Video shows Ahmaud Arbery Was caught breaking and entering an unfinished property, then towards McMichael‘s house

So the aggressor needs a barrier? He charged him:

it is physically impossible that AA charged TravisM as AA jogged passed the right fender of the pickup truck because TravisM had moved to a position close enough to cause a collision between the two men in front of the truck.

it was TravisM who rushed the jogger in an attack. , a shot was fired within a split second of the close contact on the right side of the road and in front of the truck.

we cannot see if TravisM fired s shot before AA made an attempt to grab the gun in self defense after being shot and wounded, it just having heard a shotgun go off at point blank range.
It would be physically impossible for AA to generate that much force to push Travis back that far, travis had to be stepping back for him to be pushed back that far. He was trying to avoid AA.

Trying to avoid Arbery while heading towards him??

To what degree? Running like AA? Or passively walking? To maybe shout something to the criminal.
That's not on camera. But he's seen near the middle of tbe oncoming lane and then he's back on camera in front of the truck in tne other lane.
Travis back that far, travis had to be stepping back

thats exactly what TravisM was doing after forcing the contact. There are two key possibilities that happened in the half a second after AA passed the front of the truck.

the first shot was fired before physical contact was made, perhaps a warning shot into the air.

the first shot was being fired as AA pushed the barrel away as he tried to pass the Gunman.

the first shot was fired while TravisM within half a second of deciding to retreat.

we don’t know for sure but we know that TravisM having visibly made a retreat - had to be on the attack to get to where started his retreat.

he was the initial aggressor with a loaded firearm - he can make no self defense claim under Georgia Law.

Thats why we are not seeing what GregM captured on his I-Phone.
There was no warning shot in the air. There were 3 shots fired and all 3 hit Arbery. The first shot, while they were both in front of the truck, hit Arbery in the hand.
Travis back that far, travis had to be stepping back

thats exactly what TravisM was doing after forcing the contact. There are two key possibilities that happened in the half a second after AA passed the front of the truck.

the first shot was fired before physical contact was made, perhaps a warning shot into the air.

the first shot was being fired as AA pushed the barrel away as he tried to pass the Gunman.

the first shot was fired while TravisM within half a second of deciding to retreat.

we don’t know for sure but we know that TravisM having visibly made a retreat - had to be on the attack to get to where started his retreat.

he was the initial aggressor with a loaded firearm - he can make no self defense claim under Georgia Law.

Thats why we are not seeing what GregM captured on his I-Phone.
It doesn't appear Greg McMichael was recording the incident. He was on the phone with 911.
Does the OP have any shame at all?
You racist sob you turned it into something about Race when It was just two guys going after a man they saw leaving the house he broke into.. democrats have no limits to your racism

He walked into an open house that was under construction to have a look. He didn't break and enter anything. The police already determined that. Nobody lived there, and there were no furnishings or anything else. He broke no law by taking a peek at the new house being built.
how often do joggers go jogging in kahki shorts?

i'm going to wait for an entire story before i take a side. but as usual, left and right line up to face off, each having a side and someone screaming GO.
I do know of neighborhoods that watch out for others property. questioning someone who doesn't belong in a structure is normal. BTW, there is a liability to the home owner.
Your analysis about TravisM seeking a barrier by attacking the point where AA was headed is one of the most absurd rejections of fact you have put in writing so far..
just post the frame where the gunman was where your arrow is. go ahead now, post it.

funny, you can only present cartoon drawings. not the actual footage. come on son, post it.

BTW, we have presented all of the actual footage.
just post the frame where the gunman was where your arrow is. go ahead now, post it.

Although we cannot see it on video we know for a fact that TravisM crossed the yellow line to attack AA at close range with shotgun In hand. We know that because we can see TravisM moving to the left in retreat as he came out from being hidden from view by the truck

We know for a fact TravisM was in front of the truck but we do not know exactly how far to the right he went.

but we can see the flash of his white cap through the windshield as it appears (black arrow) just to the left of his fathers left leg in this view:


You can still see AA’s foot as he too disappears in front of the truck.

so timing puts TravisM very far to the right of the double yellow line.

because of the angle of the way the truck is parked and where we can see TravisM’s hat through window it is safe to say that TravisM went far enough to the right to block the the jogger who was intending to get by - until a rang out at point blank range.
Although we cannot see it on video we know for a fact that TravisM crossed the yellow line to attack AA at close range with shotgun In hand. We know that because we can see TravisM moving to the left in retreat as he came out from being hidden from view by the truck
since you can't see it, you can't comment on it. PERIOD. We know when the gunshot went off where he was. that's been posted at nausea in the forum. One foot on the yellow line to the left of the truck. PERIOD. until you have any further footage, your story remains fictional.
just post the frame where the gunman was where your arrow is. go ahead now, post it.

Although we cannot see it on video we know for a fact that TravisM crossed the yellow line to attack AA at close range with shotgun In hand. We know that because we can see TravisM moving to the left in retreat as he came out from being hidden from view by the truck

We know for a fact TravisM was in front of the truck but we do not know exactly how far to the right he went.

but we can see the flash of his white cap through the windshield as it appears (black arrow) just to the left of his fathers left leg in this view:

View attachment 338189

You can still see AA’s foot as he too disappears in front of the truck.

so timing puts TravisM very far to the right of the double yellow line.

because of the angle of the way the truck is parked and where we can see TravisM’s hat through window it is safe to say that TravisM went far enough to the right to block the the jogger who was intending to get by - until a rang out at point blank range.
The video was provided by the father because it clears them . There is nothing more to it, except to beat back the crazy democrats and there slaves they are sicking on republicans
just post the frame where the gunman was where your arrow is. go ahead now, post it.

Although we cannot see it on video we know for a fact that TravisM crossed the yellow line to attack AA at close range with shotgun In hand. We know that because we can see TravisM moving to the left in retreat as he came out from being hidden from view by the truck

We know for a fact TravisM was in front of the truck but we do not know exactly how far to the right he went.

but we can see the flash of his white cap through the windshield as it appears (black arrow) just to the left of his fathers left leg in this view:

View attachment 338189

You can still see AA’s foot as he too disappears in front of the truck.

so timing puts TravisM very far to the right of the double yellow line.

because of the angle of the way the truck is parked and where we can see TravisM’s hat through window it is safe to say that TravisM went far enough to the right to block the the jogger who was intending to get by - until a rang out at point blank range.
The video was provided by the father because it clears them . There is nothing more to it, except to beat back the crazy democrats and there slaves they are sicking on republicans
Although he can't see it, he thinks he's allowed to create a story. hahahahahahahahaha he's a dishonest prick.

look at this photo, read the direction of the yellow arrows. Why didn't the black man just avoid the truck and go to the open area the arrows show available to him? Call the cops and explain his predicament. Please.
Although he can't see it, he thinks he's allowed to create a story.

You wrote this:

“He then veers right to the passenger side and runs past the truck and instead of continuing his jog, he veers left to dance with the gun”

Show the video where you actual witness the position of the two men when the jogger has a clear path ahead to continue his jog when he for some inexplicable reason decided to veer “left to dance with the gun”

just show me where you see that Before you go around calling others a prick.
Although we cannot see it on video we know for a fact that TravisM crossed the yellow line to attack AA at close range with shotgun In hand. We know that because we can see TravisM moving to the left in retreat as he came out from being hidden from view by the truck
since you can't see it, you can't comment on it. PERIOD. We know when the gunshot went off where he was. that's been posted at nausea in the forum. One foot on the yellow line to the left of the truck. PERIOD. until you have any further footage, your story remains fictional.
Of course you can see it. You can see their shadows on the ground where Arbery was as about 3 feet away from Travis when he was first shot.
just post the frame where the gunman was where your arrow is. go ahead now, post it.

Although we cannot see it on video we know for a fact that TravisM crossed the yellow line to attack AA at close range with shotgun In hand. We know that because we can see TravisM moving to the left in retreat as he came out from being hidden from view by the truck

We know for a fact TravisM was in front of the truck but we do not know exactly how far to the right he went.

but we can see the flash of his white cap through the windshield as it appears (black arrow) just to the left of his fathers left leg in this view:

View attachment 338189

You can still see AA’s foot as he too disappears in front of the truck.

so timing puts TravisM very far to the right of the double yellow line.

because of the angle of the way the truck is parked and where we can see TravisM’s hat through window it is safe to say that TravisM went far enough to the right to block the the jogger who was intending to get by - until a rang out at point blank range.
The video was provided by the father because it clears them . There is nothing more to it, except to beat back the crazy democrats and there slaves they are sicking on republicans
Imagine that, you're lying again. :eusa_liar:

That wasn't the reason Greg McMichael gave for releasing the video.
Although he can't see it, he thinks he's allowed to create a story.

You wrote this:

“He then veers right to the passenger side and runs past the truck and instead of continuing his jog, he veers left to dance with the gun”

Show the video where you actual witness the position of the two men when the jogger has a clear path ahead to continue his jog when he for some inexplicable reason decided to veer “left to dance with the gun”

just show me where you see that Before you go around calling others a prick.
I did in another thread. you can look it up on the internet as well. there are stills out there.


no one in front of the blackman running. there are no shadows. so yeah I know he veered left on his own. again, post your frame that your story lines up to.
View attachment 338201

look at this photo, read the direction of the yellow arrows. Why didn't the black man just avoid the truck and go to the open area the arrows show available to him? Call the cops and explain his predicament. Please.
Why would he? At that point, Travis McMichael is just getting out of his truck and may not be brandishing his weapon yet.
here's the next frame I can freeze. runner moves left. he disappears left. still no shadows in front of him. meaning no one in front to force him left. again, his choice.


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