Video shows Seattle-area teacher scold 10-year-old for admiring Trump

Exactly why our children attend private schools
Some private schools are worse than the most progressive public schools. They're like brainwashing factories for the Liberal Elite.

Yes because science and facts is brainwashing. Yet teaching your child about Christianity isn't brainwashing.
Science and facts? You mean the fact that scientifically, biologically, and genetically there are only two genders, yet they insist on teaching kids there are many more without any science to back that up. Leftist ideologically is devoid of facts, it is a racist, intolerant, anti American, anti capitalistic, anti Semetic ideology that tells you America is a terrible place with a terrible history, and that regardless of what you and / or your family do to make it and survive, if you're White or even perceived as White you atill belong to an oppressor, White Priveledge class.

Also, telling colleges the GPA of an applicant and where their GPA stands in their class in comparison to other classmates, is also a no no and very unfair and hurtful to the other classmates who where entitled or lazy unambitious goofballs or party animals thatdon't have as high of a GPA. Also, removing standardized testing like SAT or ACT from the list of requirements for college applications is once again unfair to those who don't or can't get good grades, especially the "minorities", etc. etc. and that's just the tip of the iceberg as far as that lunacy goes on in these Leftist schools run by racist closet communists.
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So... anyone still want to send their children to be taught by pedocrats?
I want my grandkids to stay in in-school education. Been an instructor (among other things) most of my adult life, but 2 1/2 weeks home school/ distance learning/assisting, when teaching Algebra on somebody else's lesson plan (or lack there of) to a 14 year old at beginning of school year with no book, reminded me of the difference between instructing and be a teacher. Very glad the schools opened back up and she back in classes under the teacher that is responsible to teach their own lesson plan (or lack there of) and attain understanding and retention. You want somebody to instruct young adults on bore sight/calibration and zero main gun, M60A3/M1A1 Main Battle Tank, I'm just the guy and they will learn and retain individually and as a group or a platoon Sgt will take the wayward individual out for a come to Jesus session and an adjustment to headspace and timing until the individual is in the proper mindset to learn and retain. Not so easy with 14 year old grand kids and no manuals.

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