Video: Ingraham warns Trump to expect a polical revolt from the base


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Fox News anchor and conservative talk show host Laura Ingraham warned Wednesday night that if the President fails to build a ‘real wall’ on the Southern border and does not follow through on promises made about immigration, he will face a ‘revolt’ from core supporters.
Video: Ingraham Warns Trump To ‘Expect a Political Revolt From the Base’

Well that is going to happen with any President who doesn't keep his word duuuuhhhhh. It's just a little worse now because we have mental lunatic who despise Trump. That's what happens when you have a high percentage of indoctrinated idiots who are easily manipulated by the media.
You mean the 30% of voters who support them. Earth to Ingraham, you can't win elections with your base only.

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