Video emerges of Georgia jogger attack; case headed to grand jury

I wouldn’t either but when threatened, people sometimes act in self defense. Don’t they?
Of course. That's why the thug got shot.
Are black people entitled to self defense?
Sure. But they have to pay for their own stupidity. Look at Big Mike and Trayvon. Violence begets violence.
Is that what you say about everyone who is shot while defending themselves?
You mean like Big Mike and Trayvon? Stupidity and violence got them killed too.

I can see how desperately you’re trying to avoid the point.

I’ll be direct. If a person is acting in self defense, and shot, can the shooter claim self defense or are they criminally liable for their actions?
Maybe. But clearly they were not in fear of their lives.
Did you watch the tape? If I had a gun and some thug was attacking me to take it, I would sure as hell be in fear of my life.
What would you do if two armed people chase you down yelling at you?

Would you feel threatened?
Black people are not....I repeat...are not allowed to put up any resistance or display any type of actions that would lead to self preservation in the face of danger from a white person.
Black people are allowed to die if that is their preference

I guess I’m just a wimp because if confronted by two armed men I going to cooperate instead of fighting with them
well shit dude, they claim the guy taking the video was a friend of the victim, why didn't the jogger just wait for him and get in that car? hmmmmmm
Did they?

thats very unusual and a bit suspicious
So, it turns out somebody caught it on video. It is clear from the video that the jogger was ambushed. The truck stopped in the road ahead of him, waiting on him to run by, and when he went around the truck, the driver jumped him while the other man, standing in the back of the truck, either shot the jogger, or was aiming and ready to shoot.

These men were not in fear of their lives. They ambushed the jogger plain and simple. Try them, and if convicted, give them the maximum sentence possible.


That's what people usually do when they run out of house they just broke in to.

A 25-year-old black man was shot dead in Georgia while jogging

"However, according to the Times, someone called the police station and said a black man with a white t-shirt had run inside a house under construction that was only "partially closed in." Arbery had some run-ins with police in the past, included being "sentenced to five years' probation as a first offender on charges of carrying a weapon on campus and several counts of obstructing a law enforcement officer," the AJC reported. Arbery was also charged for shoplifting and violating his probation in 2018, according to the AJC. "

Well, there you go... Not that the murderers had a way to know it but the guy once broke a law so he was fair game for anyone to shoot.

What if they're ones that called police to tell them he broke into a house and went after him?
Maybe. But clearly they were not in fear of their lives.
Did you watch the tape? If I had a gun and some thug was attacking me to take it, I would sure as hell be in fear of my life.
What would you do if two armed people chase you down yelling at you?

Would you feel threatened?
Black people are not....I repeat...are not allowed to put up any resistance or display any type of actions that would lead to self preservation in the face of danger from a white person.
Black people are allowed to die if that is their preference

I guess I’m just a wimp because if confronted by two armed men I going to cooperate instead of fighting with them
Cooperate? They werent the police. They were just some inbred yahoos. My man went down fighting the cave monkey. I can respect that.
Right On Bro!

Dont let the white man push you around

it better to die than settle the problem peacefully
Maybe. But clearly they were not in fear of their lives.
Did you watch the tape? If I had a gun and some thug was attacking me to take it, I would sure as hell be in fear of my life.
What would you do if two armed people chase you down yelling at you?

Would you feel threatened?
Black people are not....I repeat...are not allowed to put up any resistance or display any type of actions that would lead to self preservation in the face of danger from a white person.
Black people are allowed to die if that is their preference

I guess I’m just a wimp because if confronted by two armed men I going to cooperate instead of fighting with them
Cooperate? They werent the police. They were just some inbred yahoos. My man went down fighting the cave monkey. I can respect that.
Right On Bro!

Dont let the white man push you around

it better to die than settle the problem peacefully
Its better to go down fighting than allow some inbred cave monkeys to punk you.
Maybe. But clearly they were not in fear of their lives.
Did you watch the tape? If I had a gun and some thug was attacking me to take it, I would sure as hell be in fear of my life.
What would you do if two armed people chase you down yelling at you?

Would you feel threatened?
Black people are not....I repeat...are not allowed to put up any resistance or display any type of actions that would lead to self preservation in the face of danger from a white person.
Black people are allowed to die if that is their preference

I guess I’m just a wimp because if confronted by two armed men I going to cooperate instead of fighting with them
Are black people entitled to self defense?
I already answered that question in previous post

of course black people are entitled to die fighting if thats their preference

just like you dont have give an inch to that 18 wheeler on the highway

after all your pride is at stake...
I wouldn’t either but when threatened, people sometimes act in self defense. Don’t they?
Of course. That's why the thug got shot.
Are black people entitled to self defense?
Sure. But they have to pay for their own stupidity. Look at Big Mike and Trayvon. Violence begets violence.
Is that what you say about everyone who is shot while defending themselves?
You mean like Big Mike and Trayvon? Stupidity and violence got them killed too.

I can see how desperately you’re trying to avoid the point.

I’ll be direct. If a person is acting in self defense, and shot, can the shooter claim self defense or are they criminally liable for their actions?
Who was attacking whom? Clearly, you don't walk up to someone in close quarters with a rifle if you're set on shooting them. With a pistol you might have a bit of a case, but the video is clear. Dead thug. That's it.
Who is running toward somebody the black or the white guy?

Arbery runs around the truck to be confronted by a man holding a rifle. It's not hard to believe Arbery was in fear for his life. Neither of these guys are police and neither of them had any reason to confront him.

Your opinion is irrelevant as you are a known racist.

Jits and Asclepias are two sides of the same racist coin. Neither can be taken very seriously when logic is required.
I’m typing what the video shows
Then we are seeing two vastly different encounters. Does your video show the man to be larger and faster than a typical truck?
do you see a truck chasing the jogger? again, post the time from the video showing that. I'll wait.
No. This is an assumption I am making. Need more facts than the 35 second video but people have yet to explain why the persons in the truck did not drive away. If more of the story comes out and there is a credible reason, I will gladly retract what I said. My intuition has been great so far in my life so I will continue to trust it. Hopefully more details come out regarding this homicide.
you don't know if that black man threatened someone prior to the incident, you don't know if he was a home invader, maybe he keyed their truck. No one fking knows. dude you jumped into hanging without one piece of evidence. wow. again, isn't like you at all.
Don't know and don't care anymore. TBH. I would have called the police and taken his picture but thats me. If people like Assfaceias see me as an equal to those men then I'll play the part and just bad for actually caring initially. He, IM2, MarcATL all assholes.
Now youre feelings are hurt. Sorry but like I said, If you have to be convinced or persuaded not to be a racist then youre already a racist. The excuses these other racists have come up with are the reason I stated that even with video Black people will not get any justice. African americans live in a country founded and built on racism. Whites as a group will never come to terms with that because they fear Black people.
STFU. Hurt? I am laughing. You and your ilk don't deserve any feelings. Stop your racism rant. I am a Jew, I've experienced more racism than you ever will. Like I said, when Jits beats the crap out of you, I'll just shrug and keep walking. When crimes like these happen, I'll again just shrug. Don't want my help, I won't ask twice. I do not fear anyone or anything.

You're the coward here. Like I said, your response makes me not care about the truck incident either. Whatever.
STFU? Now youre mad and youre hurt. :laughing0301:
Shrug....don't care. Honestly. Do what you want. Just don't call me for help. Still scared of the COVID-19? That disease racist too?

You're hopeless. And I know you lost the debate when you begin posting emojis.
Why would I call you for help with anything? You cant even help yourself. I dont call people for help that have to be convinced not to be a racist. Sorry but you have the wrong dude. Just because youre upset I dont want or need your help doesnt change my point regarding this thread. The video shows the guy jogging. It shows the inbred cave chimps stop in front of him and it shows him taking action to save his life. To your fellow cave chimps that wont matter because he is Black and big and scary. Thats the result of centuries of racism.
You still talking? I don't speak loser. Go harass someone else.
Now see, you've got him jumping up and down again. It's been a while. :)
So, it turns out somebody caught it on video. It is clear from the video that the jogger was ambushed. The truck stopped in the road ahead of him, waiting on him to run by, and when he went around the truck, the driver jumped him while the other man, standing in the back of the truck, either shot the jogger, or was aiming and ready to shoot.

These men were not in fear of their lives. They ambushed the jogger plain and simple. Try them, and if convicted, give them the maximum sentence possible.


That's what people usually do when they run out of house they just broke in to.

A 25-year-old black man was shot dead in Georgia while jogging

"However, according to the Times, someone called the police station and said a black man with a white t-shirt had run inside a house under construction that was only "partially closed in." Arbery had some run-ins with police in the past, included being "sentenced to five years' probation as a first offender on charges of carrying a weapon on campus and several counts of obstructing a law enforcement officer," the AJC reported. Arbery was also charged for shoplifting and violating his probation in 2018, according to the AJC. "

Well, there you go... Not that the murderers had a way to know it but the guy once broke a law so he was fair game for anyone to shoot.
It doesnt look that way to me

the black guy was physically attacking the white guy
Who is running toward somebody the black or the white guy?

Arbery runs around the truck to be confronted by a man holding a rifle. It's not hard to believe Arbery was in fear for his life. Neither of these guys are police and neither of them had any reason to confront him.

Your opinion is irrelevant as you are a known racist.

Jits and Asclepias are two sides of the same racist coin. Neither can be taken very seriously when logic is required.
I’m typing what the video shows
Then we are seeing two vastly different encounters. Does your video show the man to be larger and faster than a typical truck?
do you see a truck chasing the jogger? again, post the time from the video showing that. I'll wait.
No. This is an assumption I am making. Need more facts than the 35 second video but people have yet to explain why the persons in the truck did not drive away. If more of the story comes out and there is a credible reason, I will gladly retract what I said. My intuition has been great so far in my life so I will continue to trust it. Hopefully more details come out regarding this homicide.
you don't know if that black man threatened someone prior to the incident, you don't know if he was a home invader, maybe he keyed their truck. No one fking knows. dude you jumped into hanging without one piece of evidence. wow. again, isn't like you at all.
Don't know and don't care anymore. TBH. I would have called the police and taken his picture but thats me. If people like Assfaceias see me as an equal to those men then I'll play the part and just bad for actually caring initially. He, IM2, MarcATL all assholes.
Now youre feelings are hurt. Sorry but like I said, If you have to be convinced or persuaded not to be a racist then youre already a racist. The excuses these other racists have come up with are the reason I stated that even with video Black people will not get any justice. African americans live in a country founded and built on racism. Whites as a group will never come to terms with that because they fear Black people.
STFU. Hurt? I am laughing. You and your ilk don't deserve any feelings. Stop your racism rant. I am a Jew, I've experienced more racism than you ever will. Like I said, when Jits beats the crap out of you, I'll just shrug and keep walking. When crimes like these happen, I'll again just shrug. Don't want my help, I won't ask twice. I do not fear anyone or anything.

You're the coward here. Like I said, your response makes me not care about the truck incident either. Whatever.
STFU? Now youre mad and youre hurt. :laughing0301:
Shrug....don't care. Honestly. Do what you want. Just don't call me for help. Still scared of the COVID-19? That disease racist too?

You're hopeless. And I know you lost the debate when you begin posting emojis.
Why would I call you for help with anything? You cant even help yourself. I dont call people for help that have to be convinced not to be a racist. Sorry but you have the wrong dude. Just because youre upset I dont want or need your help doesnt change my point regarding this thread. The video shows the guy jogging. It shows the inbred cave chimps stop in front of him and it shows him taking action to save his life. To your fellow cave chimps that wont matter because he is Black and big and scary. Thats the result of centuries of racism.
You still talking? I don't speak loser. Go harass someone else.
Now see, you've got him jumping up and down again. It's been a while. :)
He is my puppet. Thank you for noticing.
Why is the truck parked in the middle of the lane? And is the one hick standing by the door holding a gun before the jogger gets there? The other dipwad in the box seems to react slow. It's too bad guys like this think they are do gooders when they should call the police. Why is the guy standing in the other lane waiting for the jogger? What an idiot. A low IQ guy who is as knowledgeable as Barney Fife.
I wouldn’t either but when threatened, people sometimes act in self defense. Don’t they?
Of course. That's why the thug got shot.
Are black people entitled to self defense?
Sure. But they have to pay for their own stupidity. Look at Big Mike and Trayvon. Violence begets violence.
Is that what you say about everyone who is shot while defending themselves?
You mean like Big Mike and Trayvon? Stupidity and violence got them killed too.

I can see how desperately you’re trying to avoid the point.

I’ll be direct. If a person is acting in self defense, and shot, can the shooter claim self defense or are they criminally liable for their actions?
Who was attacking whom? Clearly, you don't walk up to someone in close quarters with a rifle if you're set on shooting them. With a pistol you might have a bit of a case, but the video is clear. Dead thug. That's it.
You’re still dodging.

Does a person have to wait to fight back to be attacked to be acting in self defense? The answer is no. It’s called stand your ground and quite popular among conservatives. As long as they perceive a reasonable threat to their life, a person can act in self defense.

Id say being chased down by two armed individuals could be considered a threat. Don’t you?
Maybe. But clearly they were not in fear of their lives.
Did you watch the tape? If I had a gun and some thug was attacking me to take it, I would sure as hell be in fear of my life.
What would you do if two armed people chase you down yelling at you?

Would you feel threatened?
Black people are not....I repeat...are not allowed to put up any resistance or display any type of actions that would lead to self preservation in the face of danger from a white person.
Black people are allowed to die if that is their preference

I guess I’m just a wimp because if confronted by two armed men I going to cooperate instead of fighting with them
Are black people entitled to self defense?
I already answered that question in previous post

of course black people are entitled to die fighting if thats their preference

just like you dont have give an inch to that 18 wheeler on the highway

after all your pride is at stake...

And the person that kills someone acting in self defense? Are they criminally liable?
Why is the truck parked in the middle of the lane? And is the one hick standing by the door holding a gun before the jogger gets there? The other dipwad in the box seems to react slow. It's too bad guys like this think they are do gooders when they should call the police. Why is the guy standing in the other lane waiting for the jogger? What an idiot. A low IQ guy who is as knowledgeable as Barney Fife.
When youre white you have the presumption of innocence. They were just being neighborly and this big violent Black guy attacked them for nothing.
Maybe. But clearly they were not in fear of their lives.
Did you watch the tape? If I had a gun and some thug was attacking me to take it, I would sure as hell be in fear of my life.
What would you do if two armed people chase you down yelling at you?

Would you feel threatened?
Black people are not....I repeat...are not allowed to put up any resistance or display any type of actions that would lead to self preservation in the face of danger from a white person.
Black people are allowed to die if that is their preference

I guess I’m just a wimp because if confronted by two armed men I going to cooperate instead of fighting with them
Are black people entitled to self defense?
I already answered that question in previous post

of course black people are entitled to die fighting if thats their preference

just like you dont have give an inch to that 18 wheeler on the highway

after all your pride is at stake...

And the person that kills someone acting in self defense? Are they criminally liable?
not if its in a red state
Who is running toward somebody the black or the white guy?

Arbery runs around the truck to be confronted by a man holding a rifle. It's not hard to believe Arbery was in fear for his life. Neither of these guys are police and neither of them had any reason to confront him.

Your opinion is irrelevant as you are a known racist.

Jits and Asclepias are two sides of the same racist coin. Neither can be taken very seriously when logic is required.
I’m typing what the video shows
Then we are seeing two vastly different encounters. Does your video show the man to be larger and faster than a typical truck?
do you see a truck chasing the jogger? again, post the time from the video showing that. I'll wait.
No. This is an assumption I am making. Need more facts than the 35 second video but people have yet to explain why the persons in the truck did not drive away. If more of the story comes out and there is a credible reason, I will gladly retract what I said. My intuition has been great so far in my life so I will continue to trust it. Hopefully more details come out regarding this homicide.
you don't know if that black man threatened someone prior to the incident, you don't know if he was a home invader, maybe he keyed their truck. No one fking knows. dude you jumped into hanging without one piece of evidence. wow. again, isn't like you at all.
Don't know and don't care anymore. TBH. I would have called the police and taken his picture but thats me. If people like Assfaceias see me as an equal to those men then I'll play the part and just bad for actually caring initially. He, IM2, MarcATL all assholes.
Now youre feelings are hurt. Sorry but like I said, If you have to be convinced or persuaded not to be a racist then youre already a racist. The excuses these other racists have come up with are the reason I stated that even with video Black people will not get any justice. African americans live in a country founded and built on racism. Whites as a group will never come to terms with that because they fear Black people.
STFU. Hurt? I am laughing. You and your ilk don't deserve any feelings. Stop your racism rant. I am a Jew, I've experienced more racism than you ever will. Like I said, when Jits beats the crap out of you, I'll just shrug and keep walking. When crimes like these happen, I'll again just shrug. Don't want my help, I won't ask twice. I do not fear anyone or anything.

You're the coward here. Like I said, your response makes me not care about the truck incident either. Whatever.
STFU? Now youre mad and youre hurt. :laughing0301:
Shrug....don't care. Honestly. Do what you want. Just don't call me for help. Still scared of the COVID-19? That disease racist too?

You're hopeless. And I know you lost the debate when you begin posting emojis.
Why would I call you for help with anything? You cant even help yourself. I dont call people for help that have to be convinced not to be a racist. Sorry but you have the wrong dude. Just because youre upset I dont want or need your help doesnt change my point regarding this thread. The video shows the guy jogging. It shows the inbred cave chimps stop in front of him and it shows him taking action to save his life. To your fellow cave chimps that wont matter because he is Black and big and scary. Thats the result of centuries of racism.
You still talking? I don't speak loser. Go harass someone else.
Now see, you've got him jumping up and down again. It's been a while. :)
He is my puppet. Thank you for noticing.
Yeah, it's a bit like bating a chimp in a zoo though.
Maybe. But clearly they were not in fear of their lives.
Did you watch the tape? If I had a gun and some thug was attacking me to take it, I would sure as hell be in fear of my life.
What would you do if two armed people chase you down yelling at you?

Would you feel threatened?
Black people are not....I repeat...are not allowed to put up any resistance or display any type of actions that would lead to self preservation in the face of danger from a white person.
Black people are allowed to die if that is their preference

I guess I’m just a wimp because if confronted by two armed men I going to cooperate instead of fighting with them
Are black people entitled to self defense?
I already answered that question in previous post

of course black people are entitled to die fighting if thats their preference

just like you dont have give an inch to that 18 wheeler on the highway

after all your pride is at stake...

And the person that kills someone acting in self defense? Are they criminally liable?
not if its in a red state
Why not?
I support self defense, and the video in the OP shows the jogger kid attacked the truck driver. didn't you watch? We know nothing more. And, why was the jogger being followed with a video camera? that's odd.

Are you suggesting that the jogger was running through the white neighborhood with a follower in the hopes of triggering some peace-loving homeowner into running out with his gun? Because is that a thing? Black men show up where white people think they ought not be and the white men grab their guns and run outside to challenge the black men? And so, with this being a thing, the black guy just ran down the street with a follower to catch it on film? Is that what you're suggesting?

Because, otherwise, just how many thousands of miles might a black man have to job through "white" neighborhoods in order to catch a racist? Hopefully it's many, many, thousands of miles. That's some kind of commitment on the part of that black guy just to get a white racist to chase him down.
I wouldn’t either but when threatened, people sometimes act in self defense. Don’t they?
Of course. That's why the thug got shot.
Are black people entitled to self defense?
Sure. But they have to pay for their own stupidity. Look at Big Mike and Trayvon. Violence begets violence.
Is that what you say about everyone who is shot while defending themselves?
You mean like Big Mike and Trayvon? Stupidity and violence got them killed too.

I can see how desperately you’re trying to avoid the point.

I’ll be direct. If a person is acting in self defense, and shot, can the shooter claim self defense or are they criminally liable for their actions?
Who was attacking whom? Clearly, you don't walk up to someone in close quarters with a rifle if you're set on shooting them. With a pistol you might have a bit of a case, but the video is clear. Dead thug. That's it.
You’re still dodging.

Does a person have to wait to fight back to be attacked to be acting in self defense? The answer is no. It’s called stand your ground and quite popular among conservatives. As long as they perceive a reasonable threat to their life, a person can act in self defense.

Id say being chased down by two armed individuals could be considered a threat. Don’t you?
I'd say trying to grab a weapon from someone in a threat, not could be considered one.

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