Video of Muslim Bakers refusing to serve homosexual wedding

You can't apply the same standard to muslims you apply to Christians. Where have you been, anyway?

Of course we can and should.

The left doesn't though. I suppose you could make similar complaints against the right on other issues, but there certainly seems to be a double standard with the left where religion is concerned. If a Christian does something they pound their shoes on the table and howl like Nikita Khrushchev. If a Muslim does the exact same thing, what do we hear from the left? Crickets. The Obama administration can't even use the word "terrorism". Why should we be surprised?

I will bring it up again. When the Muslims wanted to build the Ground Zero Mosque, at the site of the world trade center, liberals screamed bloody murder about the freedom of religion. I can't recall such fervor for the free expression of religion from the left when it dealt with a Christian issue.
The current state of Christianity is definitely a lot better than the current state of disaster that is Islam. That doesn't mean Christian BULLSHIT should be allowed to stand. :cool:
What part would you outlaw?


There's nothing the law can do about it. It's up to Christians to live more tolerant lives on their own accord, like Christ himself told them to. I hope the intolerant ones have a change of heart, because it really reflects badly on the ones actually living loving lives.
The current state of Christianity is definitely a lot better than the current state of disaster that is Islam. That doesn't mean Christian BULLSHIT should be allowed to stand. :cool:
What part would you outlaw?


There's nothing the law can do about it. It's up to Christians to live more tolerant lives on their own accord, like Christ himself told them to. I hope the intolerant ones have a change of heart, because it really reflects badly on the ones actually living loving lives.

More tolerant?

Ya mean not go out looking for sexual deviants so they can refuse to provide baked goods and photographs ?

Not sure, but I am pretty sure that to date, none have done so.

As far as I can tell, the aggressor is the militant homosexual, who seek out Christian businesses so that they can ask those business owners to do something abhorrent to them... then cry that they're being victimized by the innocent they sought out, purposefully... to injure.

Hard to be more tolerant than that.


If ya just need to preach tolerance, ya might consider preaching to the aggressor. As they're the purveyors of intolerance.

OR... you could wait until the Homosexuals aren't the aggressors anymore and the Christians are morally justified in destroying them, thus have played out the tolerance route... and are no longer working that plan.

Ya know... were I you, I'd go with preaching to the aggressor deviants. That way, when they force the culture into war, you'll have the peace of mind that ya did everything ya could.

Pretending that Christians need to accept perversion... is a waste of your time. As Christians live here too and it's their sacred duty to reject public policy that can only lead to the destruction of their culture.

Now, when the Christians are behaving immorally, threatening your culture... you feel free to be intolerant of them, as that will be the right thing to do.
More tolerant?

Ya mean not go out looking for sexual deviants so they can refuse to provide baked goods and photographs ?

Not sure, but I am pretty sure that to date, none have done so.

As far as I can tell, the aggressor is the militant homosexual, who seek out Christian businesses so that they can ask those business owners to do something abhorrent to them... then cry that they're being victimized by the innocent they sought out, purposefully... to injure.

Hard to be more tolerant than that.


If ya just need to preach tolerance, ya might consider preaching to the aggressor. As they're the purveyors of intolerance.

OR... you could wait until the Homosexuals aren't the aggressors anymore and the Christians are morally justified in destroying them, thus have played out the tolerance route... and are no longer working that plan.

Ya know... were I you, I'd go with preaching to the aggressor deviants. That way, when they force the culture into war, you'll have the peace of mind that ya did everything ya could.

Pretending that Christians need to accept perversion... is a waste of your time. As Christians live here too and it's their sacred duty to reject public policy that can only lead to the destruction of their culture.

Now, when the Christians are behaving immorally, threatening your culture... you feel free to be intolerant of them, as that will be the right thing to do.

As a Christian, I would never feel 'morally justified' destroying any selected group of people. Those are just my feelings, though.

I hope you have a change of heart.
The law is the law. It doesn't matter if perpetrators are Christian, Muslim, Hindu, Jewish, Buddhist, atheist, etc.
It's up to Christians to live more tolerant lives on their own accord, like Christ himself told them to.

Sure, but shouldn't a teaching work both ways? I know there are self professed gay Christians out there, if so, should not the teachings of Christ apply to them also?
I hope the intolerant ones have a change of heart, because it really reflects badly on the ones actually living loving lives

For one to cease intolerance of another, one must tolerate the other, not just one being intolerant while the other is tolerant. Everyone must be tolerant, or this behavior will only continue.

(if that made sense)
As far as I can tell, the aggressor is the militant homosexual, who seek out Christian businesses so that they can ask those business owners to do something abhorrent to them... then cry that they're being victimized by the innocent they sought out, purposefully... to injure.

Well......yeah stuff like that happens. I recall when I was teaching that there were students every now and then who would try their best to seduce a teacher so they could bring a sexual harassment lawsuit against the school. It happened...but it was really rare. I taught for 10 years and had thousands of students and there were maybe 5 students who did that. So yeah it happens, but it's really uncommon.

As I posted in another thread, this is a difficult topic because we have conflicting guarantees by the constitution. Homosexuals have the right to not be discriminated against, and people of faith, of which I am one, have the right to exercise their religious beliefs. This is different from racial discrimination, for example, because there is no religious argument to defend that. I think businesses should be able to discriminate on religious grounds BUT I think they have to make a public declaration of their intent to exercise their right of religious expression. As a consumer, I want to know where my money is going and if my money is going to a business that discriminates, I have a right to know that in order to determine whether or not I wish to do business with them.

For the record, as a person of faith and a Republican, I would neither work for, nor do business with an organization that engages in any form of discrimination including discrimination against homosexuals. But that would be my choice and the market will determine whether the business can stay alive or find good staffing.
It's up to Christians to live more tolerant lives on their own accord, like Christ himself told them to.

Sure, but shouldn't a teaching work both ways? I know there are self professed gay Christians out there, if so, should not the teachings of Christ apply to them also?

Name one place where Jesus spoke against homosexuals
For one to cease intolerance of another, one must tolerate the other, not just one being intolerant while the other is tolerant. Everyone must be tolerant, or this behavior will only continue.

(if that made sense)

(It most certainly did.)

I agree that gay Christians should be held to the standards of being tolerant just as much as regular Christians.

I also believe non religious gays and straights should both be tolerant, just from a secular, moral viewpoint.

I'm completely getting into personal opinion right here (because people interpret the Bible differently), but even when others are intolerant of a group (whether it be Christians to gays or vice versa) I try to be tolerant back, on the grounds that Jesus said to turn the other cheek and love thy neighbor. But still,the perfect situation is everybody being treated with tolerance from all sides. I just wish it were easier to achieve.
For one to cease intolerance of another, one must tolerate the other, not just one being intolerant while the other is tolerant. Everyone must be tolerant, or this behavior will only continue.

(if that made sense)

(It most certainly did.)

I agree that gay Christians should be held to the standards of being tolerant just as much as regular Christians.

I also believe non religious gays and straights should both be tolerant, just from a secular, moral viewpoint.

I'm completely getting into personal opinion right here (because people interpret the Bible differently), but even when others are intolerant of a group (whether it be Christians to gays or vice versa) I try to be tolerant back, on the grounds that Jesus said to turn the other cheek and love thy neighbor. But still,the perfect situation is everybody being treated with tolerance from all sides. I just wish it were easier to achieve.

Jesus taught that all people are children of God. He surrounded Himself with people that were outcasts by society as a whole. He prayed to God to forgive the men that were killing Him. The Jesus I believe in would see a homosexual and embrace him as His brother and a child of the Lord. Yes everyone has different interpretations and others are free to believe in a different Jesus if they choose. I am pretty comfortable with how I choose to see Him.
And there's not so much as a snarky email sent, let alone a Federal Lawsuit filed.

As of the last check, NO Yelp reports charging HATE for any of these Anti-Sexual Deviant Bakers.

More evidence of the Left's inherent alliance with Islam.

Add that to the Left's crying over the Australians taking their nation back from Islam... and it's all over but the bleedin' and cryin'.

Don't expect anything rational or consistent from the left. They have no solid convictions (other than being control freaks) and just go by what is politically correct and required for the current agenda.

Right now, it's not cool to criticize Muslims in any way no matter what they do. The left claims that it's not the same thing when they reject gay customers. No one on the left will accuse them of gay hating. Heck, the left won't even criticize the radical Muslims who behead gays or throw them off the rooftops. Nothing they do will bring on the wrath of the liberal nutjobs.

What sums up the left's hypocrisy for me is watching them come unglued over a wedding cake and seeing them continue to ignore the sheer violence against gays from Muslims. The left also refuses to condemn the brutal murders of Christians. I think some of them might even enjoy it.
For one to cease intolerance of another, one must tolerate the other, not just one being intolerant while the other is tolerant. Everyone must be tolerant, or this behavior will only continue.

(if that made sense)

(It most certainly did.)

I agree that gay Christians should be held to the standards of being tolerant just as much as regular Christians.

I also believe non religious gays and straights should both be tolerant, just from a secular, moral viewpoint.

I'm completely getting into personal opinion right here (because people interpret the Bible differently), but even when others are intolerant of a group (whether it be Christians to gays or vice versa) I try to be tolerant back, on the grounds that Jesus said to turn the other cheek and love thy neighbor. But still,the perfect situation is everybody being treated with tolerance from all sides. I just wish it were easier to achieve.
Jesus called sinners to repentance. He was about the most "intolerant" person imaginable. After all, he is the same God that gave the law on Mt. Sinai. The South Park plastic dashboard fake Jesus of the Left does not exist.
For one to cease intolerance of another, one must tolerate the other, not just one being intolerant while the other is tolerant. Everyone must be tolerant, or this behavior will only continue.

(if that made sense)

(It most certainly did.)

I agree that gay Christians should be held to the standards of being tolerant just as much as regular Christians.

I also believe non religious gays and straights should both be tolerant, just from a secular, moral viewpoint.

I'm completely getting into personal opinion right here (because people interpret the Bible differently), but even when others are intolerant of a group (whether it be Christians to gays or vice versa) I try to be tolerant back, on the grounds that Jesus said to turn the other cheek and love thy neighbor. But still,the perfect situation is everybody being treated with tolerance from all sides. I just wish it were easier to achieve.
Jesus called sinners to repentance. He was about the most "intolerant" person imaginable. After all, he is the same God that gave the law on Mt. Sinai. The South Park plastic dashboard fake Jesus of the Left does not exist.

Jesus was intolerant?!?!?!? Wow!!!! I have heard Jesus described many ways but this is the first time I have ever heard someone suggest that He was intolerant. I guess all that stuff about "Does no one condemn you? Then neither do I condemn you. Go and sin no more" it totally uncharacteristic of the nature of Jesus
It's up to Christians to live more tolerant lives on their own accord, like Christ himself told them to.

Sure, but shouldn't a teaching work both ways? I know there are self professed gay Christians out there, if so, should not the teachings of Christ apply to them also?

Name one place where Jesus spoke against homosexuals

When he sanctified marriage as being between one man and one woman. Matthew 19:1-6

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