Video of cat being kicked goes viral-man arrested.


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
It was bound to happen. Some fool commits an act of animal cruelty, get videoed, goes on the internet, and get his dumb ass thrown in jail. Besides how inhumane and despicable this is, there's a couple of other things to consider here.

1. The perpetrator, Andre Robinson is a 21 year old kid who, despite his very young age has now managed to rack up a record of 9 arrests. Makes you wonder. If this fool can get arrested 9 times already (God knows how many crimes went by without arrest), one of which was a knife-point mugging, what in the world is this guy doing out out the street ? What the hell do they have in New York, that passes for justice, to allow a dude to be walking around free, with that many arrests under his belt ?

2. What's going on in the schools with relation to law education ? As I recall my own education and that of my kids, there was rarely, if ever, a whisper about the law, and the only bit I remember was a business law course (an elective) in high school. Chances are pretty good that that Robinson didn't even know what he was doing was illegal. Not that this excuses his outrageous behavior, which is wrong on moral ground alone, but a better education in basic criminal law, might have saved this cat from the kick he took. Also, a discussion about animal cruelty might have brightened some of the dimmer bulbs in the classroom, who see treating animals roughly as some kind of means of showing toughness.
Want to show toughness boys ? Join the army or marines. Then we'll see what you're made of.

Kicked Brooklyn cat cajoled by rescuers, brought to ASPCA for treatment |
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This is one that can't be rehabilitated. Execute him. His mother said that her son loves animals but gets high on marijuana and that's when he gets cruel.
Anyone who abuses animals should be beaten senseless and put in the hospital. When they get out, let them get well and do it again. But this time tell them that their punishment is 3 beatings. Now when they get out of the hospital, they'll be too scared and too busy looking over their shoulder to worry about bothering animals.

If it happens again, make sure their arms & legs don't work.
Abuse of animals is a sign of sociopathy. This punk assed little bitch should have his throat slit. Someone please do society a favor.
It was bound to happen. Some fool commits an act of animal cruelty, get videoed, goes on the interne.....

This is not first instance of animal cruelty being video taped and shown online.

Needless to say, katzen is lying. As usual.
Looks like this guy is heading down a path that will land him in jail for a long time....
But that will happen after committing about 25 more crimes each one more violent.
Each one giving him a slap on the wrist....

Until that last one where even Libs will be forced to admit that maybe that time he went just a little too far.

Libs of course will defend him saying...
Well he kicked a cat and the cat seems to have survived so what's the big fucking deal.
Looks like this guy is heading down a path that will land him in jail for a long time....
But that will happen after committing about 25 more crimes each one more violent.
Each one giving him a slap on the wrist....

Until that last one where even Libs will be forced to admit that maybe that time he went just a little too far.

Libs of course will defend him saying...
Well he kicked a cat and the cat seems to have survived so what's the big fucking deal.

9 arrests including one being a knife-point robbery ? Wow. What would have happened if the robbery victim refused to hand over the money ? I wonder what the court people said at the end of each of this guy's trials ? Big F deal or something like that....I could just hear them.

Turns out the cat is gonna be OK. That was just luck. He could have been killed.
arrests are not necessarily convictions, and many convictions don't carry jail time (or at most, a few months). Were the arrests pre-18? that would explain a lot, juvenile incarceration is rare. Also, he's probably snitching on other criminals, that's how many live their lives without doing much time.
arrests are not necessarily convictions, and many convictions don't carry jail time (or at most, a few months). Were the arrests pre-18? that would explain a lot, juvenile incarceration is rare. Also, he's probably snitching on other criminals, that's how many live their lives without doing much time.

Good post, except for your use of the word "snitching". That's a word that needs to be eradicated from our language. It 's a word criminals use. And part of THEIR warped mentality.
arrests are not necessarily convictions, and many convictions don't carry jail time (or at most, a few months). Were the arrests pre-18? that would explain a lot, juvenile incarceration is rare. Also, he's probably snitching on other criminals, that's how many live their lives without doing much time.

Good post, except for your use of the word "snitching". That's a word that needs to be eradicated from our language. It 's a word criminals use. And part of THEIR warped mentality.

Nah, the word is perfectly acceptable. A snitch turns people in for money or to get their own ass out of the sling. Most often it is the latter. It is a dishonorable and worthless person who does that. If you turn on your friends you are a lower low-life.

Neither the criminals nor the cops have any respect for a snitch. As it should be.
I may love cats... but kicking a cat is not enough to be "executed" or locked away for good. Even after 9 arrests (cops can be retarded and arrest people over dumb s***), he deserves a chance at life.


Snitches get stitches
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I'm not excited about setting up a Department of Pre-Crime...


...people who torture animals as children often end up defined as sociopaths and end up as serial killers. If we know this kid is going down that path, should we wait until hes actually killed a human to do something?

It's an interesting moral dilemma.
Animals are ok. I don't go out of my way to love them and I sure don't go out of my way to hurt them.

But this is funny....

My brother tells it better than I ever could, but I'll try:

He accidentally backed his car over a kitten in the driveway.

So he ponders- take it to the vet and spend untold sums toward its recovery... or

kill it and tell his daughter the whole thing was a tragic accident.

So he grabs the kitten in his hand and hurtles it up in the air as high as he could...


It's still alive.

Again. Bam. Again. Again.

Well of course it died.

Yes, my brother had remorse. Yes, he had recourse. And some redress.

But he saved more money from killing that kitten than he would have by switching to GEICO.
Animals are ok. I don't go out of my way to love them and I sure don't go out of my way to hurt them.

But this is funny....

My brother tells it better than I ever could, but I'll try:

He accidentally backed his car over a kitten in the driveway.

So he ponders- take it to the vet and spend untold sums toward its recovery... or

kill it and tell his daughter the whole thing was a tragic accident.

So he grabs the kitten in his hand and hurtles it up in the air as high as he could...


It's still alive.

Again. Bam. Again. Again.

Well of course it died.

Yes, my brother had remorse. Yes, he had recourse. And some redress.

But he saved more money from killing that kitten than he would have by switching to GEICO.

Kids: this is why you should not do drugs.

Could you please find another thread to mess up ?
Animals are ok. I don't go out of my way to love them and I sure don't go out of my way to hurt them.

But this is funny....

My brother tells it better than I ever could, but I'll try:

He accidentally backed his car over a kitten in the driveway.

So he ponders- take it to the vet and spend untold sums toward its recovery... or

kill it and tell his daughter the whole thing was a tragic accident.

So he grabs the kitten in his hand and hurtles it up in the air as high as he could...


It's still alive.

Again. Bam. Again. Again.

Well of course it died.

Yes, my brother had remorse. Yes, he had recourse. And some redress.

But he saved more money from killing that kitten than he would have by switching to GEICO.

Kids: this is why you should not do drugs.

Could you please find another thread to mess up ?

Pragmatism... lost on you.

Peddle your puss elsewhere.

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