the road and pull out 40 guns and pointed to them at him.

Not run at the trees

Not run the other way

Not run toward the house is

Not say what do you want

No, charge of the guys hole in the guns and try to take them away.

:Not run at the trees

Not run the other way

Not run toward the houses

Not say what do you want

No, charge at the guys holding the guns and try to take them away.


Not one person here believes that was the right thing to do. Not one of you. You all know that he was acting stupidly or aggressively.

Thats a deflection. Why? Because normal people don't do that.
Normal people don’t do what? Run at somebody pointing a gun at them?

It’s the instinct of everyone to stop and not provoke the guy pointing a gun at them.

The fact that the dead guy did run it McMichael indicates one thing. McMichael was not pointing a gun at him.

Either that, or the dead black dude was a stupid motherfucker.

I’ll except either explanation.

These guys are trying to get us to believe they had no intention of stopping him.
So? Trying to stop somebody is not assault.

Going after somebody and try to take their gun away from him is very much assault.

What's equally clear is that McMichaels then went from the driver's side of the truck to the front of the truck. Why would he have done that if he had no interest in confronting the jogger?
He did. Irrelevant. Confronting is not assaulting.

The only person that you can tell is committing assault in this video is the dead guy.


We can't say, with any degree of certainty, what happened in front of the truck. The fact that they armed themselves and chased him down and tried to stop him, though, strongly suggests to any rational, non-racist that Travis McMichael put him self in a position where Arbery felt he needed to be in fear for his life. Struggling for the gun may well have been the only thing Arbery felt would help save his life.

What you claim to be irrelevant is actually an important factor to this case.

I'll say this for the retarded kids in the class: If you arm yourself and chase someone down and attempt to stop them, you cannot claim self defense. I believe the law in all 50 states would bear that out; even in Georgia.

Why did Travis McMichael confront Arbery with a shotgun if all he and his father wanted to do was talk to him?
It's not that way in all 50 states, however it is in Georgia. They are not allowed to attempt to defend property, stop, preach to, question or detain suspects in GA. They only have the right to observe & report to police. They acted like LEO's getting out of truck to perform an armed confrontation. Arbery was stupid for grabbing the gun & got himself killed, but McMichael confronted him with or without a gun in the first place.
If that is true, and I suspect it is, McMichael is guilty of unlawful arrest.

Not murder. Unlawful arrest.

The black dude is dead because he thought he could disarm somebody and not get shot. Darwin at work. Natural selection.

No, the black dude is dead because 2 white men thought they had the right to arrest him.
When you’re faced with someone pointing a gun at you, what is your first response? I would really like to know.

Answer that question.

It would be to run to the opposite side of the truck.

Just like Arbery did.

Oh, and thank you for finally admitting that McMichael pointed the gun at Arbery. That's assault with a deadly weapon...
So, why did this dude run at McMichael at the front of the truck, if McMichael was (allegedly) pointing a gun at him?

Is that what you would’ve done?

It is isn’t it? You’re that fucking stupid.

Run at the guy pointing a gun at you.

You have been defeated and you know it..


As I stated earlier, and which you're just to fucking stupid to comprehend, is that we don't know what happened in front of the truck.

What we know is this: The McMichael duo was pretty intent on not only getting this guy to stop, but they also postured themselves to exact violence on him.

It's clear that Arbery ran around the opposite side of the truck and, when he did, McMichael ran around the front and confronted him, getting in his way in such close quarters that it made Arbery fear for his life to the point where he believed that grabbing the shotgun was the only thing which might keep McMichael from shooting him.

That would certainly fit the profile of someone who would arm himself and go chase someone down.

If I were running and someone jumped in front of me at such a close range that I couldn't avoid them? Yeah, I might grab the gun, too, simply because the guy with the gun is exhibiting irrational and dangerous behavior and I don't want to be shot.

Arbery had every reason to fear for his life. He was being chased by two armed white men for no reason...
The REASONABLE ACTION was for those 2 men to have let the police handle this situation.
I don’t disagree. That fact alone does not mean they should be charged with murder.

You still didn’t answer my question though.

They were not pointing a gun at him. If they were, he would not have run at them.

He was pissed because they caught him. Nobody runs at somebody pulling a gun at them. That is absolutely unreasonable, which indicates that they did NOT point guns at him.

Or we can go with the other explanation, that this dude was a motherfucking idiot. I’ll except that explanation too.

Why did they stop the truck in the middle of the street? No one an answer that question.
Does it really matter given what this guy decided to do?

Assume they stop the truck in the middle of the road and pull out 40 guns and pointed to them at him.

Not run at the trees

Not run the other way

Not run toward the house is

Not say what do you want

No, charge of the guys hole in the guns and try to take them away.

:Not run at the trees

Not run the other way

Not run toward the houses

Not say what do you want

No, charge at the guys holding the guns and try to take them away.


Not one person here believes that was the right thing to do. Not one of you. You all know that he was acting stupidly or aggressively.

Thats a deflection. Why? Because normal people don't do that.
Normal people don’t do what? Run at somebody pointing a gun at them?

It’s the instinct of everyone to stop and not provoke the guy pointing a gun at them.

The fact that the dead guy did run it McMichael indicates one thing. McMichael was not pointing a gun at him.

Either that, or the dead black dude was a stupid motherfucker.

I’ll except either explanation.

That happened AFTER the truck was stopped in the middle of the road. I have no idea why the victim acted the way he did. The video doesn't' have any sound. You're under the impression that both parties cannot be at fault for doing stupid shit. They can. But the 2nd action doesn't happen if they don't initially stop the fucking truck in the middle of the road. Sane people don't do that.
Why did they stop the truck in the middle of the street? No one an answer that question.
Does it really matter given what this guy decided to do?

Assume they stop the truck in the middle of the road and pull out 40 guns and pointed to them at him.

Not run at the trees

Not run the other way

Not run toward the house is

Not say what do you want

No, charge of the guys hole in the guns and try to take them away.

:Not run at the trees

Not run the other way

Not run toward the houses

Not say what do you want

No, charge at the guys holding the guns and try to take them away.


Not one person here believes that was the right thing to do. Not one of you. You all know that he was acting stupidly or aggressively.

Thats a deflection. Why? Because normal people don't do that.
Normal people don’t do what? Run at somebody pointing a gun at them?

It’s the instinct of everyone to stop and not provoke the guy pointing a gun at them.

The fact that the dead guy did run it McMichael indicates one thing. McMichael was not pointing a gun at him.

Either that, or the dead black dude was a stupid motherfucker.

I’ll except either explanation.

The black dude didn't run to the gun you stupid motherfucker. Your entire argument is crazy. The 2 white men had no right to do any of the shit they did. Trying to blame the black guy for causing his own death is warped. You're fucked up in the head for even trying this argument.
No, the black dude is dead because 2 white men thought they had the right to arrest him
Are you serious?

So there is no scenario where this could’ve ended without violence?

You’re telling me that these guys were gonna shoot him dead, regardless of what he did?

Why did they wait so fucking long to shoot his ass then?

All other factors being the same, I had this do not attempted to wrestle the gun away from the other guy, he would probably still be alive.

Please tell me you can at least admit that.

What about run the other way?

That's what Arbery did. That's ridiculously obvious in the video...

What about stop and ask him what the fuck they want?

If I'm a black guy and I've got two armed rednecks chasing me down, the last thing I'm gonna' do is stop and chat to find out what's on their mind. Hell, I'm a white guy and if I've got two armed rednecks chasing me down, the last thing I'm gonna' do is stop and chat to find out what's on their mind.

My God, you're fucking stupid...
The dead deer did not run the other way. He never ran the other way. The other way is toward the guy with the camera.

Are you that fucking stupid? Seriously?


You are that fucking stupid aren’t you?



And the guy with the camera is also now being investigated and GBI has not ruled out murder charges for him, too.

Arbery tried to avoid McMichael and McMichael made sure he couldn't.

Do you honestly believe that you have it all right and that GBI, in consultation with the FBI, have it all wrong?


I wish hanging was still used for carrying out the death penalty, because I'd like to see that pudgy little fuck swing...
Why did they stop the truck in the middle of the street? No one an answer that question.
Does it really matter given what this guy decided to do?

Assume they stop the truck in the middle of the road and pull out 40 guns and pointed to them at him.

Not run at the trees

Not run the other way

Not run toward the house is

Not say what do you want

No, charge of the guys hole in the guns and try to take them away.

:Not run at the trees

Not run the other way

Not run toward the houses

Not say what do you want

No, charge at the guys holding the guns and try to take them away.


Not one person here believes that was the right thing to do. Not one of you. You all know that he was acting stupidly or aggressively.

Thats a deflection. Why? Because normal people don't do that.
Normal people don’t do what? Run at somebody pointing a gun at them?

It’s the instinct of everyone to stop and not provoke the guy pointing a gun at them.

The fact that the dead guy did run it McMichael indicates one thing. McMichael was not pointing a gun at him.

Either that, or the dead black dude was a stupid motherfucker.

I’ll except either explanation.

The black dude didn't run to the gun you stupid motherfucker. Your entire argument is crazy. The 2 white men had no right to do any of the shit they did. Trying to blame the black guy for causing his own death is warped. You're fucked up in the head for even trying this argument.
Why is this racist allowed to put me on ignore? This is a travesty.
Why did they stop the truck in the middle of the street? No one an answer that question.
Does it really matter given what this guy decided to do?

Assume they stop the truck in the middle of the road and pull out 40 guns and pointed to them at him.

Not run at the trees

Not run the other way

Not run toward the house is

Not say what do you want

No, charge of the guys hole in the guns and try to take them away.

:Not run at the trees

Not run the other way

Not run toward the houses

Not say what do you want

No, charge at the guys holding the guns and try to take them away.


Not one person here believes that was the right thing to do. Not one of you. You all know that he was acting stupidly or aggressively.

Thats a deflection. Why? Because normal people don't do that.
Normal people don’t do what? Run at somebody pointing a gun at them?

It’s the instinct of everyone to stop and not provoke the guy pointing a gun at them.

The fact that the dead guy did run it McMichael indicates one thing. McMichael was not pointing a gun at him.

Either that, or the dead black dude was a stupid motherfucker.

I’ll except either explanation.

That happened AFTER the truck was stopped in the middle of the road. I have no idea why the victim acted the way he did. The video doesn't' have any sound. You're under the impression that both parties cannot be at fault for doing stupid shit. They can. But the 2nd action doesn't happen if they don't initially stop the fucking truck in the middle of the road. Sane people don't do that.
I have already said repeatedly that these two white dudes were idiots.

The fact still remains that this could have been resolved without somebody getting killed.

What do you think caused the death of this guy? Then stopping in the road? Or him trying to wrestle a shot gun away from the other guy?

Please tell me you see the reason and all of this.

It appears to all of us at this dude is dead because he decided to run at the guy with a fucking gun.

"All of us"? Who's that? The other entities living inside your head?

At this stage, you're just being stupid. McMichael was on the driver's side with a shotgun, and Arbery ran to the passenger side.

If you say you can't see that, you're a fucking liar...
Answer this fucking question and stop avoiding it.

When someone is pointing a gun at you, is it your first instinct to run at them and try to take the gun away?

You won’t answer honestly because you’re a fucking asswipe. You know you’ve been defeated. You know that it was absolutely unreasonable for the fucking idiot to run it somebody pointing a gun in hand.

So, if you can’t see somebody pointing a gun at him, we can reasonably assume that nobody did porn ago and had it because nobody would run it somebody pointing a gun at them.

Don’t get pissed at me because I have hit on the very essence of this entire situation.

When somebody points a gun at you, you run at them and try to take the gun away don’t you? You’re that fucking stupid aren’t you?


Why do you think Avery was lunging towards the guy with the shotgun? Ding, ding, ding, the answer immediately popped in my head like magic. Did it ever occur to you, that in those few seconds, Avery thought the guy with the shotgun wanted to ambush him when he went around to the front of the truck? Ding, ding, ding, the answer to that question immediately would be yes.

Once again, I am puzzle? Why do you care?
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What about run the other way?

That's what Arbery did. That's ridiculously obvious in the video...

What about stop and ask him what the fuck they want?

If I'm a black guy and I've got two armed rednecks chasing me down, the last thing I'm gonna' do is stop and chat to find out what's on their mind. Hell, I'm a white guy and if I've got two armed rednecks chasing me down, the last thing I'm gonna' do is stop and chat to find out what's on their mind.

My God, you're fucking stupid...
The dead deer did not run the other way. He never ran the other way. The other way is toward the guy with the camera.

Are you that fucking stupid? Seriously?


You are that fucking stupid aren’t you?



And the guy with the camera is also now being investigated and GBI has not ruled out murder charges for him, too.

Arbery tried to avoid McMichael and McMichael made sure he couldn't.

Do you honestly believe that you have it all right and that GBI, in consultation with the FBI, have it all wrong?


I wish hanging was still used for carrying out the death penalty, because I'd like to see that pudgy little fuck swing...
So, it is your argument that the dead dude was acting reasonably when he charge that the guy holding a shotgun? You’re going with that?

Go on record and show your motherfucking stupidity and say that this guy act reasonably and running at a guy who was holding a shotgun.


The REASONABLE ACTION was for those 2 men to have let the police handle this situation.
I don’t disagree. That fact alone does not mean they should be charged with murder.

You still didn’t answer my question though.

They were not pointing a gun at him. If they were, he would not have run at them.

He was pissed because they caught him. Nobody runs at somebody pulling a gun at them. That is absolutely unreasonable, which indicates that they did NOT point guns at him.

Or we can go with the other explanation, that this dude was a motherfucking idiot. I’ll except that explanation too.

Fuck your question. And their actions do warrant a murder charge. He did not run at anyone bootney. Watch the film again and you will see he ran around the truck and was met at the front.
No, the black dude is dead because 2 white men thought they had the right to arrest him
So there is no scenario where this could’ve ended without violence?

Had they not armed themselves, and if Travis McMichael didn't get out of the truck and confront Arbery with a loaded shotgun, it very well could've ended without violence...

You’re telling me that these guys were gonna shoot him dead, regardless of what he did?

Well, that's certainly the way it worked out, isn't it?

Why did they wait so fucking long to shoot his ass then?

Maybe they got off on the hunt...

All other factors being the same, I had this do not attempted to wrestle the gun away from the other guy, he would probably still be alive. Please tell me you can at least admit that.

Had they not brought loaded guns with them and chased him down he would probably still be alive.

Please tell me you can at least admit that...
We can go with this all day long.

But for the dead dude deciding he needed to run at the guy holding a shotgun and I try to take it away from him, he would probably still be alive.

Each and every last one of you motherfuckers know it’s true.

His actions indicate that he was pissed off that they caught him.

Tell me how I’m wrong.

Is anybody going to answer my question about what reasonable action would’ve save this guys life?

Run into the trees, ot to the houses, or the other way, or ask these motherfuckers what the hell they want.

I guess these idiots on here going to go with run at the guy with a gun.


A whole lot of stupid up in here.

Georgia is a Stand Your Ground State, Avery did not need to retreat from thugs attempting to take his life or freedom. I have done the same, attacked an armed robber poking a gun in my back attempting to take my cash at an ATM machine. He got his head busted on a yellow cement filled pipe barricade post, then I ran before his buddies could join in.
The REASONABLE ACTION was for those 2 men to have let the police handle this situation.
I don’t disagree. That fact alone does not mean they should be charged with murder.

You still didn’t answer my question though.

They were not pointing a gun at him. If they were, he would not have run at them.

He was pissed because they caught him. Nobody runs at somebody pulling a gun at them. That is absolutely unreasonable, which indicates that they did NOT point guns at him.

Or we can go with the other explanation, that this dude was a motherfucking idiot. I’ll except that explanation too.

Fuck your question. And their actions do warrant a murder charge. He did not run at anyone bootney. Watch the film again and you will see he ran around the truck and was met at the front.
I have watched it repeatedly.

You know I’m right.

Nobody runs it somebody pointing a gun at them. Nobody.

You want to charge these idiots with a crime, fine but it ain’t murder. Not with the way he acted.


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