Video shows Ahmaud Arbery Was caught breaking and entering an unfinished property, then towards McMichael‘s house

64#1277 reply 64#1272
How it turned out for the McMicheals is far, far worse than losing a suspect

Arbery is not a (suspect that justifies lethal force to detain) to the Gunmen because they did not witbess a felony in progress.

and if Arbery had actually stolen a hammer and dropped it while running they still have no justification to detain using lethal force in defense of their own property let alone someone else’s property.

There will be no references to Arbery as a suspect in the trial. Mostly because there was no witness of a crime by the killers unless jogging while black is a crime.

Arbery is not a (suspect that justifies lethal force to detain) to the Gunmen because they did not witbess a felony in progress.

who are you?

Perry Mason?

If so I’m not Paul Drake or Hamilton Burger

And we arent holding a real courtroom trial here

so you dont have argue minute points of the law with me

my using the word “suspect” is not going to change the fate of arbrey or the mcmichaels one bit
61#1219 reply to 61#1218

View attachment 339246
What was Arbery doing when he got shot?
Fighting for his life under the legal authorization of Georgia's self-defense law.
Prove it what was he doing when he got shot? Easy question
Asked and answered, comrade.
Do you want me to help you?
What was Arbery physical doing when he got shot?

Now you're asking yourself ... why not just answer yourself?
He isn't presenting any intelligent arguments.
Sorry facts aren’t in your side today.

Tell that to the prosecutors.
The Video will lol and the white jury ha
Who knows why you think they'll have an all white jury but regardless, but it's revealing how you think all whites are as racist as you and that it's a given an all white jury will acquit them.

How dare you talk about racism, you want 3 innocent men in jail for being hero’s. All because the perp was black
62#1235 reply to 61#1220
What was Arbery doing when he got shot?

which shot?

we can see each man’s shadow under the truck and the gunman’s white hat “when he got shot”

The video does not show “Exactly” what he was doing when the first shotgun blast can be heard in this view:

View attachment 339253
But it shows that Arbery Was jogging past the front right fender of the truck about 2/5 of a second prior to hearing the shot going off in the scene below

View attachment 339260

Based on the above video evidence One answer to your question “What was Arbery doing when he got shot?” Would be

Lol was he charging a man with a gun? Did he have his had on the hero’s gun?
Only if the gun was pointed at him.
What do you do with your gun with a charging criminal coming at you? When you can answer that question honestly let me know.
Asked and answered
I know you can’t answer it. Lol

Dumbfuck, I already did. Did you not understsnd the answer?

You never answered the question you deflected. I understand why ha
63#1260 reply to 63#1246
Lol chase? Lol they were parked,, boxed in? He had a lane, he had land to the left and the right to run,

yes there was a chase: and yes he was boxed in.
“The police report states that Greg McMichael and Travis McMichael followed Arbery down Burford Drive and attempted to cut Arbery off.​
The report says Arbery turned around and ran back in the other direction.​
William “Roddy” Bryan, who lives on Burford Drive, tried to block him in and was unsuccessful, the report says.” William 'Roddie' Bryan Jr., man who reportedly filmed Ahmaud Arbery's killing, charged with murder

What’s so funny about three white men (2 armed) in two vehicles trying to corner an unarmed jogger until they gun him down in broad daylight.
Well they saw him run from a dwelling with a tool, that’s a felony in GA.
62#1235 reply to 61#1220
What was Arbery doing when he got shot?

which shot?

we can see each man’s shadow under the truck and the gunman’s white hat “when he got shot”

The video does not show “Exactly” what he was doing when the first shotgun blast can be heard in this view:

View attachment 339253
But it shows that Arbery Was jogging past the front right fender of the truck about 2/5 of a second prior to hearing the shot going off in the scene below

View attachment 339260

Based on the above video evidence One answer to your question “What was Arbery doing when he got shot?” Would be

Lol was he charging a man with a gun? Did he have his had on the hero’s gun?
Was Arbery being pursued in a vehicle? Yes! Was Arbery boxed in? Yes! Was Arbery up against two men who were illegally carrying loaded weapons who drove their truck past him then suddenly stopped, forcing him to go in front of the truck? Yes! What would anyone like him think at the time, while t
61#1219 reply to 61#1218

View attachment 339246
What was Arbery doing when he got shot?
Fighting for his life under the legal authorization of Georgia's self-defense law.
Prove it what was he doing when he got shot? Easy question
Stupid argument! The video already proved he was fighting for his life after being cornered and pursued with loaded weapons. Why did they chase Arbery down with loaded weapons in vehicles? That's illegal. It's also illegal to open your vehicle with a loaded weapon on a public road. It is illegal to fire a weapon from a public road.
Why is it so hard you defenders to answer a simple question, what was Arbery doing when he got shot ?
Trying to take the shotgun out of McMichaels hands when he was boxed in by the truck and two guys with loaded guns while the shotgun was pointed at Arbery. They chased him down, then boxed him in. They knew Arbery was running, so his forward momentum would take him to the front of the truck. That is why they quickly drove past him. This has already been explained multiple times. Where have you been? Arbery was totally in his right, when there were two men illegally carrying loaded guns to do whatever his instinct told him he needed to do, once they had him boxed in.
Where did you see any of this happen!? Lol chase? Lol they were parked,, boxed in? He had a lane, he had land to the left and the right to run, or he could have stopped and said wtf do you want? Good call the cops. But he attacked a hero
Not according to McMichael to question him. They were going to him. That means they were driving, then stopped, causing him to run in front of them. Land to the left and right where someone could shoot at a running target. Anyone who knows guns, already knows there was no escape.
There was no boxing lol where do you see four walls? Lol they were following the perp on the phone with the cops and the black committed suicide
63#1257 reply to 62#1238
Lol was he charging a man with a gun? Did he have his had on the hero’s gun?

Faun BWK Marianne watch Jits run from this series of questions:

How did you determine that Arbery transitioned from physically “jogging” “running away from” when 19 seconds becomes 20 seconds (see 1st screenshot) to “charging a man with a gun?” in less than half a second to make that transition? (See 2nd screenshot)

View attachment 339282View attachment 339283
I answered your question based on evidence from the video. When will you answer mine?
What is so hilarious, is the fact that Jitts asks all these questions, but the McMichael's are heroes. How are they heroes, when he has so many questions? :auiqs.jpg:
The question is a set up to reveal the self defense but all three of you refused to answer which shows I’m correct in my Assessment

Sad democrats rushed to judgment, this guy was robbing houses and for the protection of the neighborhood two brave men confronted him.View attachment 334209 You
Wait a second. You never walked around an unfinished house before?

Come on, tell the truth.
Unfinished property yes, a church. Did I run when I was caught? Yes. Did I steal a hammer no, did I attack the hero’s? No
64#1267 reply to 63#1244
What do you do with your gun with a charging criminal coming at you?

trouble is the “charging criminal” swerved to the right side of the truck to avoid the man committing aggravated assault on the left side of the truck.

Then the man committing aggravated assault on the left side of the truck ran to the front of the truck to continued committing aggravated assault in front the truck and in the right lane.

Then you have the audacity to ignore the gunman’s movement toward his prey that forced the encounter that the jogger tried to avoid. View attachment 339302
The unarmed jogger is still seen “jogging” at the 20 second mark when he disappears in front of the truck. Meanwhile The Gunman moved to a position in front of the truck and at 20.4 seconds a shot is fired.

The gunman runs ten to twenty feet to get close to his victim.

The jogger has a split second to go from being a fearful jogger trying to avoid his assailant to a “charging criminal” in your insane view all within a time span of .4 seconds.

“TravisM did not have a charging criminal coming at him when he fired the first shot. He was in fact the charging criminal on the way to fire the first shot in front of the truck.

Where in the video do you see Arbery changing the gunman in front of the truck and before the gun was fired the first of three shots?
So you think he went to shoot him as he ran by, but why not walk to the truck bed and open fire?
64#1276 reply to 64#1271
64#1269 reply to 62#1238
Did he have his had on the hero’s gun?

you tell us. Faun Marianne BWK

we can’t see the gun or Arbery’s hands before the first shot was fired.

do you?

View attachment 339352
I don’t see Arbery at all, your point?

The racial profilers here, most of them, claim they can see Arbery grabbing the gun causing it to fire for the first before and up to the 21st second when this screen shot is taken.,

They are lying about a dead man’s actions blaming him for his own death.

Thats my point.
It doesn’t matter you can’t attack someone with a gun.. you are a criminal, you are running , he never got in his way, we have 4 directions to go
64#1276 reply to 64#1271
64#1269 reply to 62#1238
Did he have his had on the hero’s gun?

you tell us. Faun Marianne BWK

we can’t see the gun or Arbery’s hands before the first shot was fired.

do you?

View attachment 339352
I don’t see Arbery at all, your point?

The racial profilers here, most of them, claim they can see Arbery grabbing the gun causing it to fire for the first before and up to the 21st second when this screen shot is taken.,

They are lying about a dead man’s actions blaming him for his own death.

Thats my point.
That lie may become clearer as police search for witnesses and video footage in the area. It’s too bad the police didn’t do that immediately after it happened they would have had a better result. It’s not looking good for the McMichaels.
64#1276 reply to 64#1271
64#1269 reply to 62#1238
Did he have his had on the hero’s gun?

you tell us. Faun Marianne BWK

we can’t see the gun or Arbery’s hands before the first shot was fired.

do you?

View attachment 339352
I don’t see Arbery at all, your point?

The racial profilers here, most of them, claim they can see Arbery grabbing the gun causing it to fire for the first before and up to the 21st second when this screen shot is taken.,

They are lying about a dead man’s actions blaming him for his own death.

Thats my point.
That lie may become clearer as police search for witnesses and video footage in the area. It’s too bad the police didn’t do that immediately after it happened they would have had a better result. It’s not looking good for the McMichaels.
There is a four minute video of them following Arbery, GBI won’t release it, also a 5 minute video of Arbery in the dwelling they are holding on to. I think these 2 videos will clear the men
64#1279 reply to 64#1278
then aggravated assault.

the white men committed the aggravated assault when they tried to detain an unarmed man who was jogging while black.

the jogger was fired upon first on the right side of the road and in front of the Truck as he was trying to get by.

What happens after that first shot is legally on the white men committing aggravated assault that led to their victim’s death.
^^ Notice how this moron just ignores the fact that homeboy wasn’t jogging at all to begin with. Video shows him WALKING up to the house under construction, stops, looks around, then RUNS up the driveway into the house.

He didn’t start running down the steeet until he saw neighbors calling the police as well as neighbors yelling at him saying they are calling the cops. That’s not “jogging”, it’s fleeing the scene of a crime.
64#1276 reply to 64#1271
64#1269 reply to 62#1238
Did he have his had on the hero’s gun?

you tell us. Faun Marianne BWK

we can’t see the gun or Arbery’s hands before the first shot was fired.

do you?

View attachment 339352
I don’t see Arbery at all, your point?

The racial profilers here, most of them, claim they can see Arbery grabbing the gun causing it to fire for the first before and up to the 21st second when this screen shot is taken.,

They are lying about a dead man’s actions blaming him for his own death.

Thats my point.
It doesn’t matter you can’t attack someone with a gun.. you are a criminal, you are running , he never got in his way, we have 4 directions to go
Wrong. The video IS the McMichaels chasing Arbery down. In the last 24 hours another man William Roddie Bryan was arrested; he’s the camera man. CNN reported that by McMichaels own admission Bryan was not only filming the incident but he was participating by chasing down Arbery as he ran for his life. They were trying to corner an unarmed Arbery. Your claim that Arbery had four directions to go is false. He had nowhere to go. To the rear he had Bryan in front he had two armed men who could shoot him easily in any direction he ran. Arbery’s action on that day were self preservation and SELF DEFENSE. Bryan has been arrested for Felony murder and criminal attempt to commit FALSE IMPRISONMENT. Does that sound like Arbery had four directions to run in? They were hunting him.

Now police are searching the neighborhood looking for home security footage to see more of what happened. I hope the find it. The three stooges might be up for the death penalty when this goes to trial. I hope the feds make an example of these three to discourage this from happening again.
64#1276 reply to 64#1271
64#1269 reply to 62#1238
Did he have his had on the hero’s gun?

you tell us. Faun Marianne BWK

we can’t see the gun or Arbery’s hands before the first shot was fired.

do you?

View attachment 339352
I don’t see Arbery at all, your point?

The racial profilers here, most of them, claim they can see Arbery grabbing the gun causing it to fire for the first before and up to the 21st second when this screen shot is taken.,

They are lying about a dead man’s actions blaming him for his own death.

Thats my point.
It doesn’t matter you can’t attack someone with a gun.. you are a criminal, you are running , he never got in his way, we have 4 directions to go
Wrong. The video IS the McMichaels chasing Arbery down. In the last 24 hours another man William Roddie Bryan was arrested; he’s the camera man. CNN reported that by McMichaels own admission Bryan was not only filming the incident but he was participating by chasing down Arbery as he ran for his life. They were trying to corner an unarmed Arbery. Your claim that Arbery had four directions to go is false. He had nowhere to go. To the rear he had Bryan in front he had two armed men who could shoot him easily in any direction he ran. Arbery’s action on that day were self preservation and SELF DEFENSE. Bryan has been arrested for Felony murder and criminal attempt to commit FALSE IMPRISONMENT. Does that sound like Arbery had four directions to run in? They were hunting him.

Now police are searching the neighborhood looking for home security footage to see more of what happened. I hope the find it. The three stooges might be up for the death penalty when this goes to trial. I hope the feds make an example of these three to discourage this from happening again.
Again there is 4 minutes of Bryan’s phone that hasn’t been released .. he has it all on Video but the GBI won’t release it.
The whole box in is ridiculous, you make it sound like they would have shot him if he ran in a different direction. They were following him while on the phone with the cops.. Arbery should have just explained him self..

I think we will see Arbery with a hammer he stole. If that’s the case then that’s a felony and they had every right to stop him.
64#1279 reply to 64#1278
then aggravated assault.

the white men committed the aggravated assault when they tried to detain an unarmed man who was jogging while black.

the jogger was fired upon first on the right side of the road and in front of the Truck as he was trying to get by.

What happens after that first shot is legally on the white men committing aggravated assault that led to their victim’s death.
^^ Notice how this moron just ignores the fact that homeboy wasn’t jogging at all to begin with. Video shows him WALKING up to the house under construction, stops, looks around, then RUNS up the driveway into the house.

He didn’t start running down the steeet until he saw neighbors calling the police as well as neighbors yelling at him saying they are calling the cops. That’s not “jogging”, it’s fleeing the scene of a crime.

Exactly...and that is what many miss....he was desperate....he was already in violation of his parole for bringing a gun to school....thus he knew another arrest would result in his inprisonment....something he found intolerable....thus the way he looked at things he had two choices....attack or get he figured he had nothing to he attacked Travis....demonstrating he had rather die than go to prison...not something uncommon at all.
64#1276 reply to 64#1271
64#1269 reply to 62#1238
Did he have his had on the hero’s gun?

you tell us. Faun Marianne BWK

we can’t see the gun or Arbery’s hands before the first shot was fired.

do you?

View attachment 339352
I don’t see Arbery at all, your point?

The racial profilers here, most of them, claim they can see Arbery grabbing the gun causing it to fire for the first before and up to the 21st second when this screen shot is taken.,

They are lying about a dead man’s actions blaming him for his own death.

Thats my point.
It doesn’t matter you can’t attack someone with a gun.. you are a criminal, you are running , he never got in his way, we have 4 directions to go
Wrong. The video IS the McMichaels chasing Arbery down. In the last 24 hours another man William Roddie Bryan was arrested; he’s the camera man. CNN reported that by McMichaels own admission Bryan was not only filming the incident but he was participating by chasing down Arbery as he ran for his life. They were trying to corner an unarmed Arbery. Your claim that Arbery had four directions to go is false. He had nowhere to go. To the rear he had Bryan in front he had two armed men who could shoot him easily in any direction he ran. Arbery’s action on that day were self preservation and SELF DEFENSE. Bryan has been arrested for Felony murder and criminal attempt to commit FALSE IMPRISONMENT. Does that sound like Arbery had four directions to run in? They were hunting him.

Now police are searching the neighborhood looking for home security footage to see more of what happened. I hope the find it. The three stooges might be up for the death penalty when this goes to trial. I hope the feds make an example of these three to discourage this from happening again.
Again there is 4 minutes of Bryan’s phone that hasn’t been released .. he has it all on Video but the GBI won’t release it.
The whole box in is ridiculous, you make it sound like they would have shot him if he ran in a different direction. They were following him while on the phone with the cops.. Arbery should have just explained him self..

I think we will see Arbery with a hammer he stole. If that’s the case then that’s a felony and they had every right to stop him.

They had a legal right to stop him anyhow as in a citizens arrest ....probable cause.

But the only thing they did was to yell for him to stop....yelling at someone does not constitute arrest....thus the suspect was never detained, never handcuffed, and at all times he had freedom of movement ...he could have run forward, he could have run to the left or to the right, he could have turned around and ran the way he came from....there was nothing blocking him in any direction he could have chose to go.....but what did he do? He veered left and attacked Travis.
64#1276 reply to 64#1271
64#1269 reply to 62#1238
Did he have his had on the hero’s gun?

you tell us. Faun Marianne BWK

we can’t see the gun or Arbery’s hands before the first shot was fired.

do you?

View attachment 339352
I don’t see Arbery at all, your point?

The racial profilers here, most of them, claim they can see Arbery grabbing the gun causing it to fire for the first before and up to the 21st second when this screen shot is taken.,

They are lying about a dead man’s actions blaming him for his own death.

Thats my point.
It doesn’t matter you can’t attack someone with a gun.. you are a criminal, you are running , he never got in his way, we have 4 directions to go
Wrong. The video IS the McMichaels chasing Arbery down. In the last 24 hours another man William Roddie Bryan was arrested; he’s the camera man. CNN reported that by McMichaels own admission Bryan was not only filming the incident but he was participating by chasing down Arbery as he ran for his life. They were trying to corner an unarmed Arbery. Your claim that Arbery had four directions to go is false. He had nowhere to go. To the rear he had Bryan in front he had two armed men who could shoot him easily in any direction he ran. Arbery’s action on that day were self preservation and SELF DEFENSE. Bryan has been arrested for Felony murder and criminal attempt to commit FALSE IMPRISONMENT. Does that sound like Arbery had four directions to run in? They were hunting him.

Now police are searching the neighborhood looking for home security footage to see more of what happened. I hope the find it. The three stooges might be up for the death penalty when this goes to trial. I hope the feds make an example of these three to discourage this from happening again.
Again there is 4 minutes of Bryan’s phone that hasn’t been released .. he has it all on Video but the GBI won’t release it.
The whole box in is ridiculous, you make it sound like they would have shot him if he ran in a different direction. They were following him while on the phone with the cops.. Arbery should have just explained him self..

I think we will see Arbery with a hammer he stole. If that’s the case then that’s a felony and they had every right to stop him.

They had a legal right to stop him anyhow as in a citizens arrest ....probable cause.

But the only thing they did was to yell for him to stop....yelling at someone does not constitute arrest....thus the suspect was never detained, never handcuffed, and at all times he had freedom of movement ...he could have run forward, he could have run to the left or to the right, he could have turned around and ran the way he came from....there was nothing blocking him in any direction he could have chose to go.....but what did he do? He veered left and attacked Travis.
True, if Travis goal
Was to shot him he would have proceeded towards him and shot him. He didn’t, he gave Arbery another chance to break the law and he did. He attacked him resulting in death. To bad.. more self defense and confrontation needs to happen in black communities it’s out of control
64#1276 reply to 64#1271
64#1269 reply to 62#1238
Did he have his had on the hero’s gun?

you tell us. Faun Marianne BWK

we can’t see the gun or Arbery’s hands before the first shot was fired.

do you?

View attachment 339352
I don’t see Arbery at all, your point?

The racial profilers here, most of them, claim they can see Arbery grabbing the gun causing it to fire for the first before and up to the 21st second when this screen shot is taken.,

They are lying about a dead man’s actions blaming him for his own death.

Thats my point.
That lie may become clearer as police search for witnesses and video footage in the area. It’s too bad the police didn’t do that immediately after it happened they would have had a better result. It’s not looking good for the McMichaels.
There is a four minute video of them following Arbery, GBI won’t release it, also a 5 minute video of Arbery in the dwelling they are holding on to. I think these 2 videos will clear the men

There is more than that being held back....the state has no case...all they are doing is conducting political theater whilst on a witch hunt trying to come up with something....and then they arrest the fellow that made the video trying to put pressure on him to give them some evidence they can use against the McMicahels even if he has to fabricate something....not unusual for someone with a murder charge hanging over him to make up something to get the charges dropped...happens all the time.
It has been said before several times already but it cannot be said too often......the media managed to stir up political pressure and to agitate the black community to turn this into a fallacious case of evil white racists out hunting negroes to kill...ridiculous to the extreme.
64#1276 reply to 64#1271
64#1269 reply to 62#1238
Did he have his had on the hero’s gun?

you tell us. Faun Marianne BWK

we can’t see the gun or Arbery’s hands before the first shot was fired.

do you?

View attachment 339352
I don’t see Arbery at all, your point?

The racial profilers here, most of them, claim they can see Arbery grabbing the gun causing it to fire for the first before and up to the 21st second when this screen shot is taken.,

They are lying about a dead man’s actions blaming him for his own death.

Thats my point.
That lie may become clearer as police search for witnesses and video footage in the area. It’s too bad the police didn’t do that immediately after it happened they would have had a better result. It’s not looking good for the McMichaels.
There is a four minute video of them following Arbery, GBI won’t release it, also a 5 minute video of Arbery in the dwelling they are holding on to. I think these 2 videos will clear the men

There is more than that being held back....the state has no case...all they are doing is conducting political theater whilst on a witch hunt trying to come up with something....and then they arrest the fellow that made the video trying to put pressure on him to give them some evidence they can use against the McMicahels even if he has to fabricate something....not unusual for someone with a murder charge hanging over him to make up something to get the charges dropped...happens all the time.
I agree the GBI that took over the case is a black female,, when this is over she should be held on Terrorism

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