Video shows Ahmaud Arbery Was caught breaking and entering an unfinished property, then towards McMichael‘s house

61#1219 reply to 61#1218

View attachment 339246
What was Arbery doing when he got shot?
Fighting for his life under the legal authorization of Georgia's self-defense law.
Prove it what was he doing when he got shot? Easy question
Stupid argument! The video already proved he was fighting for his life after being cornered and pursued with loaded weapons. Why did they chase Arbery down with loaded weapons in vehicles? That's illegal. It's also illegal to open your vehicle with a loaded weapon on a public road. It is illegal to fire a weapon from a public road.
Why is it so hard you defenders to answer a simple question, what was Arbery doing when he got shot ?
Trying to take the shotgun out of McMichaels hands when he was boxed in by the truck and two guys with loaded guns while the shotgun was pointed at Arbery. They chased him down, then boxed him in. They knew Arbery was running, so his forward momentum would take him to the front of the truck. That is why they quickly drove past him. This has already been explained multiple times. Where have you been? Arbery was totally in his right, when there were two men illegally carrying loaded guns to do whatever his instinct told him he needed to do, once they had him boxed in.
61#1219 reply to 61#1218

View attachment 339246
What was Arbery doing when he got shot?
Fighting for his life under the legal authorization of Georgia's self-defense law.
Prove it what was he doing when he got shot? Easy question
Asked and answered, comrade.
Do you want me to help you?
What was Arbery physical doing when he got shot?

Now you're asking yourself ... why not just answer yourself?
He isn't presenting any intelligent arguments.
61#1219 reply to 61#1218

View attachment 339246
What was Arbery doing when he got shot?
Fighting for his life under the legal authorization of Georgia's self-defense law.
Prove it what was he doing when he got shot? Easy question
Asked and answered, comrade.
Do you want me to help you?
What was Arbery physical doing when he got shot?

Now you're asking yourself ... why not just answer yourself?
I know why you can’t hah
62#1235 reply to 61#1220
What was Arbery doing when he got shot?

which shot?

we can see each man’s shadow under the truck and the gunman’s white hat “when he got shot”

The video does not show “Exactly” what he was doing when the first shotgun blast can be heard in this view:

View attachment 339253
But it shows that Arbery Was jogging past the front right fender of the truck about 2/5 of a second prior to hearing the shot going off in the scene below

View attachment 339260

Based on the above video evidence One answer to your question “What was Arbery doing when he got shot?” Would be

Lol was he charging a man with a gun? Did he have his had on the hero’s gun?
Only if the gun was pointed at him.
What do you do with your gun with a charging criminal coming at you? When you can answer that question honestly let me know.
63#1245 reply to 62#1236
What was Arbery physical doing when he got shot?

It is answered in Post#1235 with video evidence. He was physically seen jogging when Video timer went from 19 seconds to 20. Less than half a second later he was shoT.

I call that:


I believe BWK Faun Marianne will agree​
Last edited:
61#1219 reply to 61#1218

View attachment 339246
What was Arbery doing when he got shot?
Fighting for his life under the legal authorization of Georgia's self-defense law.
Prove it what was he doing when he got shot? Easy question
Stupid argument! The video already proved he was fighting for his life after being cornered and pursued with loaded weapons. Why did they chase Arbery down with loaded weapons in vehicles? That's illegal. It's also illegal to open your vehicle with a loaded weapon on a public road. It is illegal to fire a weapon from a public road.
Why is it so hard you defenders to answer a simple question, what was Arbery doing when he got shot ?
Trying to take the shotgun out of McMichaels hands when he was boxed in by the truck and two guys with loaded guns while the shotgun was pointed at Arbery. They chased him down, then boxed him in. They knew Arbery was running, so his forward momentum would take him to the front of the truck. That is why they quickly drove past him. This has already been explained multiple times. Where have you been? Arbery was totally in his right, when there were two men illegally carrying loaded guns to do whatever his instinct told him he needed to do, once they had him boxed in.
Where did you see any of this happen!? Lol chase? Lol they were parked,, boxed in? He had a lane, he had land to the left and the right to run, or he could have stopped and said wtf do you want? Good call the cops. But he attacked a hero
61#1219 reply to 61#1218

View attachment 339246
What was Arbery doing when he got shot?
Fighting for his life under the legal authorization of Georgia's self-defense law.
Prove it what was he doing when he got shot? Easy question
Asked and answered, comrade.
Do you want me to help you?
What was Arbery physical doing when he got shot?

Now you're asking yourself ... why not just answer yourself?
He isn't presenting any intelligent arguments.
So? He can give a stupid answer to his stupid question?
61#1219 reply to 61#1218

View attachment 339246
What was Arbery doing when he got shot?
Fighting for his life under the legal authorization of Georgia's self-defense law.
Prove it what was he doing when he got shot? Easy question
Asked and answered, comrade.
Do you want me to help you?
What was Arbery physical doing when he got shot?

Now you're asking yourself ... why not just answer yourself?
He isn't presenting any intelligent arguments.
Sorry facts aren’t in your side today.
62#1235 reply to 61#1220
What was Arbery doing when he got shot?

which shot?

we can see each man’s shadow under the truck and the gunman’s white hat “when he got shot”

The video does not show “Exactly” what he was doing when the first shotgun blast can be heard in this view:

View attachment 339253
But it shows that Arbery Was jogging past the front right fender of the truck about 2/5 of a second prior to hearing the shot going off in the scene below

View attachment 339260

Based on the above video evidence One answer to your question “What was Arbery doing when he got shot?” Would be

Lol was he charging a man with a gun? Did he have his had on the hero’s gun?
Only if the gun was pointed at him.
What do you do with your gun with a charging criminal coming at you? When you can answer that question honestly let me know.
Asked and answered
61#1219 reply to 61#1218

View attachment 339246
What was Arbery doing when he got shot?
Fighting for his life under the legal authorization of Georgia's self-defense law.
Prove it what was he doing when he got shot? Easy question
Asked and answered, comrade.
Do you want me to help you?
What was Arbery physical doing when he got shot?

Now you're asking yourself ... why not just answer yourself?
He isn't presenting any intelligent arguments.
Sorry facts aren’t in your side today.

Tell that to the prosecutors.
61#1219 reply to 61#1218

View attachment 339246
What was Arbery doing when he got shot?
Fighting for his life under the legal authorization of Georgia's self-defense law.
Prove it what was he doing when he got shot? Easy question
Asked and answered, comrade.
Do you want me to help you?
What was Arbery physical doing when he got shot?

Now you're asking yourself ... why not just answer yourself?
He isn't presenting any intelligent arguments.
Sorry facts aren’t in your side today.

Tell that to the prosecutors.
The Video will lol and the white jury ha
62#1235 reply to 61#1220
What was Arbery doing when he got shot?

which shot?

we can see each man’s shadow under the truck and the gunman’s white hat “when he got shot”

The video does not show “Exactly” what he was doing when the first shotgun blast can be heard in this view:

View attachment 339253
But it shows that Arbery Was jogging past the front right fender of the truck about 2/5 of a second prior to hearing the shot going off in the scene below

View attachment 339260

Based on the above video evidence One answer to your question “What was Arbery doing when he got shot?” Would be

Lol was he charging a man with a gun? Did he have his had on the hero’s gun?
Only if the gun was pointed at him.
What do you do with your gun with a charging criminal coming at you? When you can answer that question honestly let me know.
Asked and answered
I know you can’t answer it. Lol
61#1217 reply to 61#1148
But I cant see mcmichaels choosing to wrestle with arbrey over procession of the shotgun

That had to be arbreys fatal mistake

..... apparently.. because you don’t want to see a white man with gun be in the wrong when his gun is used to kill an unarmed black man who did nothing wrong.

That tells us more about you than about the crime that you are attempting to dismiss as the victim’s fault.

Breaking News. An unarmed jogging black man was blocked, surrounded, ambushed and murdered by three white men using a car, a truck, a shotgun and a .357 Magnum.

Bald faced lies....started by the media.....the pistol was never fired, the car and or truck was never used to block anyone as in the suspect had plenty of room to jog around both and he did. The suspect was not surrounded. The suspect approached the MacMichaels of his own free will...he could have run in many different directions if he had been in fear of his life.

The bottom line is simply this......nothing that happened before Ahmaud attacked Travis that justified him to assault Travis.

Of course you can continue to lie to try and support the media narrative but it will not wash....neither on here nor in court....the jurors will have all the evidence, all the information on this case and they will have no problem seeing that this is nothing less than an attempt to frame two good cirtizens for something they did not do....that is the reality of the world we live in today...politicians willing to lynch someone to further or protect their career or give in to political pressure in order to assure they are not accused of racism which can be a death knell for any politicians career in modern
For all you legal experts.....will the prosecution try to get the trial moved to Atlanta?

Claiming most likely that the people of Brunswick are incapable of rendering a fair trial or sumptin like dat?
63#1257 reply to 62#1238
Lol was he charging a man with a gun? Did he have his had on the hero’s gun?

Faun BWK Marianne watch Jits run from this series of questions:

How did you determine that Arbery transitioned from physically “jogging” “running away from” when 19 seconds becomes 20 seconds (see 1st screenshot) to “charging a man with a gun?” in less than half a second to make that transition? (See 2nd screenshot)


I answered your question based on evidence from the video. When will you answer mine?
61#1219 reply to 61#1218

View attachment 339246
What was Arbery doing when he got shot?
Fighting for his life under the legal authorization of Georgia's self-defense law.
Prove it what was he doing when he got shot? Easy question
Asked and answered, comrade.
Do you want me to help you?
What was Arbery physical doing when he got shot?

Now you're asking yourself ... why not just answer yourself?
He isn't presenting any intelligent arguments.
Sorry facts aren’t in your side today.

Tell that to the prosecutors.
The Video will lol and the white jury ha
Who knows why you think they'll have an all white jury but regardless, but it's revealing how you think all whites are as racist as you and that it's a given an all white jury will acquit them.

62#1235 reply to 61#1220
What was Arbery doing when he got shot?

which shot?

we can see each man’s shadow under the truck and the gunman’s white hat “when he got shot”

The video does not show “Exactly” what he was doing when the first shotgun blast can be heard in this view:

View attachment 339253
But it shows that Arbery Was jogging past the front right fender of the truck about 2/5 of a second prior to hearing the shot going off in the scene below

View attachment 339260

Based on the above video evidence One answer to your question “What was Arbery doing when he got shot?” Would be

Lol was he charging a man with a gun? Did he have his had on the hero’s gun?
Only if the gun was pointed at him.
What do you do with your gun with a charging criminal coming at you? When you can answer that question honestly let me know.
Asked and answered
I know you can’t answer it. Lol

Dumbfuck, I already did. Did you not understsnd the answer?

63#1260 reply to 63#1246
Lol chase? Lol they were parked,, boxed in? He had a lane, he had land to the left and the right to run,

yes there was a chase: and yes he was boxed in.
“The police report states that Greg McMichael and Travis McMichael followed Arbery down Burford Drive and attempted to cut Arbery off.​
The report says Arbery turned around and ran back in the other direction.​
William “Roddy” Bryan, who lives on Burford Drive, tried to block him in and was unsuccessful, the report says.” William 'Roddie' Bryan Jr., man who reportedly filmed Ahmaud Arbery's killing, charged with murder

What’s so funny about three white men (2 armed) in two vehicles trying to corner an unarmed jogger until they gun him down in broad daylight.

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