VIDEO: NYPD Cop Epitomizes Why People Distrust Police as He Goes Ballistic on an Uber Driver

The cop needs to be fired and made an example. What he did was beyond anything I have ever seen.

The city and the cop need to be sued by this poor guy.
They do this shit all the time. Its amusing people think other people are imagining things.
VIDEO NYPD Cop Epitomizes Why People Distrust Police as He Goes Ballistic on an Uber Driver The Free Thought Project

New York, NY– In an insane encounter caught on camera, an NYPD officer is seen behaving extremely inappropriately, erratically, and verbally abusing an Uber driver. It happened after the officer reportedly attempted to park without using his turn signal just before 2pm on the West side of Manhattan, in police precinct 6, on March 30.

According to the video’s description, uploaded by the customer in his back seat, the driver had pulled around and gestured that the officer should use his turn signal, casually and non-offensively, and kept driving. What followed was a horrifying glimpse of power going to someone’s head when they are granted a shiny badge and forget who they work for.

Read more at VIDEO NYPD Cop Epitomizes Why People Distrust Police as He Goes Ballistic on an Uber Driver The Free Thought Project
Cops are scum. It's typical of the low-life jerks.
I can count on one hand the amount of good cops I know. 2 are family members, ones a neighbor and the other one quit the force
Cops go WAY over their obligation every day to ignore mouthy citizens and rude ones and mean ones and verbally abusive ones.
You know what? So do convenience store clerks, cab drivers, waitresses, McDonalds employees, Walmart employees, and lots of other people. It's part of the job. If you can't handle it, you need to get another job. Of course people are much more likely to get mouthy with a convenience store clerk than a cop, because we all know cops kill people regularly, and store clerks very seldom, if ever kill someone.
Cops go WAY over their obligation every day to ignore mouthy citizens and rude ones and mean ones and verbally abusive ones.
You know what? So do convenience store clerks, cab drivers, waitresses, McDonalds employees, Walmart employees, and lots of other people. It's part of the job. If you can't handle it, you need to get another job. Of course people are much more likely to get mouthy with a convenience store clerk than a cop, because we all know cops kill people regularly, and store clerks very seldom, if ever kill someone.

Cops kill people "all the time"? Out of the 1, 000, 000 cops in America. many people did they kill last year? I bet fewer than 0.5% of cops have ever killed someone. If even that many.
Cops go WAY over their obligation every day to ignore mouthy citizens and rude ones and mean ones and verbally abusive ones.
You know what? So do convenience store clerks, cab drivers, waitresses, McDonalds employees, Walmart employees, and lots of other people. It's part of the job. If you can't handle it, you need to get another job. Of course people are much more likely to get mouthy with a convenience store clerk than a cop, because we all know cops kill people regularly, and store clerks very seldom, if ever kill someone.

Cops kill people "all the time"? Out of the 1, 000, 000 cops in America. many people did they kill last year? I bet fewer than 0.5% of cops have ever killed someone. If even that many.
The cop in the video didnt kill the guy but why should he have to sit through that bullshit like a docile dog?
Cops kill people "all the time"? Out of the 1, 000, 000 cops in America. many people did they kill last year? I bet fewer than 0.5% of cops have ever killed someone. If even that many.
Instead of "I bet", why not do some research? It took me less than a minute to find Killed By Police - 2015 For 2014, it's over 1,000. I'm sure many of those were justified. But some are just plain murder. When a cop kills someone, he'll make up a story about how the guy was going for his gun or whatever (I do support the cop that killed the thug Michael Brown). So we don't know how many were justified.
Cops kill people "all the time"? Out of the 1, 000, 000 cops in America. many people did they kill last year? I bet fewer than 0.5% of cops have ever killed someone. If even that many.
Instead of "I bet", why not do some research? It took me less than a minute to find Killed By Police - 2015 For 2014, it's over 1,000. I'm sure many of those were justified. But some are just plain murder. When a cop kills someone, he'll make up a story about how the guy was going for his gun or whatever (I do support the cop that killed the thug Michael Brown). So we don't know how many were justified.

So 0.1%. I was right...fewer than 0.5% and of those...I bet at least 85/100 were unquestionably justified.
Cops go WAY over their obligation every day to ignore mouthy citizens and rude ones and mean ones and verbally abusive ones.
You know what? So do convenience store clerks, cab drivers, waitresses, McDonalds employees, Walmart employees, and lots of other people. It's part of the job. If you can't handle it, you need to get another job. Of course people are much more likely to get mouthy with a convenience store clerk than a cop, because we all know cops kill people regularly, and store clerks very seldom, if ever kill someone.

Cops kill people "all the time"? Out of the 1, 000, 000 cops in America. many people did they kill last year? I bet fewer than 0.5% of cops have ever killed someone. If even that many.
The cop in the video didnt kill the guy but why should he have to sit through that bullshit like a docile dog?

Because it was a collision of dumbasses. But nothing to be outraged over.
So 0.1%. I was right...fewer than 0.5% and of those...I bet at least 85/100 were unquestionably justified.
No, you weren't right. You said fewer than 0.5% have killed someone. The .1% was for last year. You're predisposed to side with the cops. I'm not, I'm a free thinker. I side with the cop who shot Mike Brown. The fact that you are not outraged at this pig's behavior demonstrates your bias. All the guy did was motion that the cop should have used his turn signal. If you like cops so much, you should be outraged, as this kind of behavior encourages people to shoot cops, which is bad.
So 0.1%. I was right...fewer than 0.5% and of those...I bet at least 85/100 were unquestionably justified.
No, you weren't right. You said fewer than 0.5% have killed someone. The .1% was for last year. You're predisposed to side with the cops. I'm not, I'm a free thinker. I side with the cop who shot Mike Brown. The fact that you are not outraged at this pig's behavior demonstrates your bias. All the guy did was motion that the cop should have used his turn signal. If you like cops so much, you should be outraged, as this kind of behavior encourages people to shoot cops, which is bad.

0.1% is less than 0.5%. I'm beginning to doubt your thinking claim.
So 0.1%. I was right...fewer than 0.5% and of those...I bet at least 85/100 were unquestionably justified.
No, you weren't right. You said fewer than 0.5% have killed someone. The .1% was for last year. You're predisposed to side with the cops. I'm not, I'm a free thinker. I side with the cop who shot Mike Brown. The fact that you are not outraged at this pig's behavior demonstrates your bias. All the guy did was motion that the cop should have used his turn signal. If you like cops so much, you should be outraged, as this kind of behavior encourages people to shoot cops, which is bad.

0.1% is less than 0.5%. I'm beginning to doubt your thinking claim.

Umm....yeah. 0.1 is less than 0.5.
Yep thats pretty bad.

Now imagine the cop pulled the hipster over for the same petty violation? We'd be saying how dumb to enforce such a petty traffic incident.

Dumbass driver was being a douche too.

You couldn't do it. You lame asshole. You couldn't say a negative word about the cop without also saying a negative word about the citizen.

You suck so bad.
You cop haters are so juvenile.

The only person I saw being juvenile was the cop in the video, and you, not surprisingly defend it, as you always do.
Yep thats pretty bad.

Now imagine the cop pulled the hipster over for the same petty violation? We'd be saying how dumb to enforce such a petty traffic incident.

Dumbass driver was being a douche too.

You couldn't do it. You lame asshole. You couldn't say a negative word about the cop without also saying a negative word about the citizen.

You suck so bad.

Nope. Because its VERY rare that a cop goes off on someone like that...when the person wasnt also being a douchebag. Very rare.

It was a collision of dumbasses. What else you want?
Cop haters getting desperate.

Come on man. You know I support the cops in these incidents 9 times out of 10. But this cop was being a total prick.
Once he brought the "How long have you been in this country" crap out you know why he was giving the guy a rash of shit.
A simple warning would have sufficed.

Oh...I said in my first response that his reaction was bad. But...lets just be real. New Yorkers themselves are rude and confrontational. Their cops??? Fugget-about it haha. This was like a 2 out of 100 on the bad cop scale. He was a bitnof a dick. But...the driver did start it.

I didnt see it that way. The cop was being asshole,his behavior generates hatred for cops which is counter productive.
This is one of those times where discretion would have served the public better.
Note that I normally agree with your view 99% of the time when it comes to these incidents but this isnt one of them.
The cop could have been a little more diplomatic in setting this guy straight.

He didnt watch the video so his auto defense kicked in before knowing the events. Honestly I think the cop could behead someone and Bucs would give a response about constant fear on the job and other nonsense that is irrelevant

Oh I completely understand his skepticism. The majority of these incidents happen because some smart ass mouths off to the cop.
This just isnt one of them.

Don't want to hurt Buc's feelings, do we?
Yep thats pretty bad.

Now imagine the cop pulled the hipster over for the same petty violation? We'd be saying how dumb to enforce such a petty traffic incident.

Dumbass driver was being a douche too.

You couldn't do it. You lame asshole. You couldn't say a negative word about the cop without also saying a negative word about the citizen.

You suck so bad.

Nope. Because its VERY rare that a cop goes off on someone like that...when the person wasnt also being a douchebag. Very rare.

It was a collision of dumbasses. What else you want?

It is not rare. It isn't the norm.....but it is not rare. Be honest.
Yep thats pretty bad.

Now imagine the cop pulled the hipster over for the same petty violation? We'd be saying how dumb to enforce such a petty traffic incident.

Dumbass driver was being a douche too.

You couldn't do it. You lame asshole. You couldn't say a negative word about the cop without also saying a negative word about the citizen.

You suck so bad.

Nope. Because its VERY rare that a cop goes off on someone like that...when the person wasnt also being a douchebag. Very rare.

It was a collision of dumbasses. What else you want?
Rare ????? Pleeeeeease ..................... Do you get out much? So, you haven't watch the many videos that have appeared on the internet over the past 6 or 8 months? What exactly do you consider to be rare? Would it surprise you to find out that it's not rare?
Time for a little personal info.

My son is a police officer. He's 26 and has been on the force almost 3 years. He has a degree in Criminal Justice and other children included...the most honest human being I have ever known. He works for a city that has its fair share of crime.

I've noticed a change in him. He's absolutely "hardened" as a result of his experience. But.....he WOULD NEVER speak to a person in the manner that this cop did. If he has a bad day...he takes it out on baseballs or a heavy bag. He doesn't unwind on those he has sworn to protect and serve.

This Bucs character is a wannabe. He's not an honest person. Yet.....he has so much to say about police officers and the lives they lead. Defense of assholes like this cop MAKES MY SON'S JOB HARDER.


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