VIDEO: NYPD Cop Epitomizes Why People Distrust Police as He Goes Ballistic on an Uber Driver

Yep thats pretty bad.

Now imagine the cop pulled the hipster over for the same petty violation? We'd be saying how dumb to enforce such a petty traffic incident.

Dumbass driver was being a douche too.

Why do all your responses consist of you imagining a different situation and not addressing what actually happened?

Because even he is getting tired of defending the indefensible.

Ha. Hardly.

This doesnt need to be "defended". So some hipster confronts a cop over some petty shit...a New York cop at that....and got his earful.

Hardly breaking news. Or even in need of defending.

He got a ticket and threatened to be thrown in Jail. You didn't watch it. Thanks for playing.

What's your new excuse?

Oh. Well good. No I didnt watch the whole thing. It was a waste of time. Bet he wont fuck with cops again over some dumb shit haha. Karma.
By the way...the video STARTS during the cop telling this hipster off. The link says the hipster "calmly and non offensively" told the cop to use his turn signal when parking. do we know the driver wasnt being a total asshole and deserve what he got? We dont. He was probably being a peckerhead and deserved it.
Cop haters getting desperate.

Come on man. You know I support the cops in these incidents 9 times out of 10. But this cop was being a total prick.
Once he brought the "How long have you been in this country" crap out you know why he was giving the guy a rash of shit.
A simple warning would have sufficed.
Cop haters getting desperate.

Come on man. You know I support the cops in these incidents 9 times out of 10. But this cop was being a total prick.
Once he brought the "How long have you been in this country" crap out you know why he was giving the guy a rash of shit.
A simple warning would have sufficed.

Oh...I said in my first response that his reaction was bad. But...lets just be real. New Yorkers themselves are rude and confrontational. Their cops??? Fugget-about it haha. This was like a 2 out of 100 on the bad cop scale. He was a bitnof a dick. But...the driver did start it.
Cop haters getting desperate.

Come on man. You know I support the cops in these incidents 9 times out of 10. But this cop was being a total prick.
Once he brought the "How long have you been in this country" crap out you know why he was giving the guy a rash of shit.
A simple warning would have sufficed.

Oh...I said in my first response that his reaction was bad. But...lets just be real. New Yorkers themselves are rude and confrontational. Their cops??? Fugget-about it haha. This was like a 2 out of 100 on the bad cop scale. He was a bitnof a dick. But...the driver did start it.

I didnt see it that way. The cop was being asshole,his behavior generates hatred for cops which is counter productive.
This is one of those times where discretion would have served the public better.
Note that I normally agree with your view 99% of the time when it comes to these incidents but this isnt one of them.
The cop could have been a little more diplomatic in setting this guy straight.
Cop haters getting desperate.

Come on man. You know I support the cops in these incidents 9 times out of 10. But this cop was being a total prick.
Once he brought the "How long have you been in this country" crap out you know why he was giving the guy a rash of shit.
A simple warning would have sufficed.

Oh...I said in my first response that his reaction was bad. But...lets just be real. New Yorkers themselves are rude and confrontational. Their cops??? Fugget-about it haha. This was like a 2 out of 100 on the bad cop scale. He was a bitnof a dick. But...the driver did start it.

I didnt see it that way. The cop was being asshole,his behavior generates hatred for cops which is counter productive.
This is one of those times where discretion would have served the public better.
Note that I normally agree with your view 99% of the time when it comes to these incidents but this isnt one of them.
The cop could have been a little more diplomatic in setting this guy straight.

He could've been. But...we all have tempers some days. Hes human like the rest of us. Who knows what hes dealing with right now or what call he may have just come from.

The lowest point of my Atlanta patrol career other than my last shift was when responded to a death of an infant by child abuse. Still remember vividly that crime scene to this day. Afterwards I parked at a gas station to get coffee and parked near the door. I just wanted to chug some beer and sleep...but had 5 hours left....parking was technically not a parking spot...but clerks love it. Had a customer glare at me and say "isnt that a fire lane"? (It wasnt). And yeah...I just said "fuck off" and left. Bad day all around. Its the job. Fair enough. But seeing and dealing with some seriously nasty stuff...the instantly being expected to swith back to friendly Andy Griffith mode...just unrealistic.
Cop haters getting desperate.

Come on man. You know I support the cops in these incidents 9 times out of 10. But this cop was being a total prick.
Once he brought the "How long have you been in this country" crap out you know why he was giving the guy a rash of shit.
A simple warning would have sufficed.

Oh...I said in my first response that his reaction was bad. But...lets just be real. New Yorkers themselves are rude and confrontational. Their cops??? Fugget-about it haha. This was like a 2 out of 100 on the bad cop scale. He was a bitnof a dick. But...the driver did start it.

I didnt see it that way. The cop was being asshole,his behavior generates hatred for cops which is counter productive.
This is one of those times where discretion would have served the public better.
Note that I normally agree with your view 99% of the time when it comes to these incidents but this isnt one of them.
The cop could have been a little more diplomatic in setting this guy straight.

He could've been. But...we all have tempers some days. Hes human like the rest of us. Who knows what hes dealing with right now or what call he may have just come from.

The lowest point of my Atlanta patrol career other than my last shift was when responded to a death of an infant by child abuse. Still remember vividly that crime scene to this day. Afterwards I parked at a gas station to get coffee and parked near the door. I just wanted to chug some beer and sleep...but had 5 hours left....parking was technically not a parking spot...but clerks love it. Had a customer glare at me and say "isnt that a fire lane"? (It wasnt). And yeah...I just said "fuck off" and left. Bad day all around. Its the job. Fair enough. But seeing and dealing with some seriously nasty stuff...the instantly being expected to swith back to friendly Andy Griffith mode...just unrealistic.

You said two words. This guy went on a five minute rant with racial overtones.
And while he may be having a bad day that doesnt change the fact he went to far.
Most cops are pretty good people.
What do you base that upon? We see stories of cops buying a car seat for a poor family, not eveything cops do is bad. But far too much of what they do is bad. What do you think should happen to this cop? Personally, I think he needs to be fired. He's not "cop material". He's a bullying pig, and I'm being nice.
we all have tempers some days. Hes human like the rest of us.
I'm sorry, that's not an excuse. If the pig can't control his temper, he needs to find another job.

This cop is making it dangerous for ALL cops. It causes people to hate cops, which causes people to shoot cops. Can you imagine how things were before everyone had video cameras to document this kind of misbehavior? And it's not particularly rare, cops act like this all the time.
Cop haters getting desperate.

Come on man. You know I support the cops in these incidents 9 times out of 10. But this cop was being a total prick.
Once he brought the "How long have you been in this country" crap out you know why he was giving the guy a rash of shit.
A simple warning would have sufficed.

Oh...I said in my first response that his reaction was bad. But...lets just be real. New Yorkers themselves are rude and confrontational. Their cops??? Fugget-about it haha. This was like a 2 out of 100 on the bad cop scale. He was a bitnof a dick. But...the driver did start it.

I didnt see it that way. The cop was being asshole,his behavior generates hatred for cops which is counter productive.
This is one of those times where discretion would have served the public better.
Note that I normally agree with your view 99% of the time when it comes to these incidents but this isnt one of them.
The cop could have been a little more diplomatic in setting this guy straight.

He didnt watch the video so his auto defense kicked in before knowing the events. Honestly I think the cop could behead someone and Bucs would give a response about constant fear on the job and other nonsense that is irrelevant
Cop haters getting desperate.

Come on man. You know I support the cops in these incidents 9 times out of 10. But this cop was being a total prick.
Once he brought the "How long have you been in this country" crap out you know why he was giving the guy a rash of shit.
A simple warning would have sufficed.

Oh...I said in my first response that his reaction was bad. But...lets just be real. New Yorkers themselves are rude and confrontational. Their cops??? Fugget-about it haha. This was like a 2 out of 100 on the bad cop scale. He was a bitnof a dick. But...the driver did start it.

I didnt see it that way. The cop was being asshole,his behavior generates hatred for cops which is counter productive.
This is one of those times where discretion would have served the public better.
Note that I normally agree with your view 99% of the time when it comes to these incidents but this isnt one of them.
The cop could have been a little more diplomatic in setting this guy straight.

He didnt watch the video so his auto defense kicked in before knowing the events. Honestly I think the cop could behead someone and Bucs would give a response about constant fear on the job and other nonsense that is irrelevant

Oh I completely understand his skepticism. The majority of these incidents happen because some smart ass mouths off to the cop.
This just isnt one of them.
Cop haters getting desperate.

Come on man. You know I support the cops in these incidents 9 times out of 10. But this cop was being a total prick.
Once he brought the "How long have you been in this country" crap out you know why he was giving the guy a rash of shit.
A simple warning would have sufficed.

Oh...I said in my first response that his reaction was bad. But...lets just be real. New Yorkers themselves are rude and confrontational. Their cops??? Fugget-about it haha. This was like a 2 out of 100 on the bad cop scale. He was a bitnof a dick. But...the driver did start it.

I didnt see it that way. The cop was being asshole,his behavior generates hatred for cops which is counter productive.
This is one of those times where discretion would have served the public better.
Note that I normally agree with your view 99% of the time when it comes to these incidents but this isnt one of them.
The cop could have been a little more diplomatic in setting this guy straight.

He didnt watch the video so his auto defense kicked in before knowing the events. Honestly I think the cop could behead someone and Bucs would give a response about constant fear on the job and other nonsense that is irrelevant

Oh I completely understand his skepticism. The majority of these incidents happen because some smart ass mouths off to the cop.
This just isnt one of them.

If only it WAS skepticism. What do you call it when you take a side on a situation you know nothing about?

Whatever thats called, thats what he does. And EVERY situation he says the victim mouthed off as an excuse. What does mouthed off mean? Well, he said this guy mouthed off...THIS GUY?

Heres what funny: He says "oh cops are human, cops have a bad day too" to excuse the asshole behavior. Put the shoe on the other foot and citizens shouldnt have bad days...they dont get to "be human" they should just robotically sit there and let it happen. This guy said "sorry" and "Ok" at least 30 times.

THAT to him equates "mouthing off" so really...ANYTHING is "mouthing off" and that means that any action by police is justified
Most cops are pretty good people.
What do you base that upon? We see stories of cops buying a car seat for a poor family, not eveything cops do is bad. But far too much of what they do is bad. What do you think should happen to this cop? Personally, I think he needs to be fired. He's not "cop material". He's a bullying pig, and I'm being nice.

Personal observation for the last 65 years. Yeah, there are some asshole cops. As there are asshole priests, asshole medical doctors, asshole dentists, asshole astronauts, asshole scientists, asshole preachers, and ASSHOLE democrats. There are also asshole Republicans and asshole posters on the forum. Many consider me an asshole...mostly by democrats and black posters.
Come on man. You know I support the cops in these incidents 9 times out of 10. But this cop was being a total prick.
Once he brought the "How long have you been in this country" crap out you know why he was giving the guy a rash of shit.
A simple warning would have sufficed.

Oh...I said in my first response that his reaction was bad. But...lets just be real. New Yorkers themselves are rude and confrontational. Their cops??? Fugget-about it haha. This was like a 2 out of 100 on the bad cop scale. He was a bitnof a dick. But...the driver did start it.

I didnt see it that way. The cop was being asshole,his behavior generates hatred for cops which is counter productive.
This is one of those times where discretion would have served the public better.
Note that I normally agree with your view 99% of the time when it comes to these incidents but this isnt one of them.
The cop could have been a little more diplomatic in setting this guy straight.

He didnt watch the video so his auto defense kicked in before knowing the events. Honestly I think the cop could behead someone and Bucs would give a response about constant fear on the job and other nonsense that is irrelevant

Oh I completely understand his skepticism. The majority of these incidents happen because some smart ass mouths off to the cop.
This just isnt one of them.

If only it WAS skepticism. What do you call it when you take a side on a situation you know nothing about?

Whatever thats called, thats what he does. And EVERY situation he says the victim mouthed off as an excuse. What does mouthed off mean? Well, he said this guy mouthed off...THIS GUY?

Heres what funny: He says "oh cops are human, cops have a bad day too" to excuse the asshole behavior. Put the shoe on the other foot and citizens shouldnt have bad days...they dont get to "be human" they should just robotically sit there and let it happen. This guy said "sorry" and "Ok" at least 30 times.

THAT to him equates "mouthing off" so really...ANYTHING is "mouthing off" and that means that any action by police is justified

Haha!! You obviously have never been a cop if you think citizens dont get to.have bad days. Every day in every city citizens talk shit to cops. Spit at them. But more often...just verbally abuse them. All.sorts of nasty things. And cops almost always ignore it. Many veteran cops even laugh or have fun with it. Then...eventually. ..they do it to.that one cop on the wrong day.

You're just so ignorant on this topic. Truly.
Who said a citizen didnt* get to have a bad day? Maybe thats why you're're seeing something thats not there

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Who said a citizen didnt* get to have a bad day? Maybe thats why you're're seeing something thats not there


You did. You said cops dont give citizens the benefit of the doubt that they may just be having a bad day. I said...thats lunacy. Cops go WAY over their obligation every day to ignore mouthy citizens and rude ones and mean ones and verbally abusive ones. Every day all day in every city. But....then one day one cop isn having it...and its an "outrage".

Only idiot's would attempt to excuse this asshole's behavior.
Hopefully his department has a nice suspension waiting on his ass for "conduct unbecoming an officer" and "abuse of office."

You have a bad day go drive your ass around the corner and take a breather.

Yeah there were racial overtones but that took the backseat to plain old "assholitis."
Only idiot's would attempt to excuse this asshole's behavior.
Hopefully his department has a nice suspension waiting on his ass for "conduct unbecoming an officer" and "abuse of office."

You have a bad day go drive your ass around the corner and take a breather.

Yeah there were racial overtones but that took the backseat to plain old "assholitis."

He was a dick. But like I said...its about a 2 out of 100 on the bad cop scale. Surprised people have become so sensitive these days.
Only idiot's would attempt to excuse this asshole's behavior.
Hopefully his department has a nice suspension waiting on his ass for "conduct unbecoming an officer" and "abuse of office."

You have a bad day go drive your ass around the corner and take a breather.

Yeah there were racial overtones but that took the backseat to plain old "assholitis."

He was a dick. But like I said...its about a 2 out of 100 on the bad cop scale. Surprised people have become so sensitive these days.
It's not a matter of sensitivity when one abuses their authority to detain me for the sole purpose of verbally attacking and insulting me.
I would have told him to keep a civil tongue in his head or get lost and driven away.
Stop giving assholes excuses...he should have a hefty suspension and a formal reprimand for his lack of judgement, professionalism and his abuse of authority.

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