Video shows Ahmaud Arbery Was caught breaking and entering an unfinished property, then towards McMichael‘s house

62#1235 reply to 61#1220
What was Arbery doing when he got shot?

which shot?

we can see each man’s shadow under the truck and the gunman’s white hat “when he got shot”

The video does not show “Exactly” what he was doing when the first shotgun blast can be heard in this view:

View attachment 339253
But it shows that Arbery Was jogging past the front right fender of the truck about 2/5 of a second prior to hearing the shot going off in the scene below

View attachment 339260

Based on the above video evidence One answer to your question “What was Arbery doing when he got shot?” Would be

Lol was he charging a man with a gun? Did he have his had on the hero’s gun?
Was Arbery being pursued in a vehicle? Yes! Was Arbery boxed in? Yes! Was Arbery up against two men who were illegally carrying loaded weapons who drove their truck past him then suddenly stopped, forcing him to go in front of the truck? Yes! What would anyone like him think at the time, while t
61#1219 reply to 61#1218

View attachment 339246
What was Arbery doing when he got shot?
Fighting for his life under the legal authorization of Georgia's self-defense law.
Prove it what was he doing when he got shot? Easy question
Stupid argument! The video already proved he was fighting for his life after being cornered and pursued with loaded weapons. Why did they chase Arbery down with loaded weapons in vehicles? That's illegal. It's also illegal to open your vehicle with a loaded weapon on a public road. It is illegal to fire a weapon from a public road.
Why is it so hard you defenders to answer a simple question, what was Arbery doing when he got shot ?
Trying to take the shotgun out of McMichaels hands when he was boxed in by the truck and two guys with loaded guns while the shotgun was pointed at Arbery. They chased him down, then boxed him in. They knew Arbery was running, so his forward momentum would take him to the front of the truck. That is why they quickly drove past him. This has already been explained multiple times. Where have you been? Arbery was totally in his right, when there were two men illegally carrying loaded guns to do whatever his instinct told him he needed to do, once they had him boxed in.
Where did you see any of this happen!? Lol chase? Lol they were parked,, boxed in? He had a lane, he had land to the left and the right to run, or he could have stopped and said wtf do you want? Good call the cops. But he attacked a hero
Not according to McMichael to question him. They were going to him. That means they were driving, then stopped, causing him to run in front of them. Land to the left and right where someone could shoot at a running target. Anyone who knows guns, already knows there was no escape.
63#1257 reply to 62#1238
Lol was he charging a man with a gun? Did he have his had on the hero’s gun?

Faun BWK Marianne watch Jits run from this series of questions:

How did you determine that Arbery transitioned from physically “jogging” “running away from” when 19 seconds becomes 20 seconds (see 1st screenshot) to “charging a man with a gun?” in less than half a second to make that transition? (See 2nd screenshot)

View attachment 339282View attachment 339283
I answered your question based on evidence from the video. When will you answer mine?
What is so hilarious, is the fact that Jitts asks all these questions, but the McMichael's are heroes. How are they heroes, when he has so many questions? :auiqs.jpg:
63#1257 reply to 62#1238
Lol was he charging a man with a gun? Did he have his had on the hero’s gun?

Faun BWK Marianne watch Jits run from this series of questions:

How did you determine that Arbery transitioned from physically “jogging” “running away from” when 19 seconds becomes 20 seconds (see 1st screenshot) to “charging a man with a gun?” in less than half a second to make that transition? (See 2nd screenshot)

View attachment 339282View attachment 339283
I answered your question based on evidence from the video. When will you answer mine?
He never had any arguments to begin with.
63#1257 reply to 62#1238
Lol was he charging a man with a gun? Did he have his had on the hero’s gun?

Faun BWK Marianne watch Jits run from this series of questions:

How did you determine that Arbery transitioned from physically “jogging” “running away from” when 19 seconds becomes 20 seconds (see 1st screenshot) to “charging a man with a gun?” in less than half a second to make that transition? (See 2nd screenshot)

View attachment 339282View attachment 339283
I answered your question based on evidence from the video. When will you answer mine?
I think you iced him down. Thanks!
63#1257 reply to 62#1238
Lol was he charging a man with a gun? Did he have his had on the hero’s gun?

Faun BWK Marianne watch Jits run from this series of questions:

How did you determine that Arbery transitioned from physically “jogging” “running away from” when 19 seconds becomes 20 seconds (see 1st screenshot) to “charging a man with a gun?” in less than half a second to make that transition? (See 2nd screenshot)

View attachment 339282View attachment 339283
I answered your question based on evidence from the video. When will you answer mine?
He never had any arguments to begin with.
This is jizz617....


... which is why he thinks the guy with the gun was the victim.

Sad democrats rushed to judgment, this guy was robbing houses and for the protection of the neighborhood two brave men confronted him.View attachment 334209 You
Wait a second. You never walked around an unfinished house before?

Come on, tell the truth.
64#1267 reply to 63#1244
What do you do with your gun with a charging criminal coming at you?

trouble is the “charging criminal” swerved to the right side of the truck to avoid the man committing aggravated assault on the left side of the truck.

Then the man committing aggravated assault on the left side of the truck ran to the front of the truck to continued committing aggravated assault in front the truck and in the right lane.

Then you have the audacity to ignore the gunman’s movement toward his prey that forced the encounter that the jogger tried to avoid.

The unarmed jogger is still seen “jogging” at the 20 second mark when he disappears in front of the truck. Meanwhile The Gunman moved to a position in front of the truck and at 20.4 seconds a shot is fired.

The gunman runs ten to twenty feet to get close to his victim.

The jogger has a split second to go from being a fearful jogger trying to avoid his assailant to a “charging criminal” in your insane view all within a time span of .4 seconds.

“TravisM did not have a charging criminal coming at him when he fired the first shot. He was in fact the charging criminal on the way to fire the first shot in front of the truck.

Where in the video do you see Arbery changing the gunman in front of the truck and before the gun was fired the first of three shots?
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63#1257 reply to 62#1238
Lol was he charging a man with a gun? Did he have his had on the hero’s gun?

Faun BWK Marianne watch Jits run from this series of questions:

How did you determine that Arbery transitioned from physically “jogging” “running away from” when 19 seconds becomes 20 seconds (see 1st screenshot) to “charging a man with a gun?” in less than half a second to make that transition? (See 2nd screenshot)

View attachment 339282View attachment 339283
I answered your question based on evidence from the video. When will you answer mine?
That’s so grainy you can’t see shit.

Then there’s the new development of the shooter of the video being arrested today on felony murder and criminal attempt to commit false imprisonment.

What does this mean in the context of the video? It means Arbery had armed men in front of him and a man apparently involved with the two armed men to the rear of him giving him little choice without confrontation. It also means that they were harassing Arbery hence the false imprisonment charge today of the third suspect. They sandwiched him in. They tried to unlawfully contain him. The McMichaels and company acted like thugs. If the current charges are to be believed it’s the McMichaels who are the criminals. Who knows what else the police are holding back but at that time of day I would expect witnesses in the neighborhood to give the police a clearer picture of what really happened.
64#1269 reply to 62#1238
Did he have his had on the hero’s gun?

you tell us. Faun Marianne BWK

we can’t see the gun or Arbery’s hands before the first shot was fired.

do you?

View attachment 339352
Yea, he probably fired a warning shot. After that was Arbery assaulting him. So he fired in self defense. Arbery would had murdered him if he got the shotgun.

Your thug hero was a career criminal, and half the neighborhood recognized him from previous run-ins. If he wasn’t a petty thief he’d still be alive.
any normal person would not attack someone with a loaded shotgun

but thats what must have happened

the jogger was attacked and could have been wounded directly in front of the truck because the gunman was in front of the truck and at point blank range from the jogger when the first shot was fired.



Left is still going with a "jogger" narrative.

Dictionaries should change the meaning of the word.

Jogger... person in cargo pants and timberland's, running away from a property he broke into with a hammer in his hand.

The plain stupidity of the "jogger" is self evident. Although I wish he stayed alive, with just his balls blown off, so he can't procreate anymore.
Dumbfuck, he was wearing "gray athletic shoes," not Timberlands. It's amazing (but not surprising) to see how divorced from truth and reality you rightwingnuts are.

Is that the guy inside the house being built ?? How old is this guy ? Most who would stray onto a property under construction (while out walking or jogging), would be neighbors or family members taking a look at what's going on over at Billy and Aunt Marie's place or maybe an older person that might be wanting to check out the quality of construction going on or maybe to check the square footage out to see how big they might want to build something they are thinking about building themselves. Otherwise the profiles that do these types of things are specific in most cases. Young person venturing into a property like that, and no one knowing that person is highly suspect, and it has nothing to do with a person's color ever. So does the profile fit that of a jogger just out for a run, or maybe someone curious as to the quality of construction, curious as to the square footage, or maybe just a good neighbor admiring his friends success in life ??? Add your thoughts as to how the profile fits with the property breech here also.

Now the two who confronted the person, had the right to call 9-11, stay back a safe distance, keep the police on the phone during the transfer to an officer in the area, and report locations of the individual until the police arrived on scene. It's never a good idea to approach a potential criminal element unless that criminal element/person is engaged in the harming of an innocent civilian in your immediate sight. And then you had best be right about who is harming who if take any action to try and help someone. Complicated stuff, so be safe, and use your head American Citizen's.
Nobody currently lives in the house. Several people were caught on video checking out the house. Arbery was 25. In the video he was jogging so he may have been curious and did the same. He did not know the owner.

Yes it is best to call the police and let the professionals handle it. This debacle is the perfect example of why.

The huge problem with that is by the time the cops get there it is usually too this case the suspect would have escaped and lived to committ more crimes.....someone like him with his history would most likely have killed someone eventually.
I agree, except...

How it turned out for the McMicheals is far, far worse than losing a suspect

they may not serve time in prison

but at the least its going to cost them a lot of money for legal fees

and many sleepless nights
apparently.. because you don’t want to see a white man with gun be in the wrong when his gun is used to kill an unarmed black man who did nothing wrong.
Thats your own racial prejudice talking

My comments are based on what little evidence we have to go on

You are the one getting carried away with emotion and bigotry
64#1275 reply to 63#1255
Bald faced lies....started by the media.....the pistol was never fired,

What Lies? I haven’t heard any claim ever by anyone that the .357 was fired during the father son aggravated assault force.

Georgia law says you commit aggravated assault automatically if you assault someone with a firearms regardless if the weapon is fired.

thats what the old man is charged the same as his Dumbass son.
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64#1276 reply to 64#1271
64#1269 reply to 62#1238
Did he have his had on the hero’s gun?

you tell us. Faun Marianne BWK

we can’t see the gun or Arbery’s hands before the first shot was fired.

do you?

View attachment 339352
I don’t see Arbery at all, your point?

The racial profilers here, most of them, claim they can see Arbery grabbing the gun causing it to fire for the first before and up to the 21st second when this screen shot is taken.,

They are lying about a dead man’s actions blaming him for his own death.

Thats my point.
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64#1277 reply 64#1272
How it turned out for the McMicheals is far, far worse than losing a suspect

Arbery is not a (suspect that justifies lethal force to detain) to the Gunmen because they did not witbess a felony in progress.

and if Arbery had actually stolen a hammer and dropped it while running they still have no justification to detain using lethal force in defense of their own property let alone someone else’s property.

There will be no references to Arbery as a suspect in the trial. Mostly because there was no witness of a crime by the killers unless jogging while black is a crime.
64#1277 reply 64#1272
How it turned out for the McMicheals is far, far worse than losing a suspect

Arbery is not a (suspect that justifies lethal force to detain) to the Gunmen because they did not witbess a felony in progress.

and if Arbery had actually stolen a hammer and dropped it while running they still have no justification to detain using lethal force in defense of their own property let alone someone else’s property.

There will be no references to Arbery as a suspect in the trial. Mostly because there was no witness of a crime by the killers unless jogging while black is a crime.
Reasonable doubt, and there's plenty of that. Thug with a record for theft, illegal weapons possession running in and out of private property who was supposed to be jogging, then aggravated assault. It's not our first rodeo.
64#1279 reply to 64#1278
then aggravated assault.

the white men committed the aggravated assault when they tried to detain an unarmed man who was jogging while black.

the jogger was fired upon first on the right side of the road and in front of the Truck as he was trying to get by.

What happens after that first shot is legally on the white men committing aggravated assault that led to their victim’s death.
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64#1280 reply to 58#1148
what “evidence” from the video supports your inabiiity to see what you described in your post #1148

But I cant see mcmichaels choosing to wrestle with arbrey over procession of the shotgun

No one can see what TravisM had going on n in his irrational mind when the video evidence shows he himself chose to put himself and his shotgun in close proximity to intersect and intercept the jogger at a point where the unarmed man was running toward and a shot was fired.
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