Video shows Ahmaud Arbery Was caught breaking and entering an unfinished property, then towards McMichael‘s house

is there anybody here that hasn’t walked into an unfinished house and looked around just to see what’s going on?
Since you ask I would not have run away, but rather stood my ground and called 911
Have you heard stories about black people that were detained by a plain clothes cop and then called the police and the police came and beat up the black person that called the police? I’ve heard that. Even black police officers aren’t immune from getting beat up by white police officers.

Two days later, prosecutors say, that’s exactly what Boone did to one black protester. Boone, 35, and two other officers, Randy Hays, 31, and Christopher Myers, 27, threw a man to the ground and viciously kicked him and beat him with a riot baton, even though he was complying with their instructions.

But the three police officers had no idea that the man was a 22-year police veteran working undercover, whom they beat so badly that he couldn’t eat and lost 20 pounds. On Thursday, a federal grand jury indicted the three officers in the assault. They also indicted the men and another officer, Bailey Colletta, 25, for the attack. Prosecutors released text messages showing the officers bragging about assaulting protesters, with Hays even noting that “going rogue does feel good.”
Let me ask you something, are all black people model citizen's ? Otherwise is it that they never do anything that would create bias and hatred against themselves ????

Ok the same for all White's, are they all good people that create no bias or hatred against themselves ???

The same for Muslims etc ??

If the answer is no, then quit with your blanket stereotyping of races like you do. It will help you look or feel alot wiser in life if you educate yourself, and quit making yourself look dumb or worse looking like a racist yourself.
Every race has it's problems, and some maybe more so than others at times, but it does shift all depending on the generational changes or due to the propaganda ministries, cultural shifts, trends, and political agenda's sought after.
Well said
64#1279 reply to 64#1278
then aggravated assault.

the white men committed the aggravated assault when they tried to detain an unarmed man who was jogging while black.

the jogger was fired upon first on the right side of the road and in front of the Truck as he was trying to get by.

What happens after that first shot is legally on the white men committing aggravated assault that led to their victim’s death.
^^ Notice how this moron just ignores the fact that homeboy wasn’t jogging at all to begin with. Video shows him WALKING up to the house under construction, stops, looks around, then RUNS up the driveway into the house.

He didn’t start running down the steeet until he saw neighbors calling the police as well as neighbors yelling at him saying they are calling the cops. That’s not “jogging”, it’s fleeing the scene of a crime.
Wrong Bryan was chasing Arbery with his car as two armed men,the McMichaels, waited for him. What you see isn’t Arbery fleeing a crime scene because no crime scene existed. Evidence of nothing being stolen was caught by Mr English’s home security camera. The police said Arbery was unarmed and English said Arbery didn’t steal anything. What did get said according to the police was McMichaels admission that Bryan was helping them catch Arbery.

Let’s recap

No crime was committed

Arbery was unarmed

Arbery was being chased by Bryan in his car while the McMichaels waited in the road with guns leaving Arbery boxed in. That’s Bryan’s felony charge.

Anything at this point that Arbery did was SELF DEFENSE.

If convicted the McMichaels and Bryan could get the death penalty. This is no joke.
How many times do you morons need to be told, NOTHING needed to be taken at the house to make it a crime. Georgia law states that just being in a dwelling without permission with the intent to commit a crime is burglary. He looked around to make sure he wasn’t going to be seen before running into the house, because he knew he was going to break the law. That is on video.
How many times do you have to be told the definition of dwelling?

Definition of dwelling
: a shelter (such as a house) in which people live

NOBODY LIVES THERE. The place barely had walls. It’s property not a dwelling.

The owner installed a camera to alert him if there were trespassers. According to Mr English, the owner, he was well aware there were trespassers.
Was the structure fenced off?

Were there no trespassing signs?

If the owner is aware and does nothing is that a type of permission?

Is trespass punishable by death in Georgia?

Were the McMichaels the owners of the property in question that they knew no permission was granted?

Who are the McMichaels in relationship to the property?

How did the McMichaels and Bryan know that Arbery wasn’t checking in on the property for the owner?

If approached is Arbery required to answer questions posed by people who are not the police?

Is Arbery required by law to justify his presence anywhere in the USA if the people questioning him aren’t the property owner or the police?

The three stooges had no business doing what they did other than to call police and let the professionals handle the situation. Had the police handled this Arbery would be alive and Bryan and the McMichaels would be home with their families right now.
Wrong again idiot. According to Georgia Law, it is irrelevant if the structure is inhabited at the time of burglary.

It was an unoccupied building, so technically there was no breaking or entering: Sometimes a defendant will attempt to argue that since the building was vacant, there was not a breaking and entering. However, this defense will not hold up in court as case law has held that even entering a house under construction qualifies as a building and a defendant could still be convicted of burglary. Smith v. State, 226 Ga App. 9 (1957Smith v. State, 226 Ga App. 9 (1957).

I didn't even steal anything: Even though you may not have stolen anything, you could still be convicted of burglary. According to Johnson v. Jackson, it is not necessary that the defendant actually steal anything. 140 Ga. App. 252, (1976). It is enough if they enter without authority and with intent to commit theft.”

Well then it would seem Georgia is run by paranoid asshats. Glad I don’t live where a person checking out construction can be cornered and killed By two gorillas and a bad bowl cut and legally get away with it. But then again the trial hasn’t started and we will see if your theory holds water if it’s not the homeowner doing the killing and not the homeowner pressing charges, and nobody’s life or property was in any danger. Well see if the homeowner was aware of the trespassing and chose to do nothing gives permission for just anybody to interfere With people visiting the property without the homeowners consent or knowledge. Wonder if the assailants stepped foot on the property themselves? That would mean they too trespassed. But we’ll have to wait and see what video footage turns up at trial. Then of course there’s the legality of the ensuing chase of Arbery and the attempted false imprisonment that led to his death which is actually one of the charges along with felony murder. I got a feeling now that the feds are involved and not the murderers buddies this isn’t going to go well for the three stooges. Can’t wait until the trial.
What if the person "checking out construction" was a violent thief and thug?
Yep, he very well could have been, but they handled it all wrong I think. The courts and investigators will have to figure this one all out for sure. What a mess.
Regardless of anything that happened forget the robbery forget the burglary forget the walking around the dwelling forget running away from it answer this question if I grab your shotgun you’re holding in a intimidating way what are you going to do?
Hopefully I wouldn't be dumb enough to put myself into that position in life, but if you came onto my property acting fool, and I approach you with my gun drawn in the downward position because of your actions, then it best you don't attempt anything foolish agressive moves (i.e. agressively lunge at me as if you are going to attack me), then it's on. I won't allow you to get within arm's length of me before defending myself if your actions are threatening.

As far as me going out looking for trouble, that's not going to happen, but if trouble comes to me when I wasn't looking for it, then I do have a means of defending myself or the means to help others if they are under attack if it becomes nessesary.
They were protecting the neighborhood, they wanted justice for the break ins and followed him,, Travis confronted him days before. The owner didn’t want people on his property.
It will all come out in the wash, so the best thing for everyone to do is get a wait and see attitude, but yes discuss it as the evidence presents itself more clearly.
Well that’s a good response.. there’s so much evidence being left out we don’t have any statements from the neighbors we don’t have two very important videos we don’t have all the interviews from the police officers that were on the scene what happened to the hammer? Time will tell
These perfect Trumpbots are going to die in prison, hopefully soon.

No one knows what the political bent of the accused are in this case, why the assumption they are Trump voters?

The fact that this incident happened in a majority-black city , with a Liberal black mayor, tells me that there is probably nothing here, or the libs would have busted these guys long before this week.
Why are you jumping to their defense? They made the decision to be vigilantes and now they will pay. Thousands of black men in the south ended up hanging from a tree because men just like these thought themselves worthy to be judge, jury and executioner. That shit will not be allowed to happen again. It's also a pretty safe bet these douchebags were Trump supporters, how could they not be?

They looked like Sleepy Joe supporters to me. Who says they were "vigilantes" even if they are guilty? You are just making stuff up, to fit your predetermined theory of what happened.
So what are you doing then? I saw a couple of armed thugs pull up to an unarmed black guy and kill him. What did you see? I have no justification to make here. I say killers should go to jail, it's the right that is going to further degrade themselves defending these fools.

I'm not "defending" anyone. I just want to hear what both sides say before making a judgment at all.

Everyone is entitled to a presumption of innocence, even suspects that you have already prejudged as "white supremacists" and "conservatives", merely because of the color of their skin. These fellows seem to have pretty clean records. It just doesn't seem that likely that someone who have been a model citizen his entire life would suddenly wake up in his 60's one day and decide to commit a capital offense and whack someone just because he suddenly decided he doesn't like African Americans.
It seems they had some twisted citizen's arrest plan going on. Pretty sure they thought the guy would just give up and submit to their authority as white citizens of Georgia. They seem to have not considered that he might fight for his life in a state that lynched an awful lot of black men. In any case they fucked up. They either disregarded or didn't know the criteria that makes a citizen's arrest legal and they did not call the cops or wait around for them to show up.

You're just assuming all of that- there is no proof that the suspects here even gave a hoot about the victim's ethnicity at all. For all either of us know, Mr. Arbery may have said something about the shooter's mum which set him off? Or something else entirely? The suspects in this case seemed to be upstanding fellows to this point in time.
Except they're not "upstanding fellows". Well at least not the father who had his powers to arrest revoked by the law enforcement agency he "retired" from for failure to complete basic required training. I've heard in subsequent news stories that the areas in which he failed to maintain compliance had to do with use of deadly force.:
Gregory McMichael, who is charged in the killing of Ahmaud Arbery, worked for years in DA Jackie Johnson's office without required gun training
These perfect Trumpbots are going to die in prison, hopefully soon.

No one knows what the political bent of the accused are in this case, why the assumption they are Trump voters?

The fact that this incident happened in a majority-black city , with a Liberal black mayor, tells me that there is probably nothing here, or the libs would have busted these guys long before this week.
Why are you jumping to their defense? They made the decision to be vigilantes and now they will pay. Thousands of black men in the south ended up hanging from a tree because men just like these thought themselves worthy to be judge, jury and executioner. That shit will not be allowed to happen again. It's also a pretty safe bet these douchebags were Trump supporters, how could they not be?

They looked like Sleepy Joe supporters to me. Who says they were "vigilantes" even if they are guilty? You are just making stuff up, to fit your predetermined theory of what happened.
So what are you doing then? I saw a couple of armed thugs pull up to an unarmed black guy and kill him. What did you see? I have no justification to make here. I say killers should go to jail, it's the right that is going to further degrade themselves defending these fools.

I'm not "defending" anyone. I just want to hear what both sides say before making a judgment at all.

Everyone is entitled to a presumption of innocence, even suspects that you have already prejudged as "white supremacists" and "conservatives", merely because of the color of their skin. These fellows seem to have pretty clean records. It just doesn't seem that likely that someone who have been a model citizen his entire life would suddenly wake up in his 60's one day and decide to commit a capital offense and whack someone just because he suddenly decided he doesn't like African Americans.
It seems they had some twisted citizen's arrest plan going on. Pretty sure they thought the guy would just give up and submit to their authority as white citizens of Georgia. They seem to have not considered that he might fight for his life in a state that lynched an awful lot of black men. In any case they fucked up. They either disregarded or didn't know the criteria that makes a citizen's arrest legal and they did not call the cops or wait around for them to show up.

You're just assuming all of that- there is no proof that the suspects here even gave a hoot about the victim's ethnicity at all. For all either of us know, Mr. Arbery may have said something about the shooter's mum which set him off? Or something else entirely? The suspects in this case seemed to be upstanding fellows to this point in time.
Except they're not "upstanding fellows". Well at least not the father who had his powers to arrest revoked by the law enforcement agency he "retired" from for failure to complete basic required training. I've heard in subsequent news stories that the areas in which he failed to maintain compliance had to do with use of deadly force.:
Gregory McMichael, who is charged in the killing of Ahmaud Arbery, worked for years in DA Jackie Johnson's office without required gun training
Are you black?
Everyone is entitled to a presumption of innocence, even suspects that you have already prejudged ...[snipped]
Except for black people huh?
Who said that?
This is your post right? Video shows Ahmaud Arbery Was caught breaking and entering an unfinished property, then towards McMichael‘s house
"They called the cops, they followed the guy, There was a struggle for the gun and "the robber" was shot.

Where's the presumption of innocence in your statement? Robbery generally involves the taking property unlawfully from a person or place by force or threat of force. When did force or threat of force happen prior to Abery being chased down by the three defendants?
These perfect Trumpbots are going to die in prison, hopefully soon.

No one knows what the political bent of the accused are in this case, why the assumption they are Trump voters?

The fact that this incident happened in a majority-black city , with a Liberal black mayor, tells me that there is probably nothing here, or the libs would have busted these guys long before this week.
Why are you jumping to their defense? They made the decision to be vigilantes and now they will pay. Thousands of black men in the south ended up hanging from a tree because men just like these thought themselves worthy to be judge, jury and executioner. That shit will not be allowed to happen again. It's also a pretty safe bet these douchebags were Trump supporters, how could they not be?

They looked like Sleepy Joe supporters to me. Who says they were "vigilantes" even if they are guilty? You are just making stuff up, to fit your predetermined theory of what happened.
So what are you doing then? I saw a couple of armed thugs pull up to an unarmed black guy and kill him. What did you see? I have no justification to make here. I say killers should go to jail, it's the right that is going to further degrade themselves defending these fools.

I'm not "defending" anyone. I just want to hear what both sides say before making a judgment at all.

Everyone is entitled to a presumption of innocence, even suspects that you have already prejudged as "white supremacists" and "conservatives", merely because of the color of their skin. These fellows seem to have pretty clean records. It just doesn't seem that likely that someone who have been a model citizen his entire life would suddenly wake up in his 60's one day and decide to commit a capital offense and whack someone just because he suddenly decided he doesn't like African Americans.
It seems they had some twisted citizen's arrest plan going on. Pretty sure they thought the guy would just give up and submit to their authority as white citizens of Georgia. They seem to have not considered that he might fight for his life in a state that lynched an awful lot of black men. In any case they fucked up. They either disregarded or didn't know the criteria that makes a citizen's arrest legal and they did not call the cops or wait around for them to show up.

You're just assuming all of that- there is no proof that the suspects here even gave a hoot about the victim's ethnicity at all. For all either of us know, Mr. Arbery may have said something about the shooter's mum which set him off? Or something else entirely? The suspects in this case seemed to be upstanding fellows to this point in time.
Except they're not "upstanding fellows". Well at least not the father who had his powers to arrest revoked by the law enforcement agency he "retired" from for failure to complete basic required training. I've heard in subsequent news stories that the areas in which he failed to maintain compliance had to do with use of deadly force.:
Gregory McMichael, who is charged in the killing of Ahmaud Arbery, worked for years in DA Jackie Johnson's office without required gun training
Are you black?
These perfect Trumpbots are going to die in prison, hopefully soon.

No one knows what the political bent of the accused are in this case, why the assumption they are Trump voters?

The fact that this incident happened in a majority-black city , with a Liberal black mayor, tells me that there is probably nothing here, or the libs would have busted these guys long before this week.
Why are you jumping to their defense? They made the decision to be vigilantes and now they will pay. Thousands of black men in the south ended up hanging from a tree because men just like these thought themselves worthy to be judge, jury and executioner. That shit will not be allowed to happen again. It's also a pretty safe bet these douchebags were Trump supporters, how could they not be?

They looked like Sleepy Joe supporters to me. Who says they were "vigilantes" even if they are guilty? You are just making stuff up, to fit your predetermined theory of what happened.
So what are you doing then? I saw a couple of armed thugs pull up to an unarmed black guy and kill him. What did you see? I have no justification to make here. I say killers should go to jail, it's the right that is going to further degrade themselves defending these fools.

I'm not "defending" anyone. I just want to hear what both sides say before making a judgment at all.

Everyone is entitled to a presumption of innocence, even suspects that you have already prejudged as "white supremacists" and "conservatives", merely because of the color of their skin. These fellows seem to have pretty clean records. It just doesn't seem that likely that someone who have been a model citizen his entire life would suddenly wake up in his 60's one day and decide to commit a capital offense and whack someone just because he suddenly decided he doesn't like African Americans.
That's a load of white racist bs. You don't ever try to look at every side in one of those threads where whites get beat up by blacks. You're looking for excuses to defend these killers because they were called what they are - white supremacists.
You're just assuming all of that- there is no proof that the suspects here even gave a hoot about the victim's ethnicity at all.

There is plenty of proof. It's called United States of America racial history. You racists always say this when an obvious act of racism is done by whites.
Everyone is entitled to a presumption of innocence, even suspects that you have already prejudged ...[snipped]
Except for black people huh?
Who said that?
This is your post right? Video shows Ahmaud Arbery Was caught breaking and entering an unfinished property, then towards McMichael‘s house
"They called the cops, they followed the guy, There was a struggle for the gun and "the robber" was shot.

Where's the presumption of innocence in your statement? Robbery generally involves the taking property unlawfully from a person or place by force or threat of force. When did force or threat of force happen prior to Abery being chased down by the three defendants?
Because he was caught days before by Travis, because he was caught again by McMichaels, he was see putting his hands down his pants the night before like he had a gun, there is a still picture of a hammer on the ground that could be evidence it was stolen and IF THAT IS INDEED A HAMMER! And McMichaels seen him run from property with it, then that is Firsthand knowledge of a breaking of a dwelling with the intention to steal which is a felony in Georgia and you could be stopped with force
These perfect Trumpbots are going to die in prison, hopefully soon.

No one knows what the political bent of the accused are in this case, why the assumption they are Trump voters?

The fact that this incident happened in a majority-black city , with a Liberal black mayor, tells me that there is probably nothing here, or the libs would have busted these guys long before this week.
Why are you jumping to their defense? They made the decision to be vigilantes and now they will pay. Thousands of black men in the south ended up hanging from a tree because men just like these thought themselves worthy to be judge, jury and executioner. That shit will not be allowed to happen again. It's also a pretty safe bet these douchebags were Trump supporters, how could they not be?

They looked like Sleepy Joe supporters to me. Who says they were "vigilantes" even if they are guilty? You are just making stuff up, to fit your predetermined theory of what happened.
So what are you doing then? I saw a couple of armed thugs pull up to an unarmed black guy and kill him. What did you see? I have no justification to make here. I say killers should go to jail, it's the right that is going to further degrade themselves defending these fools.

I'm not "defending" anyone. I just want to hear what both sides say before making a judgment at all.

Everyone is entitled to a presumption of innocence, even suspects that you have already prejudged as "white supremacists" and "conservatives", merely because of the color of their skin. These fellows seem to have pretty clean records. It just doesn't seem that likely that someone who have been a model citizen his entire life would suddenly wake up in his 60's one day and decide to commit a capital offense and whack someone just because he suddenly decided he doesn't like African Americans.
It seems they had some twisted citizen's arrest plan going on. Pretty sure they thought the guy would just give up and submit to their authority as white citizens of Georgia. They seem to have not considered that he might fight for his life in a state that lynched an awful lot of black men. In any case they fucked up. They either disregarded or didn't know the criteria that makes a citizen's arrest legal and they did not call the cops or wait around for them to show up.

You're just assuming all of that- there is no proof that the suspects here even gave a hoot about the victim's ethnicity at all. For all either of us know, Mr. Arbery may have said something about the shooter's mum which set him off? Or something else entirely? The suspects in this case seemed to be upstanding fellows to this point in time.
Except they're not "upstanding fellows". Well at least not the father who had his powers to arrest revoked by the law enforcement agency he "retired" from for failure to complete basic required training. I've heard in subsequent news stories that the areas in which he failed to maintain compliance had to do with use of deadly force.:
Gregory McMichael, who is charged in the killing of Ahmaud Arbery, worked for years in DA Jackie Johnson's office without required gun training
Are you black?
I’m white american,, are you black? Just asking trying to get to know you better
is there anybody here that hasn’t walked into an unfinished house and looked around just to see what’s going on?
Since you ask I would not have run away, but rather stood my ground and called 911
Have you heard stories about black people that were detained by a plain clothes cop and then called the police and the police came and beat up the black person that called the police? I’ve heard that. Even black police officers aren’t immune from getting beat up by white police officers.

Two days later, prosecutors say, that’s exactly what Boone did to one black protester. Boone, 35, and two other officers, Randy Hays, 31, and Christopher Myers, 27, threw a man to the ground and viciously kicked him and beat him with a riot baton, even though he was complying with their instructions.

But the three police officers had no idea that the man was a 22-year police veteran working undercover, whom they beat so badly that he couldn’t eat and lost 20 pounds. On Thursday, a federal grand jury indicted the three officers in the assault. They also indicted the men and another officer, Bailey Colletta, 25, for the attack. Prosecutors released text messages showing the officers bragging about assaulting protesters, with Hays even noting that “going rogue does feel good.”
Let me ask you something, are all black people model citizen's ? Otherwise is it that they never do anything that would create bias and hatred against themselves ????

Ok the same for all White's, are they all good people that create no bias or hatred against themselves ???

The same for Muslims etc ??

If the answer is no, then quit with your blanket stereotyping of races like you do. It will help you look or feel alot wiser in life if you educate yourself, and quit making yourself look dumb or worse looking like a racist yourself.
Every race has it's problems, and some maybe more so than others at times, but it does shift all depending on the generational changes or due to the propaganda ministries, cultural shifts, trends, and political agenda's sought after.
Well said
Everyone is entitled to a presumption of innocence, even suspects that you have already prejudged ...[snipped]
Except for black people huh?
Who said that?
This is your post right? Video shows Ahmaud Arbery Was caught breaking and entering an unfinished property, then towards McMichael‘s house
"They called the cops, they followed the guy, There was a struggle for the gun and "the robber" was shot.

Where's the presumption of innocence in your statement? Robbery generally involves the taking property unlawfully from a person or place by force or threat of force. When did force or threat of force happen prior to Abery being chased down by the three defendants?
Because he was caught days before by Travis, because he was caught again by McMichaels, he was see putting his hands down his pants the night before like he had a gun, there is a still picture of a hammer on the ground that could be evidence it was stolen and IF THAT IS INDEED A HAMMER! And McMichaels seen him run from property with it, then that is Firsthand knowledge of a breaking of a dwelling with the intention to steal which is a felony in Georgia and you could be stopped with force
Because he was caught days before by Travis:
Caught doing what & by whom?

Because he was caught again by McMichaels
Both of them? If so why didn't they have the homeowner preserve the video tape, have the homeowner file a police report and then they could have obtained the report/incident/CAD number and provided it to dispatch on the day they claimed to have seen him again and that should have been the extent of their "involvment" in their neighbor's situation.

He was see putting his hands down his pants the night before like he had a gun
Where is the video of him putting his hands down his pants?

There is a still picture of a hammer on the ground that could be evidence it was stolen and IF THAT IS INDEED A HAMMER!
The picture of what might be a hammer, from what source was it obtained? Is it a single frame from a video, was is it a snapshot? Was it evident at the scene of the crime when the police arrived, was it pointed out by the McMichaels and logged into evidence?

And McMichaels seen him run from property with it, then that is Firsthand knowledge of a breaking of a dwelling with the intention to steal which is a felony in Georgia and you could be stopped with force
It's not possible for the McMichaels to have known his intentions and no, only the police can lawfully stop someone utilizing force. Or a bounty hunter.

My intention when I made the comment I did was to show that you, among others are prejudging Abery as a criminal based on things not even in evidence just as I stated, which has happened in every single shooting of a young black man that I've participated in. Yet when it comes to the white perpetrators you all overlook a plethera of laws including those governing the civil rights of their fellow Americans but particularly when it comes to lawful use of lethal force and self-defense, especially the part that states you cannot be the initiator of a confrontation AND THEN claim self-defense to counter the bad judgment and/or malfeasance of the shooter.

So according to Polishprince the defendants' presumption of innocence should be respected but when it comes to the victim that they killed it's open season?
Everyone is entitled to a presumption of innocence, even suspects that you have already prejudged ...[snipped]
Except for black people huh?
Who said that?
This is your post right? Video shows Ahmaud Arbery Was caught breaking and entering an unfinished property, then towards McMichael‘s house
"They called the cops, they followed the guy, There was a struggle for the gun and "the robber" was shot.

Where's the presumption of innocence in your statement? Robbery generally involves the taking property unlawfully from a person or place by force or threat of force. When did force or threat of force happen prior to Abery being chased down by the three defendants?
Because he was caught days before by Travis, because he was caught again by McMichaels, he was see putting his hands down his pants the night before like he had a gun, there is a still picture of a hammer on the ground that could be evidence it was stolen and IF THAT IS INDEED A HAMMER! And McMichaels seen him run from property with it, then that is Firsthand knowledge of a breaking of a dwelling with the intention to steal which is a felony in Georgia and you could be stopped with force
Forced to stop after a crime has been committed while on the property if one owns it yes (i.e. get on the ground, hands behind your head, now lay there don't move until the cops get here). Once in the street running, I believe it's out of the owners jurisdiction, and becomes law enforcements matter, otherwise upon the owner reporting the man running away from the scene of the crime to law enforcement.... Yes surveillance from a safe distance is ok, but no closing in on the assailant with guns drawn while out in the street.
Caught doing what & by whom?
He was caught leaving the dwelling by Travis

Both of them? If so why didn't they have the homeowner preserve the video tape, have the homeowner file a police report and then they could have obtained the report/incident/CAD number and provided it to dispatch on the day they claimed to have seen him again and that should have been the extent of their "involvment" in their neighbor's situation.
They were in the yard when they saw him running,, the neighborhood was in high alert, even the police told English to contact McMichaels if there’s another break in
Where is the video of him putting his hands down his pants?
idk it’s in the police report
The picture of what might be a hammer, from what source was it obtained? Is it a single frame from a video, was is it a snapshot? Was it evident at the scene of the crime when the police arrived, was it pointed out by the McMichaels and logged into evidence?
Bryan actually pans over to the hammer on the ground.. The please report is four paragraphs long for a murder I’ve gotten into fistfights on the street that were five pages long this police report wasn’t very well written.
It's not possible for the McMichaels to have known his intentions and no, only the police can lawfully stop someone utilizing force. Or a bounty hunter.
Of course it is, your son warned him days before to stay off the property, then you see him again running away with something in his hand? How many more times is Arbery going to taunt neighbors with his brazen actions? All actions have consequences.. The boys called him while on the phone with the cops and Arbery attacked a man with a shot gun. Why is that ok? Do you want this neighborhood to continue to be terrorized?
Everyone is entitled to a presumption of innocence, even suspects that you have already prejudged ...[snipped]
Except for black people huh?
Who said that?
This is your post right? Video shows Ahmaud Arbery Was caught breaking and entering an unfinished property, then towards McMichael‘s house
"They called the cops, they followed the guy, There was a struggle for the gun and "the robber" was shot.

Where's the presumption of innocence in your statement? Robbery generally involves the taking property unlawfully from a person or place by force or threat of force. When did force or threat of force happen prior to Abery being chased down by the three defendants?
Because he was caught days before by Travis, because he was caught again by McMichaels, he was see putting his hands down his pants the night before like he had a gun, there is a still picture of a hammer on the ground that could be evidence it was stolen and IF THAT IS INDEED A HAMMER! And McMichaels seen him run from property with it, then that is Firsthand knowledge of a breaking of a dwelling with the intention to steal which is a felony in Georgia and you could be stopped with force
Forced to stop after a crime has been committed while on the property if one owns it yes (i.e. get on the ground, hands behind your head, now lay there don't move until the cops get here). Once in the street running, I believe it's out of the owners jurisdiction, and becomes law enforcements matter, otherwise upon the owner reporting the man running away from the scene of the crime to law enforcement.... Yes surveillance from a safe distance is ok, but no closing in on the assailant with guns drawn while out in the street.
They had every right to stop him if he stole something.. WITH FORCE

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