Video shows Ahmaud Arbery Was caught breaking and entering an unfinished property, then towards McMichael‘s house

64#1276 reply to 64#1271
64#1269 reply to 62#1238
Did he have his had on the hero’s gun?

you tell us. Faun Marianne BWK

we can’t see the gun or Arbery’s hands before the first shot was fired.

do you?

View attachment 339352
I don’t see Arbery at all, your point?

The racial profilers here, most of them, claim they can see Arbery grabbing the gun causing it to fire for the first before and up to the 21st second when this screen shot is taken.,

They are lying about a dead man’s actions blaming him for his own death.

Thats my point.
That lie may become clearer as police search for witnesses and video footage in the area. It’s too bad the police didn’t do that immediately after it happened they would have had a better result. It’s not looking good for the McMichaels.
There is a four minute video of them following Arbery, GBI won’t release it, also a 5 minute video of Arbery in the dwelling they are holding on to. I think these 2 videos will clear the men

There is more than that being held back....the state has no case...all they are doing is conducting political theater whilst on a witch hunt trying to come up with something....and then they arrest the fellow that made the video trying to put pressure on him to give them some evidence they can use against the McMicahels even if he has to fabricate something....not unusual for someone with a murder charge hanging over him to make up something to get the charges dropped...happens all the time.
I agree the GBI that took over the case is a black female,, when this is over she should be held on Terrorism

The media should be held accountable for attempting to incite a riot.
The media has to be held in check they are brain washing Americans. I wanted the National news with my father the other day, it’s all left wing dnc talking points .. sick

Yes...............absolutely outrageous....they are nothing more than a propaganda machine for the leftwingers.

Much like how the media in Germany was a propaganda tool for the Nazis.

The leftwingers are trying to take down America...that is their goal and the media is a very useful tool for them.
We all know how GBI handled the Richard Jewell accusations! Ruined that mans life! They hate white southners
Dude the charges are in direct relation to the videos and the fact no weapon or stolen property was found. You keep forgetting that Arbery’s activity in English’s house was caught on English’s surveillance cameras. He didn’t steal anything. It’s caught on film and allegedly McMichaels said Bryan was helping them. It’s ALL on tape. Nobody is making this shit up.

Richard Jewell? You had to go back 24 years? Nothing more recent to discredit the GBI? Yes the Richard Jewell case was shoddy police work that ruined the poor mans life. Your lack of finding a more recent fault hopefully speaks to the betterment of the GBI since the Jewell debacle.

Care to comment on this...............The Ahmaud Arbery Case as Zimmerman-Trayvon Martin Redux
That the similarities are striking? Yes. FTR I supported Zimmerman at the time.

In the Zimmerman case you had two people behaving badly. Like the McMichaels, Zimmerman had zero business harassing Martin. The police told Zimmerman to leave Martin alone which if memory serves Zimmerman didn’t do. Martin as I recall could have walked away but chose to confront Zimmerman. Now according to Zimmerman a fight ensued in which Martin pretty much beat him up and Zimmerman shot him. The difference is Florida had the Stand Your Ground law that allowed Zimmerman to use deadly force if he felt his life was threatened and of course Zimmerman said he felt his life was in danger. According to the law Zimmerman was innocent and I agreed with that assessment as much as I didn’t like it.

Martin was followed, but Arbery was hunted.

In the Zimmerman case the last confrontation was Made by Martin but false imprisonment charges suggest this was not the case with Arbery.

Martin was shot while physically on top of Zimmerman. Arbery was surrounded by not one but three men, one car and one to two guns, all could be considered deadly weapons. Any way he turned he could have been run over or shot. He did not have as much opportunity to leave the situation as Martin did, if he had an opportunity at all.

At first I thought Bryan was a concerned citizen filming what he thought was a thief. With the charges yesterday and quite frankly Bryan’s own body language during interviews and pictures( he acts haunted by guilt) his alleged participation becomes a game changer.

Because the accused have not been tried they are innocent until proven guilty. That said based on the charges and the video alone,and not the media hype, it doesn’t look good for McMichaels and Bryan.

Can't you ever get anything clearly demonstrate the problem with so many....not knowing or understanding the facts of the case.

The police never told Z to leave trayvon alone.....that is completely false.

Z was a watchman...the neighborhood watchman...he was not harassing Trayvon...Z merely reported him as a 'suspicious person' since on a dark and rainy night instead of rushing home like normal people would do...Trayvonista was lurking about looking in windows.

Thus most likely a peeping tom or he was casing homes to break into...he had a history of burglary...was arrested with burglary tools in his possession.

Z called to the non-emergency number asking the police to come out and talk to this guy to see what he was up to since they were plagued with home invasions and burglaries in that complex.

The Zimmerman case was not a stand your ground was a case of 'simple self-defense' You are very confused and know little about the law.

According to the law Z was not found innocent...he was found not guilty.

When discussing legal is very important to use the correct terminology.

In a nutshell you are a very confused person.

Your analysis of this current case in Georgia is no better....riddled with mistakes of fact etc. all of which has been debunked so i will not waste board space going over all of that again.

Here is another video that should help you better understand the recent case...................

Well then let’s get it correct. Zimmerman claimed he stopped following Martin but prosecutors said he continued. We don’t have Martins testimony because he’s dead so In reality you don’t know either. Of course Zimmerman said he stopped because if he said he hadn’t it would have made him the instigator.

Zimmerman was part of a community watch. If I remember correctly Zimmerman started the community watch.

When talking to other Americans it’s important to have command of the English language. A watchman is someone who is PAID to police an area. A community watch is a volunteer free service. Zimmerman was not a watchman . Get the facts right!

Martin wasn’t doing anything illegal. As far as I know nothing stolen was found on his person and he was just walking back to his fathers apartment. Looking around and walking around isn’t a crime.

Now here’s where the problem lies with both cases. We only have one side of the story as both Martin and now Arbery are both dead. Of course Zimmerman told police he stopped, but did he? Given his wannabe cop complex and his subsequent troubles that have shown him to be a hot head he probably didn’t stop following Martin. I do believe Martin confronted Zimmerman and beat him up. I don’t doubt Zimmerman whined and believed his life was in danger although I think Zimmerman was over reacting. His head wound didn’t look life threatening.

If stand your ground wasn’t used in the Zimmerman case then you have changed my view of the case. Zimmerman should have been found guilty because I don’t believe his life was ever in danger by Martin. I believe he is a guy with a small penis complex who acted like a bitch when someone called him on his bullshit to give him his comeuppance.
He didn’t need to shoot Martin if he fought like a man. Thank you for that clarification.

We will never know the full extent of what happened with Zimmerman and Martin but fortunately technology has advanced and there are cameras everywhere. We already do know that the three jerks in Georgia were playing cop and harassing Arbery. The video doesn’t lie. At this morning’s press conference it sounded like the police had more video than what had already leaked. I hope so. I’m tired of vigilante justice and think the three stooges need to be made an example of if convicted. Rule of law still needs to be followed, innocent until proven guilty. I don’t expect them to be found guilty of murder based on the video that we’ve all seen but false imprisonment and assault should be provable. Then again it sounds like the police might have more evidence. We will see when it goes to trial.
64#1279 reply to 64#1278
then aggravated assault.

the white men committed the aggravated assault when they tried to detain an unarmed man who was jogging while black.

the jogger was fired upon first on the right side of the road and in front of the Truck as he was trying to get by.

What happens after that first shot is legally on the white men committing aggravated assault that led to their victim’s death.
^^ Notice how this moron just ignores the fact that homeboy wasn’t jogging at all to begin with. Video shows him WALKING up to the house under construction, stops, looks around, then RUNS up the driveway into the house.

He didn’t start running down the steeet until he saw neighbors calling the police as well as neighbors yelling at him saying they are calling the cops. That’s not “jogging”, it’s fleeing the scene of a crime.
Wrong Bryan was chasing Arbery with his car as two armed men,the McMichaels, waited for him. What you see isn’t Arbery fleeing a crime scene because no crime scene existed. Evidence of nothing being stolen was caught by Mr English’s home security camera. The police said Arbery was unarmed and English said Arbery didn’t steal anything. What did get said according to the police was McMichaels admission that Bryan was helping them catch Arbery.

Let’s recap

No crime was committed

Arbery was unarmed

Arbery was being chased by Bryan in his car while the McMichaels waited in the road with guns leaving Arbery boxed in. That’s Bryan’s felony charge.

Anything at this point that Arbery did was SELF DEFENSE.

If convicted the McMichaels and Bryan could get the death penalty. This is no joke.
How many times do you morons need to be told, NOTHING needed to be taken at the house to make it a crime. Georgia law states that just being in a dwelling without permission with the intent to commit a crime is burglary. He looked around to make sure he wasn’t going to be seen before running into the house, because he knew he was going to break the law. That is on video.
How many times do you have to be told the definition of dwelling?

Definition of dwelling
: a shelter (such as a house) in which people live

NOBODY LIVES THERE. The place barely had walls. It’s property not a dwelling.

The owner installed a camera to alert him if there were trespassers. According to Mr English, the owner, he was well aware there were trespassers.
Was the structure fenced off?

Were there no trespassing signs?

If the owner is aware and does nothing is that a type of permission?

Is trespass punishable by death in Georgia?

Were the McMichaels the owners of the property in question that they knew no permission was granted?

Who are the McMichaels in relationship to the property?

How did the McMichaels and Bryan know that Arbery wasn’t checking in on the property for the owner?

If approached is Arbery required to answer questions posed by people who are not the police?

Is Arbery required by law to justify his presence anywhere in the USA if the people questioning him aren’t the property owner or the police?

The three stooges had no business doing what they did other than to call police and let the professionals handle the situation. Had the police handled this Arbery would be alive and Bryan and the McMichaels would be home with their families right now.
64#1279 reply to 64#1278
then aggravated assault.

the white men committed the aggravated assault when they tried to detain an unarmed man who was jogging while black.

the jogger was fired upon first on the right side of the road and in front of the Truck as he was trying to get by.

What happens after that first shot is legally on the white men committing aggravated assault that led to their victim’s death.
^^ Notice how this moron just ignores the fact that homeboy wasn’t jogging at all to begin with. Video shows him WALKING up to the house under construction, stops, looks around, then RUNS up the driveway into the house.

He didn’t start running down the steeet until he saw neighbors calling the police as well as neighbors yelling at him saying they are calling the cops. That’s not “jogging”, it’s fleeing the scene of a crime.
Wrong Bryan was chasing Arbery with his car as two armed men,the McMichaels, waited for him. What you see isn’t Arbery fleeing a crime scene because no crime scene existed. Evidence of nothing being stolen was caught by Mr English’s home security camera. The police said Arbery was unarmed and English said Arbery didn’t steal anything. What did get said according to the police was McMichaels admission that Bryan was helping them catch Arbery.

Let’s recap

No crime was committed

Arbery was unarmed

Arbery was being chased by Bryan in his car while the McMichaels waited in the road with guns leaving Arbery boxed in. That’s Bryan’s felony charge.

Anything at this point that Arbery did was SELF DEFENSE.

If convicted the McMichaels and Bryan could get the death penalty. This is no joke.
How many times do you morons need to be told, NOTHING needed to be taken at the house to make it a crime. Georgia law states that just being in a dwelling without permission with the intent to commit a crime is burglary. He looked around to make sure he wasn’t going to be seen before running into the house, because he knew he was going to break the law. That is on video.
How many times do you have to be told the definition of dwelling?

Definition of dwelling
: a shelter (such as a house) in which people live

NOBODY LIVES THERE. The place barely had walls. It’s property not a dwelling.

The owner installed a camera to alert him if there were trespassers. According to Mr English, the owner, he was well aware there were trespassers.
Was the structure fenced off?

Were there no trespassing signs?

If the owner is aware and does nothing is that a type of permission?

Is trespass punishable by death in Georgia?

Were the McMichaels the owners of the property in question that they knew no permission was granted?

Who are the McMichaels in relationship to the property?

How did the McMichaels and Bryan know that Arbery wasn’t checking in on the property for the owner?

If approached is Arbery required to answer questions posed by people who are not the police?

Is Arbery required by law to justify his presence anywhere in the USA if the people questioning him aren’t the property owner or the police?

The three stooges had no business doing what they did other than to call police and let the professionals handle the situation. Had the police handled this Arbery would be alive and Bryan and the McMichaels would be home with their families right now.
Wrong again idiot. According to Georgia Law, it is irrelevant if the structure is inhabited at the time of burglary.

It was an unoccupied building, so technically there was no breaking or entering: Sometimes a defendant will attempt to argue that since the building was vacant, there was not a breaking and entering. However, this defense will not hold up in court as case law has held that even entering a house under construction qualifies as a building and a defendant could still be convicted of burglary. Smith v. State, 226 Ga App. 9 (1957Smith v. State, 226 Ga App. 9 (1957).

I didn't even steal anything: Even though you may not have stolen anything, you could still be convicted of burglary. According to Johnson v. Jackson, it is not necessary that the defendant actually steal anything. 140 Ga. App. 252, (1976). It is enough if they enter without authority and with intent to commit theft.”

64#1279 reply to 64#1278
then aggravated assault.

the white men committed the aggravated assault when they tried to detain an unarmed man who was jogging while black.

the jogger was fired upon first on the right side of the road and in front of the Truck as he was trying to get by.

What happens after that first shot is legally on the white men committing aggravated assault that led to their victim’s death.
^^ Notice how this moron just ignores the fact that homeboy wasn’t jogging at all to begin with. Video shows him WALKING up to the house under construction, stops, looks around, then RUNS up the driveway into the house.

He didn’t start running down the steeet until he saw neighbors calling the police as well as neighbors yelling at him saying they are calling the cops. That’s not “jogging”, it’s fleeing the scene of a crime.
Wrong Bryan was chasing Arbery with his car as two armed men,the McMichaels, waited for him. What you see isn’t Arbery fleeing a crime scene because no crime scene existed. Evidence of nothing being stolen was caught by Mr English’s home security camera. The police said Arbery was unarmed and English said Arbery didn’t steal anything. What did get said according to the police was McMichaels admission that Bryan was helping them catch Arbery.

Let’s recap

No crime was committed

Arbery was unarmed

Arbery was being chased by Bryan in his car while the McMichaels waited in the road with guns leaving Arbery boxed in. That’s Bryan’s felony charge.

Anything at this point that Arbery did was SELF DEFENSE.

If convicted the McMichaels and Bryan could get the death penalty. This is no joke.
How many times do you morons need to be told, NOTHING needed to be taken at the house to make it a crime. Georgia law states that just being in a dwelling without permission with the intent to commit a crime is burglary. He looked around to make sure he wasn’t going to be seen before running into the house, because he knew he was going to break the law. That is on video.
How many times do you have to be told the definition of dwelling?

Definition of dwelling
: a shelter (such as a house) in which people live

NOBODY LIVES THERE. The place barely had walls. It’s property not a dwelling.

The owner installed a camera to alert him if there were trespassers. According to Mr English, the owner, he was well aware there were trespassers.
Was the structure fenced off?

Were there no trespassing signs?

If the owner is aware and does nothing is that a type of permission?

Is trespass punishable by death in Georgia?

Were the McMichaels the owners of the property in question that they knew no permission was granted?

Who are the McMichaels in relationship to the property?

How did the McMichaels and Bryan know that Arbery wasn’t checking in on the property for the owner?

If approached is Arbery required to answer questions posed by people who are not the police?

Is Arbery required by law to justify his presence anywhere in the USA if the people questioning him aren’t the property owner or the police?

The three stooges had no business doing what they did other than to call police and let the professionals handle the situation. Had the police handled this Arbery would be alive and Bryan and the McMichaels would be home with their families right now.
No, burglary is not punishable by death.
It is perfectly legal to call the police and follow a burglary suspect to help police catch the perp though.

And defending oneself from an attacker with lethal force is also legal.
64#1279 reply to 64#1278
then aggravated assault.

the white men committed the aggravated assault when they tried to detain an unarmed man who was jogging while black.

the jogger was fired upon first on the right side of the road and in front of the Truck as he was trying to get by.

What happens after that first shot is legally on the white men committing aggravated assault that led to their victim’s death.
^^ Notice how this moron just ignores the fact that homeboy wasn’t jogging at all to begin with. Video shows him WALKING up to the house under construction, stops, looks around, then RUNS up the driveway into the house.

He didn’t start running down the steeet until he saw neighbors calling the police as well as neighbors yelling at him saying they are calling the cops. That’s not “jogging”, it’s fleeing the scene of a crime.
Wrong Bryan was chasing Arbery with his car as two armed men,the McMichaels, waited for him. What you see isn’t Arbery fleeing a crime scene because no crime scene existed. Evidence of nothing being stolen was caught by Mr English’s home security camera. The police said Arbery was unarmed and English said Arbery didn’t steal anything. What did get said according to the police was McMichaels admission that Bryan was helping them catch Arbery.

Let’s recap

No crime was committed

Arbery was unarmed

Arbery was being chased by Bryan in his car while the McMichaels waited in the road with guns leaving Arbery boxed in. That’s Bryan’s felony charge.

Anything at this point that Arbery did was SELF DEFENSE.

If convicted the McMichaels and Bryan could get the death penalty. This is no joke.
How many times do you morons need to be told, NOTHING needed to be taken at the house to make it a crime. Georgia law states that just being in a dwelling without permission with the intent to commit a crime is burglary. He looked around to make sure he wasn’t going to be seen before running into the house, because he knew he was going to break the law. That is on video.
How many times do you have to be told the definition of dwelling?

Definition of dwelling
: a shelter (such as a house) in which people live

NOBODY LIVES THERE. The place barely had walls. It’s property not a dwelling.

The owner installed a camera to alert him if there were trespassers. According to Mr English, the owner, he was well aware there were trespassers.
Was the structure fenced off?

Were there no trespassing signs?

If the owner is aware and does nothing is that a type of permission?

Is trespass punishable by death in Georgia?

Were the McMichaels the owners of the property in question that they knew no permission was granted?

Who are the McMichaels in relationship to the property?

How did the McMichaels and Bryan know that Arbery wasn’t checking in on the property for the owner?

If approached is Arbery required to answer questions posed by people who are not the police?

Is Arbery required by law to justify his presence anywhere in the USA if the people questioning him aren’t the property owner or the police?

The three stooges had no business doing what they did other than to call police and let the professionals handle the situation. Had the police handled this Arbery would be alive and Bryan and the McMichaels would be home with their families right now.
64#1276 reply to 64#1271
64#1269 reply to 62#1238
Did he have his had on the hero’s gun?

you tell us. Faun Marianne BWK

we can’t see the gun or Arbery’s hands before the first shot was fired.

do you?

View attachment 339352
I don’t see Arbery at all, your point?

The racial profilers here, most of them, claim they can see Arbery grabbing the gun causing it to fire for the first before and up to the 21st second when this screen shot is taken.,

They are lying about a dead man’s actions blaming him for his own death.

Thats my point.
That lie may become clearer as police search for witnesses and video footage in the area. It’s too bad the police didn’t do that immediately after it happened they would have had a better result. It’s not looking good for the McMichaels.
There is a four minute video of them following Arbery, GBI won’t release it, also a 5 minute video of Arbery in the dwelling they are holding on to. I think these 2 videos will clear the men

There is more than that being held back....the state has no case...all they are doing is conducting political theater whilst on a witch hunt trying to come up with something....and then they arrest the fellow that made the video trying to put pressure on him to give them some evidence they can use against the McMicahels even if he has to fabricate something....not unusual for someone with a murder charge hanging over him to make up something to get the charges dropped...happens all the time.
I agree the GBI that took over the case is a black female,, when this is over she should be held on Terrorism

The media should be held accountable for attempting to incite a riot.
The media has to be held in check they are brain washing Americans. I wanted the National news with my father the other day, it’s all left wing dnc talking points .. sick

Yes...............absolutely outrageous....they are nothing more than a propaganda machine for the leftwingers.

Much like how the media in Germany was a propaganda tool for the Nazis.

The leftwingers are trying to take down America...that is their goal and the media is a very useful tool for them.
We all know how GBI handled the Richard Jewell accusations! Ruined that mans life! They hate white southners
Dude the charges are in direct relation to the videos and the fact no weapon or stolen property was found. You keep forgetting that Arbery’s activity in English’s house was caught on English’s surveillance cameras. He didn’t steal anything. It’s caught on film and allegedly McMichaels said Bryan was helping them. It’s ALL on tape. Nobody is making this shit up.

Richard Jewell? You had to go back 24 years? Nothing more recent to discredit the GBI? Yes the Richard Jewell case was shoddy police work that ruined the poor mans life. Your lack of finding a more recent fault hopefully speaks to the betterment of the GBI since the Jewell debacle.

Care to comment on this...............The Ahmaud Arbery Case as Zimmerman-Trayvon Martin Redux
That the similarities are striking? Yes. FTR I supported Zimmerman at the time.

In the Zimmerman case you had two people behaving badly. Like the McMichaels, Zimmerman had zero business harassing Martin. The police told Zimmerman to leave Martin alone which if memory serves Zimmerman didn’t do. Martin as I recall could have walked away but chose to confront Zimmerman. Now according to Zimmerman a fight ensued in which Martin pretty much beat him up and Zimmerman shot him. The difference is Florida had the Stand Your Ground law that allowed Zimmerman to use deadly force if he felt his life was threatened and of course Zimmerman said he felt his life was in danger. According to the law Zimmerman was innocent and I agreed with that assessment as much as I didn’t like it.

Martin was followed, but Arbery was hunted.

In the Zimmerman case the last confrontation was Made by Martin but false imprisonment charges suggest this was not the case with Arbery.

Martin was shot while physically on top of Zimmerman. Arbery was surrounded by not one but three men, one car and one to two guns, all could be considered deadly weapons. Any way he turned he could have been run over or shot. He did not have as much opportunity to leave the situation as Martin did, if he had an opportunity at all.

At first I thought Bryan was a concerned citizen filming what he thought was a thief. With the charges yesterday and quite frankly Bryan’s own body language during interviews and pictures( he acts haunted by guilt) his alleged participation becomes a game changer.

Because the accused have not been tried they are innocent until proven guilty. That said based on the charges and the video alone,and not the media hype, it doesn’t look good for McMichaels and Bryan.

Can't you ever get anything clearly demonstrate the problem with so many....not knowing or understanding the facts of the case.

The police never told Z to leave trayvon alone.....that is completely false.

Z was a watchman...the neighborhood watchman...he was not harassing Trayvon...Z merely reported him as a 'suspicious person' since on a dark and rainy night instead of rushing home like normal people would do...Trayvonista was lurking about looking in windows.

Thus most likely a peeping tom or he was casing homes to break into...he had a history of burglary...was arrested with burglary tools in his possession.

Z called to the non-emergency number asking the police to come out and talk to this guy to see what he was up to since they were plagued with home invasions and burglaries in that complex.

The Zimmerman case was not a stand your ground was a case of 'simple self-defense' You are very confused and know little about the law.

According to the law Z was not found innocent...he was found not guilty.

When discussing legal is very important to use the correct terminology.

In a nutshell you are a very confused person.

Your analysis of this current case in Georgia is no better....riddled with mistakes of fact etc. all of which has been debunked so i will not waste board space going over all of that again.

Here is another video that should help you better understand the recent case...................

Well then let’s get it correct. Zimmerman claimed he stopped following Martin but prosecutors said he continued. We don’t have Martins testimony because he’s dead so In reality you don’t know either. Of course Zimmerman said he stopped because if he said he hadn’t it would have made him the instigator.

Zimmerman was part of a community watch. If I remember correctly Zimmerman started the community watch.

When talking to other Americans it’s important to have command of the English language. A watchman is someone who is PAID to police an area. A community watch is a volunteer free service. Zimmerman was not a watchman . Get the facts right!

Martin wasn’t doing anything illegal. As far as I know nothing stolen was found on his person and he was just walking back to his fathers apartment. Looking around and walking around isn’t a crime.

Now here’s where the problem lies with both cases. We only have one side of the story as both Martin and now Arbery are both dead. Of course Zimmerman told police he stopped, but did he? Given his wannabe cop complex and his subsequent troubles that have shown him to be a hot head he probably didn’t stop following Martin. I do believe Martin confronted Zimmerman and beat him up. I don’t doubt Zimmerman whined and believed his life was in danger although I think Zimmerman was over reacting. His head wound didn’t look life threatening.

If stand your ground wasn’t used in the Zimmerman case then you have changed my view of the case. Zimmerman should have been found guilty because I don’t believe his life was ever in danger by Martin. I believe he is a guy with a small penis complex who acted like a bitch when someone called him on his bullshit to give him his comeuppance.
He didn’t need to shoot Martin if he fought like a man. Thank you for that clarification.

We will never know the full extent of what happened with Zimmerman and Martin but fortunately technology has advanced and there are cameras everywhere. We already do know that the three jerks in Georgia were playing cop and harassing Arbery. The video doesn’t lie. At this morning’s press conference it sounded like the police had more video than what had already leaked. I hope so. I’m tired of vigilante justice and think the three stooges need to be made an example of if convicted. Rule of law still needs to be followed, innocent until proven guilty. I don’t expect them to be found guilty of murder based on the video that we’ve all seen but false imprisonment and assault should be provable. Then again it sounds like the police might have more evidence. We will see when it goes to trial.

The dispatcher who had no authority to issue any orders of any nature (merely said to Z)(when he answered her question regarding whether he was following trayvon)"we do not need you to do that" Z said O.K. ...we have no reason to doubt Z because at that point he could no longer see Trayvon...Trayvon was a fast runner, it was a dark and rainy night...thus Z could no longer see cannot follow someone you cannot see.

Yes the prosecutors claimed he kept following Trayvon but that was a lie and the jurors did not buy it. The prosecutors in this case were exceptionally weak but even if the state had used its best prosecutor they would have no better luck....the case was very fact the state really had no case....that is why the initial investigation cleared Z....then the media and Washington politicians got involved and put Federal pressure on Florida and thus Z was prosecuted...strictly because of politics not because of anything he did wrong.

No....even if Z had kept following Trayvon which he was incapable of doing that still would not have made him the instigator.....Trayvon when of his own free will attacked Z for no good reason --that was the instigation....not even to mention Trayvon had completely eluded Z and made it home...which was just a short distance is estimated it took him around a minute to get home.

Unfortunately Trayvon did not stay home like a good boy would have....again for no good reason(some claim he did it to impress his g/f....he decided to go back and ambush George....that is what got him killed.
I did not say what kind of watchman Z was....he was a watchman and that is all that matters...whether or not he was paid make no difference...anyhow anyone that folllowed the case knows he was a volunteer.

If he had stayed home like he should have...he would be alive today, if he had not run off but waited for the police he would be alive fact of all the options trayvon had...he made the one that resulted in his death. He had sized Z up....thought he would be a easy target...because he was overweight and obviously not in shape....and Trayvon was a guy who did like to fight...he bragged about it.
I don’t expect them to be found guilty of murder based on the video that we’ve all seen but false imprisonment and assault should be provable.

I understand in Georgia murder is not separate from the commission of an underlying felony, in this case aggravated assault using deadly weapons and ended with the death of their victim.

Georgia Law:​
“Assault is .... any intentional act or threat of action that reasonably causes a person to feel afraid of impending violence”​
Aggravated assault, a felony in Georgia, is an assault that is committed ... with a deadly weapon or any object that can be or is used in a manner that results in serious bodily injury or strangulation.” Georgia Aggravated Assault & Battery Laws
So they are pretty much gonna be found guilty of aggravated assault because they brought their guns to the assault that killed an unarmed jogger. The third man apparently used his car as a weapon.
“The felony murder charges against the McMichaels mean that a victim was killed during the commission of an underlying felony, in this case aggravated assault. The charge doesn’t require intent to kill. A murder conviction in Georgia carries a minimum sentence of life in prison, either with or without parole.” Ahmaud Arbery shooting in Georgia: Father and son charged with murder, aggravated assault
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64#1276 reply to 64#1271
64#1269 reply to 62#1238
Did he have his had on the hero’s gun?

you tell us. Faun Marianne BWK

we can’t see the gun or Arbery’s hands before the first shot was fired.

do you?

View attachment 339352
I don’t see Arbery at all, your point?

The racial profilers here, most of them, claim they can see Arbery grabbing the gun causing it to fire for the first before and up to the 21st second when this screen shot is taken.,

They are lying about a dead man’s actions blaming him for his own death.

Thats my point.
That lie may become clearer as police search for witnesses and video footage in the area. It’s too bad the police didn’t do that immediately after it happened they would have had a better result. It’s not looking good for the McMichaels.
There is a four minute video of them following Arbery, GBI won’t release it, also a 5 minute video of Arbery in the dwelling they are holding on to. I think these 2 videos will clear the men

There is more than that being held back....the state has no case...all they are doing is conducting political theater whilst on a witch hunt trying to come up with something....and then they arrest the fellow that made the video trying to put pressure on him to give them some evidence they can use against the McMicahels even if he has to fabricate something....not unusual for someone with a murder charge hanging over him to make up something to get the charges dropped...happens all the time.
I agree the GBI that took over the case is a black female,, when this is over she should be held on Terrorism

The media should be held accountable for attempting to incite a riot.
The media has to be held in check they are brain washing Americans. I wanted the National news with my father the other day, it’s all left wing dnc talking points .. sick

Yes...............absolutely outrageous....they are nothing more than a propaganda machine for the leftwingers.

Much like how the media in Germany was a propaganda tool for the Nazis.

The leftwingers are trying to take down America...that is their goal and the media is a very useful tool for them.
We all know how GBI handled the Richard Jewell accusations! Ruined that mans life! They hate white southners
Dude the charges are in direct relation to the videos and the fact no weapon or stolen property was found. You keep forgetting that Arbery’s activity in English’s house was caught on English’s surveillance cameras. He didn’t steal anything. It’s caught on film and allegedly McMichaels said Bryan was helping them. It’s ALL on tape. Nobody is making this shit up.

Richard Jewell? You had to go back 24 years? Nothing more recent to discredit the GBI? Yes the Richard Jewell case was shoddy police work that ruined the poor mans life. Your lack of finding a more recent fault hopefully speaks to the betterment of the GBI since the Jewell debacle.

Care to comment on this...............The Ahmaud Arbery Case as Zimmerman-Trayvon Martin Redux
That the similarities are striking? Yes. FTR I supported Zimmerman at the time.

In the Zimmerman case you had two people behaving badly. Like the McMichaels, Zimmerman had zero business harassing Martin. The police told Zimmerman to leave Martin alone which if memory serves Zimmerman didn’t do. Martin as I recall could have walked away but chose to confront Zimmerman. Now according to Zimmerman a fight ensued in which Martin pretty much beat him up and Zimmerman shot him. The difference is Florida had the Stand Your Ground law that allowed Zimmerman to use deadly force if he felt his life was threatened and of course Zimmerman said he felt his life was in danger. According to the law Zimmerman was innocent and I agreed with that assessment as much as I didn’t like it.

Martin was followed, but Arbery was hunted.

In the Zimmerman case the last confrontation was Made by Martin but false imprisonment charges suggest this was not the case with Arbery.

Martin was shot while physically on top of Zimmerman. Arbery was surrounded by not one but three men, one car and one to two guns, all could be considered deadly weapons. Any way he turned he could have been run over or shot. He did not have as much opportunity to leave the situation as Martin did, if he had an opportunity at all.

At first I thought Bryan was a concerned citizen filming what he thought was a thief. With the charges yesterday and quite frankly Bryan’s own body language during interviews and pictures( he acts haunted by guilt) his alleged participation becomes a game changer.

Because the accused have not been tried they are innocent until proven guilty. That said based on the charges and the video alone,and not the media hype, it doesn’t look good for McMichaels and Bryan.

Can't you ever get anything clearly demonstrate the problem with so many....not knowing or understanding the facts of the case.

The police never told Z to leave trayvon alone.....that is completely false.

Z was a watchman...the neighborhood watchman...he was not harassing Trayvon...Z merely reported him as a 'suspicious person' since on a dark and rainy night instead of rushing home like normal people would do...Trayvonista was lurking about looking in windows.

Thus most likely a peeping tom or he was casing homes to break into...he had a history of burglary...was arrested with burglary tools in his possession.

Z called to the non-emergency number asking the police to come out and talk to this guy to see what he was up to since they were plagued with home invasions and burglaries in that complex.

The Zimmerman case was not a stand your ground was a case of 'simple self-defense' You are very confused and know little about the law.

According to the law Z was not found innocent...he was found not guilty.

When discussing legal is very important to use the correct terminology.

In a nutshell you are a very confused person.

Your analysis of this current case in Georgia is no better....riddled with mistakes of fact etc. all of which has been debunked so i will not waste board space going over all of that again.

Here is another video that should help you better understand the recent case...................

Well then let’s get it correct. Zimmerman claimed he stopped following Martin but prosecutors said he continued. We don’t have Martins testimony because he’s dead so In reality you don’t know either. Of course Zimmerman said he stopped because if he said he hadn’t it would have made him the instigator.

Zimmerman was part of a community watch. If I remember correctly Zimmerman started the community watch.

When talking to other Americans it’s important to have command of the English language. A watchman is someone who is PAID to police an area. A community watch is a volunteer free service. Zimmerman was not a watchman . Get the facts right!

Martin wasn’t doing anything illegal. As far as I know nothing stolen was found on his person and he was just walking back to his fathers apartment. Looking around and walking around isn’t a crime.

Now here’s where the problem lies with both cases. We only have one side of the story as both Martin and now Arbery are both dead. Of course Zimmerman told police he stopped, but did he? Given his wannabe cop complex and his subsequent troubles that have shown him to be a hot head he probably didn’t stop following Martin. I do believe Martin confronted Zimmerman and beat him up. I don’t doubt Zimmerman whined and believed his life was in danger although I think Zimmerman was over reacting. His head wound didn’t look life threatening.

If stand your ground wasn’t used in the Zimmerman case then you have changed my view of the case. Zimmerman should have been found guilty because I don’t believe his life was ever in danger by Martin. I believe he is a guy with a small penis complex who acted like a bitch when someone called him on his bullshit to give him his comeuppance.
He didn’t need to shoot Martin if he fought like a man. Thank you for that clarification.

We will never know the full extent of what happened with Zimmerman and Martin but fortunately technology has advanced and there are cameras everywhere. We already do know that the three jerks in Georgia were playing cop and harassing Arbery. The video doesn’t lie. At this morning’s press conference it sounded like the police had more video than what had already leaked. I hope so. I’m tired of vigilante justice and think the three stooges need to be made an example of if convicted. Rule of law still needs to be followed, innocent until proven guilty. I don’t expect them to be found guilty of murder based on the video that we’ve all seen but false imprisonment and assault should be provable. Then again it sounds like the police might have more evidence. We will see when it goes to trial.
67#1328 reply to 67#1324
It is perfectly legal to call the police and follow a burglary suspect to help police catch the perp though.

of course. ‘To follow’ would have been wrong but ok. Wrong because Arbery was not a burglary suspect. And the cops would have figured that out when they got there.. Ok if they followed without brandishing wespons,

They formed a barricade and attempted to block and stop the jogger while displaying firearms.

Under Georgia law that is aggravated assault because of the firearms. And since their victim was killed while the two white men were engaged in an underlying felony they face life in prison with parole or without.

And worse for these two idiots being engaged in aggravated assault against unarmed Arbery they cannot claim self defense because it is they who were committing a felony before Arbery had no choice but attempt to disarm his assailants and fight back.

there is little hope for your dumbass black man shooting heroes beating this wrap.
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67#1328 reply to 67#1324
It is perfectly legal to call the police and follow a burglary suspect to help police catch the perp though.

of course. ‘To follow’ would have been wrong but ok. Wrong because Arbery was not a burglary suspect. And the cops would have figured that out when they got there.. Ok if they followed without brandishing wespons,

They formed a barricade and attempted to block and stop the jogger while displaying firearms.

Under Georgia law that is aggravated assault because of the firearms. And since their victim was killed while the two white men were engaged in an underlying felony they face life in prison with parole or without.

And worse for these two idiots being engaged in aggravated assault against unarmed Arbery they cannot claim self defense because it is they who were committing a felony before Arbery had no choice but attempt to disarm his assailants and fight back.

there is little hope for your dumbass black man shooting heroes beating this wrap.
LOL, several neighbors did see him trespassing, which makes him a burglar suspect. The video of Arbery makes him guilty of burglary. I’ve linked the Georgia Law and precedents.
67#1330 reply to 65#1298
the state has no case..

The defendents have no case. They made a documentary movie of themselves committing aggravated assault and felony murder, when their victim was killed during the commission of an underlying felony

This murder Charge does not require intent to kill. They cannot get off for self defense because they were committing a felony before and when their victim tried to get one of the weapons and fight.
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Wrong again idiot. According to Georgia Law, it is irrelevant if the structure is inhabited at the time of burglary.

The DA would have to prove “intent to steal” by a young man in broad daylight, in shorts and running shoes and no vehicle to haul away the booty. Not even a backpack.
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The video of Arbery makes him guilty of burglary.

No it doesn’t. The DA would have to prove intent to steal by a young man in broad daylight, in shorts and running shoes and no vehicle to haul away the booty. Not even a backpack. Defending Your Property in Georgia: When Is Deadly Force is Justified?

And Even if Arbery actually picked up a hammer and walked out, the aggravated assault by two armed and dangerous men were violating the Law by bringing the threat of deadly force to protect a neighbors $20 bucks worth of property

Essentially, deadly force may never be used to merely defend a person’s property. Deadly force may, however, be used to protect a person’s home when he or she reasonably believes that another is intending to commit: a violent act against him or her or anyone else living in the home, Defending Your Property in Georgia: When Is Deadly Force is Justified?
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The video of Arbery makes him guilty of burglary.

No it doesn’t. The DA would have to prove intent to steal by a young man in broad daylight, in shorts and running shoes and no vehicle to haul away the booty. Not even a backpack. Defending Your Property in Georgia: When Is Deadly Force is Justified?

And Even if Arbery actually picked up a hammer and walked out, the aggravated assault by two armed and dangerous men were violating the Law by bringing the threat of deadly force to protect a neighbors $20 bucks worth of property

Essentially, deadly force may never be used to merely defend a person’s property. Deadly force may, however, be used to protect a person’s home when he or she reasonably believes that another is intending to commit: a violent act against him or her or anyone else living in the home, Defending Your Property in Georgia: When Is Deadly Force is Justified?
LOL, he didn’t use deadly force to protect property. McMichael used deadly force when attacked by a man who tired to take his gun. He felt his life was endangered, as would anyone since the gun went off during the attack.
Wrong again idiot. According to Georgia Law, it is irrelevant if the structure is inhabited at the time of burglary.

The DA would have to prove “intent to steal” by a young man in broad daylight, in shorts and running shoes and no vehicle to haul away the booty. Not even a backpack.
Video of him walking, stopping, looking around to not be seen, and then running up the driveway proves intent to commit a crime. He was trespassing, period. In Georgia it could easily be charged as felony burglary. Your hero was on probation, having once taken a firearm to a school to shoot people with.
Wrong again idiot. According to Georgia Law, it is irrelevant if the structure is inhabited at the time of burglary.

The DA would have to prove “intent to steal” by a young man in broad daylight, in shorts and running shoes and no vehicle to haul away the booty. Not even a backpack.
Video of him walking, stopping, looking around to not be seen, and then running up the driveway proves intent to commit a crime. He was trespassing, period. In Georgia it could easily be charged as felony burglary. Your hero was on probation, having once taken a firearm to a school to shoot people with.
Regardless Hawk, the connection or contact between the suspect/victim and the now charged in the case, will be the only part the investigators, lawyers, jury, and judge will be concerned with in the case. No matter what Arberys past was, did the men violate the law in their attempts to detain Arbery (took the law into their own hands), because they felt or was alerted that he may have been snooping around on the property he was later in the camera footage seen checking out ???

1. Did the security camera actually show him stealing anything ?

2. Was there any evidence found on his person or between him and the property that would show that he actually stole anything from that property ?

3. Was he unarmed ?

4. Was he in retreat from the property until the men attempted to stop him for questioning ????

5. Was 9-11 called, and then kept on the phone in order to give locational information as Arbery was leaving the area in which he was assumed to have committed a crime in ??

6. Did the men breach the safety zone, and therefore place themselves in danger by attempting to do law enforcements job in the situation when it wasn't warranted, otherwise when no one's lives were in direct danger in regards to Arbery leaving the area in which he was seen in until they attempted to do law enforcements job ???

Like you said, I bet they wish they would have stayed in bed that day. The sad thing is that the security cams had him for future questioning by law enforcement once called and reported by the property owners or by the contractors.

The lessons learned is to stay off of people's property unless permission is granted, and in the case of the men who confronted Arbery, they should have never got within a distance to Arbery that would force a situation in such that had unfolded on that day.

Training folks, that's all there is to it. If need training go get it, and remember to never take the law into your own hands unless lives are in danger or your own life is in danger.
67#1336 reply to 67#1333
LOL, he didn’t use deadly force to protect property. McMichael used deadly force when attacked by a man who tired to take his gun. He felt his life was endangered, as would anyone since the gun went off during the attack.

You have at lest two serious problems with your McMichael killed a man in self defense desire.

First: what happened as Arbery jogged past the right front fender of the truck and the first shot being fired is not seen on the video.

You cannot truthfully say that Arbery attacked before the gun went off. And TravisM was in front of the truck too during that half a second when both men were not seen.
But we see the gunman’s white hat and the shadows so we know he was in front of the truck too close to call a 0.3 second decision and attack by the jogger as fact.

Secondly who attacked vs who fired first does not matter in the eyes of the law.

Both the white gunmen were committing aggravated assault at least for one minute prior to one of the gunmen finding himself within arms reach of each other in front of the truck and the first shot was fired.

The White Gunmen cannot claim self defense in Georgia while in the process of committing a felony.
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67#1336 reply to 67#1333
LOL, he didn’t use deadly force to protect property. McMichael used deadly force when attacked by a man who tired to take his gun. He felt his life was endangered, as would anyone since the gun went off during the attack.

You have at lest two serious problems with your McMichael killed a man in self defense desire.

First: what happened as Arberry jogged past the right front fender of the truck and the the first shot fired is not seen on the video. You cannot truthfully say that Arbery attacked before the gun went off. And TravisM was in front of the truck too during that half a second when both men were not b seen. But we see the gunman’s white hat and the shadows so we know he was in front of the truck too close to call a 0.3 second decision and attack by the jo
View attachment 339855
Secondly who attacked vs who fired first does not matter in the eyes of the law.

Both the white gunmen were committing aggravated assault at least for one minute prior to one of the men finding himself within arms reach of each other in front of the truck and the first shot was fired.

The White Gunmen cannot claim self defense in Georgia while in the process of committing a felony.

He wasn’t “jogging”, so the entire premise is bullshit. Neighbors yelled at him and said they were calling the police, he was running away from the scene of his crime.

He was running up behind them and went around the truck to ambush him, neither one even saw them. They were parked in the street and on the phone with police, that isn’t “assault”. Assault is what Arbery did to them.
Yes, it might be good to drop the "out for a jog" defense, even though I don't think that it really matters in the case at this point one way or another. Mistakes were made, and a life was lost due to confusion and wrecklaceness taking place by all involved.

Trained law enforcement is the best solution in such a case, not civilian intervention.

Now judges are another serious issue in this country, because their bullcrap could be the root of many problems exploding in all of our communities. Creating a revolving door that gives the wrong message to criminals in this country has got to get fixed.
67#1340 reply to 67#1337
He was running up behind them and went around the truck to ambush him, neither one even saw them.

Your whiteness/gunism has the best of you.

The video tells the truth more than a thousand of your biased words:

The jogger swerved to avoid a white man with a shotgun who was standing somewhere between the open driver side door and the rear wheel.

What you just wrote is absurd conjecture. You say Arbery went around the truck to ambush the white man with a shotgun a couple of seconds following this scene.


Are you knucking Futz?

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