Video shows Ahmaud Arbery Was caught breaking and entering an unfinished property, then towards McMichael‘s house

67#1340 reply to 67#1337
He was running up behind them and went around the truck to ambush him, neither one even saw them.

Your whiteness/gunism has the best of you.

The video tells the truth more than a thousand of your biased words:

The jogger swerved to avoid a white man with a shotgun who was standing somewhere between the open driver side door and the rear wheel.

What you just wrote is absurd conjecture. You say Arbery went around the truck to ambush the white man with a shotgun a couple of seconds following this scene.

View attachment 339905
Are you knucking Futz?
If these guys wanted to murder him, why wait to fire? Why call the police? There wasn’t a shot until thug hero ran right at him and it was point blank range. Thug hero could had run sideways between houses, he chose to attack them.

Of course you idiots believe in the classic thug defense, “ I ain’t dunn nuffin” after being caught red-handed committing a crime.
67#1340 reply to 67#1337
He was running up behind them and went around the truck to ambush him, neither one even saw them.

Your whiteness/gunism has the best of you.

The video tells the truth more than a thousand of your biased words:

The jogger swerved to avoid a white man with a shotgun who was standing somewhere between the open driver side door and the rear wheel.

What you just wrote is absurd conjecture. You say Arbery went around the truck to ambush the white man with a shotgun a couple of seconds following this scene.

View attachment 339905
Are you knucking Futz?
If these guys wanted to murder him, why wait to fire? Why call the police? There wasn’t a shot until thug hero ran right at him and it was point blank range. Thug hero could had run sideways between houses, he chose to attack them.

Of course you idiots believe in the classic thug defense, “ I ain’t dunn nuffin” after being caught red-handed committing a crime.
Regardless my friend, it wasn't wise to take the law into your own hands in this way. Huge mistake.
67#1340 reply to 67#1337
He was running up behind them and went around the truck to ambush him, neither one even saw them.

Your whiteness/gunism has the best of you.

The video tells the truth more than a thousand of your biased words:

The jogger swerved to avoid a white man with a shotgun who was standing somewhere between the open driver side door and the rear wheel.

What you just wrote is absurd conjecture. You say Arbery went around the truck to ambush the white man with a shotgun a couple of seconds following this scene.

View attachment 339905
Are you knucking Futz?
If these guys wanted to murder him, why wait to fire? Why call the police? There wasn’t a shot until thug hero ran right at him and it was point blank range. Thug hero could had run sideways between houses, he chose to attack them.

Of course you idiots believe in the classic thug defense, “ I ain’t dunn nuffin” after being caught red-handed committing a crime.
Regardless my friend, it wasn't wise to take the law into your own hands in this way. Huge mistake.
I agree, Arbery shouldn’t had broken the law.
Over my lifetime, I bet I walked into 30 or 40 unfinished houses that were being built. It’s interesting to see how it’s done. To look around and see how walls are constructed before the sheet rock is put over them. Where the plumbing and the electrical go.

is there anybody here that hasn’t walked into an unfinished house and looked around just to see what’s going on?

do you feel you were a burglar and that you were causing damage because you looked around?

did you look around and think maybe I should be a Carpenter. This looks like interesting work?

sadly, it just seems to me Republicans are always looking for a reason to kill black people. At least that’s how it looks to me.
and I seriously doubt any police officer told these two idiots to stop him by shooting him.
If he had not attacked the man holding the shotgun arbrey would be alive today

If Mc Michaels had minded their own business Arbery would be alive today.

If the McMichaels had approached Arbery like a normal human being and simply asked what he was doing Arbery would be alive today.

Had the McMichaels left Arbery alone and let the cops do their job, Arbery would be alive today.

If the McMichaels hadn’t chased Arbery maybe Arbery would be alive today.

If two white McMichaels had treated Arbery like a white man he’d be alive today.

But the McMichaels didn’t do that. They saw a black man checking out the construction of a house. Something BTW other people in the neighborhood had also done both white and black. It was caught on the property owner’s camera. THE PROPERTY OWNER WAS AWARE OF TRESPASSERS. It was his job to defend and secure his own property not the McMichaels. HE CHOSE NOT TO! Instead he installed the camera. The McMichaels stuck their nose where it didn’t belong. All the should have done is call the police and let them handle it. Instead they chased and harassed Arbery for no reason. The man didn’t take anything. For all the McMichaels knew Arbery was a friend of the owner checking on the property for him. Something people do all the time. But the McMichaels didn’t care about any of that. Instead they chased and killed an innocent man. The police said Arbery had no stolen property on him. The man was just jogging when two neighborhood bullies stalked him and shot him. Even the video shows the McMichaels waiting for Arbery, truck door open as an intimidation tactic or perhaps a challenge to bait the young man. The McMichaels could have taken a picture for police. They could have followed him at a distance until the police arrived. There were 1000 better ways to deal with this THEN KILLING HIM. I hope they rot in jail. They gave the Arbery family a much harsher sentence because they will never see their loved one again.

You will also note the charge is murder and not manslaughter. Something I was surprised at because the lesser charge manslaughter would be easier to prove. I’m not sure if the police are trying to get the McMichaels acquitted by making the prosecution prove a higher charge or if there’s more proof we don’t know about.
Guess we wait and see. Hopefully the aggravated assault charge will stick and the stupid bastards will get some jail time.
The only thing I blame McMicheals for based on evidence so far was getting out of the truck

they should have followed arbrey till the cops showed up to question him

but arbrey was a naturally angry and aggressive person and its likely arbrey attacked the son who was holding the shotgun

maybe new evidence will change that but so far thats how I see it

I agree that McMichael shouldn’t have gotten out of the truck. The problem is he did and now Arbery is dead. The McMichaels instigated the entire situation. But for the actions of the McMichaels, Arbery would be alive today. The McMichaels now have to pay for that action and poor judgement. They should have let the police handle it.

They will no doubt not be found guilty of murder because the reality is they should have been charged with manslaughter unless the cops know something we don’t. I think the only charge they will be found guilty of is aggravated assault.

If Arbery did not attack a man with a shotgun, he would be alive today. In prison, but alive.
In prison for what? Trespass? And who would press charges? Mr. English the owner? He didn’t even call the police. No, Mr Arbery would certainly not be in prison for anything related to this case. The police said he didn’t steal anything. No official in their right mind would send someone to prison/jail for trespass and definitely not during a pandemic. You’re delusional.
The intent to steal is a felony, we see him with a hammer, so they had a right to stop but didn’t

Liar, you do not see him with a hammer since there was no hammer.

You couldn't find a single news article stating there was a hammer. No one but racists like you on forums like this are even claiming there was a hammer.

Gregory McMichael, standing in the bed of his pickup truck and on the phone with 911 did not say Arbery was holding a hammer or that Arbery disposed of a hammer.

Travis McMichael who defense would be greatly bolstered if Arbery had a hammer did not say there was a hammer.

The police did not report a hammer was found.

Neither Gregory McMichael nor Travis McMichael told police Arbery had a hammer.

Bryan, the guy in the car following Arbery has said nothing about a hammer.

Larry English, the owner of the home under construction said no hammer was taken. And he had videos of Arbery inside the structure where he would have seen Arbery taking a hammer had he actually done so.

In the video, the stick on the ground you idiotically call a hammer is already on the ground before Arbery gets there; and Arbery is not seen on the video either holding a hammer or throwing a hammer.

There were other witnesses who were out there, none of who said anything about a hammer.

If truth and reality were on your side, you wouldn't have to lie like ya do.
The police report was not well put together, there was def a hammer AA stole, I have pics of it
Really! Maybe I should contact authorities and let them know. I’m sure they’d be interested that you are withholding evidence in a murder case.
It’s in the video, and from what I hear the new report includes the stolen hammer
it wasn’t found at the crime scene so it can’t be in the video. Nevertheless
Proof or it didn’t happen.
I saw a screen shot from the video of a hammer that he dropped. I cant guarantee its authenticity, but it look legit. Those pics are in this thread.

There is no hammer, ya moron.

I posted a video in rebuttal to that nonsense showing that object on the ground was already there.

Greg McMichael on the phone with 911 says nothing about a hammer.

Neither McMichael told the police about a hammer.

Nothing in the police report indicated a hammer was at or near the crime scene.

The homeowner has videos where he watched Arbery checking out his house and said nothing was taken.

Bryan was following Arbery in his car and said nothing about a hammer.

It makes no sense for Arbery to drop a hammer, if he had one, after being chased for 4 minutes and while he's approaching the McMichael's road block.

The only mention of a hammer in the news is that there wasn't one but that far rightwingers and neo-nazi's are claiming there was a hammer (and that Arbery was wearing Timberland boots and not sneakers).
I dont know if any of what you say is true, just like i said i couldnt verify the screen shots authenticity. YOU are the moron for thinking you KNOW the truth.

I already know you don't know shit. What was your point of reiterating that?
Neither of us KNOW the truth. All we have are news articles with tiny bits of information that we cant thoroughly verify, and the media is often wrong about these facts. YOU are the fucking moron for thinking you know exactly what happened.

Do you not understand how fucking dumb you are?
64#1279 reply to 64#1278
then aggravated assault.

the white men committed the aggravated assault when they tried to detain an unarmed man who was jogging while black.

the jogger was fired upon first on the right side of the road and in front of the Truck as he was trying to get by.

What happens after that first shot is legally on the white men committing aggravated assault that led to their victim’s death.
^^ Notice how this moron just ignores the fact that homeboy wasn’t jogging at all to begin with. Video shows him WALKING up to the house under construction, stops, looks around, then RUNS up the driveway into the house.

He didn’t start running down the steeet until he saw neighbors calling the police as well as neighbors yelling at him saying they are calling the cops. That’s not “jogging”, it’s fleeing the scene of a crime.
Wrong Bryan was chasing Arbery with his car as two armed men,the McMichaels, waited for him. What you see isn’t Arbery fleeing a crime scene because no crime scene existed. Evidence of nothing being stolen was caught by Mr English’s home security camera. The police said Arbery was unarmed and English said Arbery didn’t steal anything. What did get said according to the police was McMichaels admission that Bryan was helping them catch Arbery.

Let’s recap

No crime was committed

Arbery was unarmed

Arbery was being chased by Bryan in his car while the McMichaels waited in the road with guns leaving Arbery boxed in. That’s Bryan’s felony charge.

Anything at this point that Arbery did was SELF DEFENSE.

If convicted the McMichaels and Bryan could get the death penalty. This is no joke.
How many times do you morons need to be told, NOTHING needed to be taken at the house to make it a crime. Georgia law states that just being in a dwelling without permission with the intent to commit a crime is burglary. He looked around to make sure he wasn’t going to be seen before running into the house, because he knew he was going to break the law. That is on video.
How many times do you have to be told the definition of dwelling?

Definition of dwelling
: a shelter (such as a house) in which people live

NOBODY LIVES THERE. The place barely had walls. It’s property not a dwelling.

The owner installed a camera to alert him if there were trespassers. According to Mr English, the owner, he was well aware there were trespassers.
Was the structure fenced off?

Were there no trespassing signs?

If the owner is aware and does nothing is that a type of permission?

Is trespass punishable by death in Georgia?

Were the McMichaels the owners of the property in question that they knew no permission was granted?

Who are the McMichaels in relationship to the property?

How did the McMichaels and Bryan know that Arbery wasn’t checking in on the property for the owner?

If approached is Arbery required to answer questions posed by people who are not the police?

Is Arbery required by law to justify his presence anywhere in the USA if the people questioning him aren’t the property owner or the police?

The three stooges had no business doing what they did other than to call police and let the professionals handle the situation. Had the police handled this Arbery would be alive and Bryan and the McMichaels would be home with their families right now.
Wrong again idiot. According to Georgia Law, it is irrelevant if the structure is inhabited at the time of burglary.

It was an unoccupied building, so technically there was no breaking or entering: Sometimes a defendant will attempt to argue that since the building was vacant, there was not a breaking and entering. However, this defense will not hold up in court as case law has held that even entering a house under construction qualifies as a building and a defendant could still be convicted of burglary. Smith v. State, 226 Ga App. 9 (1957Smith v. State, 226 Ga App. 9 (1957).

I didn't even steal anything: Even though you may not have stolen anything, you could still be convicted of burglary. According to Johnson v. Jackson, it is not necessary that the defendant actually steal anything. 140 Ga. App. 252, (1976). It is enough if they enter without authority and with intent to commit theft.”

Well then it would seem Georgia is run by paranoid asshats. Glad I don’t live where a person checking out construction can be cornered and killed By two gorillas and a bad bowl cut and legally get away with it. But then again the trial hasn’t started and we will see if your theory holds water if it’s not the homeowner doing the killing and not the homeowner pressing charges, and nobody’s life or property was in any danger. Well see if the homeowner was aware of the trespassing and chose to do nothing gives permission for just anybody to interfere With people visiting the property without the homeowners consent or knowledge. Wonder if the assailants stepped foot on the property themselves? That would mean they too trespassed. But we’ll have to wait and see what video footage turns up at trial. Then of course there’s the legality of the ensuing chase of Arbery and the attempted false imprisonment that led to his death which is actually one of the charges along with felony murder. I got a feeling now that the feds are involved and not the murderers buddies this isn’t going to go well for the three stooges. Can’t wait until the trial.
is there anybody here that hasn’t walked into an unfinished house and looked around just to see what’s going on?
Since you ask I would not have run away, but rather stood my ground and called 911
Over my lifetime, I bet I walked into 30 or 40 unfinished houses that were being built. It’s interesting to see how it’s done. To look around and see how walls are constructed before the sheet rock is put over them. Where the plumbing and the electrical go.

is there anybody here that hasn’t walked into an unfinished house and looked around just to see what’s going on?

do you feel you were a burglar and that you were causing damage because you looked around?

did you look around and think maybe I should be a Carpenter. This looks like interesting work?

sadly, it just seems to me Republicans are always looking for a reason to kill black people. At least that’s how it looks to me.
It’s not republicans killing black people it’s racist bastards killing black people. I’m a Republican and I would never advocate such a stupid thing as killing a person for checking out construction. The rest of your statement is 100% correct and I think the wannabe lawyers in this thread are in for a shock.
Over my lifetime, I bet I walked into 30 or 40 unfinished houses that were being built. It’s interesting to see how it’s done. To look around and see how walls are constructed before the sheet rock is put over them. Where the plumbing and the electrical go.

is there anybody here that hasn’t walked into an unfinished house and looked around just to see what’s going on?

do you feel you were a burglar and that you were causing damage because you looked around?

did you look around and think maybe I should be a Carpenter. This looks like interesting work?

sadly, it just seems to me Republicans are always looking for a reason to kill black people. At least that’s how it looks to me.
It’s not republicans killing black people it’s racist bastards killing black people. I’m a Republican and I would never advocate such a stupid thing as killing a person for checking out construction. The rest of your statement is 100% correct and I think the wannabe lawyers in this thread are in for a shock.
Whites that defend them selves against blacks is racist? Well shit I guess im a racist lol
64#1279 reply to 64#1278
then aggravated assault.

the white men committed the aggravated assault when they tried to detain an unarmed man who was jogging while black.

the jogger was fired upon first on the right side of the road and in front of the Truck as he was trying to get by.

What happens after that first shot is legally on the white men committing aggravated assault that led to their victim’s death.
^^ Notice how this moron just ignores the fact that homeboy wasn’t jogging at all to begin with. Video shows him WALKING up to the house under construction, stops, looks around, then RUNS up the driveway into the house.

He didn’t start running down the steeet until he saw neighbors calling the police as well as neighbors yelling at him saying they are calling the cops. That’s not “jogging”, it’s fleeing the scene of a crime.
Wrong Bryan was chasing Arbery with his car as two armed men,the McMichaels, waited for him. What you see isn’t Arbery fleeing a crime scene because no crime scene existed. Evidence of nothing being stolen was caught by Mr English’s home security camera. The police said Arbery was unarmed and English said Arbery didn’t steal anything. What did get said according to the police was McMichaels admission that Bryan was helping them catch Arbery.

Let’s recap

No crime was committed

Arbery was unarmed

Arbery was being chased by Bryan in his car while the McMichaels waited in the road with guns leaving Arbery boxed in. That’s Bryan’s felony charge.

Anything at this point that Arbery did was SELF DEFENSE.

If convicted the McMichaels and Bryan could get the death penalty. This is no joke.
How many times do you morons need to be told, NOTHING needed to be taken at the house to make it a crime. Georgia law states that just being in a dwelling without permission with the intent to commit a crime is burglary. He looked around to make sure he wasn’t going to be seen before running into the house, because he knew he was going to break the law. That is on video.
How many times do you have to be told the definition of dwelling?

Definition of dwelling
: a shelter (such as a house) in which people live

NOBODY LIVES THERE. The place barely had walls. It’s property not a dwelling.

The owner installed a camera to alert him if there were trespassers. According to Mr English, the owner, he was well aware there were trespassers.
Was the structure fenced off?

Were there no trespassing signs?

If the owner is aware and does nothing is that a type of permission?

Is trespass punishable by death in Georgia?

Were the McMichaels the owners of the property in question that they knew no permission was granted?

Who are the McMichaels in relationship to the property?

How did the McMichaels and Bryan know that Arbery wasn’t checking in on the property for the owner?

If approached is Arbery required to answer questions posed by people who are not the police?

Is Arbery required by law to justify his presence anywhere in the USA if the people questioning him aren’t the property owner or the police?

The three stooges had no business doing what they did other than to call police and let the professionals handle the situation. Had the police handled this Arbery would be alive and Bryan and the McMichaels would be home with their families right now.
Wrong again idiot. According to Georgia Law, it is irrelevant if the structure is inhabited at the time of burglary.

It was an unoccupied building, so technically there was no breaking or entering: Sometimes a defendant will attempt to argue that since the building was vacant, there was not a breaking and entering. However, this defense will not hold up in court as case law has held that even entering a house under construction qualifies as a building and a defendant could still be convicted of burglary. Smith v. State, 226 Ga App. 9 (1957Smith v. State, 226 Ga App. 9 (1957).

I didn't even steal anything: Even though you may not have stolen anything, you could still be convicted of burglary. According to Johnson v. Jackson, it is not necessary that the defendant actually steal anything. 140 Ga. App. 252, (1976). It is enough if they enter without authority and with intent to commit theft.”

Well then it would seem Georgia is run by paranoid asshats. Glad I don’t live where a person checking out construction can be cornered and killed By two gorillas and a bad bowl cut and legally get away with it. But then again the trial hasn’t started and we will see if your theory holds water if it’s not the homeowner doing the killing and not the homeowner pressing charges, and nobody’s life or property was in any danger. Well see if the homeowner was aware of the trespassing and chose to do nothing gives permission for just anybody to interfere With people visiting the property without the homeowners consent or knowledge. Wonder if the assailants stepped foot on the property themselves? That would mean they too trespassed. But we’ll have to wait and see what video footage turns up at trial. Then of course there’s the legality of the ensuing chase of Arbery and the attempted false imprisonment that led to his death which is actually one of the charges along with felony murder. I got a feeling now that the feds are involved and not the murderers buddies this isn’t going to go well for the three stooges. Can’t wait until the trial.
What if the person "checking out construction" was a violent thief and thug?
Over my lifetime, I bet I walked into 30 or 40 unfinished houses that were being built. It’s interesting to see how it’s done. To look around and see how walls are constructed before the sheet rock is put over them. Where the plumbing and the electrical go.

is there anybody here that hasn’t walked into an unfinished house and looked around just to see what’s going on?

do you feel you were a burglar and that you were causing damage because you looked around?

did you look around and think maybe I should be a Carpenter. This looks like interesting work?

sadly, it just seems to me Republicans are always looking for a reason to kill black people. At least that’s how it looks to me.

Maybe at a new subdivision under construction, where they welcome people to come look because they are selling houses.
But a single home in an already finished neighborhood? With no For Sale sign? No.

But, it’s obvious you need to believe in this narrative that he was an innocent “jogger” just looking at a house he might want to buy.

You certainly can’t cope with the truth, he was a career criminal, unemployed, living with his mother, and wasn’t going to be buying or building his own house anytime soon. He was scoping the place out to steal. But, he’s black, and white people are bad, so you need to believe in this narrative.
67#1340 reply to 67#1337
He was running up behind them and went around the truck to ambush him, neither one even saw them.

Your whiteness/gunism has the best of you.

The video tells the truth more than a thousand of your biased words:

The jogger swerved to avoid a white man with a shotgun who was standing somewhere between the open driver side door and the rear wheel.

What you just wrote is absurd conjecture. You say Arbery went around the truck to ambush the white man with a shotgun a couple of seconds following this scene.

View attachment 339905
Are you knucking Futz?
If these guys wanted to murder him, why wait to fire? Why call the police? There wasn’t a shot until thug hero ran right at him and it was point blank range. Thug hero could had run sideways between houses, he chose to attack them.

Of course you idiots believe in the classic thug defense, “ I ain’t dunn nuffin” after being caught red-handed committing a crime.
Regardless my friend, it wasn't wise to take the law into your own hands in this way. Huge mistake.
I agree, Arbery shouldn’t had broken the law.
Well in the case it appears that they may have all broken the rules, the law or at the least ignored the rules or the laws pertaining to such an event, and especially in regards to administering proper training and/or judgement in which would have kept everyone safe, and everyone out of the cemetery or out of the jail house. Just a bad situation is what it is. Unbelievable.
Over my lifetime, I bet I walked into 30 or 40 unfinished houses that were being built. It’s interesting to see how it’s done. To look around and see how walls are constructed before the sheet rock is put over them. Where the plumbing and the electrical go.

is there anybody here that hasn’t walked into an unfinished house and looked around just to see what’s going on?

do you feel you were a burglar and that you were causing damage because you looked around?

did you look around and think maybe I should be a Carpenter. This looks like interesting work?

sadly, it just seems to me Republicans are always looking for a reason to kill black people. At least that’s how it looks to me.
No not Republicans, and that's where you fail. It happens in every race, in every group, in every party, in every town, city or state in our union. That's why we have laws, and laws that we all agree on as found in a majority of American citizens who understands these sorts of things..
is there anybody here that hasn’t walked into an unfinished house and looked around just to see what’s going on?
Since you ask I would not have run away, but rather stood my ground and called 911
Have you heard stories about black people that were detained by a plain clothes cop and then called the police and the police came and beat up the black person that called the police? I’ve heard that. Even black police officers aren’t immune from getting beat up by white police officers.

Two days later, prosecutors say, that’s exactly what Boone did to one black protester. Boone, 35, and two other officers, Randy Hays, 31, and Christopher Myers, 27, threw a man to the ground and viciously kicked him and beat him with a riot baton, even though he was complying with their instructions.

But the three police officers had no idea that the man was a 22-year police veteran working undercover, whom they beat so badly that he couldn’t eat and lost 20 pounds. On Thursday, a federal grand jury indicted the three officers in the assault. They also indicted the men and another officer, Bailey Colletta, 25, for the attack. Prosecutors released text messages showing the officers bragging about assaulting protesters, with Hays even noting that “going rogue does feel good.”
is there anybody here that hasn’t walked into an unfinished house and looked around just to see what’s going on?
Since you ask I would not have run away, but rather stood my ground and called 911
Have you heard stories about black people that were detained by a plain clothes cop and then called the police and the police came and beat up the black person that called the police? I’ve heard that. Even black police officers aren’t immune from getting beat up by white police officers.

Two days later, prosecutors say, that’s exactly what Boone did to one black protester. Boone, 35, and two other officers, Randy Hays, 31, and Christopher Myers, 27, threw a man to the ground and viciously kicked him and beat him with a riot baton, even though he was complying with their instructions.

But the three police officers had no idea that the man was a 22-year police veteran working undercover, whom they beat so badly that he couldn’t eat and lost 20 pounds. On Thursday, a federal grand jury indicted the three officers in the assault. They also indicted the men and another officer, Bailey Colletta, 25, for the attack. Prosecutors released text messages showing the officers bragging about assaulting protesters, with Hays even noting that “going rogue does feel good.”

Please, quote the section of the self defense law that gave Arbery the right to fear for his life and attack based on the video evidence we have to back yourself up.

If you are going to pretend to understand this case, start there.
is there anybody here that hasn’t walked into an unfinished house and looked around just to see what’s going on?
Since you ask I would not have run away, but rather stood my ground and called 911
Have you heard stories about black people that were detained by a plain clothes cop and then called the police and the police came and beat up the black person that called the police? I’ve heard that. Even black police officers aren’t immune from getting beat up by white police officers.

Two days later, prosecutors say, that’s exactly what Boone did to one black protester. Boone, 35, and two other officers, Randy Hays, 31, and Christopher Myers, 27, threw a man to the ground and viciously kicked him and beat him with a riot baton, even though he was complying with their instructions.

But the three police officers had no idea that the man was a 22-year police veteran working undercover, whom they beat so badly that he couldn’t eat and lost 20 pounds. On Thursday, a federal grand jury indicted the three officers in the assault. They also indicted the men and another officer, Bailey Colletta, 25, for the attack. Prosecutors released text messages showing the officers bragging about assaulting protesters, with Hays even noting that “going rogue does feel good.”
There are stories of bad cops

but even more stories of criminals who inflict harm on innocent people

if you are black or white dont provoke the cops

ypu may think you are legally right but the street is not the smart place to assert those right

so I’m not buying the excuse that arbrey was afraid of the cops

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