Video shows Ahmaud Arbery Was caught breaking and entering an unfinished property, then towards McMichael‘s house

64#1276 reply to 64#1271
64#1269 reply to 62#1238
Did he have his had on the hero’s gun?

you tell us. Faun Marianne BWK

we can’t see the gun or Arbery’s hands before the first shot was fired.

do you?

View attachment 339352
I don’t see Arbery at all, your point?

The racial profilers here, most of them, claim they can see Arbery grabbing the gun causing it to fire for the first before and up to the 21st second when this screen shot is taken.,

They are lying about a dead man’s actions blaming him for his own death.

Thats my point.
It doesn’t matter you can’t attack someone with a gun.. you are a criminal, you are running , he never got in his way, we have 4 directions to go
Wrong. The video IS the McMichaels chasing Arbery down. In the last 24 hours another man William Roddie Bryan was arrested; he’s the camera man. CNN reported that by McMichaels own admission Bryan was not only filming the incident but he was participating by chasing down Arbery as he ran for his life. They were trying to corner an unarmed Arbery. Your claim that Arbery had four directions to go is false. He had nowhere to go. To the rear he had Bryan in front he had two armed men who could shoot him easily in any direction he ran. Arbery’s action on that day were self preservation and SELF DEFENSE. Bryan has been arrested for Felony murder and criminal attempt to commit FALSE IMPRISONMENT. Does that sound like Arbery had four directions to run in? They were hunting him.

Now police are searching the neighborhood looking for home security footage to see more of what happened. I hope the find it. The three stooges might be up for the death penalty when this goes to trial. I hope the feds make an example of these three to discourage this from happening again.
Again there is 4 minutes of Bryan’s phone that hasn’t been released .. he has it all on Video but the GBI won’t release it.
The whole box in is ridiculous, you make it sound like they would have shot him if he ran in a different direction. They were following him while on the phone with the cops.. Arbery should have just explained him self..

I think we will see Arbery with a hammer he stole. If that’s the case then that’s a felony and they had every right to stop him.

They had a legal right to stop him anyhow as in a citizens arrest ....probable cause.

But the only thing they did was to yell for him to stop....yelling at someone does not constitute arrest....thus the suspect was never detained, never handcuffed, and at all times he had freedom of movement ...he could have run forward, he could have run to the left or to the right, he could have turned around and ran the way he came from....there was nothing blocking him in any direction he could have chose to go.....but what did he do? He veered left and attacked Travis.
True, if Travis goal
Was to shot him he would have proceeded towards him and shot him. He didn’t, he gave Arbery another chance to break the law and he did. He attacked him resulting in death. To bad.. more self defense and confrontatio black communities it’s out of control

Yep....they had no motive to shoot the guy anyhow....not even to mention they knew the cops were on the way and it was just a matter of a couple of minutes before they would arrive and arrest the suspect.
64#1276 reply to 64#1271
64#1269 reply to 62#1238
Did he have his had on the hero’s gun?

you tell us. Faun Marianne BWK

we can’t see the gun or Arbery’s hands before the first shot was fired.

do you?

View attachment 339352
I don’t see Arbery at all, your point?

The racial profilers here, most of them, claim they can see Arbery grabbing the gun causing it to fire for the first before and up to the 21st second when this screen shot is taken.,

They are lying about a dead man’s actions blaming him for his own death.

Thats my point.
That lie may become clearer as police search for witnesses and video footage in the area. It’s too bad the police didn’t do that immediately after it happened they would have had a better result. It’s not looking good for the McMichaels.
There is a four minute video of them following Arbery, GBI won’t release it, also a 5 minute video of Arbery in the dwelling they are holding on to. I think these 2 videos will clear the men

There is more than that being held back....the state has no case...all they are doing is conducting political theater whilst on a witch hunt trying to come up with something....and then they arrest the fellow that made the video trying to put pressure on him to give them some evidence they can use against the McMicahels even if he has to fabricate something....not unusual for someone with a murder charge hanging over him to make up something to get the charges dropped...happens all the time.
I agree the GBI that took over the case is a black female,, when this is over she should be held on Terrorism

The media should be held accountable for attempting to incite a riot.
64#1276 reply to 64#1271
64#1269 reply to 62#1238
Did he have his had on the hero’s gun?

you tell us. Faun Marianne BWK

we can’t see the gun or Arbery’s hands before the first shot was fired.

do you?

View attachment 339352
I don’t see Arbery at all, your point?

The racial profilers here, most of them, claim they can see Arbery grabbing the gun causing it to fire for the first before and up to the 21st second when this screen shot is taken.,

They are lying about a dead man’s actions blaming him for his own death.

Thats my point.
That lie may become clearer as police search for witnesses and video footage in the area. It’s too bad the police didn’t do that immediately after it happened they would have had a better result. It’s not looking good for the McMichaels.
There is a four minute video of them following Arbery, GBI won’t release it, also a 5 minute video of Arbery in the dwelling they are holding on to. I think these 2 videos will clear the men

There is more than that being held back....the state has no case...all they are doing is conducting political theater whilst on a witch hunt trying to come up with something....and then they arrest the fellow that made the video trying to put pressure on him to give them some evidence they can use against the McMicahels even if he has to fabricate something....not unusual for someone with a murder charge hanging over him to make up something to get the charges dropped...happens all the time.
I agree the GBI that took over the case is a black female,, when this is over she should be held on Terrorism

The media should be held accountable for attempting to incite a riot.
The media has to be held in check they are brain washing Americans. I wanted the National news with my father the other day, it’s all left wing dnc talking points .. sick
64#1276 reply to 64#1271
64#1269 reply to 62#1238
Did he have his had on the hero’s gun?

you tell us. Faun Marianne BWK

we can’t see the gun or Arbery’s hands before the first shot was fired.

do you?

View attachment 339352
I don’t see Arbery at all, your point?

The racial profilers here, most of them, claim they can see Arbery grabbing the gun causing it to fire for the first before and up to the 21st second when this screen shot is taken.,

They are lying about a dead man’s actions blaming him for his own death.

Thats my point.
That lie may become clearer as police search for witnesses and video footage in the area. It’s too bad the police didn’t do that immediately after it happened they would have had a better result. It’s not looking good for the McMichaels.
There is a four minute video of them following Arbery, GBI won’t release it, also a 5 minute video of Arbery in the dwelling they are holding on to. I think these 2 videos will clear the men

There is more than that being held back....the state has no case...all they are doing is conducting political theater whilst on a witch hunt trying to come up with something....and then they arrest the fellow that made the video trying to put pressure on him to give them some evidence they can use against the McMicahels even if he has to fabricate something....not unusual for someone with a murder charge hanging over him to make up something to get the charges dropped...happens all the time.
I agree the GBI that took over the case is a black female,, when this is over she should be held on Terrorism

Just more proof this is a political case....the political establishment in Atlanta kowtowing to black demands in order to placate them, avoid riots,looting and burning as happens in such cases far too often.

Atlanta is essentially a black city(52% black)...can anyone imagine the huge mess there if blacks started rioting....thus the political establishment had no choice.....the blacks were holding their feet to the fire....give us what we want or we will burn Atlanta like it was burnt in the War Between
The States.
Last edited:
64#1276 reply to 64#1271
64#1269 reply to 62#1238
Did he have his had on the hero’s gun?

you tell us. Faun Marianne BWK

we can’t see the gun or Arbery’s hands before the first shot was fired.

do you?

View attachment 339352
I don’t see Arbery at all, your point?

The racial profilers here, most of them, claim they can see Arbery grabbing the gun causing it to fire for the first before and up to the 21st second when this screen shot is taken.,

They are lying about a dead man’s actions blaming him for his own death.

Thats my point.
That lie may become clearer as police search for witnesses and video footage in the area. It’s too bad the police didn’t do that immediately after it happened they would have had a better result. It’s not looking good for the McMichaels.
There is a four minute video of them following Arbery, GBI won’t release it, also a 5 minute video of Arbery in the dwelling they are holding on to. I think these 2 videos will clear the men

There is more than that being held back....the state has no case...all they are doing is conducting political theater whilst on a witch hunt trying to come up with something....and then they arrest the fellow that made the video trying to put pressure on him to give them some evidence they can use against the McMicahels even if he has to fabricate something....not unusual for someone with a murder charge hanging over him to make up something to get the charges dropped...happens all the time.
I agree the GBI that took over the case is a black female,, when this is over she should be held on Terrorism

The media should be held accountable for attempting to incite a riot.
64#1276 reply to 64#1271
64#1269 reply to 62#1238
Did he have his had on the hero’s gun?

you tell us. Faun Marianne BWK

we can’t see the gun or Arbery’s hands before the first shot was fired.

do you?

View attachment 339352
I don’t see Arbery at all, your point?

The racial profilers here, most of them, claim they can see Arbery grabbing the gun causing it to fire for the first before and up to the 21st second when this screen shot is taken.,

They are lying about a dead man’s actions blaming him for his own death.

Thats my point.
That lie may become clearer as police search for witnesses and video footage in the area. It’s too bad the police didn’t do that immediately after it happened they would have had a better result. It’s not looking good for the McMichaels.
There is a four minute video of them following Arbery, GBI won’t release it, also a 5 minute video of Arbery in the dwelling they are holding on to. I think these 2 videos will clear the men

There is more than that being held back....the state has no case...all they are doing is conducting political theater whilst on a witch hunt trying to come up with something....and then they arrest the fellow that made the video trying to put pressure on him to give them some evidence they can use against the McMicahels even if he has to fabricate something....not unusual for someone with a murder charge hanging over him to make up something to get the charges dropped...happens all the time.
I agree the GBI that took over the case is a black female,, when this is over she should be held on Terrorism

The media should be held accountable for attempting to incite a riot.
The media has to be held in check they are brain washing Americans. I wanted the National news with my father the other day, it’s all left wing dnc talking points .. sick

Yes...............absolutely outrageous....they are nothing more than a propaganda machine for the leftwingers.

Much like how the media in Germany was a propaganda tool for the Nazis.

The leftwingers are trying to take down America...that is their goal and the media is a very useful tool for them.
64#1276 reply to 64#1271
64#1269 reply to 62#1238
Did he have his had on the hero’s gun?

you tell us. Faun Marianne BWK

we can’t see the gun or Arbery’s hands before the first shot was fired.

do you?

View attachment 339352
I don’t see Arbery at all, your point?

The racial profilers here, most of them, claim they can see Arbery grabbing the gun causing it to fire for the first before and up to the 21st second when this screen shot is taken.,

They are lying about a dead man’s actions blaming him for his own death.

Thats my point.
That lie may become clearer as police search for witnesses and video footage in the area. It’s too bad the police didn’t do that immediately after it happened they would have had a better result. It’s not looking good for the McMichaels.
There is a four minute video of them following Arbery, GBI won’t release it, also a 5 minute video of Arbery in the dwelling they are holding on to. I think these 2 videos will clear the men

There is more than that being held back....the state has no case...all they are doing is conducting political theater whilst on a witch hunt trying to come up with something....and then they arrest the fellow that made the video trying to put pressure on him to give them some evidence they can use against the McMicahels even if he has to fabricate something....not unusual for someone with a murder charge hanging over him to make up something to get the charges dropped...happens all the time.
I agree the GBI that took over the case is a black female,, when this is over she should be held on Terrorism

The media should be held accountable for attempting to incite a riot.
The media has to be held in check they are brain washing Americans. I wanted the National news with my father the other day, it’s all left wing dnc talking points .. sick

Yes...............absolutely outrageous....they are nothing more than a propaganda machine for the leftwingers.

Much like how the media in Germany was a propaganda tool for the Nazis.

The leftwingers are trying to take down America...that is their goal and the media is a very useful tool for them.
We all know how GBI handled the Richard Jewell accusations! Ruined that mans life! They hate white southners
64#1279 reply to 64#1278
then aggravated assault.

the white men committed the aggravated assault when they tried to detain an unarmed man who was jogging while black.

the jogger was fired upon first on the right side of the road and in front of the Truck as he was trying to get by.

What happens after that first shot is legally on the white men committing aggravated assault that led to their victim’s death.
^^ Notice how this moron just ignores the fact that homeboy wasn’t jogging at all to begin with. Video shows him WALKING up to the house under construction, stops, looks around, then RUNS up the driveway into the house.

He didn’t start running down the steeet until he saw neighbors calling the police as well as neighbors yelling at him saying they are calling the cops. That’s not “jogging”, it’s fleeing the scene of a crime.
Wrong Bryan was chasing Arbery with his car as two armed men,the McMichaels, waited for him. What you see isn’t Arbery fleeing a crime scene because no crime scene existed. Evidence of nothing being stolen was caught by Mr English’s home security camera. The police said Arbery was unarmed and English said Arbery didn’t steal anything. What did get said according to the police was McMichaels admission that Bryan was helping them catch Arbery.

Let’s recap

No crime was committed

Arbery was unarmed

Arbery was being chased by Bryan in his car while the McMichaels waited in the road with guns leaving Arbery boxed in. That’s Bryan’s felony charge.

Anything at this point that Arbery did was SELF DEFENSE.

If convicted the McMichaels and Bryan could get the death penalty. This is no joke.
64#1279 reply to 64#1278
then aggravated assault.

the white men committed the aggravated assault when they tried to detain an unarmed man who was jogging while black.

the jogger was fired upon first on the right side of the road and in front of the Truck as he was trying to get by.

What happens after that first shot is legally on the white men committing aggravated assault that led to their victim’s death.
^^ Notice how this moron just ignores the fact that homeboy wasn’t jogging at all to begin with. Video shows him WALKING up to the house under construction, stops, looks around, then RUNS up the driveway into the house.

He didn’t start running down the steeet until he saw neighbors calling the police as well as neighbors yelling at him saying they are calling the cops. That’s not “jogging”, it’s fleeing the scene of a crime.
Wrong Bryan was chasing Arbery with his car as two armed men,the McMichaels, waited for him. What you see isn’t Arbery fleeing a crime scene because no crime scene existed. Evidence of nothing being stolen was caught by Mr English’s home security camera. The police said Arbery was unarmed and English said Arbery didn’t steal anything. What did get said according to the police was McMichaels admission that Bryan was helping them catch Arbery.

Let’s recap

No crime was committed

Arbery was unarmed

Arbery was being chased by Bryan in his car while the McMichaels waited in the road with guns leaving Arbery boxed in. That’s Bryan’s felony charge.

Anything at this point that Arbery did was SELF DEFENSE.

If convicted the McMichaels and Bryan could get the death penalty. This is no joke.
You’re talking like all the evidence has been released, stop trolling
64#1276 reply to 64#1271
64#1269 reply to 62#1238
Did he have his had on the hero’s gun?

you tell us. Faun Marianne BWK

we can’t see the gun or Arbery’s hands before the first shot was fired.

do you?

View attachment 339352
I don’t see Arbery at all, your point?

The racial profilers here, most of them, claim they can see Arbery grabbing the gun causing it to fire for the first before and up to the 21st second when this screen shot is taken.,

They are lying about a dead man’s actions blaming him for his own death.

Thats my point.
That lie may become clearer as police search for witnesses and video footage in the area. It’s too bad the police didn’t do that immediately after it happened they would have had a better result. It’s not looking good for the McMichaels.
There is a four minute video of them following Arbery, GBI won’t release it, also a 5 minute video of Arbery in the dwelling they are holding on to. I think these 2 videos will clear the men

There is more than that being held back....the state has no case...all they are doing is conducting political theater whilst on a witch hunt trying to come up with something....and then they arrest the fellow that made the video trying to put pressure on him to give them some evidence they can use against the McMicahels even if he has to fabricate something....not unusual for someone with a murder charge hanging over him to make up something to get the charges dropped...happens all the time.
I agree the GBI that took over the case is a black female,, when this is over she should be held on Terrorism

The media should be held accountable for attempting to incite a riot.
The media has to be held in check they are brain washing Americans. I wanted the National news with my father the other day, it’s all left wing dnc talking points .. sick

Yes...............absolutely outrageous....they are nothing more than a propaganda machine for the leftwingers.

Much like how the media in Germany was a propaganda tool for the Nazis.

The leftwingers are trying to take down America...that is their goal and the media is a very useful tool for them.
We all know how GBI handled the Richard Jewell accusations! Ruined that mans life! They hate white southners
Dude the charges are in direct relation to the videos and the fact no weapon or stolen property was found. You keep forgetting that Arbery’s activity in English’s house was caught on English’s surveillance cameras. He didn’t steal anything. It’s caught on film and allegedly McMichaels said Bryan was helping them. It’s ALL on tape. Nobody is making this shit up.

Richard Jewell? You had to go back 24 years? Nothing more recent to discredit the GBI? Yes the Richard Jewell case was shoddy police work that ruined the poor mans life. Your lack of finding a more recent fault hopefully speaks to the betterment of the GBI since the Jewell debacle.
64#1276 reply to 64#1271
64#1269 reply to 62#1238
Did he have his had on the hero’s gun?

you tell us. Faun Marianne BWK

we can’t see the gun or Arbery’s hands before the first shot was fired.

do you?

View attachment 339352
I don’t see Arbery at all, your point?

The racial profilers here, most of them, claim they can see Arbery grabbing the gun causing it to fire for the first before and up to the 21st second when this screen shot is taken.,

They are lying about a dead man’s actions blaming him for his own death.

Thats my point.
That lie may become clearer as police search for witnesses and video footage in the area. It’s too bad the police didn’t do that immediately after it happened they would have had a better result. It’s not looking good for the McMichaels.
There is a four minute video of them following Arbery, GBI won’t release it, also a 5 minute video of Arbery in the dwelling they are holding on to. I think these 2 videos will clear the men

There is more than that being held back....the state has no case...all they are doing is conducting political theater whilst on a witch hunt trying to come up with something....and then they arrest the fellow that made the video trying to put pressure on him to give them some evidence they can use against the McMicahels even if he has to fabricate something....not unusual for someone with a murder charge hanging over him to make up something to get the charges dropped...happens all the time.
I agree the GBI that took over the case is a black female,, when this is over she should be held on Terrorism

The media should be held accountable for attempting to incite a riot.
The media has to be held in check they are brain washing Americans. I wanted the National news with my father the other day, it’s all left wing dnc talking points .. sick

Yes...............absolutely outrageous....they are nothing more than a propaganda machine for the leftwingers.

Much like how the media in Germany was a propaganda tool for the Nazis.

The leftwingers are trying to take down America...that is their goal and the media is a very useful tool for them.
We all know how GBI handled the Richard Jewell accusations! Ruined that mans life! They hate white southners
Dude the charges are in direct relation to the videos and the fact no weapon or stolen property was found. You keep forgetting that Arbery’s activity in English’s house was caught on English’s surveillance cameras. He didn’t steal anything. It’s caught on film and allegedly McMichaels said Bryan was helping them. It’s ALL on tape. Nobody is making this shit up.

Richard Jewell? You had to go back 24 years? Nothing more recent to discredit the GBI? Yes the Richard Jewell case was shoddy police work that ruined the poor mans life. Your lack of finding a more recent fault hopefully speaks to the betterment of the GBI since the Jewell debacle.
Dude this police report of this incident was 4 paragraphs, 2 Prosecutors said this was justifiable homicide ,, with the same evidence... now all of a sudden GBI who has a history of bad agents, takes over? A black female .. this stinks especially because we see Arbery Arbery unable to control him self and attacking a hero
64#1276 reply to 64#1271
64#1269 reply to 62#1238
Did he have his had on the hero’s gun?

you tell us. Faun Marianne BWK

we can’t see the gun or Arbery’s hands before the first shot was fired.

do you?

View attachment 339352
I don’t see Arbery at all, your point?

The racial profilers here, most of them, claim they can see Arbery grabbing the gun causing it to fire for the first before and up to the 21st second when this screen shot is taken.,

They are lying about a dead man’s actions blaming him for his own death.

Thats my point.
That lie may become clearer as police search for witnesses and video footage in the area. It’s too bad the police didn’t do that immediately after it happened they would have had a better result. It’s not looking good for the McMichaels.
There is a four minute video of them following Arbery, GBI won’t release it, also a 5 minute video of Arbery in the dwelling they are holding on to. I think these 2 videos will clear the men

There is more than that being held back....the state has no case...all they are doing is conducting political theater whilst on a witch hunt trying to come up with something....and then they arrest the fellow that made the video trying to put pressure on him to give them some evidence they can use against the McMicahels even if he has to fabricate something....not unusual for someone with a murder charge hanging over him to make up something to get the charges dropped...happens all the time.
I agree the GBI that took over the case is a black female,, when this is over she should be held on Terrorism

The media should be held accountable for attempting to incite a riot.
The media has to be held in check they are brain washing Americans. I wanted the National news with my father the other day, it’s all left wing dnc talking points .. sick

Yes...............absolutely outrageous....they are nothing more than a propaganda machine for the leftwingers.

Much like how the media in Germany was a propaganda tool for the Nazis.

The leftwingers are trying to take down America...that is their goal and the media is a very useful tool for them.
We all know how GBI handled the Richard Jewell accusations! Ruined that mans life! They hate white southners
Dude the charges are in direct relation to the videos and the fact no weapon or stolen property was found. You keep forgetting that Arbery’s activity in English’s house was caught on English’s surveillance cameras. He didn’t steal anything. It’s caught on film and allegedly McMichaels said Bryan was helping them. It’s ALL on tape. Nobody is making this shit up.

Richard Jewell? You had to go back 24 years? Nothing more recent to discredit the GBI? Yes the Richard Jewell case was shoddy police work that ruined the poor mans life. Your lack of finding a more recent fault hopefully speaks to the betterment of the GBI since the Jewell debacle.

Care to comment on this...............The Ahmaud Arbery Case as Zimmerman-Trayvon Martin Redux
Last edited:
64#1276 reply to 64#1271
64#1269 reply to 62#1238
Did he have his had on the hero’s gun?

you tell us. Faun Marianne BWK

we can’t see the gun or Arbery’s hands before the first shot was fired.

do you?

View attachment 339352
I don’t see Arbery at all, your point?

The racial profilers here, most of them, claim they can see Arbery grabbing the gun causing it to fire for the first before and up to the 21st second when this screen shot is taken.,

They are lying about a dead man’s actions blaming him for his own death.

Thats my point.
That lie may become clearer as police search for witnesses and video footage in the area. It’s too bad the police didn’t do that immediately after it happened they would have had a better result. It’s not looking good for the McMichaels.
There is a four minute video of them following Arbery, GBI won’t release it, also a 5 minute video of Arbery in the dwelling they are holding on to. I think these 2 videos will clear the men

There is more than that being held back....the state has no case...all they are doing is conducting political theater whilst on a witch hunt trying to come up with something....and then they arrest the fellow that made the video trying to put pressure on him to give them some evidence they can use against the McMicahels even if he has to fabricate something....not unusual for someone with a murder charge hanging over him to make up something to get the charges dropped...happens all the time.
I agree the GBI that took over the case is a black female,, when this is over she should be held on Terrorism

The media should be held accountable for attempting to incite a riot.
The media has to be held in check they are brain washing Americans. I wanted the National news with my father the other day, it’s all left wing dnc talking points .. sick

Yes...............absolutely outrageous....they are nothing more than a propaganda machine for the leftwingers.

Much like how the media in Germany was a propaganda tool for the Nazis.

The leftwingers are trying to take down America...that is their goal and the media is a very useful tool for them.
We all know how GBI handled the Richard Jewell accusations! Ruined that mans life! They hate white southners
Dude the charges are in direct relation to the videos and the fact no weapon or stolen property was found. You keep forgetting that Arbery’s activity in English’s house was caught on English’s surveillance cameras. He didn’t steal anything. It’s caught on film and allegedly McMichaels said Bryan was helping them. It’s ALL on tape. Nobody is making this shit up.

Richard Jewell? You had to go back 24 years? Nothing more recent to discredit the GBI? Yes the Richard Jewell case was shoddy police work that ruined the poor mans life. Your lack of finding a more recent fault hopefully speaks to the betterment of the GBI since the Jewell debacle.

Care to comment on this...............The Ahmaud Arbery Case as Zimmerman-Trayvon Martin Redux
That the similarities are striking? Yes. FTR I supported Zimmerman at the time.

In the Zimmerman case you had two people behaving badly. Like the McMichaels, Zimmerman had zero business harassing Martin. The police told Zimmerman to leave Martin alone which if memory serves Zimmerman didn’t do. Martin as I recall could have walked away but chose to confront Zimmerman. Now according to Zimmerman a fight ensued in which Martin pretty much beat him up and Zimmerman shot him. The difference is Florida had the Stand Your Ground law that allowed Zimmerman to use deadly force if he felt his life was threatened and of course Zimmerman said he felt his life was in danger. According to the law Zimmerman was innocent and I agreed with that assessment as much as I didn’t like it.

Martin was followed, but Arbery was hunted.

In the Zimmerman case the last confrontation was Made by Martin but false imprisonment charges suggest this was not the case with Arbery.

Martin was shot while physically on top of Zimmerman. Arbery was surrounded by not one but three men, one car and one to two guns, all could be considered deadly weapons. Any way he turned he could have been run over or shot. He did not have as much opportunity to leave the situation as Martin did, if he had an opportunity at all.

At first I thought Bryan was a concerned citizen filming what he thought was a thief. With the charges yesterday and quite frankly Bryan’s own body language during interviews and pictures( he acts haunted by guilt) his alleged participation becomes a game changer.

Because the accused have not been tried they are innocent until proven guilty. That said based on the charges and the video alone,and not the media hype, it doesn’t look good for McMichaels and Bryan.
64#1276 reply to 64#1271
64#1269 reply to 62#1238
Did he have his had on the hero’s gun?

you tell us. Faun Marianne BWK

we can’t see the gun or Arbery’s hands before the first shot was fired.

do you?

View attachment 339352
I don’t see Arbery at all, your point?

The racial profilers here, most of them, claim they can see Arbery grabbing the gun causing it to fire for the first before and up to the 21st second when this screen shot is taken.,

They are lying about a dead man’s actions blaming him for his own death.

Thats my point.
That lie may become clearer as police search for witnesses and video footage in the area. It’s too bad the police didn’t do that immediately after it happened they would have had a better result. It’s not looking good for the McMichaels.
There is a four minute video of them following Arbery, GBI won’t release it, also a 5 minute video of Arbery in the dwelling they are holding on to. I think these 2 videos will clear the men

There is more than that being held back....the state has no case...all they are doing is conducting political theater whilst on a witch hunt trying to come up with something....and then they arrest the fellow that made the video trying to put pressure on him to give them some evidence they can use against the McMicahels even if he has to fabricate something....not unusual for someone with a murder charge hanging over him to make up something to get the charges dropped...happens all the time.
I agree the GBI that took over the case is a black female,, when this is over she should be held on Terrorism

The media should be held accountable for attempting to incite a riot.
The media has to be held in check they are brain washing Americans. I wanted the National news with my father the other day, it’s all left wing dnc talking points .. sick

Yes...............absolutely outrageous....they are nothing more than a propaganda machine for the leftwingers.

Much like how the media in Germany was a propaganda tool for the Nazis.

The leftwingers are trying to take down America...that is their goal and the media is a very useful tool for them.
We all know how GBI handled the Richard Jewell accusations! Ruined that mans life! They hate white southners
Dude the charges are in direct relation to the videos and the fact no weapon or stolen property was found. You keep forgetting that Arbery’s activity in English’s house was caught on English’s surveillance cameras. He didn’t steal anything. It’s caught on film and allegedly McMichaels said Bryan was helping them. It’s ALL on tape. Nobody is making this shit up.

Richard Jewell? You had to go back 24 years? Nothing more recent to discredit the GBI? Yes the Richard Jewell case was shoddy police work that ruined the poor mans life. Your lack of finding a more recent fault hopefully speaks to the betterment of the GBI since the Jewell debacle.

Care to comment on this...............The Ahmaud Arbery Case as Zimmerman-Trayvon Martin Redux
That the similarities are striking? Yes. FTR I supported Zimmerman at the time.

In the Zimmerman case you had two people behaving badly. Like the McMichaels, Zimmerman had zero business harassing Martin. The police told Zimmerman to leave Martin alone which if memory serves Zimmerman didn’t do. Martin as I recall could have walked away but chose to confront Zimmerman. Now according to Zimmerman a fight ensued in which Martin pretty much beat him up and Zimmerman shot him. The difference is Florida had the Stand Your Ground law that allowed Zimmerman to use deadly force if he felt his life was threatened and of course Zimmerman said he felt his life was in danger. According to the law Zimmerman was innocent and I agreed with that assessment as much as I didn’t like it.

Martin was followed, but Arbery was hunted.

In the Zimmerman case the last confrontation was Made by Martin but false imprisonment charges suggest this was not the case with Arbery.

Martin was shot while physically on top of Zimmerman. Arbery was surrounded by not one but three men, one car and one to two guns, all could be considered deadly weapons. Any way he turned he could have been run over or shot. He did not have as much opportunity to leave the situation as Martin did, if he had an opportunity at all.

At first I thought Bryan was a concerned citizen filming what he thought was a thief. With the charges yesterday and quite frankly Bryan’s own body language during interviews and pictures( he acts haunted by guilt) his alleged participation becomes a game changer.

Because the accused have not been tried they are innocent until proven guilty. That said based on the charges and the video alone,and not the media hype, it doesn’t look good for McMichaels and Bryan.

Can't you ever get anything clearly demonstrate the problem with so many....not knowing or understanding the facts of the case.

The police never told Z to leave trayvon alone.....that is completely false.

Z was a watchman...the neighborhood watchman...he was not harassing Trayvon...Z merely reported him as a 'suspicious person' since on a dark and rainy night instead of rushing home like normal people would do...Trayvonista was lurking about looking in windows.

Thus most likely a peeping tom or he was casing homes to break into...he had a history of burglary...was arrested with burglary tools in his possession.

Z called to the non-emergency number asking the police to come out and talk to this guy to see what he was up to since they were plagued with home invasions and burglaries in that complex.

The Zimmerman case was not a stand your ground was a case of 'simple self-defense' You are very confused and know little about the law.

According to the law Z was not found innocent...he was found not guilty.

When discussing legal is very important to use the correct terminology.

In a nutshell you are a very confused person.

Your analysis of this current case in Georgia is no better....riddled with mistakes of fact etc. all of which has been debunked so i will not waste board space going over all of that again.

Here is another video that should help you better understand the recent case...................
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64#1279 reply to 64#1278
then aggravated assault.

the white men committed the aggravated assault when they tried to detain an unarmed man who was jogging while black.

the jogger was fired upon first on the right side of the road and in front of the Truck as he was trying to get by.

What happens after that first shot is legally on the white men committing aggravated assault that led to their victim’s death.
^^ Notice how this moron just ignores the fact that homeboy wasn’t jogging at all to begin with. Video shows him WALKING up to the house under construction, stops, looks around, then RUNS up the driveway into the house.

He didn’t start running down the steeet until he saw neighbors calling the police as well as neighbors yelling at him saying they are calling the cops. That’s not “jogging”, it’s fleeing the scene of a crime.
Wrong Bryan was chasing Arbery with his car as two armed men,the McMichaels, waited for him. What you see isn’t Arbery fleeing a crime scene because no crime scene existed. Evidence of nothing being stolen was caught by Mr English’s home security camera. The police said Arbery was unarmed and English said Arbery didn’t steal anything. What did get said according to the police was McMichaels admission that Bryan was helping them catch Arbery.

Let’s recap

No crime was committed

Arbery was unarmed

Arbery was being chased by Bryan in his car while the McMichaels waited in the road with guns leaving Arbery boxed in. That’s Bryan’s felony charge.

Anything at this point that Arbery did was SELF DEFENSE.

If convicted the McMichaels and Bryan could get the death penalty. This is no joke.
How many times do you morons need to be told, NOTHING needed to be taken at the house to make it a crime. Georgia law states that just being in a dwelling without permission with the intent to commit a crime is burglary. He looked around to make sure he wasn’t going to be seen before running into the house, because he knew he was going to break the law. That is on video.
So you think he went to shoot him as he ran by,
No I think his intent was to block him with a shotgun in his hands and hoped that the jogger stopped. But the jogger fearing for his life decided to just ignore the man and jog by and then a shot was fired. Or the jogger tried to just keep jogging but the gunman stepped in his way. So the gunman panicked as as the jogger continue jogging and he fired a shot maybe in the air maybe Adam we don’t know. Or the gunman couldn’t get in front and a jogger was getting by so he fired a shot maybe hit the jogger maybe not but then the jogger had no other choice but to try to defend his life once a shot has been fired he didn’t want to take it in the back.

As I have said 1 million times we can’t see what caused the first shot to go off but we do know it was in front of the truck on the right side of the road when the shooter was in close proximity to the jogger. And we do know if the shooter wishes to have a slim shot at self-defense for his aggravated assault that resulted in a death and therefore murder, He should have stayed on the left side of the road keeping a safe distance with a loaded shotgun and let the jogger go by because he showed he was not going to stop and he had no reason to stop.
There were two of them and one jogger. So the red neck assholes felt they needed to bring their guns?

If you ask me, the gun nuts were looking for an excuse to shoot someone, especially a Black guy. That is after all, every gun nuts' wet dream come true is it not?

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