VIDEO Geller's Banned Speech in Houston, "Truth is the New Hate Speech"


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
It would be good if Pamella Geller will run for a high political function, she is excellent!

[ame=]Pamela Geller: "Truth is the New Hate Speech" - YouTube[/ame]
How does someone give a banned speech? By definition, if it's banned, she can't give it. If she gave it then she somehow got around the ban.

Personally, i dont want to spend 40 mins watching this video. Summary anyone?
It's about a whiney woman who wrote a book and then had her appearance cancelled at some hotel where the leader of Iran (Achmedinajad???) was allowed to stay.

Basically it's another Anti-Muslim rant disguised as a christian persecution speach. I only watched a minute of the video before she started in on her rhetoric and then I shut her down.

Warning: this is a waste of time.

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