Video shows dead bodies in halls of Chinese hospital…

In light of this deadly virus, I've come up with a mix of two songs that MAY describe it - Combine Culture Club and Def Leppard and you have, "Karma Armageddon It".
Hello, I think the truth is elsewhere ... put 58 million people in quarantine in China and tell us that there are only 41 dead, I have this link which says just the opposite

Reports of 10,000 DEAD in Wuhan, China

CORONAVIRUS: Reports of 10,000 DEAD in Wuhan, China - Geller Report News

And also, this is when France has three cases and the Minister of Health almost tells us with joy that we are the first in Europe.:eek:

And that if you come from risk areas read the posters at the airport before going home.:eek:

Health Minister Agnès Buzyn confirmed this on Friday evening: cases of 2019-nCov coronavirus have been detected. These are the first cases of the disease reported in Europe.

French link.

La France touchée par le coronavirus : trois cas diagnostiqués à Paris et Bordeaux
The fact that they are frantically building a new hospital in 7 days makes you think it's a lot worse than is being reported.
Lets not go without making this observation...all of these new deadly diseases come from communist nations....unsanitary hell holes....
Yeah, I'm sure that's what the Native Americans said about the white guys who brought measles and small pox here.
I living now not back in the 1600' I really don't care what Native Americans said back then...and if you did some homework you would see that Native Americans lives improved 10 fold from the arrival of the white man...
Horse hockey. You hairy pigs from your unsanitary hell hole of Europe, spread your filthy diseases via the fleas jumping from your unwashed clothes.

Native Americans' lives did not improve by being dead, stupid.
shut up you stupid hag ! this may be serious ! people are literally falling dead ! keep your hate whitey crap to yourself !! and if you get sick will you complain if the doctor trying to save your life is a white man ?
Rambunctious started it.

I'm telling Mom!!!:auiqs.jpg:
Yeah, I'm sure that's what the Native Americans said about the white guys who brought measles and small pox here.
I living now not back in the 1600' I really don't care what Native Americans said back then...and if you did some homework you would see that Native Americans lives improved 10 fold from the arrival of the white man...
Horse hockey. You hairy pigs from your unsanitary hell hole of Europe, spread your filthy diseases via the fleas jumping from your unwashed clothes.

Native Americans' lives did not improve by being dead, stupid.
shut up you stupid hag ! this may be serious ! people are literally falling dead ! keep your hate whitey crap to yourself !! and if you get sick will you complain if the doctor trying to save your life is a white man ?
Rambunctious started it.
ok i see your point .sorry for calling you a stupid hag but really if this is as bad as some of the pandemics of the past [not saying that it is] finger pointing by anyone is useless .
I wasn't actually pointing fingers--I was giving Rambunctious another perspective. Just showing him that bigotry can work both ways, depending on what side of the fence you are on.

I share your concern about this wuhan coronavirus. Let's hope it is contained quickly and that very few are killed by it. So far, most have survived. Let's keep our fingers crossed.

My comments were not meant to make light of it.
Coronavirus: five new cases in France announced Buzyn, two schools closed in Haute-Savoie, so as if France could not be in the same situation as China, no more steps to stop the virus. I find a great indifference towards the catastrophe that is taking shape.

Coronavirus: Endangered pangolin could be the missing link


Pangolins are sold on the black market

An exotic and endangered animal used illegally in Chinese medicine has been implicated in the spread of coronavirus.

Scientists said that the pangolin, a mammal prized for the supposed health-giving properties of its scales, could be the “missing link” that transmitted the infection to humans.

After isolating and analysing 1,000 viruses sampled from wild animals, a team from the South China Agricultural University found a 99 per cent match for the new coronavirus in the shy, nocturnal animal.

Coronavirus: Endangered pangolin could be the missing link | News | The Times
Lets not go without making this observation...all of these new deadly diseases come from communist nations....unsanitary hell holes....
Yeah, I'm sure that's what the Native Americans said about the white guys who brought measles and small pox here.
Were they wrong?

of course the Native American Center For Disease Control was underfunded in 1492 and didnt address the threat soon enough
Coronavirus: five new cases in France announced Buzyn, two schools closed in Haute-Savoie, so as if France could not be in the same situation as China, no more steps to stop the virus. I find a great indifference towards the catastrophe that is taking shape.

Coronavirus: Endangered pangolin could be the missing link


Pangolins are sold on the black market

An exotic and endangered animal used illegally in Chinese medicine has been implicated in the spread of coronavirus.

Scientists said that the pangolin, a mammal prized for the supposed health-giving properties of its scales, could be the “missing link” that transmitted the infection to humans.

After isolating and analysing 1,000 viruses sampled from wild animals, a team from the South China Agricultural University found a 99 per cent match for the new coronavirus in the shy, nocturnal animal.

Coronavirus: Endangered pangolin could be the missing link | News | The Times
China has acted very irresponsibly and that is bad news for the world
Lets not go without making this observation...all of these new deadly diseases come from communist nations....unsanitary hell holes....
True, but now thanks to California we could be incubating the next killer virus in LA or San Fran Sicko.
Coronavirus: five new cases in France announced Buzyn, two schools closed in Haute-Savoie, so as if France could not be in the same situation as China, no more steps to stop the virus. I find a great indifference towards the catastrophe that is taking shape.

Coronavirus: Endangered pangolin could be the missing link


Pangolins are sold on the black market

An exotic and endangered animal used illegally in Chinese medicine has been implicated in the spread of coronavirus.

Scientists said that the pangolin, a mammal prized for the supposed health-giving properties of its scales, could be the “missing link” that transmitted the infection to humans.

After isolating and analysing 1,000 viruses sampled from wild animals, a team from the South China Agricultural University found a 99 per cent match for the new coronavirus in the shy, nocturnal animal.

Coronavirus: Endangered pangolin could be the missing link | News | The Times
China has acted very irresponsibly and that is bad news for the world
So true, i already made a thread about the virus the first one at the forum on January 14, i did not think the virus will get this bad Pneumonia Cases in Wuhan, China
This shit is SERIOUSLY getting dangerous and currently 2 cases in America...

Video shows dead bodies in halls of Chinese hospital…
THIS is a bit disturbing. I'm starting to wonder if China would be crazy enough to expose their own people to a deadly virus and then hope some of these would travel to the US just to start the virus going here. In other words, be willing to sacrifice their own just to get back at the US. I HOPE this isn't true, but it's certainly not out of the realm of possibility.
I thought this from the beginning, but like you I hope that it's not true. The only way that I think that it would be true, is if they already have the antidote/cure/vaccine/treatment to use to get rid of it once the objective is achieved. Hey with the trade issues, China may have become fearful of losing billions in revenue's, hundreds of thousands of job's lost, and sky rocketing unemployment as a result of the trade wars. So maybe some expendable casualties were deemed ok as long as it met a long term goal of forcing great suffering upon it's old or new enemy in the world.
If the Chinese have vaccine treatment, it is based on the G614 mutation, not the original Wuhan seafood market strain's D614.
If the Chinese have vaccine treatment, it is based on the G614 mutation, not the original Wuhan seafood market strain's D614.
The virus hasn't been proven to come from the market yet, and without concrete proof then how can we not speculate wildly about the origins of it, the nature of it, the reasons behind it, and the contagiousness of it ??
Early on, a supposed 'lab sequence' was came onto msm, which was subsequently debunked. Regardless of origins, the genome has been sequenced, and it can be "read" by all scientists worldwide. If the Chinese had a vaccine, the virus has trumped it, at least since February 2020, when the mutation went from aspartic acid to glycine, which changes the physics of the COVID-19 spike protein, which also changes the transduction of it, which translates to the contagiousness of it, if by that we also mean that transduction can influence contagion.
Early on, a supposed 'lab sequence' was came onto msm, which was subsequently debunked. Regardless of origins, the genome has been sequenced, and it can be "read" by all scientists worldwide. If the Chinese had a vaccine, the virus has trumped it, at least since February 2020, when the mutation went from aspartic acid to glycine, which changes the physics of the COVID-19 spike protein, which also changes the transduction of it, which translates to the contagiousness of it, if by that we also mean that transduction can influence contagion.
When get time I will study on this more.

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